Player Reached the Top. LitRPG series. Book I

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Player Reached the Top. LitRPG series. Book I Page 8

by Rick Scar

  The location turned out to be a higher level one, but there were eight people, ranging from level eight to ten, so his party managed to deal with the local mobs.

  His in-game name was Dey-Ghard. He bought the game more than a week ago and, as a huge fan of fantasy worlds, completely devoted himself to it.

  One more slug fell from the ceiling and landed in front of them. Gurgling something about the group of gamers, it spat out a piece of its own body into the tank, which standing in front of them all.

  The leader of the group was a young girl. She was an Aykal, a member of the race, focused on managing the magic of creation, and was able to create small walls behind an enemy and thus, preventing them from dodging and jumping back. More difficult spells became available on higher levels.

  Conjuring ladders for reaching otherwise unreachable places or bridges for transition over abysses, one which could be destroyed when an enemy steps on them, was the task of the support wizards. Their help was considered valuable and their skills admirable. Functionality of their spells and their fevered brains could help any team.

  “Kirt! Don’t let it reach the healer with its spit. We nearly died because of it last time,”-- said the girl to the tank, before creating a wall in front of the healer.

  The problem was that the slugs were made to fight wizards. Spit, sucked mana points, and a healer without mana was just a useless bag of bones and meat.

  “I remember, Alteya!” grumbled Kirt through his teeth. “Things got a little bit out of control that time.”

  “Well, be careful this time!” The girl sighed. “Parsek and Angry Fox, shoot him faster. We won't be having a nice time, if one more comes!”

  “Got it, Boss!” the siblings answered in unison.

  The brother was a thiefling with a two-handed sword, and his sister a sniper with a longbow.

  Time went on as they methodically cleaned the dungeon. The thiefling opened and searched chests, finding small traps along the way. After some time, they came to the boss’s den.

  After restoring forces, they discussed their strategy and entered a cave with high ceilings, in the middle of which was a level fourteen Mother Slug.

  “Mother Slug: level 14

  HP: 1,600.”

  The fighting was long and they almost lost several times. Thanks to the fast actions of their leader, they managed. The Mother Slug called three level seven Slugs for help, but they were almost instantly killed by two melee skills, Baltar and Snake of Temptation.

  At last, the Mother drew last breath, sprawled on the ground, and left behind a sack with loot. As Dey-Ghard could do nothing to help with this raid, he collected everything the monsters had dropped.

  He dipped hands into the sack, sucking its contents into his inventory ring.

  “What’s in there?” Alteya asked him.

  “Well, well... Four gold and thirteen silver coins, a silver belt… Wait! Gold rank earrings! Lucky us! Leader, look at these characteristics. There are some vials covered with that muck they spit out. It's probably Mother Slug's. We’ve got a third class topaz that adds plus three to magic.”

  “Wow!” the team chorused their approval as such stones were a rarity, used for enchanting outfits, weapons or jewelry.

  “And last, but not least, some kind of an unknown scroll.”

  “Identify it then!” The leader looked at him, not understanding why he was hesitating.

  “Well, there are exclamations instead of question marks on it. It’s very suspicious!”

  “Gimme!” Alteya outstretched her hand.

  “Yes, it is very important, I understand. I’ve always been careful a careful man. Just a minute, I’ll check.”

  “Do it already!” the girl said through her teeth.

  Their party was waiting for the results of inspection, when, suddenly, a portal flashed open and the wizard got sucked into it.

  “Here…” That was all they managed to catch before he disappeared.

  “You used the scroll of “Back and forth”. You will be moved to a different Floor for a day. You can either hide and wait, or explore and discover something new. Make up your mind, Dey-Ghard. Fortune favors the brave!”

  Сhapter 24. Reserving ʻa little table’

  Once you are on a different Floor, you cannot use the group chat.

  However, you may use in-game mail.

  Because of the bright flash of the transition, Dey-Grey was unable to open his eyes. It was the first time he had used a teleport in this game. Involuntarily, to his misfortune. Having read the message, he looked around.

  The elf found himself on one of ledges of a big mountain. He heard loud sounds of exchanged blows coming from somewhere below him. He approached the edge, sat down, and carefully stuck his head out. Either two monsters or NPC were fighting at the bottom of the mountain, often facing and jumping away from one another. A man with short, black hair stood not far from the monsters/NPCs, watching. He then bent down as if preparing for something.

  “Who’s that?” Dey-Grey said to himself. “I have to write back to the Leader.”

  He opened his mail, and described the situation with the scroll. Keeping watch over the developing events down, he checked their levels.

  The distance from him to them was less than 130 feet, but due to the battle and the fact that high location, they did not pay him any attention. At least, the young man hoped that they didn’t.


  Level: ???

  HP: ???”

  There was no information about either of them. It sent a chill down his spine.

  “White Raven

  Level: 40

  HP: 1,220”

  “So little health? Unlike the other two, I can see his level. Is he a NPC or a player? Damn, he is too far to make out an identification ring.”

