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by Annie Seaton

  And it was no one’s fault but her own. Blake could take a bit of the blame for starting it off, but she was the one who’d indulged in a pity party for too long.

  Way too long.

  She spent her days—and nights—in this house, with the occasional trip across town to her classes. She didn’t really mix with anyone after her working day, and was—had been anyway—quite happy with her own company, but since the Blake dumping, her self confidence had been shot.

  Sally knew she had to remember what she’d promised herself on the way up to Peats Ridge yesterday.

  From now on, life was going to be fun, and she’d make an all out effort to be a part of it again. She was going to loosen up and lighten her attitude.

  She was going to write an affirmation and put it on the fridge door.

  I will do something fun every day.

  Sonia was about to get the biggest shock of her life.

  Sally looked sideways at Sol as he lifted his bag from the car.

  And if it meant that Sol might end up in her bed, she wasn’t going to complain.

  She put the key in the door and it creaked open. Paws pounded on the stairs, and Muggins came flying along the hall, and spun out on the tiles.

  ‘Hey, baby.’Sally leaned down and picked him up. ‘Were you a lonely little pussy cat?’

  His little motor purred as she snuggled him against her. She looked up at Sol, and he was standing there staring at her with the strangest look on his face.

  ‘Bring your bag in and I’ll sort out a room for you. Heaven knows there’s plenty to pick from.’ Sally put the kitten down. ‘I’ll just top up his food bowl and I’ll take you upstairs.’

  She was surprised when Sol followed her through the kitchen and into the laundry. He looked around as they walked in. ‘Gosh, this house is amazing.’

  Sally shrugged. ‘Again, because I’ve lived here so long, I’m used to it.’

  ‘It’s got so much character. You can feel the memories in it.’

  There was a loud bang from upstairs. She turned and smiled at him after she poured the dry cat food into the bowl. ‘You can often hear them too.’

  He shook his head. ‘I love it.’

  ‘Come on, we’ll get you a room sorted.’

  ‘Not yet.’ Sol reached out and gently took her hand as she turned for the door.

  She looked down at their joined hands and her heart rate kicked up a notch. ‘Why, not yet.’

  ‘Because we need to talk.’

  ‘About the favour? I really do appreciate—’

  ‘No, about what you said in the car.’

  Heat flooded into her cheeks. ‘Oh don’t worry about me. I was a bit tired and cranky.’

  He put his other hand on the side of Sally’s neck and pulled her closer to him.

  ‘No. Your feelings were hurt, but you misunderstood what I meant. You made assumptions. Hell Sally, if anyone is the boring person in this relationship—’


  ‘We do have a relationship. I don’t know what it is yet, but we have one. It could be friendship, it could be business, but it could simply be this.’

  Her eyes widened as he let go of her fingers and lifted his hand to cup her other cheek. Both his hands were warm on her face as he held it gently and lowered his head.

  ‘I’m not very good at this, but all I know is that I’ve wanted to do it since you answered the door like a little spitfire the other night.’

  Sally widened her eyes as the light was blocked by his head and her mouth opened as surprise flooded through her.

  Surprise that flew out the window as his lips gently brushed against hers.

  ‘Sol,’ she murmured.

  He raised his head. ‘You’re not different and you’re not boring.’

  Her heart kicked again and it had a lot to do with those butterflies that were beating their wings harder. ‘I am, but I’m going to do something about it. I decided that on the way up to Dave’s farm yesterday. I’ve been wallowing in self pity for way too long. I’ve made up my mind. There’s going to be a much more exciting Sally Smith from now on.’

  His lips brushed against hers again. ‘What if I said I’m interested in the one I met?’

  ‘Um, I don’t know. There’s really not a lot to be interested in.’

  He shook his head, but kept his lips hovering above hers. ‘Oh yes, there is.’

  She found it hard to take a breath, and the room spun a little bit as she looked up at him. She hadn’t felt like this for a long time.

  If ever.

  The emotion was so sudden her cheeks burned when his lips took hers. Sensation flooded through her as she was swept into the moment. Her hands went around his neck and she clung to him as his lips burned against hers.

  Hot and hungry.

