Into the Dark (Until Dawn, Book 3)

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Into the Dark (Until Dawn, Book 3) Page 20

by J. N. Baker

  “I’ll ask one more time. Where. Are. They?”

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about,” he breathed as if he were afraid talking any louder would cause my sword to slice farther into his neck. He wasn’t wrong. “We were sent here for you,” he added.

  That wasn’t anything I didn’t already know. Baldric said he was coming for me. He’d said he would see me soon. And the monster knew damn well taking Alec and Annie would lure me out. I knew all of that before deciding I was going to go with the search party. But that’s what you did for the people you loved. You took risks.

  “How many of you are there?” I demanded.

  The bloodsucker had the audacity to smirk.

  “Wrong answer,” I growled, pulling my sword and his head away at the same time. His body collapsed to the forest floor, leaving a pool of crimson around it. Tossing his still-smirking head aside, I inhaled deeply. Beneath the strong metallic scent of blood, I smelled animals. Wilder than domestic dogs and more numerous than a single grizzly.

  A rustle overhead caught my attention. I looked up just as the net slammed down on top of me, knocking the sword from my hand. Shit.

  I fought the mess of thick webbing, scrambling to find the bottom of it as growls rose from the darkness. I stopped struggling just long enough to watch the wolves creep in around me. Just beyond them stood a man shrouded in shadows.

  “Really?” I scoffed, thinking of Markus. “Wolves? Cliché much?”

  The oversized mutts circled me, teeth bared and snarling as if they’d just caught their prey. If only they knew who the real predator here was.

  Standing against the heavy netting, I grabbed hold of it with both hands and ripped it in half, letting it fall around me. If they thought they could contain me that easily, they had another thing coming. Like death. Death was coming for them, and her name was Zoe.

  These assholes knew where Alec and Annie were. I was sure of it.

  I stepped free of the net and one of the smaller wolves lunged for me. My hand shot out, grabbing the wolf by its open mouth. Its sharp teeth broke through my flesh, hot blood coating my skin. With a flick of my wrist, I yanked back and snapped the animal’s jaw, tossing the body aside and scooping up my discarded sword.

  Another, much larger, wolf sprinted toward me. I swiftly stepped to the side, dodging the attack with ease. As the wolf spun back around for a second go at me, I put my booted foot into its back, sending it sailing into the nearest tree. A sharp crack echoed in the dark forest and I wasn’t sure if it was the tree or the wolf’s spine. The fact that the tree was still standing and the wolf wasn’t was a pretty good indicator.

  The remainder of the pack held back, continuing their slow circle around me. Did they really think they could take on one of the Chosen and live? Was Baldric sending out his dumbest people to capture me?

  Two more flea-bitten mongrels leapt at me, one on either side. I evaded the smaller of the two while swinging my sword, letting the larger wolf impale itself on my blade. I ripped the sword free and sliced it through the air, catching the second wolf across the gut as it came at me again, nearly cutting the beast in two.

  Blood spiraled down my forearms, splattering across the snow. “Is that all you’ve got?” I shouted at the three remaining shifts. “Come on!”

  The animals looked at their dead companions, now back to their human forms, and exchanged anxious glances. Whimpering, they cowered away from me before spinning around and scrambling into the trees with their tails tucked firmly between their legs. They could run all they wanted but I knew they wouldn’t last long. Once Baldric found out they’d fled, he’d have them killed. After all, he wasn’t one to accept weakness.

  As I watched the wolves retreat, I realized the man still remained. Apparently, he wasn’t ready to accept defeat just yet.

  “Show yourself,” I ordered, but he didn’t move. In fact, he was so still I wondered if he was even there at all.

  I took a cautious step forward, watching as he did the same. And then another, and another. We moved toward each other in a dance that felt oddly familiar. I wasn’t sure I could stop my feet if I wanted to. It was like I was being physically pulled to him. Did he feel just as drawn to me?