  Pondering what to do, the elf filmed the evolving events which, suddenly, began picking up steam. The guy, standing aside, darted forward and appeared near the white-skinned NPC. He stood still for a moment, as if making sure of his decision, and then he probably activated one of his skills.

  What occurred afterwards was nonsensical to say the least. Dey-Ghard, completely immersed in the gaming world, did not miss a single thing. Some sort of a monster materialized itself behind the fighter with a pick-axe. The poorly visible figure started to condense and become more tangible, forming into a mosquito--like monster. The elf activated his identification skill.


  Level: ???

  HP: ???”

  The young man, who had been exposed to something, took a step back and sank into a shadow. The elf had played all sorts of different games during his life but he had never before seen such a skill. The monster nearly killed the shadow --morphing guy, who was rescued by the second fighter just in time.

  After five minutes of fighting, the man with the pick-axe joined them. The beast was backing away, as were the white--skinned fighters. But everything soon came to its end, curiously enough, by the gamer’s dagger. “This will definitely get me views on Videoworld”.


  Alteya read her mail, which she had recently received. So it was possible to get onto the other Floors without using the gates. Sensible players could benefit from this information, but only for a short time. As she and her party were in the clan Rollin’ Dice, she had to repot to her clan leader.

  The Grotto of Slugs dungeon that they had found could only be visited by one party at a time. Nobody could enter while her party was there. Members of Alteya’s party currently had one task: to farm Teleport Scrolls.

  Nobody knew how many times one had to kill Mother Slug before she would drop a scroll. Knowing their rotten luck, it was probably a onetime drop which would occur at a different place next time.

  Alteya answered Dey-Ghard that she and the party would go to the Decay Gorge located near Lucky-An, but from the North side.

  Actions of the Rollin’ Dice clan drew attention of their rivals, who began to dig out information about it and
its members. But their attempts failed. The credible players were sent to the Grotto, and Alteya’s party was ordered to keep silent about it. The only thing enemies learned was the place and the name of the dungeon. The clan Rollin’ Dice definitely had this “little table” reserved on.

  Chapter 25. Owe

  It was possible to adjust the rating options and get notifications for one or several players. The option was generally useless, being made at the request of those who planned to monitor the progress of the professionals they liked, or observe the progress of a perspective newcomer, in order to avoid monitoring the ratings every day. But it was impossible to look for that uncut diamond in a sea of millions.

  Kingmaker had never thought she would use that function. But a mention call of the chosen player’s changes had disturbed her. This was the sixth time in the last two days she had heard his name being mentioned.

  She closed her eyes. Only one thought occupied her mind: “One, two or three levels…? I'm betting on two… Damn! Only one?”

  “Is he just chilling there?” --she asked herself, her sarcastic tone present.

  “But level 41… Crimson Berserker is only level 23. Where are you, you ʻmonster’? Where…?


  “Congratulations! You’ve killed a Baron class monster. Your actions decided the results of this fight!

  Awarded title: “Single”

  You fight desperately, without looking at the enemy’s level, and emerge victorious.

  +3 Luck

  +7% Chance to stun high level enemies for 5 seconds.”

  “Awarded title: “From Baron to Viscount”

  You’ve killed Baron and Viscount class monsters, which were 40+ levels above yours.

  +5 % Physical resistance to Baron class monster attacks.

  +3% Chance of unique drops when killing Baron class monsters.”

  Without hesitating, Will dug his hands into the corpse and removed its contents. Gikhor’s voice stopped him from surveying his take

  “Your actions to be brave, Raven saved Horghs.” Looking at the young man, he handed him the sword, which he held by the blade. “To take in your hand, hold it.”

  At first, Will thought that the Horgh presented it as a reward for his help. But, having been communicating with Lekhor for the last two days, he caught the true meaning. The rogue held the sword by the hilt while the Horgh passed his palm across the blade, wounding it in the process.

  “You to take voluntarily my blood by my sword. It is a ritual. Now I to you owe with the size my life. I to pay back it till I to die.”

  It was the first time Will took the digital personage seriously. One of his army friends once made a similar oath, although there were no rituals, just words; ones he had told after he had walked him out of the hot zone: “I owe you.”

  The meaning of that phrase was clear to both of them. But once their service had ended, they, unwilling to shed more blood, abandoned war and its gruesome ways.

  Of course, Will did not tell his family about it. But after receiving a large sum of money, one, that exceeded the regular pay of ordinary soldiers, his family became suspicious, forcing Will to lie that he had served in the special troops.

  In the end, his friend repaid the debt not with his life, but with finding him work. Thanks to him, Will managed to get a job in a really good company and support his sister.

  “How humane”, thought Raven.

  “So it will be, fighter from the Horgh tribe! You will owe me, and I’ll come to collect the debt. Be careful, don't die before that day!” He smiled and gave him the sword back.