  A sensual shaft of desire speared through her as his hands went beneath her T-shirt. ‘Let’s take this out of the laundry,’ she said he she managed to get her breath back.

  He chuckled and lifted his head. ‘Not the most romantic setting. Where will we go?’ His voice was low and deep.

  ‘Maybe I could show you the different bedrooms and you can choose which one you’d like to stay in.’ She looked up at him and shyness flooded though her. ‘The beds are all comfortable. It’s one thing Aunt Aggie insisted on.’

  ‘More comfortable than the one I slept in last night? I’ll swear I could feel the board under it.’

  ‘You told me you slept well!’ Sally turned away from him but Sol held her hand as they walked down the hall towards the sweeping staircase that led up to the bedrooms.

  ‘How could a man sleep after you’d trailed your fingers over him for an hour? And all I could think about was you asleep in the room close by.’

  She laughed. ‘I didn’t get a wink either. All I could think about was you in the next room.’ She paused at the bottom of the stairs. ‘Do you want to bring your bag up?

  ‘Not yet.’ He held her gaze and she tried not to react too obviously as she stared into his dark eyes. Warm shivers ignited a fire in her lower belly as his hand settled in the small of her back.

  ‘Let’s check out these rooms,’ he said.

  ‘Follow me.’

  They reached the top of the stairs and Sally stood back. She gestured to the spare rooms up the hall from hers. ‘Sir, you have a selection.’

  Sol smiled. A slow, lazy smile that curled her toes. ‘A single or a double? What would your recommend?’

  ‘Depends on what sir wants,’ she said with a giggle.

  His eyes were dancing as Sol held his arms open. ‘Definitely a double.’

  His arms came around her and he lowered his lips to hers again. Sally closed her eyes as his soft groan matched hers.

  ‘Are you happy to share?’

  ‘I am. It’s about time I tried a new bedroom.’ She giggled. ‘Another way to show Sonia I’m not boring anymore.’

  ‘Oh sweetheart, boring is the last word I’d ever apply to you.’ His words vibrated against her lips and for a moment she forgot everything else as Sol explored her mouth. She sighed when he moved down to kissing the soft skin of her neck, and his hands explored the bare skin under her T-shirt.

  Chapter 14

  Two hours later, a hot breath stirred against her cheek and Sally kept her eyes closed as she murmured against Sol’s mouth.

  ‘Not again?’ She parted her lips to take his kiss. ‘I think I need to find some energy.’

  Sol chuckled and ran his hand down her bare thigh. ‘No. I thought I heard someone at the door.’

  Sally frowned and sat up clutching the sheet to her chest. ‘I don’t have any appointments until tonight.’

  ‘Maybe it was Aunt Aggie,’ he said as he sat up beside her.

  ‘She usually stays upstairs.’

  Sol chuckled. ‘As long as she respects people’s privacy.’

  Sally frowned as there was a sound in the hall outside. ‘Muggins must be hungry again.’

of hungry again. . . ’ She leaned into Sol as she put his arm around her.

  ‘You are the most energetic . . . ’ Her words ended on a gasp as the bedroom door opened.

  ‘Sal, are you in here? Where’s our car? There’s a strange car outside and a bag at the . . . Oh. My. God.’ Sonia stood in the doorway, her eyes as wide as the multi-coloured stripes on her dress.

  Sally giggled, but Sol tensed beside her.

  ‘Relax,’ she whispered. ‘Just follow my lead.’

  She stretched and pulled the sheet up over Sol’s bare legs as she did.

  A man had to have a bit of privacy.

  ‘Sonia,’ she said loudly. ‘When did you get back?’

  ‘Sally Smith. Just want do you think you’re doing!’ Sonia’s voice was indignant.

  ‘Just following your instructions, sweets. Oh, this is Sol. You spoke to him on the phone the other night.’

  ‘What instructions?’ Sonia’s hands went onto her hips. This is so out of character for you, Sally.’

  ‘I’m getting out of my comfort zone, like you told me to.’ Sally glanced at Sol and saw his lips twitch. ‘And Sol’s been helping me out.’ She nudged him. ‘Haven’t you, Sol.’

