Sarah's Heart

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Sarah's Heart Page 17

by Marianne Spitzer

  “He loves you. Come upstairs and have something to eat. We’ll wait for Molly to return and we’ll both help you with this huge meal. You and Cal need some help if you’re feeding half the town.”

  “We make food every day.”

  “Yes, but not for so many at once. Your customers come in all day long. It is a huge meal for anyone who wants to come. I know you and Cal are cooking more food today than any other day. Come on; I need coffee.” Sarah took Nell’s arm and pulled her toward the back stairs.

  Sarah and Nell sat and talked about Sarah’s upcoming wedding and time passed quickly before Molly returned.

  “Everything is cooking and either in the oven or on the stove. Cal says you should come back only if you want or you can stay here until he prepares the meal and then eat. He loves you a lot. You’re a fortunate woman, Nell,” Molly said.

  “I know. I need to go help Cal,” Nell stood.

  Sarah and Molly both said, “We’ll help.”

  The three women walked to the restaurant and helped Cal cook a feast for most of the town residents of Gentle Falls.

  Six hours later, the restaurant closed early for the night, and an exhausted Molly and Sarah returned home.

  “What a wonderful day. I never shared a special day with that many people. Everyone laughed and enjoyed their day. Even Henrietta didn’t scowl at Doubles when he insisted she have another piece of pie with him,” Molly shared.

  Sarah smiled. “I never shared a big meal either except in the kitchen with the staff for the two years I worked for Mrs. Carster. I think we’ll keep the shop closed tomorrow. I need a day to rest between today and Saturday. Oh, Molly, I’m getting married in less than two days. I’m excited and nervous. I pray each night that life with Giles will be different than life with Harold.”

  “Sarah, you know Giles will never beat you.”

  “I know, but Harold said there was nothing I could do to please him. Everything I did was wrong. What if it was partly my fault and I will be another failure as a wife?” She bit her lip hard.

  “Nonsense. You will be the best wife for Giles. Remember what you told Celia. If things go wrong, she needs to come home. She should have money to run with and leave. You don’t need that. Giles bought one of the three new houses Mr. Willoughby had built on the edge of town. You have friends that will see you every day and look for you if they don’t. Nell and I will make sure you are happy. I feel sorry for Giles if he doesn’t treat you like a queen. Nell will slaughter him,” Molly insisted.

  Sarah laughed. “Yes, she would. I am blessed to have many good friends, and I do believe Giles and I will be happy. I need to ignore the little doubts.”

  ~ * ~

  The sun was up long before Sarah woke on Saturday morning. She heard someone knock on the door again and knew it must be Nell. The sounds of breakfast preparations were coming from the kitchen, and all Sarah could do was lie on her bed and stare at the ceiling. The knock at her door went unanswered.

  “Sarah? Sarah, it’s me, Nell. Are you awake?”


  “Sarah, you need to get up and eat something. You’re getting married today.”

  “I’m sleeping.”

  “Sarah, I’m coming in. I hope you’re dressed.” Nell slowly opened the door and walked into Sarah’s room.

  “I told you, I’m asleep,” Sarah announced.

  “Sarah, what’s wrong? Are you nervous? You shouldn’t be. It’s a beautiful day. Blue skies and no clouds which means no snow. All the plans are complete. All you have to do is wake up and get ready. Molly is making breakfast. You have time for a long bath before we help you dress. I’ll do you hair. You will look beautiful,” Nell said gently nudging her friend.

  Sarah rolled over and gripped the pillow. “I can’t do this in front of the entire town. Everyone will be there, and I have to walk down the aisle while they stare at me. I should have married Giles the day after Molly’s abduction the way he wanted. It would be behind me and I, I umm I don’t know. Nell, I’m nervous,” Sarah admitted.

  “Of course, you are. I was on my wedding day. Every bride is, but we all walk down the aisle and survive. Cal is walking you down the aisle. He’ll make sure you don’t trip. Now, time to get up. Molly is making flapjacks. Bless her heart; she knew I’d be here and didn’t make eggs,” Nell smiled.

  Sarah laughed. “She’s a gem.”

  Amid laughter and tears, the two women managed to help turn Sarah into a beautiful bride. Her pale blue silk dress fit her perfectly, and Nell pinned the matching flowers in her hair. Sarah worried about her appearance until she saw herself in the large mirror she kept in her shop.

  “Oh, I do look beautiful. Thank you, Nell and Molly. Giles will be speechless. My knees feel weak,” Sarah admitted.

  “We thought they might, and Mr. Masters will be here shortly with his wagon. He said a bride shouldn’t walk to her wedding even if it is close,” Molly explained.

  Sarah not wanting to wrinkle her dress, walked around until Louis arrived with his wagon.

  He helped Sarah onto the front bench and then Molly and Nell into the back where he placed crates and blankets to make two seats. Sarah took a deep breath when the horses started their trot down Main Street toward the church.

  Rachel met them at the front doors of the church and ushered them into a small room at the back of the church. “You need to wait here until everyone sits. Cal will knock on the door when it’s time for you to walk down the aisle. You look lovely, Sarah. Smile you should be happy,” Rachel gushed and left the room.

