King of the Hood

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King of the Hood Page 12

by Kendra Sumter

  My chest swole with pride at the determination and conviction in her voice. She has always told me she looks up to me. I appreciated her words, but often didn’t feel as if I deserved it. Sighing a little,

  “Okay, you got that. But, um, how you gonna take Seaqual from Sprinkle without her showing her ignorant ass?”

  I questioned, just as the elevator dinged on our floor. She smacked her teeth loud enough fa’ it to be heard by everyone on the hall. Shit, I’m surprised her teeth didn’t crack.

  “As long as she receives her welfare check, food stamps, no rent, and an allowance from Seaqual’s check, she’ll be just fine,” she explained.

  Shaking my head as we walked down the hall.

  “And Ocean?” I hissed, opening the unoccupied room door.

  “She’ll be fine. She’ll be happy she won’t have to worry about, or hear my mouth,” she answered, taking a seat I followed suit.

  “That’s true. So, when you wanna move? I can hire a moving crew to pack y’all up. They’ll unpack y’all too,” I offered.

  “You don’t have to do that. I can pack, plus, I don’t want them nosy ass sluts stealing nothin’. I got time I can take. Shit, we’ll be in the new apartment by the end of the month,” she answered.

  Nodding my agreement. We fell silent.

  Buzz, Buzz, Buzz, Buzz.

  “The hell?” I hissed, grabbing my phone out my bag.

  Looking at the screen, I barely stopped my eyes from rolling.

  “Yes?” I answered.

  “P, there’s some serious shit going on down here. You may want to call a meeting,” Bo-Bo’s voice boomed through my phone.

  “What the hell done happen now, Bo-Bo?” I snapped.

  He blew out a breath. He knows I don’t like shit happening at my damn place.

  “Pooty Tang high outta her damn mind. She did an hour in Velvet Room Two. Not sure on the dude who accompanied her, he made sure to keep his head down. He may be the one pushing that shit,” he explained.

  “Fuck! Aiight, send out a text. Meeting at noon. Everyone, not just the dancers. Somebody done lost they damn mind by turning on me,” I ordered.

  “I gotcha, Boss. How’s lil’ man?” He asked.

  “He’s gonna be good. Thanks for asking. See yah tomorrow. Were the numbers straight?” I asked.

  “Mos’ def’. See ya tomorrow, be safe. You need me, holler,” he let me know.

  “Bet,” was all I said, before hanging up.

  Sighing while dropping my phone back into my bag. Rubbing my temple with my middle and pointer fingers. Some low down, dirty, bastard, tryin’ to get my business the wrong damn way. I’ve worked too hard fa’ my shit. First, it was a damn attempted fire a few months ago now this bullshit.

  “Umph, what was that about? Don’t tell me nun ya. What was yah ass doing when Ocean called you?” Neesha fired off.

  “Girl, I was at the club, handling business, like usual. Some dumb as bastard wants my shit. Bo-Bo just told me Pooty Tang was high outta her dizzy ass mind when she left the Velvet Room. Some dude who made sure to keep his face hidden, is suspect. I called a meeting to see if I can get to the bottom of it,” I explained.

  “You don’t have any idea who it may be?” She asked.

  “I got a few prospects. I just hate weak bastards who try to do shit under handed.”

  “Hol’ up. No one knows you own the shit, so how they gonna come at you correct?” She asked, confused looking.

  Giggling at her facial expression.

  “That’s true, but requesting a meeting ain’t never hurt nobody. Don’t try to strong arm me,” I answered.

  “I know you’ll handle ya business. You always do. How’s the dealership?”

  I broke out into a fit of laughter at her question. I had clean forgotten about what Bethany informed me of. Getting myself together as she stared at me.

  “Girl, I knew it was something I had to tell yo ass. Banks ordered a car from there. He went to pick it up when it was ready. There was a problem tho. His paperwork was wrong, do to him misspelling his own damn name and address.”

  She screamed, interrupting me. I had to join in. After bout five beats, we got ourselves together.

  “Well, after realizing that mishap, Kimmy straightened everything out. Check this tho, Banks had Racks with his ass. Kimmy tried to play that same role she did at the bash. From my understanding from Bethany, she got her feelings crushed. I haven’t talked to her since then. She’s too busy juggling three men,” I finished.