  ‘Sally’s taught me about chakras and Tantric sex, and I taught her about—’

  ‘No. I don’t want to know! That’s my twin sister’s bed you’re in!’ Sonia’s hands went up and she backed out of the room.

  The door closed behind her, and Sally stifled her giggles until Sonia’s footsteps pounded to the bottom of the stairs. At the same time there was a loud crash from the floor above.

  Sols’ shoulders were shaking beside her. ‘Aunt Aggie approves?’

  ‘I think she must.’ Sally tried to stop laughing but her eyes were filled with tears of mirth. ‘Oh, that was so good. We couldn’t have done it better if we’d planned it. Fancy Sonia coming home early. And what fabulous timing.’ She picked up the sheet and wiped her eyes. I can guarantee she’ll be on the phone to Rosie by now.’

  Sol rolled over onto his back. Sally looked down at him and his eyes were shadowed.

  ‘So we’re square. I’ve done your favour for you. What now?’

  For a moment uncertainty ran through her and the old Sally kicked in but she swallowed.

  Self confidence. She had it. The pity party was over. There was no way she was going to stuff this up.

  She twisted sideways and moved across so her chest was on his. He stilled as she put her face close to his.

  ‘Well, I don’t know about you. But I know what I want and I’m going to go for it. We might have only known each other a few days, but they’ve been the best days I’ve spent for a very long time.’ She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. ‘I don’t want to see it end. Unless that’s what you want. I know you’ll be busy and I know—’


  With that one word joy stomped through her as loudly as Sonia had gone downstairs, and as loud and strong as Aunt Aggie had shown her approval. Sally shifted so that she was lying on top of Sol.

  ‘Do you think we should lock the door?’ he asked.


  Six months later


  Sally said goodbye to the last client in her class as the cry came from the kitchen. ‘Bye, Mrs Tonks. I’ll see you next week.’ Sally closed the front door when the elderly lady reached the gate.

  ‘Sally!’ The voice was getting louder each time, and it sounded as those there was a good dose of frustration—or temper— mixed in there as well.

  She wandered into the kitchen. Sonia was standing at the table; her hair damp with perspiration, her cheeks bright red and her hands out of sight in the cavity of the biggest turkey Sally had ever seen.

  ‘What are you trying to do?’ She tried not to laugh. Sometimes Sonia got a bit cross with the new lighthearted Sally. Since Sol had moved in, Sally had laughed every day. There had been no need for an affirmation on the fridge door.

  ‘I’m trying to stuff the fucking turkey. What does it look like I’m doing?’

  Sally burst out laughing but the grumpy look stayed on her sister’s face.

  ‘It’s all right for you, Mrs Happiness and Light. I’ve had to do most of the shopping and cooking for Christmas dinner while you’ve had your yoga classes and his nibs has been stuck up in his study.’

  Sol shared her bedroom, but when he’d moved in, Sally had found a study space for him in the small room off the widow’s walk on the top floor of the rambling old mansion. It had been perfect for his needs. He’d almost completed the last work towards his qualification and he was thinking of opening a vet surgery somewhere at the beach.

  ‘Sorry. Just let me have a wash, and I’ll help you.’

  ‘Rosie and Taj and the kids are arriving at four. Aren’t you going to the airport to pick them up?’

  ‘Sol offered. He has to pick his mate up at the airport too, and they’ll all fit in Gertie.’ Sally wiped her hands and took one of Aunt Aggie’s floral aprons from the bottom drawer.

  ‘Did I tell you his mate, Dave was coming for Christmas dinner too?’

  Sonia nodded. ‘Sol did. But I’d already seen it in the tea leaves. A tall, dark and handsome stranger is coming into my life.’

  Sally spluttered. ‘I don’t think we could call Dave tall, dark and handsome. Besides, Sonia, I think he’s gay so don’t go getting your hopes up.’

  SOL PARKED THE CAR up the road while Dave and Taj took the suitcases inside. Rosie and the kids had run inside to see Sonia and Sally. They’d welcomed him, and as soon as Taj and Sol had shaken hands they’d looked at each other.

  ‘We used to go to Christmas parties at your house when I was a kid,’ Taj said.