  Molly hugged Sarah. “Don’t be nervous. I will see you when you get to the front of the church. I need to get to the piano, so you have some music. We should do a fundraiser to buy an organ. It would sound much better.”

  When she left the room, Sarah turned to Nell. “I can’t believe I’m nearly married again. It wasn’t that long ago that I left Chicago for Kansas. Here I am after finding you and getting married to a wonderful man. Life will be good, won’t it?” Sarah sighed.

  “Yes, of course, it will. I would never let you do this if I weren't sure you’d be as happy as I am with Cal.”

  Just then Cal knocked at the door. Nell said, “I need to find my seat.” She kissed Sarah’s cheek and opened the door.

  “She’s all yours, my love. Don’t let her collapse. Her knees are shaking,” Nell kissed Cal and hurried to the front pew.

  The music started, and Cal held out his arm. “Ready?”

  Sarah nodded and took his arm as he led her down the aisle. She saw Giles staring at her and kept her eyes locked on his. Sarah forgot she was nervous. All she felt was love. Cal stopped their walk and Giles took Sarah’s hand.

  Pastor Reynolds cleared his throat. “Good afternoon everyone. We’re here today to bring these two happy people into the state of blissful marriage.”

  A few snickers and giggles could be heard in the church.

  “None of that,” Pastor Reynolds insisted and began to explain his views on marriage. Sarah didn’t hear a word. All she could hear was her heart beating in her chest and ears. Sarah was sure she would faint. She was vaguely aware of Giles saying “I do” before Pastor Reynolds said her name again and she looked at him.


  “Do you take this man to be your husband, Sarah?”

  “Oh, yes, I do. I’m sorry. I’m not sorry I’m saying I do, I’m sorry I didn’t hear you.”

  The church erupted in laughter, and Sarah blushed red.

  “Then by the laws of God and the state of Wisconsin, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride.”

  Giles pulled Sarah close and kissed her solidly while she melted against him.

  The church erupted in cheer and applause, and Giles took her hand and walked her back down the aisle.

  “Well, Mrs. Bowen, are you ready to celebrate our wedding with the rest of the town? I think everyone came.”

  “Yes, I am Mr. Bowen. Let’s go. Nell said she made a sp
ecial cake for us.”

  Giles lifted Sarah by her waist and helped her into the Masters’ wagon. They arrived at Callahan’s before the rest of the town who opted to walk the short distance between the church and restaurant.

  Cal, who had left the church before most of the crowd, met them at the restaurant.

  “Come in; everything is set up. Nell placed your cake in the private dining room to keep it safe from all the people who plan to fill the place. You’ll also sit in there and eat. We don’t want you to be trampled.” He laughed and unlocked the door.

  Giles helped Sarah down and took her hand. The smells of roast beef met them when they opened the door.

  “I think Cal and Nell planned quite a party,” Giles whispered in Sarah’s ear while he nuzzled her neck.

  She tried to pull away and whispered back. “Yes, I’m sure they did, and you can’t kiss me like that in public.”

  “No, then let’s find a private place.” He pulled her toward the private dining room. The drapes were pulled open allowing them to see a table set with Nell’s best china and a gorgeous wedding cake.

  Sarah took in a deep breath. “It’s beautiful. The only thing that would make it perfect is if it’s Nell’s chocolate cake under all the icing.”

  Nell passed by on her way to the kitchen. “It’s your wedding cake, Sarah, of course, it’s chocolate.”


  Giles Bowen took his wife’s hand and led her to the carriage parked in front of their home. He smiled when he helped her into the carriage and whispered, “Marriage looks good on you, Mrs. Bowen.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Bowen. I am quite happy, but I must confess I am a bit worried about Celia.”

  “She’ll be all right. I’m sure of it,” Giles responded as he flicked the reins and the horses started their way down the street. As they neared the train station, they saw quite a few buggies and wagons parked.

  “What’s going on here,” Sarah wondered.

  Giles shrugged and stopped the carriage. He helped Sarah down from the carriage and walked her to the platform to find Celia and see her off on her journey. Sarah was surprised to see what appeared to be half the town waiting. Even Widow Biggs stood off to the side wiping tears from her eyes.

  Celia stood in the center of the crowd hugging the women and shaking hands with the men. Sarah made her way through the throng and Celia gasped, “Oh, Sarah, look at all the people. I never knew so many cared.”

  “Of course they care. Everyone loves you, Celia.” Her voice was cut off by the shrill whistle of the approaching train. It squealed to a halt, and Celia took a deep breath.

  “I think it’s time,” Celia said gripping her bag. “I can’t believe I’m to be married soon. I’m so very excited. Thank you, Sarah, for all your support.” The two women hugged tightly before Celia boarded the train.

  Sarah took a step back and gripped Giles' arm. “I’m worried,” she admitted.

  “Why? Didn’t the marriage broker say all was well?”

  “Yes, but she also said the same to me about Harold and look what happened.” Sarah visibly shuttered.

