The Complete Protected by the Damned Series

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The Complete Protected by the Damned Series Page 84

by Michael Todd

  It was a very bittersweet goodbye.

  Chapter 9

  Korbin sat at his desk. He was going through the drawers to make some space and get rid of all the old stuff so he could move to the new place without such an immense amount of clutter.

  He usually kept all the paperwork, filing it away just in case the higher-ups needed it. There was no reason to take everything old over there; it would be wasteful and useless. He tossed a pile into the shred box and raised his hands over his head.

  He looked around the room, remembering when they first had turned the place into their base. He was going to miss it, but he knew that the new compound was going to fit them much better. He had just reached forward to continue when the phone rang.

  “This is Korbin.”

  “Korbin, it’s John William Smith from New York,” a gruff voice replied.

  “John, how are you?” Korbin asked. “What can I do for you? Are the weapons working out okay?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He chuckled. “Everyone is jealous. I’m pretty sure that when you start taking orders you will have more than your fair share. But that isn’t why I was calling. My team heavy brought in a Damned yesterday while I was gone. She is freshly Damned and a bit wild, even for the Wyld Jokers. I can’t integrate her right now.”

  “All right.” Korbin leaned back. “What can I do for you?”

  “Well, I was wondering if you could integrate her. You know, get her trained and teach her how everything works, and when I can take her you’ll send her back to me?” he asked. “She is frisky, but with her kind of spirit she will fit in perfectly with us. I just don’t have a spot for her this minute. You guys are short one person, right?”

  “No, I’m not short. I picked up a woman just recently,” Korbin replied. “But yes, send her. I’m sure she will be of use, with all the chaos going on. We can get her trained up perfectly for you. I mean, I have two ladies on this team already. Why not make it three?”

  “Right?” John laughed. “Before long we are going to be calling you ‘Korbin’s Ladies.’”

  “I might go crazy.” Korbin chuckled. “Was she a coven find, or an innocent bystander?”

  “I don’t know if I would call her innocent.” He sighed. “But no, she didn’t ask to be Damned. There was another infected there, trying to get my heavy to make a deal to give him info on the teams. Melvin ended up killing her, and right when that happened Ella came walking out of the store, trash in hand. The demon jumped right into her. It was a shame, really. The demon is powerful, and quite strong-minded. The girl, though…she is tough as nails, has a strong personality, and doesn’t understand at all why she is here. We gave her the options per SOP, but she hasn’t really made a choice yet…not that being a guinea pig is a choice anyone would make. She needs a firm hand, but also someone who can show her what it’s like to be part of a family and a team. She really doesn’t have any experience in a family environment.”

  “A loner,” Korbin confirmed. “Young?”

  “Early twenties,” John replied. “Still lived at home, doesn’t care that they will think she is dead, didn’t really have any attachments at all except to her parties and alcohol. Even those she did to stay away from her family and just do her thing. Like I said, doesn’t like authority.”

  “You didn’t say that.” Korbin laughed. “But I figured it out when you told me she had no ties and hated her family. I think she will be fine here, and really, she isn’t going to want her other two options, so knowing that might straighten her up a bit.”

  “Thanks, Korbin, I really appreciate it,” John said gratefully.

  “No problem, John. We’ll fly out to you to pick her up,” Korbin replied. They said their goodbyes, and he hung up the phone.

  Korbin thought about bringing another person into the group. He had never liked fostering a Damned and then sending them away. It was like giving up one of your own, but he at least knew that would be the outcome.

  If anyone could put a smartass in her place, it was him and his team. He thought about Katie, and what things had been like when she’d first gotten there. She hadn’t been hard to get along with and didn’t rebel, but she had been green and didn’t want to be. He felt kind of bad for the way he had treated her, though. He had pretty much thrown her to the guys and let them deal with her.

  In fact, he had been kind of an ass when she was coming through. For her it had worked out, but he knew that wouldn’t be true for everyone.

