Sexy Beast--A Sexy Billionaire Romance

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Sexy Beast--A Sexy Billionaire Romance Page 7

by Jackie Ashenden

  I didn’t want him worrying about me either, so I’d swallowed my discomfort about the hotel and told myself that I didn’t care that it was too expensive and too fancy for a plain old mechanic from Texas like me. That it was kind of like a super-overpriced hostel in many ways and, besides, I’d have to suck it up because it made Everett happy.

  I did the same now as the doormen pulled open the doors for us and Everett strode in as if he owned the place, tugging me with him. We didn’t have to wait for an elevator and within seconds we were up on the top floor where Everett’s suite was.

  The trip in the elevator might have been odd and uncomfortable for me but, because I wasn’t allowed to speak, I couldn’t say anything. And for some reason that helped me just relax into the moment, since there wasn’t much else I could do. Not when Everett didn’t say anything either.

  He didn’t say anything when he opened the door to the suite and ushered me inside either, though the nerves that had been sitting in the pit of my stomach since I’d gotten out of the car suddenly tightened, tangling like wet yarn.

  The suite was one of the biggest in London apparently, and the views over the city were amazing. Earlier, I’d looked around with amazement at the massive plate glass windows and discreet low furniture upholstered in varying shades of gold and cream, overwhelmed by the understated luxury of the place.

  There was a dining table down one end, where Everett had been working that afternoon, his laptop and papers still scattered on the table-top. I stood in the living area as he strolled over to it, taking out his phone and his wallet as he went, and putting both down calmly on the tabletop. Then he turned to me, catching my gaze with his.

  He held it as he shrugged his jacket off and put it over one of the chairs, then lifted one hand to the bow tie of his tux and pulled it free, dumping that on the table. Then he undid the top couple of buttons on his shirt, revealing the tanned skin of his throat.

  I took a shaky silent breath, pinned by the intensity of his gaze.

  He began to undo his cufflinks, the movements slow and measured, and then, once they were off and deposited on the tabletop as well, he began to roll his sleeves up, exposing sinewy forearms and strong wrists.

  I’d had no idea that a guy simply taking his jacket off and rolling his sleeves up could be so insanely sexy. But, oh, my God, it was. The lights of the city illuminated him, highlighting the way his shirt pulled across his muscled shoulders and chest, turning his short blond hair silver and shadowing his eyes.

  He looked mysterious and powerful. A beautiful stranger. Not the man I’d known for over twenty years. Not my friend.

  My skin prickled, my breathing coming faster and harder and, despite my nerves, I could feel an ache beginning between my thighs. It was insistent and normally I’d be trying to hold on to the feeling for all it was worth, trying not to let it escape the way it always seemed to.

  Yet this felt different. This felt like it had out in the corridor in the museum, a steadily growing sensation that would overwhelm me rather than the other way around. Something I couldn’t escape from even if I wanted to. Which was a frightening thought, yet also exciting at the same time.

  God, what was my brain doing?

  ‘Seems like you’re overthinking,’ Everett murmured as he finished with his sleeves, strolling casually over to where I was standing. ‘Perhaps you need something to occupy yourself with instead.’

  He seemed even taller now and I had no idea how that had happened. Not to mention more muscular. It was almost like I had to tip my head back even further to meet his gaze and, when I did, his height did that strange thing again, making me feel small and dainty next to him.

  I wanted to ask him what he meant by me needing something to occupy myself, but then I remembered that I wasn’t allowed to speak and had to catch my breath instead.

  His relentless blue gaze turned approving. ‘Good girl. See? You can be quiet when you want to.’

  Again, a weird warmth glowed in my chest, something in me liking that I’d pleased him. But then maybe it wasn’t weird. He was my friend and I liked doing things for him.

  He’s not your friend now.

  No, he wasn’t. Yet the warmth filled my chest all the same and somehow my nerves settled. Perhaps it was good I wasn’t allowed to talk. Not speaking meant I didn’t have to try and think of things to say, to be funny to ease the mood. I could stand here and not say anything, and it would be fine.