  “That’s what she gets. While Kenya was teaching her ass all that other bullshit she should’ve taught her ass all men ain’t the same. Um, what was Bethany doing through all this?” She asked, with her eyebrow raised.

  She has met Bethany more than once. She commented on the way she moves and acts. She called her an undercover trap queen with psycho tendencies. Eyeing her, her face ain’t showing no expressions.

  “Um, making a date with Banks,” I answered.

  She started shaking her head at the notion.

  “That shit is a disaster waiting to happen. She don’t know shit bout hood niggas, despite the fact she wants to. Now, I gotta watch how I play his ass. Granted, he showed a good faith action wit the whole car thing. I ain’t saying it will go somewhere. The way he plays wit females, I know this will be a catastrophic situation,” she responded, with a sly smile.

  Giggling while shaking my head.

  “Answer me this, how the hell Kimmy juggles three men without getting caught?” She questioned.

  “There’s nothing to catch. She tells them about each other. She believes she’s being honest and shit,” I answered, causing her to side eye me.

  “She’s playing a dangerous game. Ain’t no way in hell a man is satisfied with spending and giving money without claiming her ass. Rack’s gonna give her ass some act right,” she added.

  “That’s the truest statement I’ve heard in a while. I’ve told her ass the same damn thing. She thinks she knows everything. Kenya done messed her head up. She done bit off some shit tho. She’s never dealt wit a man of Racks’ caliber, she ain’t ready,” I stated, truthfully.

  I’ve lost count of the numerous times I’ve tried to talk Kimmy out of the way she lives her life. I mean, men do it, but there’s always that double standard. She’s not a hoe though. She doesn’t fuck them all. It’s the mind games she plays. Her feelings may not be involved, but who’s to say the men’s feelings aren’t involved? I just don’t want her to get hurt.


  “Okay, he’s back, and did awesome. The doctor should be in to talk to you about his results. You have a good night, okay, Mr. Suave?” Janice spoke, bringing Seaqual in.

  “Thank you, pretty. Did y’all miss me?” He yawned out.

  “Yes, we did. Now, rest. Thank you, Janice,” Neesha responded.

  “Not a problem at all. He’s a special young man,” she acknowledged, before leaving out.

  Neesha stood, making her way to his bed to straighten his pillows.

  “Neesha, stop babying him. He’s sleep, so it’s obvious he’s comfortable. I’m going to go. I need to get a few hours of sleep. If he isn’t discharged by the time my meeting is done, I’ll be back to take y’all home. Call me either way tho, okay? I love y’all,” I let her know, standing from my seat.

  Slanging my bag on my shoulder while making my way to her. Pulling her to me squeezing her with everything I got.

  “Thanks, big sis. I’ll call you. Love you too,” she mumbled in my chest.

  Releasing her while giggling. I know I be doing the most sometimes. Stepping round her, I placed a kiss on Seaqual’s forehead.

  “I love you too,” he mumbled.

  Blinking quickly to keep my tears at bay.

  “He got you, didn’t he?” She taunted.

  “Un huh, lil’ faking ass. Don’t forget to call me,” I chuckled out.

  She let me know she certainly would as I left out. Standing by the door as
it closed, I closed my eyes.

  “Thank you, God, for watching over him. Tonight could have turned out completely different. You are all knowing and have the last say. Thank you for favor. Please, God, continue to bestow strength, understanding, and blessings, upon them. Amen.”

  Taking the back of my hand, I wiped the tears that had fallen. That’s a prayer I pray often.

  ‘Creamy Pies Gentleman’s Club’

  Meeting room noon

  “Hey, everybody, glad y’all made it on time. I won’t keep y’all long. A lot of y’all aren’t working tonight, being that it’s Sunday. First order of business, we won’t be having a July the Fourth Bash. It falls on a Tuesday, and won’t be very profitable.

  Second, we will be having a huge Labor Day Bash. What I’m planning will be talked about for years to come. We have special guests that will be in the building. Including several performing artists. Along with celebrating the birthday of none other than Beyoncé’. Yes, we know her birthday is September the fourth, but she wants to show some love to us. Security will be extra tight.”

  “That’s what’s up. I don’t even care bout her actually being in the building. Let me holler at her chorographer. She needs some thick real women in her videos,” Seduction called out, while high fiving Kitty Kat.

  They started going back and forth with one another. They get side tracked so quick.