  This new girl would upset the balance just a bit, but maybe that was what they needed to get everyone back on track. Upset the flow of things, so everyone had to stop and look at themselves for a moment. Sometimes his Killers got complacent, thinking that training was just to get stronger, thinking that bonding was just to produce a nice home situation, but in reality it was all much more than that.

  Training was to improve: get faster, understand your target, and get to know your enemy—the demon inside you. Bonding was great for quality of life, but it also was one of the main factors that kept you alive on those crazy incursions. You looked out for each other, because you knew what it would feel like to lose one of your teammates.

  Either way, the girl was coming, and there was nothing any of them could do but buckle down and help. They had always been good at that, but they also never had someone like they described Ella to be. All Korbin could do was hope they were on top of this, like they had been when Katie arrived. He picked up his phone and texted Stephanie and Katie, asking them to head down to his office. He figured it might help if he had his two females pick her up instead of surrounding her with more men.

  “Hey,” Stephanie said, walking through the door. “Katie’ll be here. She was finishing her food.”

  “How’s the compound coming?”

  “It’s getting there.” Stephanie smiled. “It’ll be home sweet home in no time.”

  “Hey, boss!” Katie ran into the room with food on her face. “Sorry, I was hungry.”

  “It’s okay.” Korbin chuckled. “Have a seat. I have a mission for you.”

  “Nice!” Katie exclaimed. “Whose head are we smashing?”

  “No one’s, hopefully,” he replied. “No, you are going to go to New York to pick up a new Damned on the company jet. She will be training with us, and then end up back in New York to work on that team. They needed some help getting things together, so I am stepping up.”

  Stephanie smirked. “You mean we are stepping up.”

  “Yes, we.” He used his finger to form a circle. “As a team. Anyway, Damian normally handles these things, but he is unable to go. He has church in the morning, and not just at the chapel—at a larger church in Vegas. The new member is also a girl, so I figured it might be better to send you two than to send the guys.”

  “Poor thing.” Stephanie frowned. “She must be so scared.”

  “Yeah, well…” Korbin chuckled, then cleared his throat. “From what I’ve been told, she isn’t scared of much. She’s a bit of a wild card, so you might be surprised at what you find.”

  “Oh, don’t worry about that,” Katie said, pushing up her sleeves. “I like a challenge.”

  “Yeah,” Korbin replied. “I was afraid of that.”

  “When they said this thing is nice, I didn’t know they meant ready-for-Hollywood nice,” Stephanie said, running her hands over the leather chair arms in the jet.

  “Yeah.” Katie scoffed. “The first time I was on this thing, I felt like a damn Kardashian. Of course, on the way back I felt and looked more like Carrie covered in pig’s blood, but still… The seats were comfortable.”

  “Maybe we can convince old stick-in-the-mud to let us take a vacation in this thing.” Stephanie smiled.

  “Mmmhmm, and maybe he will smile occasionally, too.” Katie laughed, looking out the window as the plane made its descent into New York.

  When they landed, the plane taxied to a private hanger and the doors closed right behind the plane.

  Katie and Stephanie climb
ed off, finding John William, and the new not-so-bright-and-shining team member waiting for them. Stephanie introduced herself, and stepped to the side to try to talk to Ella. Katie smiled kindly at John and shook his hand firmly. The girl was a petulant twenty-year-old who didn’t look the least bit happy about the entire situation.

  “Ella.” John gestured to Katie and Stephanie. “Meet your new team members. They are going to help you get straight, so you’re ready to come back here and kick some ass.”

  “Great! First I start with Captain-fucking-America, and now I’m being passed over to Wonder Woman and She-Ra.” Ella snickered. “I already had enough shit going on in my life. This is not what I need or want. Just let me go back home, dammit.”

  “Well, I can see this one is grateful for still being alive.” Stephanie sighed and reached out to Ella. “Come on, let’s get you on the plane.”

  “Screw you!” Ella snatched her arm away. “I don’t have to go anywhere with anyone.”

