Player Reached the Top. LitRPG series. Book I

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Player Reached the Top. LitRPG series. Book I Page 18

by Rick Scar

  “Does the mean the king and the others might still be alive?” Will asked.

  “It is unlikely,” Emin replied. “These spies did not have a temporary mission. It’s not clear how long they have been here, but they weren’t plan on leaving anytime soon. It’s logical to assume they got rid of bodies.”

  “That’s it… no new information?”

  Emin shook his head.

  “What number?” Will asked.

  “The last.”

  “I’ve got an idea, but I need some info. First, are there several kings in the Swarm?”

  “Yes, there are three of them. Every king impregnates the Queen once a month. So what?”

  “Are they of actual value as soldiers? Would they spill everything they knew if their living king was cut on pieces before them?”

  “Ha! Where would we get a living king?” The captain stared at Raven as if her were a madman.

  “Just answer me. Yes or no?”

  “I’ve never thought about it. But I know the king is the second-most important one in the hierarchic order.”

  Will smiled. “Last question… are you a good actor?”


  The last spy, Zarsssus, knelt at their feet, smiling mischievously. Will knew he would say nothing in spite of this cheap powder. They needed something stronger to make him speak.

  Zarsssus glared hatefully at the captain who had killed his relatives. Despite the fact they had been tied at the beginning, the spy hoped their king would not compromise himself, and their queen’s plans would be executed.

  “Hey, how there you?” Emin distracted Zarsssus from his thoughts. “I know you are an elite spy. Pride of your race. Tell me what your king means to you.”

  “But Cap,” said another guardsman. “He can’t answer while under the influence of the potion.”

  “Knock it off, Dekker, we know he’s just playing with us. They’ve been ready to die since we found them, and he’ll give up nothing. So? Will you answer?”

  Zarsssus grinned, recognized his truth, and stopped pretending he was under the influence of the potion.

  “My kings and the Queen have the most important place in the heart of every Latian. They brought us into the world. It’s the same if I were to ask you what your father means to you.”

  “Good answer! Tell me, proud son of the Queen and the King, will you give useful information in exchange for the fast death of your father instead of watching him being chopped to pieces… slowly?”

  The spy frowned. He did not get the picture Emin was describing, but he felt concerned. Perhaps the captain was, but he spoke with assurance. “What the hell are you talking about? You, catch the living king? Don't be ridiculous!”

  “Bring him!”

  Emin did not waste time, and the impostor King was brought before them, sending a chill through Zarsssus. “Is that so! How? The King could not reveal himself, it is some illusion…”

  “D’you think I believe that’s my king? Your cheap illusion can’t deceive me!” Though the spy looked confident, he, Tartsius and the one who knelt were as alike as two peas in a pod. But his mind refused to believe it.

  “You know what it is?” Emin showed him a small bottle containing a bluish powder with gold impregnations.

  “Light pollen. Removes any illusion, except if you’re at Grandmaster and above. Not a cheap piece.”

  The captain did not reply, but removed the cap and showered the King with it. Nothing happened, except that the spy’s heart began to beat faster.

  “It’s impossible!” His clenched teeth gave him away. Tartsius was his biological father. So he had been here.

  “What do you want?”

  “Answer some questions. You know what I’m talking about. And we’ll kill him quickly. If you refuse, then he’ll be chopped up, piece by piece, with you watching.” The captain’s voice contained only indifference.

  “Cap, you know we don’t feel any pain.” Zarsssus hissed through his teeth. This was the truth, but to watch the slow death of the King… He did not know if he could stand it. He was not ready. He could impersonate anybody, kill, rob, but he could not watch his father’s death.

  Of course, the Queen was more important, it was his mission. The thought sickened him.

  Zarsssus closed his eyes, and answered, “Do what you got to do!”


  These words caused Raven’s to panic. It was he who was knelt, impersonating the Latian king. The idea was mad, but he did not see another way to make the spy speak. Will had discussed this plan with Emin and had agreed to die, which would result in him losing a half day’s experience points and game play.

  The captain had been shocked. After Will assured him that he was the Messenger of Gods, Emin had relented and agreed to support him.

  The young man hoped to die quietly. One blow in exchange for information. He assumed the King was important to the spy, but he had miscalculated. And now he had to act the part to the bitter end.

  It meant that he had 100% of sensitivity. He would have to make no sound. Otherwise, any chance that the Latian would confess would be lost. They felt no pain, and now Will would learn it…

  Chapter 54. A wry smile

  Will considered reducing his sensitivity level before discussing his idea with the captain, but something stopped him.

  Firstly, Raven considered sensitivity not only to reward bonuses, but opening new opportunities in the game scenario. The system, which allowed one to experience real pain, said, “Business makes a man as well as tries him. Success waits on effort.”

  For example, Raven deserved the respect of the hunter through his test, and that one had entrusted him with a difficult mission though he had not been strong enough. As a result, the rogue had to use his “Cry Soul” skill.