  One corner of Everett’s mouth curved slightly and I found myself staring at it, fascinated, wondering what on earth was making him smile since he smiled so very rarely.

  But he didn’t explain. That fascinating almost-smile played around his mouth, his blue eyes glittering. Then he said, ‘Strip for me, Freya.’



  HER EYES WIDENED in shock then immediately darkened, and for a second there was a moment where I wondered if she’d actually refuse. I wasn’t sure what I would have done if she had, but then it didn’t matter because the moment passed and she was stepping back slightly, reaching behind herself for the zipper of her dress.

  I didn’t say anything and I didn’t offer to help. I wanted her to take her clothes off for me of her own free will, unwrapping herself like a present just for me.

  She had a bit of difficulty but then the zipper came down and she was shrugging the straps off her shoulders, the green silk sliding down, over her breasts and hips, down her thighs before pooling at her feet.

  The lights of the city bathed her body, making her skin look pearlescent and the freckles scattered across it like gold dust.

  It wasn’t anything I hadn’t seen before. I had seen her in a bikini after all and she was still wearing a nude bra and a pair of lacy panties in the same colour. This felt different though. Because now that underwear was the only thing between me and her naked body, and soon she would be taking that off too.

  My cock ached, hard as a fucking rock, but I’d had a lot of experience in ignoring it and so I had no problem ignoring it now. In fact, nothing was a problem now. All the damn issues and dramas of before seemed to have vanished the moment Freya had looked into my eyes and told me that she wanted me.

  Perhaps it had been a stupid decision to agree to this. Perhaps we’d regret it later. But I knew the moment she’d put her finger on my mouth that I was going to do this. That I was going to have her.

  The dominant in me wanted her and, even though she had no idea what she was getting herself into, she’d given me her consent. It was something she’d only find out by experiencing anyway, and maybe afterwards she’d change her mind. But we weren’t at that point right now.

  We were in the moment and that was exactly where I wanted to be. No future or past. Just me and her. Where I was in charge of her and where I could give us what we both wanted.

  Complete control. It was a good feeling. A calm, settled feeling.

  We’d both crossed the line and now there was nowhere to go but onward.

  ‘Nice,’ I said softly, letting my attention linger on her curves and making sure she noticed me look. ‘You’ve got a beautiful body, did you know that?’

  A blush washed through her and her lashes swept down, veiling her gaze, though she didn’t move.

  She wouldn’t agree and I knew it. She was probably thinking of her aunt and her cousins, and their narrow standards of beauty. How she wasn’t little and blonde and girly like they were. About how she wasn’t supposed to care about that, and yet somehow did.

  Silly, Little.

  It was time she learned just how good this lovely body of hers could make her feel.

  ‘Take off the rest,’ I ordered.

  She hesitated a second, then began to take her bra off.

  ‘Slower,’ I murmured. ‘Tease me some.’

  Again she flushed, but her movements slowed, the straps of he
r bra slowly falling, one arm holding the cups to her tits, while the other reached around to unclip it. She gave me a look from underneath her lashes and, whether she’d meant it to be or not, it was insanely sexy.

  ‘Very nice.’ I let her see how it pleased me. ‘Keep going.’

  She glanced away again, but the tightness around her mouth eased as she let the fabric fall away, her bra dropping to the floor.

  Beautiful. Sheer fucking perfection. Her breasts were full and round, and perfect for my hand. Her nipples hard and pink, all ready for my mouth.

  Oh, yes, I was going to spend a lot of time with those pretty tits of hers.

  ‘Panties, please,’ I reminded her when it seemed like she’d stopped.

  She blinked then pushed her hands into the waistband of her underwear and eased them over her hips, and down her thighs to her ankles. Then she stepped out of them and straightened up, finally and gloriously naked.

  My breath caught, my fucking dick aching.