  ‘I remember.’ Sol put his head to one side. ‘I wonder if that means I’m related to Aggie too. I must ask my mother next time I call in.’ Since he’d moved in with Sally—his mother had taken to her straight away and was even going to a yoga class once a week—and he’d picked up his vet science, the attitude of his family had done an about turn.

  Dave was waiting for him on the footpath outside the house. ‘Not a bad place, mate. You’ve fallen on your feet here.’

  ‘I’ve fallen in love here.’

  Dave rolled his eyes. ‘Pathetic. I think I preferred the old vague Solomon Brown.’

  Sol looked at him. ‘And I definitely prefer the old Dave Walker. The one who used to wear things resembling clothes. What the hell are you wearing?’

  Heads had turned at the arrivals hall as Dave had walked down the ramp. His three piece suit was hot pink and patterned with large purple flowers.

  ‘One of my designs, and before you say anything, it was on the catwalk in Milan last week.’


  Sol held the door open. He was part of the house on the hill now, although Sally had assured him she would move anywhere he had to go. ‘Come on in. I think you’ve met everyone except Sonia, Sally’s twin.’

  Dave’s eyebrows lifted hopefully. ‘Identical? Sally is a stunner. I can see her modelling some of my designs.’

  Sol hid a smile. ‘I can’t see Sally being interested in that, but Sonia certainly loves her fashion.’

  The smells coming from the kitchen were divine. They walked past a huge Christmas tree in the front living room, and the fragrance of the pine needles mingled with the smell of roast turkey.

  ‘Sit down, Dave. I’ll see where the girls are.’ Before he could leave the room, the door burst open.

  Sonia struck a pose in the doorway and Sol grinned. Sally stood behind her and caught his eyes and winked.

  Sonia was wearing a purple, pink and yellow striped dress—one of her signature tent dresses—and a matching turban. Her feet were bare and each toe had a different ring on it. Bangles jangled on her arm and her lipstick was the same purple as the stripes in her dress.

  Sol stiffened as Dave chuckled beside him and stepped forward.

  ‘You must be Sonia.’ Dave held his ha
nd out. ‘Is this for my benefit, darling? All you need is a bowl of fruit on your head, and you’d be perfect.’

  Ice dripped from Sonia’s words. ‘Perfect for what?’

  ‘For the Mardi Gras parade.’

  Sally stepped forward and nudged Sonia. ‘Be polite, he’s Sol’s guest.’

  Sol sat back and waited for the fireworks. This was going to be one hell of a Christmas dinner.

  ONCE DAVE AND SONIA had stopped circling each other like cats on a hot tin roof, Christmas dinner had been fun. Taj had kept them entertained with stories of his year on the circuit, and the kids had pulled all the bon bons to get the jokes out.

  Sally looked up at Sol as he stood behind her and held out a champagne glass. ‘Oh, I couldn’t. I’ve eaten way too much.’

  Her eyes widened when he reached below the table and lifted up a bottle of Moët.

  ‘You have to. Just one. I hope we have something to celebrate.’

  Her eyes widened when he put the glass on the table and handed the bottle to Taj.

  Sol took Sally’s hands and led her to the bottom of the stairs, followed by the rest of the dinner guests who seemed to know what was happening. Sonia even smiled at Dave when Sol reached into his pocket and pulled out a pendant on a chain.

  ‘May I?’ He held her gaze as he held it up. Sally reached for the pink stone dangling in front of her.

  Sol’s voice was low. ‘Sally, wearing this rose quartz pendant will activate your heart chakra and bind you to me, your soul mate. If you accept it, this stone will protect our unbreakable vows from all that life might put in our way.’

  Sally smiled as tears filled her eyes.

  Happy tears.

  ‘Rose quartz is a stone of the heart, the crystal of unconditional love,’ she said. ‘You’ve chosen well.’

  ‘Will you marry me, Sal? Will you fill my heart with love, and let me love you back.’

  She nodded and threw her arms around Sol’s neck. As his lips met hers, the promise of a blissful future was set in stone.

  Did you enjoy Beach Music?

  Book 3 : Beach Walk is now available


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