  The man came into view, all six-plus feet of him, and damn if I didn’t feast on him like a woman starved. My eyes trailed over his muscular body, taking their sweet ass time to appreciate the work of art he was. He was a straight masterpiece. I forced my gaze higher, over his stubble-covered jaw and stopping when it reached his eyes. No matter what I did, I couldn’t seem to tear myself away from those brilliant blues, glowing like beacons in the night, calling to me. He was one of the Chosen. He had to be with eyes like that. The black markings peeking out the top of his shirt confirmed it.

  “You’re one of us,” I finally said, though it came out as more of a breathy whisper than the strong voice I was aiming for.

  His only response was taking another step toward me, which I mirrored. His muscles flexed under his tight shirt as he moved and my stomach did a little flip. I reminded my stupid body that this man was the enemy, even if he didn’t feel like it. Even if something about him felt like…home. Like he was made for me and part of me all at the same time.

  I shook the thought away, forcing my sword up. If this were any other of Baldric’s minions, his head would have already been on the forest floor. If I didn’t get my own head in the game, it could very well be me losing mine instead. I couldn’t let myself get distracted by a hot bad guy. Mouthwateringly hot. Sex on a stick, heat pooling between my legs, take me I’m yours, let’s cuddle afterwards kind of hot.

  Dammit, what the hell was wrong with me? This guy’s middle name must have been “distraction” for all the times he’d successfully led my mind astray. All the times? That would imply history between us and I didn’t even know this man. Right?

  “Focus,” I growled at myself, earning an amused look from the stranger. I forced my wandering thoughts back to Alec and Annie. I had to find them before the unthinkable happened and two more Chosen popped up in our own backyard. The last thought was like a cold blast of water to the raging inferno he was fanning within me. Two new Chosen meant I’d failed and Annie and Alec were dead. Wasn’t going to happen.

  “Where are they?” I bit out.

  He cocked a dark brow, his lips pulling up on one side. “Who?”

  His voice was damn near as sexy as the rest of him. The way it enveloped me like a warm blanket on a cold day had me wanting to sigh.

  “I know Baldric took them,” I said instead. “Where are Alec and Annie—where are my people?”

  He held his hands out slightly, no weapon visible in them. Not that he needed one, being one of the Chosen. I noted where his sword hung at his hip. He could have it up and at my throat in under a second. “I don’t have them,” he replied, taking another small step toward me.

  I found myself returning the step, feet moving of their own accord. “Don’t lie to me,” I growled, fingers tightening on the hilt of my sword.

  His eyes raked over me as he took me in, not unlike I’d just done to him. My skin burned under his icy stare, the intensity of it setting my entire body on fire. When he reached my face once more, he tilted his head, brows drawn together.

  My blackened heart ached within my chest like it was desperately trying to tell me something—that I somehow knew this man. But I didn’t. I’d never seen him before in my life. And yet, somewhere in the dark depths of my mind, a small voice said I did. In some alternate universe, in some other world, I knew him.

  Standing five feet apart, well within striking distance, we stared at one another. Why hadn’t he attacked? Why hadn’t I?

  “You’ve got a pretty face,” I admitted, though I wasn’t sure why, “but your boss has my friends and you’re in my way.”

  I lunged for him, not completely surprised when his sword—the one that had just been at his hip—blocked my blow. He was fast for being so “young.” Knowing Baldr
ic, he’d likely already been turned into one of the bloodsuckers. Meaning he’d be stronger than most of us. But not me.

  I pulled back and spun around, aiming low and swiping my blade at his legs with enough force to lop one off. He blocked me again, hands not even on his damn sword. I knew he’d replaced Ryuu. Apparently he’d also inherited his ability too.

  “Lazy-ass telekinetic powers,” I grumbled.

  I thought I heard Mr. Hot Bad Guy chuckle. The bastard was enjoying himself and that just straight pissed me off. See if he still thought it was funny when I fried his ass.

  Swinging out my free hand, I willed the new power within me to let me control it for once. I was going to shock that smirk right off his handsome face. A tiny spark left my palm and I groaned, wanting to crawl under a rock as the man burst out laughing. A Fourth of July sparkler would have done more damage.

  Boring old sword fighting it was.