  And for a second all I could do was stand there and look at her. Because she was gorgeous. Tall and athletic, and with curves to die for. Pale, silky skin and a pretty nest of bright red curls between her thighs.

  Fuck, she was amazing. I’d known she was built like a goddess, but whenever I’d admired her it had always been in a detached, intellectual way. As a friend, not a lover. Tonight, though, it was different. Tonight, I could admire her in a way I never had before, a wholly sexual way.

  And I did. As though the embers of attraction had always been there, glowing hot, and all it took was a breath to make them burst into flame.

  I gritted my teeth, desire gripping me even tighter than before, and it took me a second to control my breathing, to get myself locked down.

  Once I had myself back in hand again, I moved over to her. She stilled, and I could see that she was shaking a little. Which wasn’t a bad thing, because nervousness could make pleasure more intense for some people. Certainly, out in the corridor at the museum, she’d been shaking like a leaf. Just before she’d come all over my hand.

  So I let her get nervous of me, let her get wary. Intruding into her physical space and letting her get a feel for how much bigger than her I was. Because the dark part of me loved to intimidate, loved to make someone feel small and vulnerable and exposed.

  I watched her as I did so, studying her to make sure arousal was in her eyes alongside the fear and, sure enough, it was there. I hadn’t been mistaken back at the museum. She did like me looming over her physically.

  I got even closer so she could feel my heat, and then very slowly I circled her, watching her, letting her get a taste of the predator in me.

  She stood very still, her breathing getting faster and more audible in the silence, and her skin was deeply flushed. I could smell the musky scent of her arousal, see the shivers that chased over her skin, goosebumps rising in their wake.

  Oh, yeah, she was finding this all very arousing.

  You knew she’d like it. You knew she’d be into it.

  I hadn’t known, not really. But I did now. Fuck, yes, I did now.

  I stopped behind her, very close, and then I reached up and wrapped my fingers around the base of her plait, holding on to it. ‘You like me looming over you, don’t you? You can speak.’

  ‘I’m not sure—’

  I tugged lightly on her plait. ‘Honesty, Little.’

  She caught her breath. ‘I...guess I do. Yeah. I like it.’

  ‘Why?’ Slowly, letting her feel it, I wound the silky mass of her hair around my wrist.

  She shuddered. ‘What are you doing?’

  ‘Answer the question.’

  ‘W-why do I like it?’ Her breathing had become ragged. ‘Because...because you’re tall. And you make me feel...small.’

  I’d already suspected that was the answer, but it pleased me to hear her say it, pleased me that she was being honest, because we’d always been honest with each other.

  ‘And you want to feel small?’ I leaned in so my breath brushed the shell of her ear, sending another shudder through her. ‘Is that what you like to feel?’

  ‘I didn’t think I did, but...yes. I suppose I do.’

  ‘Why is that?’ I tugged on her hair again, hearing her breath catch.

  ‘I...don’t know. Maybe it makes me feel...’ She faltered. ‘I didn’t think it mattered. I thought I was over it.’

  I tightened my grip on her plait, frowning at the note of hurt in her voice, a dark, possessive feeling uncurling inside me because I didn’t like the sound of that, not one fucking bit. ‘Over what?’

  ‘It doesn’t matter.’

  Without warning, I wrapped one arm around her waist and pulled her against me. At the same time, I tugged hard on her plait, jerking her head back against my shoulder so she was looking straight up at me. ‘It matters,’ I said flatly. ‘Tell me.’

  She trembled, her naked body warm and pliant, her eyes wide and dark with arousal. ‘Okay, okay. I like it when you make me feel small because makes me feel more like, I don’t know, more kind of f-feminine.’

  I should have felt satisfied that I’d been right, but I wasn’t satisfied. I was just fucking pissed off. Because I knew where this had come from. ‘Your fucking aunt, right?’ I demanded, staring down at her, holding her tightly.

  ‘Don’t be angry with her, E. Please. It’s not her fault that—’

  ‘It is her fault,’ I said sharply, the anger on Freya’s behalf making me feel a little bit savage. ‘Do you think you’re any less female? Any less of a woman because you’re tall? Because you’re built like a fucking goddess?’