  Giles slipped his arm over Sarah’s shoulders as she waved goodbye to her friend. The train drowned out his words, and he waited until it was far enough down the tracks before he spoke again.

  “Let’s walk back to the carriage. I have something to tell you,” He linked his arm with hers and continued to talk. “Judge Magarey and Celia’s father were good friends. The judge was not about to let her leave without more investigation. He, the sheriff, and I decided to find out all we could about her Mr. Hastings. The sheriff knows the local marshal; the judge had worked with the local judge on a case quite a few years ago, but kept in contact. I wrote to a lawyer in the town. It seems her future husband is more than a simple rancher. He owns the largest cattle ranch in the area and is one of the wealthiest men in the state. He’s well-respected and is involved with many local charities including an orphanage. The judge and marshal promised to keep an eye on Celia just in case, and the lawyer I contacted is ready to assist her if needed. She’ll be as safe there as she is here. Mr. Hastings didn’t disclose his success due to problems with gold-digging women. Celia will be very surprised when she arrives.”

  Sarah stopped walking, “Why didn’t you tell me before. I wouldn’t have worried.”

  “Because my darling wife, you wouldn’t have been able to keep the secret. Let Celia enjoy her surprise the way her husband-to-be planned it and know she’ll be watched over.” He took her face in his hands and kissed her before helping her into their buggy.

  “Thank you for telling me, but Celia and I also thought of a way to communicate if she’s in trouble. She’ll write me and mention a certain quilting project she plans to begin if she needs help,” Sarah smiled at her husband. He kissed her again and returned the smile.

  Molly rushed past their buggy and waved at them on her way down the street. By the time she reached the sheriff’s office, she was nearly out of breath. When Molly knocked on the door, Sheriff Clay looked up, and a broad smile crossed his face.

  “Miss Sullivan, come in. What can I do for you? Please sit. Would you like some coffee?”

  Molly shifted from one foot to the other several times before she sat and answered, “No thank you. I came to ask you a favor.”

  “Certainly, what can I do for you?” He leaned forward and rested his arms on his desk.

  “Umm, you know I used to work at Underwood’s Saloon. Silas Underwood spread many lies and rumors about me when I quit. You’re the sheriff. Do you know or have you ever heard the real story?” She bit her lip hard and gripped her hands tightly in her lap.

  “When I first arrived in town, I made it my business to know what happens here. I keep an eye on the saloon and Underwood. I talked with many patrons to learn who and what to watch out for. I heard stories about the lovely young woman who sang and danced but quit when she was asked to compromise her values. Is that what you mean?”

  Molly let out the breath she was holding and stammered, “Yes, do you believe it’s the truth?”

  “If you mean do I believe you followed your beliefs and didn’t work upstairs at Underwood’s then the answer is yes.”

  “Oh, good. Not everyone in town does. I need three recommendations. I will be able to get one from the pastor, and Louis and Minnie Masters believe me, but I needed one more. I didn’t know who to ask. Would you write one for me and send it to this address?” She pushed a piece of paper across the desk toward him.

  He picked it up and scrunched his eyebrows. “Why do you need a recommendation from me for the Brutherington Matrimonial Agency?”

  “I can’t live here alone forever. I’m going to be a mail-order bride,” she whispered.

  “Why do you believe you’ll be alone?”

  “Even though most people in town believe the truth, there is a hint of doubt. All the decent men wouldn’t want me because my reputation might be tarnished. You know how important a reputation is, and decent men won’t take a chance.” She dropped her head and fought back tears.

  Sheriff Clay stood, “Miss Sullivan, I believe your reputation is as good as anyone else’s. I also believe that there is at least one man in town who would be happy to court you given the chance. Would you join me for lunch at Callahan’s while we discuss why it might be a good idea for you to remain in Gentle Falls?” He held out his arm to her.

  Molly stood and looked into his eyes. What did she see? Was it more than the local sheriff helping a town resident? Were Sarah and Nell right that Sheriff Clay liked her? Might his feelings be a bit deeper than that? She wouldn’t know if she left town.

  She smiled and took his arm. “Yes, lunch would be lovely. Thank you.”

  The End

  Watch for Molly’s Heart releasing Spring 2017. Will Molly trust her heart to handsome Sheriff Ben Clay or will she leave town to find love as a mail-order bride? What about the other hearts in Gentle Falls? Is love in the air and does the town have
a bit of charm to heal broken hearts? Molly’s Heart is now available on Amazon along with a companion short story, Celia’s Heart. The next book in the series, Adam’s Heart is due out winter 2017/2018.

  Thank you for reading my book out of the many available to you. I hope you enjoyed it as much I enjoyed writing it. If you have a chance, please leave a review on Amazon. I would appreciate it more than I can say. Reviews are the best way to let authors know if you enjoyed their books.

  For more information on all my books please visit my web site Marianne Spitzer, Author, Amazon site Marianne Spitzer on Amazon, my blog Musings Under the Willow Tree., Facebook page Marianne-Spitzer, Author or follow me on Twitter @MarianneSpitzer




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