  I moved faster, lunging forward and swinging my blade at him, pushing him back with sheer force. He dodged each blow, weaving in and out of the trees gracefully. He never raised his sword at me in attack, only to block me. And block my blows, he did. Every. Damn. One.

  A low-hanging branch caught my eye. I made my move.

  I faked right before darting left, leaping for the branch before he could react. I easily swung myself over it. As my body came back around, I planted my booted feet in his chest, knocking him flat on his back. I landed on top of him and pinned him with all the strength I could muster. With my blade pressed firmly to his throat, I willed myself to finish him. Finish him and find the others.

  He didn’t bother to struggle. Didn’t attempt to get up. He didn’t even try to fight back. He just lay there staring up at me, completely at my mercy, like he trusted me.

  A large hand ran up the length of my thigh and I damn near dropped my sword. I commanded my hand to push the blade farther into his skin, to kill him and get it over with. But my hand wasn’t listening. Hell, my body wasn’t listening. Was this man a damn siren too? Everything else supernatural seemed to exist, why the hell not throw in sexy, seductive men who lured women in with their too-hot bodies? Said too-hot man’s hand traveled an inch higher and a sigh escaped my lips before I could stop it.

  What the hell was wrong with me? I was looking for Annie and Alec. I needed to find them before Baldric took their heads.

  The man sat up slowly, letting the blade slice through the surface of his skin. The flesh began healing before blood could even begin trickling through the thin cut. Being a hybrid had obviously enhanced his abilities. It had taken me a good year to be able to heal that quickly.

  I knew I needed to kill him. I knew he was the enemy. He was just another one of Baldric’s pawns and, worse yet, his very existence was due to Ryuu’s death. He needed to die. But as much as I knew that—as much as I knew all of it—I couldn’t get myself to do it. There was something about him, something that prevented me from putting the necessary pressure on my blade to end him.

  All at once, I felt so…human.

  He reached out to touch my face and I flinched, looking for the dagger that wasn’t there. Why I expected a dagger, I wasn’t sure. His thumb ran across my lower lip, gentle fingers traveling down my jaw and around my neck. He drew my face to his and, before I knew what was happening, his lips brushed against mine. I gasped, shoving him back into the snow.

  I pursed my tingling lips and pointed my sword at him, the tip of my blade kissing the hollow of his throat. “Touch me again and I’ll cut your damn head off,” I told him through clenched teeth. Shit. Even I knew it was an empty threat.

  He looked up at me, confusion flashing across his eyes. Yeah, you and me both, buddy, I wanted to tell him. My head started to spin like I’d had one too many drinks. Hazy images started forming in the back of my mind and I tried to shove them away. I had to stay focused.

  “Fight, dammit!” I shouted at him. “What the hell is wrong with you? Fight!”

  I brought my sword down next to his head, less than an inch away from his ear, lodging its sharp point into the deep snow. Mr. Hot Bad Guy didn’t even flinch. He just shook his head. “No.”

  I tore my blade free but, before I could use it, he shoved my arm aside and the sword slipped from my trembling fingers. I wasn’t sure if I’d dropped it or if he’d taken it out of my hands. I wanted desperately to say it was the latter.

  He sat up again, his hands finding their way to my hips, fingers digging into my flesh to keep me firmly rooted on top of him. His face inched toward mine until our lips connected once more. For being the spawn of Satan, he sure as hell tasted like heaven. His hands were gentle and soft against my skin as they slipped under the hem of my shirt and slid up my ribcage. Everything about it felt so wrong and so right at the same time. Why did he feel so damn right?

  And then I remembered.


  It was like being hit by a freight train. All at once, my memories rushed back to me. Josh as a small, awkward kid in elementary school, playing tag on the playground. My dear and closest friend throughout high school, walking me to class and holding my books. The many late-night study sessions spent sitting closer together than two friends ought to. The man who’d held my hand after the worst night of my life and the one I’d been forced to leave after my world was turned upside down.

  The same man who clawed tooth and nail to get back to me just to follow me into the fiery bowels of hell as the world crumbled around us. The one who refused to let me get hurt, who protected me, and who reminded me what it was to be human—to be me.