  The second point, of course, was bonuses. After that test, he decided he would never accepted such a task, but man by his very nature has a bad habit of forgetting once pain has to be endured. So did Raven. In addition, he kept in mind that each received title, skill or points to characteristics would give a chance to reach the top.

  However, he had to consider the possibility that the spy would just give up. But…

  Will knelt, unforced. It was not like the situation he faced in the house of the hunter. It was not his broken spirit, it was a chance to obtain information. Now everything depended on Will’s will power and strength of character that he had built since childhood.

  “Hold his head up. Make sure he sees everything.” Emin told two guardsmen who had been warned about the appearance of the alive “king”. “Keep his eyes open. Let him watch his father’s regeneration. Give him some paralyzing potion and untie the king, or else it’ll be inconvenient to chop off.”

  Raven was given some potion, increasing his health and reducing the time of debuff connected with blood loss instead of the paralyzing potion. It was an extremely rare elixir of which the magician of the guardsmen had only two portions. Their rank was Grandmaster level. The magician had bought them in the other empire where only four potions were made every six months.

  Will strained internally, preparing for the inevitable. The captain swung his sword at his body, and the first blow landed.


  Fingers on his left hand were cut off.

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  His executioner swung the sword for a new blow.


  Half his hand was severed. White-hot pain stormed through Raven’s mind. But he could not twitch. It was nearly impossible not to cry, to give release to his pain.

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  The captain took responsibility, slicing through the rogue’s other hand as if it were a block of cheese. Blood formed a huge pool on the floor.

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  “Loss of a limb”

  This list hung before Raven’s eyes.

  “White Raven: Level 53.

nbsp; HP: 2325/2650.”


  The captain, as if he were a lumberjack, clenched his teeth and cut their benefactor’s body to pieces, wishing with all his might that the Latian would stop im.

  Seeing Raven’s serene face, Emin could only continue.


  Zarsssus watched the acts of atrocity being carried out before him. The face of the king was quiet, the potion having paralyzed his body. But the Latian knew their peculiarity not to feel any pain. But as pieces of meat from the second hand fell severed near his father’s body, covering all with bright red blood, he did not know what to do. The captain kept emotionlessly chopping Zarsssus’ creator. What would his father say if he decided to reveal information that would allow his father to die quickly?

  “Stop, Captain!” he bellowed.

  Emin’s sword, about to come down on his father’s body again, stopped. The Captain faced him expectantly.

  “I cannot tell you everything, but can say this. Whether it will give you answers is up to you. But before I say a word, you must swear an oath that you’ll kill my King quickly. I won't reveal my queen’s plans, but I’ll tell you something of our race. Being bound by oath, I’ll be unable to tell lies.”

  Emin nodded. “All right. Chanro, cast a spell,” he said.


  Soul Oath. The magic did not allow lying. If a lie was told, it damaged a soul, slowly erasing its traces. Cruel suffering.

  It was possible to cast a spell on the Latian if he provided free, prior and informed consent, as well as the promise made before casting the spell had to be fulfilled, otherwise death.

  Emin promised to kill the king quickly, and Zarsssus’ body became shrouded in light yellow smoke which drew in in the captain.

  “I give the consent to Soul Oath,” Zarsssus said. “Act, the captain!”

  Another blow.

  The head of the king, an empty expression in his eyes and a wry smile on his face, rolled away.

  Chapter 55. Preparing for an exit

  “You died.

  You lose 40%XP;

  You are under the influence of “Weakness.” All your stats are lowered by 80%;

  You sustained “Injuries.” your speed is reduced by 80%;

  You are under the influence of “Grief.” You have no desire to battle, and all attacks will cause less damage to target for 50%.

  All your experience will be reduced by 80%. You cannot accept tasks.


  Awarded the title: "Sacrificial Innocent Person"

  +25% Physical resistance

  Description: You disinterestedly offered yourself for obtaining information on enemies of the country.

  Adamarona's people attitude towards you: +54.

  Current attitude status: 1/800, admiration.

  +250 Influence points

  You were granted a small lodge in the capital, Kadil. Address Captain Emin de Folker for directions. Adamaron's inhabitants will be glad to give you all the support you need.

  You made a rash decision. When most players learn about it, they will consider you a madman. But the nightmare you endured allowed you to understand that the body of any being may consist of very small pieces…

  You received skill: “Torture.”

  Rank: Unique

  Active skill: Apprentice

  Description: Time around you is slowed, giving you the chance to crush the enemy in pieces.

  Range: 2 meters.

  Energy required: 150.

  Duration: 4 seconds. Time ratio you/enemy: 1/2

  Note: Each following level increases time ratio, slowing down the enemy for one more second.

  Cooldown: 5 minutes.”

  Will found himself lying on a gravestone. He could not move or feel his hands. But his neck remembered the final blow. He gave a wan smile.