  “It’s that, or I cut your head off right here.” Stephanie pulled out her knife. “Your choice.”

  “You are a sick bitch.” Ella folded her arms indignantly.

  “Come on,” Stephanie repeated, grabbing her by the ear and pulling her to the plane. “I want to get home.”

  Katie just watched, trying to hold back a laugh as Stephanie led Ella onto the jet by her ear. It was something her own mother would have done when she was a kid. Katie sighed and turned back to John.

  “Sorry I’m handing you a mess.” He ran a hand over his face in exasperation before holding it out to Katie. “I’m John, the leader of the Wyld Jokers.”

  “Katie.” She shook his hand again. “We’ve heard the stories about New York.”

  “I’m sure.” He chuckled. “You own the company, don’t you?”

  Katie pursed her lips and looked around, then leaned in and whispered, “Isn’t the first rule of the company that we don’t mention the company?”

  Katie patted her blades and lifted her eyebrows, straightening up. He raised an eyebrow and looked down at his knives. Katie noticed that he had picked the ones with silvery handles, just like she would have. They were good knives.

  “You like them?” She found herself unable to refrain from asking at least one question.

  “They are freaking awesome,” he told her. “I haven’t really had a chance to use them yet with so much going on, but I plan on going out tonight and giving them some real-world experience. It’s a good thing you have here, and I want you to know I have your back when it comes to the government. Secret kept one hundred percent. I’ll remember the rule next time, too.”

  He chuckled, his square chin and deep dimples sticking in her mind. Katie smiled and patted her hands together awkwardly, looking around the hangar bay. She knew she should be more sociable, but it really wasn’t her thing. He looked frustrated and gazed down at his feet, and Katie wondered if he was talking to his demon.

  “So, next time you are in New York, let me take you out, all right?” he asked. “Las Vegas has lights, and we have action.”

  “That would be nice.” Katie smiled. “I can see some New York-style demon-slaying in action.”

  Pandora laughed. Hey stupid, I think he meant on a date.

  “Or just to dinner.” Katie blushed.

  “Or we could do both.” He laughed, now more at ease.

  He continued talking about the places he loved in New York, and his time in Las Vegas. Katie tried to pay attention, but she really had no desire to hear it. She just wanted to get back home, and on top of that, Pandora had started spouting shit again like she was a bitch in heat.

  That man is scrumptious as hell, Pandora rambled. I mean, look at those muscles! He’s a bit older than I normally go for, but what the fuck. I’m not getting any younger.

  You’re not HELping, Katie sang in her head.

  Hell, I think I saw bats flying out of your rosey posey just the other day.

  Can we NOT discuss my vagina right now?

  I bet I could fit at least half a dozen donuts on his dick, and I’d eat them all while I…

  FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, Katie mentally shouted, trying not to roll her eyes in front of John. You are aware that it wouldn’t be you doing this, right? You’re in MY body! Besides, this man is not my type.

  No man is your type. Pandora scoffed. Why do you think I have a problem in here? No action, no flirting, no foreplay… No play, period. It’s like living in a nunnery.

  I like men just fine, Katie countered. I just don’t need them like you do.

  I DO NOT need men, Pandora snapped. I just like to have them around. What is so wrong with liking pleasure, huh? And don’t give me some religious bullshit about it, either.

  Nothing is wrong with it in moderation, Katie replied. But you are like a succubus.

  I am nothing like those dim-witted idiots. She sniffed. Mere shadows.

  Is that why you keep going on about how donuts are the perfect design? Katie asked. So, you can slide them on?

  No, though it does sound like something I would say, Pandora replied. And I am really impressed that you thought that highly of me. Donuts are the perfect food, though, and they have the perfect shape, so it wouldn’t be that far off to really get things done. You know, make it fun for a change, instead of so heavy and deep. Humans take sex way too seriously. Just get it in, get yours, and move on.

  Wow, you are so romantic, Katie exclaimed.