  Lekhor did not stand idle. Will had no idea how he managed to cut his hand with a pickaxe, but he made a similar oath as Gikhor.

  “You have saved the lives of soldiers and miners from the Horgh tribe. They will not forget the oaths and will aid you during your travels.

  Current relationship with the Horgh tribe: 45/100 (neutral).”

  The monsters did not attack again until evening. During this time, Will was able to properly survey his loot. The only useful items were ten gold coins and gloves, which were, unfortunately, not for his rank.

  “Crimson Trace” (gold)

  Description: The gloves were created by Lagaonius, the vampire rejected by his nest. With their help he could suck the blood of his victims, and merge with their aura.

  +102 Physical resistance;

  +12 % Regeneration;

  +30 Stamina;

  +6% Chance to block one physical attack.

  Built-in skill: “Merge” (active)

  Allows the owner to merge with other people and gain health from them at the moment of vital danger.

  Duration: 3 hours

  Cooldown: 3 days

  If a vampire from Lagaoniusa’s former nest sees these gloves, you will not manage to avoid its attention.

  Requirements: level 65

  Class requirements: Warrior, Berserker, Vampire.”

  “Hundred twenty gold... Doubt that anyone can afford them, but I can wait… He-he…”

  Lost in his own thoughts, he was still unaware of the elf that waited in ambush on top of the mountain, who was considering whether it was worth going down or not. Although he was curios, his intuition prevented him from seeking a way to get down.

  He could already imagine the sensation that the video would create. After hearing the sound of a received message, his face became wan and drawn all at once.

  “Dear Dey--Ghard,

  If you are recording, which I know you are, I’m with you. Just know that Kingmaker warned us to stay silent. I know that you know that sharing the video would be the worst thing that you could do. In addition, she asked that you send all the material that you’ve filmed.



  “What on God's earth?”-- the elf swore quietly and took a deep breath.

  “I got it…” –he wrote back.

  Chapter 26. Welcome to Latakhorgh

  Glancing at the floating clouds, and the sun that slid unhurriedly down the sky, Will considered his options. It was true that he had leveled up quicker than any other player. Thanks to the successful combination of circumstances, the system error and the suspicious shelter in the warehouse, he now occupied the top place. But how long? According to his initial plan, he had to start grabbing lands after leveling. By word and deed, preferably, but if that did not work, by force and money.

  From the very beginning, he wanted to settle on a piece of land chosen by him and develop it. Will was well aware that this process would take a year rather than a couple of months. And now, he was one step closer to his goal. At the moment, he was the highest level player, with an epic chain of quests, which would, in the long run, give him many bonuses, and an opportunity to become one of the adepts of the Shadow Order which came with a specialization. Raven did not know yet how he would achieve all of this, but, if the ring alone had such surprising skills, who knows what he could expect from becoming an adept?

  As a result, the young man decided to remain with the Horghs until he reached level 45. After that, he would move further toward the Alvian Mountains.

  “White Raven?” the guard interrupted his train of thought.

  “What’s up, Lekhor?”

  “We soon go home. Do your want at our place?”

  “Why not?” He shrugged. “My plan is good, but it won’t hurt to have the support of a tribe of strong soldiers.”

  “The tribe like your, I assure you.” The Horgh slapped his stomach as to confirm his statement.


  The group of Horghs and the rogue approached the woods located two miles away from the mine. Gikhor walked ahead of them, scouting the area for any danger, while Raven and Lekhor kept a lookout at back of the line. Will got a message once they arrived at the forest.

  Welcome to the Taargada Forest.

  “Congratulations! You are the first player to visit this location.

  +4% Luck in the area for the next 30 days;
/>   +1% Speed.”

  “Taargada?! Is it that huge?”

  Opening the map, Raven looked at the areas he had revealed and visited. Having oriented himself, he drew a mental line from the village of Skiavra to the woods he had seen near it, as well as a line that point to this place. The view of the alleged territory aroused fear. Out there, in the darkness of the map he had not opened yet, something much more extensive waited him.

  “Will I find the casket in the Taargada Forest? I doubt the adepts of the Shadow Order will be waiting for me..."

  They had been walking for twenty minutes before they reached the 150 –foot high stone walls. Will gave out a quiet whistle.

  “Is this fortress your place?” --he asked turning to Lekhor.

  “Our home! Our tribe! We to defend our family from any monster. To build wall that for many years.”

  “I get it, I get it. You are the best and so on. Right?” He grinned, entering the opened gate after them.

  “Congratulations! You are the first player to visit Latakhorgh.

  +25 Influence points

  +2% skill

  +1% Speed.”

  His first opinion of the tribe changed as soon as he entered the fortress. He had imagined tents, huts or dwellings made from clay, but the place turned out to be a full-fledged town. It included stores, a central square and even some educational institutions. To the left of the gates were the barracks, in the yard of which young Horghs learned the art of war. Shouts of their veterans reached even his ears.


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