  How did he sustain it, remain imperturbable and not cry out in pain? “I just bet on myself to clear the hurdle. The majority would call my deed ludicrous. But The barrier is broken, and I am at the top, but you … you look at the next madman ready to make something impossible, and you just point your finger. There are hurdles in all of us, but not out…”

  Will was neither a crazy adrenaline junkie nor a masochist. He saw in it a great opportunity to case-harden his spirit and improve in strength. The man of tomorrow is forged by his battles today.

  So he looked at his level.

  “Name: White Raven

  Level: 53

  To the following level: 75924/139300 XP”

  “Time to leave. I think I’ve been down here long enough.”

  It was near midnight. After washing, he went to bed.

  An alarm-clock rang. Switching it off, Will yawned and moved towards the bathroom and began his morning ritual.

  While drinking his coffee, he checked the forums to see if anyone had posted anything interesting. The first he saw was a topic allocated with capital letters:

  “Business proposal for the first-place player!”

  Will smiled. He was shocked by the sheer amount of offers. The topic had various tabs, and each of them said:

  “If you’re reading this and you’re leveling up on the first Floor, press here.” There were two similar tabs, but involving the second and third Floors. The last tab said “Good deal on ad!”

  The number of visitors was due to a growing discrepancy in levels Attendance, it seems, is incredibly high. All because of the difference, which is not stopping increasing in levels.

  The second place in the rating was taken by Crimson Berserker, but the gap between himself and the others was five levels. Thirteen levels above Crimson Berserker was Number One.

  Will clicked on the topic with the advertising. He guessed they would request him to “train” or get a better weapon set and so on.


  “Clan Purple Fog: plug our clan and earn twenty-five gold a day.”

  “Clan Desert Winds looks for the player for cooperation. Advertising for thirty gold a day.”

  “Hey, d’you seriously believe he’s interested in such a trifle? Hey, pro! "Ice giants" will pay one hundred gold if you shine with our name. PM me if you agree.”

  “Rollin’ Dice will reasonably pay any sum that may satisfy the player if he agrees to meet with their clan leader.

  P.S.: If the schedule of the player is too dense, or he does not want to reveal his name, we will offer one thousand gold coins for boosting our clan in the first lines of rating.”

  “One more way to earn?” He had limited information on how to make the big bucks. He knew about on-line ads but advertising a clan? It was worth considering this option.

  “I wonder whether there is someone else who offered a higher price. So, stop!” Will reflected. “Can I join a clan who are still on the devil knows what floor? It’s better I discuss it with Pak”

  He shot Pak an email. Then he wondered whether it would worth continuing to hide instead of joining a clan.

  “The only one who knows about me is Pak. And he won’t tell anybody. He will ask unnecessary questions … Hm-m … But he’ll stay out of my business.”

  Pak answered quickly.

  “Hi, Crow =) Are you callin’ me up to join any clan? Nice idea. It is difficult to be a solo, and a good clan will help economically and physically. Though you seem to have no problems.

  As for Floors, you have to be on the same Floor with any clan you want join, and then walk where you want.

  Have you watched a film on Video World about Scrolls called “Back and forth”? We’ve found a couple of such items too. They're rare. Generally, when our Berserker ported somewhere there were monsters of levels unknown, a link to the Guild did not disappear and he did not lose bonuses.

  You catch my meaning?

  Come on, you got it, right?

  At the moment of accession, you and the guild have to be as a man and a woman - XD together. Unfortunately, you’re on the third Floor and our main clans are on the second one. I will reveal to you t
hat the best clans for the third Floor are Fortuna, Crypt, Rollin’ Dice, and Messengers of Gods. Just imagine, they relocated here from another game but say they are happy being here because of our schtick with players.

  That’s all, I must run.

  P.S.: If I were you, I wouldn’t jump into those clans just ‘cause of their rigorous recruitment campaigns. Nevertheless, they are closer to the top than we are.”

  Chapter 56. Descendants of the disappeared race

  “What’s going on? Where should I look for this damned scroll? Such a chance but I'm losing it! Bloody hell …” Will massaged his temples, digesting what he had just read. “If I was lucky enough to find the scroll, conversely I can be inserted higher than I am now.”

  The website was full of links to video and forums devoted to the game episodes. For example, cartographers continued doing their jobs, but the entrance to the site was no longer free. Information about open lands was much more expensive.

  On the first Floor, somebody had seen the Wild Serpent Nabaugh, which had transformed into flying Kragkh. The monster was a cross between an eagle and a goat. On the second Floor there were rumors about the Soul Crushers clan getting closer and closer to Dullakhan, but the where and how remained a well-kept secret.

  Will looked through all this info and waited while debuffs fell from his character. He went shopping, did his exercises and waited, waited, waited…

  It was a warm morning. More precisely, dawn, which saw the sun light the high spikes of the palace and pour in beams of its gold. Raven opened the system messages he had read before and re-read them thoughtfully.

  First, the lodge. Second, the skill which could show good results, not on this Floor but still… Third, the attitude stat at the Admiration level.


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