  Her mouth opened as she searched my face and I let her see the heat in my eyes. Then I pressed my aching dick against the softness of her ass, my fingers spreading out on her stomach and holding her there. ‘You feel what you’re doing to me? That hard cock is for you. Because of you.’

  Colour swept over her skin and her throat worked as she swallowed, staring at me as if she was looking for lies. But there were none. I’d demanded honesty from her and I gave back the same. ‘I like you tall,’ I growled. ‘I like you strong. I like your body exactly the way it is. And you know what else?’ I pulled on her plait tighter, drawing her head back further, exposing her throat. Forcing her to rise on her tiptoes to prevent it from getting painful. ‘I like it because I’m a big man, Little. And you’re built to take me and that’s fucking hot.’

  She blinked up at me, a whole raft of emotions flickering over her face, gone so fast I couldn’t read them.

  ‘Can you?’ I demanded, tightening my grip to make her aware of how I held her and how restrained she was by me. ‘Can you take me, or am I wrong?’

  If I’d thought in any depth about how badly I wanted to hear her agree, it might have disturbed me. But I didn’t think about it. I simply held her gaze with mine, letting my authority do the work.

  ‘No,’ she whispered, her green eyes darkening still further. ‘You’re not wrong.’

  A deep satisfaction unwound inside me, the pleasure of knowing I’d got it right, that I’d read her responses correctly. And I liked that she’d trusted me enough to tell me too.

  And that trust was her gift to me.

  If she only knew the real you...

  Yeah, but she didn’t. And she wouldn’t. The only dark part of myself that she’d ever see would be the one I’d show her tonight. The one that would give her the most pleasure. And that was my gift to her. To tap into her deep desires, give her pleasure beyond anything she could imagine for herself. Pleasure she didn’t even realise she was capable of.

  God, I wanted to show her that. In fact, I hadn’t realised how much until now, until I had her naked and in my arms, under my control.

  ‘Good,’ I murmured. ‘In that case let’s take this further.’ Tugging on her hair, I eased her head to one side, exp
osing her neck. Then I bent and kissed the silky skin just below her ear. ‘Remember what I told you in the car? About how I was going to pull your hair while you sucked me off? And then I was going to fuck you from behind?’

  ‘Yes,’ she said breathlessly.

  ‘And you thought it was a joke, didn’t you?’

  ‘I didn’t—’

  ‘Well, it’s not,’ I interrupted, then bit her, my teeth grazing the delicate cords at the side of her neck, the taste of her skin both salty and sweet in my mouth. Fucking delicious.

  She gasped, trembling, and I nuzzled down the side of her neck to the sensitive place where it met her shoulder. Then I bit her again to prove my point, harder this time. Giving her a hint of pain. Showing her I was serious.

  ‘Ohhh...’ She exhaled sharply, squirming against me, her soft ass grinding against my hard dick. ‘Yesss...’

  I grinned. And because I was an asshole and I loved making her break, I said, ‘Naughty, Little. You weren’t supposed to make a sound.’

  She froze. ‘But you said—’

  I let go of her hair, then smacked her on the ass at the same time as I gave her another bite, the sound of my palm connecting with her flesh echoing in the room.

  She made a half-choked noise, jerking in my grip, and I grabbed her hair again, pulling it back so I could see her face. See what that small taste of punishment had done to her.

  There was shock in her eyes, but it was clearing, giving way to heat and...yes, fuck yes, challenge. She didn’t speak and I waited, allowing her a moment to say her word if she needed to. But she remained silent, the deep green spark in her gaze daring me to do my worst.

  She was brave to push me like this. But then that was Freya, wasn’t it? She always pushed me. Teasing me, giving me shit, not letting me take myself too seriously. Not letting me brood too long when things got dark. Cutting through my ego when I got too full of myself, being honest with me when other people were too afraid. Grounding me.


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