  “Aiight, y’all calm down. Back to business. Third, it’s inspection time. I need updated medical clearance forms, weight check, and health check. Some of y’all are not using the gym membership that’s allotted to y’all. When you were first hired, that was one of the stipulations. Just because we are thick, plus sized beauties, doesn’t mean we gotta be unhealthy. We’re the baddest for a damn reason. Is everyone with me so far?”

  I paused, looking at all fifteen dancers, ten security guards, six managers, and six bar tenders. Letting my eyes roam over their faces. I’ve always been good at reading people.

  “Apple, question,” I called out.

  Her eyes widen before,

  “Um, what if we gained a few pounds. Will we be fired?” She stammered out, nipping at her lip.

  She has the plumpest, sexiest, natural red lips, I’ve ever seen. They stand out against her fair skin. She’s a size twenty easily. She gives bottom heavy a new meaning. Although she’s short, she’s impressive. The best acrobat you’ll ever have the pleasure of seeing.

  “No, that’s not punishable by termination. No more than ten gained, no less than twenty to thirty pounds loss. Do you fall in that category?”

  “Yes, ma’am, only about five. Had a little binge with my kids. My baby girl turned thirteen. She had a sleepover karaoke party,” she explain in her soft voice.

  “Well, that’s fine. Did she enjoy herself?” I questioned, causing her to nod her head quickly.

  “She did. She also sends her love, and thanks to you, for her gifts,” she exclaimed.

  “No, problem. She’s such a sweet girl. Anyone else?”

  My question was met by silence.

  “Okay, so y’all know that your medical clearance form needs to be signed and turned back into me within a week,” I stated, waiting on any objections.

  There’s nothing.

  “Okay, now, to my last order of business. Everyone knows drugs are against policy. Being under the influence while working is an immediate termination. It’s been brought to my attention on more than one occasion, that a dancer has been under the influence of drugs. I ain’t speaking on no damn kush, loud, Mary Jane, or weed, however you want to call it. I,”

  “Why yo ass speaking on my business? Everyone know you talkin’ bout me. What happen to professionalism?” Pooty Tang snapped, rocking in her seat.

  “She’s on one, fa’ real.”

  “Boss lady didn’t even say her name.”

  “Drugs do that ta’ yah ass tho.”

  “Y’all need to shut the fuck up! I ain’t say shit ta y’all!” Pooty Tang yelled.

  “Hoe, yo ass must be ready to catch these hands. Fuck wha’chu heard. Fried brain cells having ass, trick!” Heavy C thundered, jumping from her seat.

  “Aye, calm the fuck down. Sit down, Heavy C! Y’all done bump y’all fucking heads carrying on like this,” I snapped.

  Everyone retook their seats. They know better. Security surrounded the tables just in case. I have a team of ten, with Bo-Bo being head security.

  “Aiight y’all. Pooty Tang, I didn’t say yo name. You just told on yo damn self. Remember who the fuck yah ass is talking to. Since yah ass feels the need to speak. Wha’sup wit yah ass doing drugs on my damn clock? Who’s the fuck boy that’s been giving yah ass that shit?” I barked, glaring at her high ass.

  She sobered up real quick as I advanced on her. Bo-Bo and Spook moved as I did. They know me.

  “I, I, I, um, it’s only weed. And, um, he, um, he just gave me a sample,” she stammered out.

  “You ah weed lie. Yah ass is fired. Yo check will hit yah card on Friday. Clean yo locker out, turn in yo card, and yo two-way pager,” I stated, ready to snatch her ass up.

  My words triggered something, as she jumped from her seat throwing her glass of soda to the floor. Her dizzy ass just cost me twenty-two fifty.

  “You big bitch! Yo ass gonna fire me fa’ being high?! So, the fuck what? It ain’t stopping what the fuck I do. Yo ass act like this shit is something admirable. No matter how yo uppity ass dress it up, it’s still shaking ass fa’ dollars. Yo ass got a problem with me being high? Well, fuck you! I hope yo stuck up acting ass lose this shit!” She screamed, trying to charge me.

  “No, yo ass don’t! Calm the fuck down. Let’s go!” Spook gritted out, grabbing her.

  Spook’s name is fitting. He’s dark as midnight. His teeth are white, so are the white of his eyes. He’s only six-two, but strong as hell. He’s a no nonsense type. The girl’s safety is his first priority.