  I remembered him in the small lake behind the castle when we’d first arrived and how good his naked flesh felt pressed against mine. The way my body came to life when he first kissed me at Stonehenge and how I’d wished that moment would go on forever. The moment I decided—fate be damned—that Josh was who I wanted, only to end up losing him in the end. I remembered everything.

  Cody had been right. I was a coward. How could I have let this happen, to allow myself to forget the man I loved?

  I forgot to breathe, forgot where I was, forgot what I should have been doing. I forgot everything else and just let myself drowned in the memories of Josh. I’d heard so many times about a person’s life flashing before their eyes right before they died, but maybe the same happened when they were being born again. My life was returning to me. My eyes were finally open again and I was seeing him for the first time—for the thousandth time.

  “Josh,” I breathed against his lips, barely able to get the word out.

  My fingers tangled in his hair, pulling his mouth back to mine. He responded immediately, his teeth nipping at my bottom lip, eliciting a moan from me. I ran my hands down his neck and over his shoulders, fingernails digging into his back through his shirt.

  And then the one thing I wished would have stayed buried forever came rushing to the surface. Josh didn’t remember me. This wasn’t the same man I’d loved. This man was a traitor.

  The enemy.

  I pushed off him, rising on shaky legs. He stood with me, trying to pull me back into his arms. The temptation was great.

  “No,” I said, trying to keep my voice firm and failing. Josh gave me the same confused look he had before, a fire still burning in his icy eyes.

  Raking fingers through my hair, I paced in front of him, not bothering to make sure I didn’t give him my back. The only assault I was at risk of from Josh in that moment was from his wicked tongue. Though I wasn’t sure I could say the same for him.

  I whipped around on him. “You don’t remember me at all?”

  He grabbed my hand, forcing me to stop. “No,” he said. “But I do feel…drawn to you. I have a deep need to protect you.”

  “Protect me?” I scoffed. “You’re my enemy. You’re here to take me to your precious king so he can enslave me and make me his bride. Yeah, some knight in shining armor you—”

  He caught my tongue with his, effectively silencing me in the most delicious of ways.
I melted into him.

  His mouth moved over mine with a passion I’d only experienced in my dreams. He shoved me against a tree, his lips never releasing their hold on mine. Josh’s hand plunged into my hair, yanking my head back to give him better access. My hands slipped over his chest, fingers digging into his shirt, hanging on for dear life. Josh deepened the kiss, setting my entire body on fire. I was sure at any moment I’d set the whole damn forest ablaze.

  Using his hips, he pinned me against the tree, grinding the impressive length of his cock into my lower stomach. It wasn’t just Dream Josh who was hung. Cody had been right.

  This Josh was different from the one I knew, if I could even say I really knew him. This man was bolder. There was nothing to hold him back like there’d been before. This Josh wasn’t afraid to take what he wanted, and damn it all, if I didn’t want to give it to him.

  His lips moved to my neck, the sharp points of his fangs grazing my skin. I trembled, whether from fear or anticipation, I wasn’t exactly sure. But he didn’t bite me, instead placing a trail of hungry kisses along my neck and down my shoulder.

  I longed for some small sign that the Josh I knew, the Josh I loved, was still in there somewhere. It was a sign I wouldn’t get.

  He was just trying to get in your pants to lure you away, Zoe. He didn’t care about you. He was using you. He was using all of us.

  “What the hell am I doing?” I said, breathless as I withdrew from him again. “I can’t do this. I won’t do this.”

  Ignoring my protests, he tugged me back into his arms, his mouth crashing back into mine.

  “No!” I screamed, shoving him away. He grunted as he stumbled back.

  Wide-eyed, I stared down at the dagger in my hand, coated in blood—Josh’s blood. I hadn’t realized I’d grabbed it from where it’d been stashed at my back.

  Josh’s hand found the wound in his side, blood oozing beneath his fingers. He shot me a look, one that promised pain—or maybe it was pleasure. I tried to school my features, not letting his actual blood on my hands affect me. He’d heal, I reminded myself.


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