  That’s what I’m talking about, Pandora replied. Leave romance for the dinner. Sex should be fun and exciting.

  You are a demon, Katie mused. I guess you don’t get romanced often enough to appreciate the importance of it.

  Maybe not, Pandora replied. But I do know that in my very long time in existence, I have only met one man who truly gave two shits about romance. It’s for the girls, to make us want to open our legs. I am sure some man created romance a long time ago to make it easier to get in a girl’s hooha.

  Katie looked at John and said her goodbyes, needing to get herself out of the situation fast before Pandora blew up inside her, leaving the walls of her mind soaking with the explosion of her pent-up desires.

  When she climbed back onto the plane, Stephanie was sitting in her chair calmly reading a magazine while Ella cursed and groaned, rubbing the side of her head.

  She was going to be an interesting one to train.

  Chapter 10

  Katie sat quietly on her bed reading a book, her mind going in and out of the most recent events. She still was struggling with losing a teammate, and on top of that she wanted to kill T’Chezz for taking her precious baby—her car. She looked up when there was a knock on the door, putting her bookmark in and walking over to open it.

  “Hey there, priest guy.” Katie smiled at Damian. “What can I do for you?”

  “I was wondering if you could come over and speak with Ella,” Damian requested. “We are having our fair share of issues with her. She is not very happy to be in this position, and Stephanie seems to believe the only solution is ‘a firm hand for a lazy child.’ I am thinking there might be another way.”

  Katie laughed, imagining Stephanie shaking her finger at Ella. She nodded and tossed her book back on the bed, closing her bedroom door and following Damian downstairs to the examination room.

  When she entered Ella was telling Stephanie off, and Stephanie looked like she might just attempt to take Ella over her knee and beat the shit out of her ass. They both stopped and looked at Katie.

  “Oh, great! Let me guess…you are the good cop,” Ella growled.

  “Uh, I don’t think anyone has ever called me that before.” Katie laughed and glanced at Damian, who was chuckling under his breath. “Maybe a cop, but never the good one. I just came to see what the hell this was all about. I could hear you yelling all the way down the hall.”

  “This is bullshit! Just take the thing out of me and let it go,” Ella snarled, pouting.

  “Folks?” Katie looked at Stephanie and Dami
an. “Could you give us a second?”

  “Be my guest.” Stephanie waved and walked out of the room.

  Damian smiled and winked as he left, shutting the door behind him.

  Katie turned back to Ella and watched her body language. Her hands were pressed together nervously, her eyes were on the floor, and her cheeks were bright red. There was something more going on than just being pissed at the situation.

  “What did you do back in the City?”

  “I worked at Starbucks,” she mumbled.

  “That’s cool, though I would rather get my coffee from someone small and local.” Katie shrugged.

  “I know, right?” Ella agreed, looking up at her. “Those yuppies come in and out all day and all they want to do is ‘recycle, reuse, rescue,’ and whatever else they can come up with, but they buy from a multinational corporation that bleeds the environment dry.”

  “It’s gross.” Katie shook her head. “So, any good friends? Boyfriend, maybe?”

  “No.” Ella shrugged. “Just my parents. I can’t believe I am saying this, but I actually miss them. I mean, I know I can’t see them again, but I don’t want it to be that way.”

  “I had a really hard time with that as well,” Katie told her. “I had a mom who loved me to death, and friends. I was in college. I had a hard time even thinking about letting that all go. I guess when you are left with no other choice, you just kind of do it.”

  “What did you do?” Ella asked.

  “Well, at first, nothing,” Katie admitted, leaning against the examination table. “Until my demon confessed that she was locking down some of my emotions because they were too much trouble to deal with. After that I was able to get them out, you know? I was able to grieve the losses. It was strange to know that I was the dead one, but I was missing my family and friends like they had died. I guess I missed them for missing me. It was really rough. I really thought I was tough-skinned until I came here and broke down until I was pretty much a shell. But then I built myself back up, with the help and support of my team.”


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