  “Get off me, Spook! Y’all kiss her ass, but I won’t! She ain’t shit! Y’all some dumb hoes. She pimping y’all, and y’all letting her! Y’all can’t even sell yo pussy cuz of her. When y’all wanna make some real money, from a real nigga, hit me up! She’s going down! Mark my fucking words!” She yelled, as Spook put her over her shoulder.

  “Did that bitch just threaten me?” I grumbled before…

  “Aww, Fuck! Don’t do it, P!” Bo-Bo yelled.

  Running up on Spook, I grabbed her ass by the neck, as it hung over Spook’s shoulder. With all my might, I snatched her ass.


  “Arrgghhhh! My back!” She wailed, as I body slammed her ass, causing Spook to fall.


  “Fuck!” Spook howled.

  “Bitch! Yo fucked up ass talking shit! Threatening me! I kept yah nasty, trifling ass, from being ah trick! Fuck you! Come for my shit, yo ass gonna die! Fuck wit me,” I growled, choking her ass.

  “Let her go, P! Don’t kill the bitch! She ain’t worth it! Spook, get yo ass up!” Bo-Bo yelled, grabbing me.

  “Fuck you, nigga. This damn marble shit hurt! The fuck Dangalang ass at?” He fussed.

  “Niggahhh! Don’t call me! I’m still on leave!” He yelled out.

  “Leave, my ass!” Bo-Bo panted out, tussling wit my ass.

  “P, I swear, let her ass go, please, shit,” he pleaded.

  Listening, I released her neck.

  “Remember this shit, bitch,” I gritted, in her half-conscious face.

  Standing with Bo-Bo’s help, I straightened my top.

  “Get her ass the fuck up out my shit, Spook,” I demanded.

  “Aiight, yo crazy ass could’ve asked if I’m aiight. I feel a damn workman’s comp. claim being filed. I got witnesses,” he grumbled, after standing to his feet.

  Dusting his clothes off, he stared down at Pooty Tang.

  “Go ahead and file, Spook,” was all I said, while making my way back to the girls.

  “That shit don’t sound right. I ain’t doing shit. I’m good tho,” he mum

  The girls giggled at his words, while the remaining security looked on, shaking their heads.

  “I’m only gonna say this once. If there’s anyone who feels the way she does, turn yo shit in now,” I paused, looking each of the remaining girls in the eye.

  “I’m good. I don’t know what the hell she’s talking about. I got healthcare and dental,” Cupcake stated.

  “True, plus, I’m almost finished with my graphic design degree. I didn’t have to take out any student loans. Can you say, paid in full?” Heavy C added, dancing a little in her seat.

  “Okay, y’all better say that shit. My car and house is paid off. My baby girl’s tuition at Green Leaks Academy is paid for the year, and y’all know that private school is expensive. Pooty Tang letting them drugs and that false hope get to her ass,” Redd added.

  The rest of the girls nodded. They aren’t as vocal as Heavy C, Redd, and Cupcake. But they are caught up with sounding out how well their lives are going. No female working her makes under a hundred grand a year, and that’s not including tips.

  I learned a lot from my years of dancing. I took what worked, and expanded it. Why didn’t I cut the shit out? There’s always more than one way to make money, but continuing to give the same thing ain’t the way. K.O.D. ain’t got nothing on Creamy Pies. This is the only gentleman’s club that offers women sizes ten to twenty-four.

  Creamy Pies is a two level gentleman’s club. There’s always some type of new attraction. First level restaurant, bar, private sections, two stages, with two poles on each. Lap dances, girl on girl dance shows, fire tricks, popping bottles with pussy lips. Juggling with titties, acrobats included in the floor shows.

  Second level is for the elite members. Girl on girl action, more than dancing. Live masturbation shows, squirting behind a glass enclosure. Private bar and DJ. The girls do different tricks with a dildo. Bachelor parties, all are handled upstairs. There’s a secret passage for the elite who don’t want to be seen. All the girls signed confidentiality papers. Anything repeated, they will be held accountable by law.

  “Now that I’ve gotten that out of the way. Please know how serious this is. If you are approached by someone, on some fuck shit, make some extra money shit, tell security, or me. Y’all know I don’t do that selling pussy shit. If that’s what you want to do, turn yo shit in now. Creamy Pies will not be labeled as a damn prostitution ring. I don’t give a damn bout snitches, speak the hell up. I don’t want y’all hurt, caught up, or strung out. My business is important to me, but y’all health and well-being over rules that.


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