Mating Dance

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Mating Dance Page 1

by Samantha Cayto

  Table of Contents

  Books by Samantha Cayto

  Title Page

  Legal Page

  Book Description

  Trademark Acknowledgements


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve


  Read more from Samantha Cayto

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  About the Author

  Pride Publishing books by Samantha Cayto

  Single title

  One Night in a Dungeon

  Man Candy

  Alien Slave Masters

  The Captain’s Pet

  The Rebellious Pet

  The Untamed Pet

  The Captive Pet

  The Inconvenient Pet

  The Undercover Pet

  Alien Blood Wars

  Blood Dance

  Dangerous Dance

  Slave Dance

  Star Dance


  His Rules: Safeword

  Right Here, Right Now: Never the Groom

  Alien Blood Wars



  Mating Dance

  ISBN # 978-1-78651-728-9

  ©Copyright Samantha Cayto 2019

  Cover Art by Cherith Vaughan ©Copyright March 2019

  Interior text design by Claire Siemaszkiewicz

  Pride Publishing

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, places and events are from the author’s imagination and should not be confused with fact. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, events or places is purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form, whether by printing, photocopying, scanning or otherwise without the written permission of the publisher, Pride Publishing.

  Applications should be addressed in the first instance, in writing, to Pride Publishing. Unauthorised or restricted acts in relation to this publication may result in civil proceedings and/or criminal prosecution.

  The author and illustrator have asserted their respective rights under the Copyright Designs and Patents Acts 1988 (as amended) to be identified as the author of this book and illustrator of the artwork.

  Published in 2019 by Pride Publishing, United Kingdom.

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  Book five in the Alien Blood Wars series

  What lurks in the dark is not always a monster. Sometimes it’s your deepest desire.

  Trey Duncan’s career as a Boston cop has taken an unearthly turn. He’s become embroiled in an alien war being fought on his planet. Each battle they win is a short-lived reprieve. As he helps his new vampire-like friends save his own people, he can’t help but become emotionally involved, especially when it comes to the disturbingly appealing Demi. A hybrid of human and alien, the boy is both older and younger than he seems. To Trey, he remains a temptation he must resist.

  Demi is a young man caught between two species and cultures. While his fathers have always kept a tight rein on him, he is starting to break away from their control. He knows what he wants, and from the moment he set eyes on Trey, he knew that the cop was the man for him. Since the last battle, he finally has hope that Trey feels the same way.

  Biology forces both their hands, but Trey and Demi are still worlds apart in what they see as their future together. When their enemy’s legacy comes back to haunt them, it’s up to them to lead the way.

  Trademark Acknowledgements

  The author acknowledges the trademarked status and trademark owners of the following wordmarks mentioned in this work of fiction:

  Mysterious Ways: U2, Bono

  Band-Aid: Johnson & Johnson

  Canali: Canali USA LLC

  Hugo Boss: Hugo Boss A.G. Stock Company

  Hickey Freeman: Hickey-Freeman Company Inc.

  American Express Black: American Express Company Corporation

  The Dark Knight: Warner Bros. Pictures

  Thing One: Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. Geisel-Seuss Enterprises, Inc.

  Thing Two: Dr. Seuss Enterprises, L.P. Geisel-Seuss Enterprises, Inc.

  The Joker: DC Comics E.C. Publications Inc.

  Fenway Park: Boston Red Sox Baseball Club Limited Partnership

  Die Hard: 20th Century Fox

  Nobel Prize: Nobelstiftelsen (The Nobel Foundation)

  Walpole: MCI-Cedar Junction, Massachusetts Department of Corrections

  Casablanca: Warner Bros. Pictures

  Tiffany: Tiffany (NJ) LLC

  Bring Me to Life: Amy Lee, Benjamin Moody, David Hodges

  Lyft: Lyft Inc.

  Goodwill: Goodwill Industries International Inc.

  Why: Shawn Mendes and Teddy Geiger


  Barbary Coast, San Francisco


  Harry watched dispassionately as Alex snapped the neck of one of Dracul’s human minions. The man had sealed his own fate the moment he’d volunteered to do his master’s vicious bidding. Harry felt nothing but contempt for the vile criminal. As the corpse slunk to the floor, Harry eyed the back staircase leading to the third floor of the brothel.

  “Alex, I will go up to see who is sequestered there and render what aid I can.” He lifted the doctor’s bag he held in emphasis. “Then I—or we, if the poor soul is willing—shall meet you out back.”

  His leader approached, his gaze roaming the narrow corridor in search of unexpected danger. “We’ll go together.”

  Harry put his free hand on the hilt of the dagger sheathed on his belt. It had been a gift from an Ottoman prince and it was one of his most prized possessions. He knew well how to use it. “You have more important matters to attend to. It is still possible that Dracul’s brat remains on the premises. He’s stupid enough to grab his ill-gotten gold before fleeing.”

  “Val will see to that. And, I am curious as to what lies upstairs as much as you are.”

  Harry believed that claim. They’d been surveilling this place for weeks before attacking. The nature of the small third floor remained a mystery. Its use was sporadic compared to the rest of the saloon and whorehouse. Whoever lurked there was either dangerous or precious, perhaps both. The rest of the building was rife with all manner of enslaved women, drugs and alcohol, all visibly available without concern that the local police would bother to intervene. Dracul’s business was hardly unique in the city, yet, because it was his, Alex felt compelled to shut it down. Anything they could do to strangle Dracul’s sources of income was all to the good.

  Harry also knew that Alex was not in a mood for discussion, so he simply replied, “Please allow me to go first. If there is a hurt human there, they will find me less…shall we say intimidating?”

  Alex nodded once. “Very well. Have a care, though.”

  “Of course.”

  Harry didn’t hesitate to proceed. While he’d chosen to adopt a care-taking role in their new life, he was still
a trained warrior. He could fight and kill when necessary. Somehow, he doubted that it would be. As he climbed the steep, tight stairway, he felt a strange sense of what humans would call destiny. Something, or someone, called silently to him.

  He paused only a second at the wooden door that he wasn’t surprised to find padlocked on the outside. Whoever resided behind it was a prisoner more so than the other lost souls housed within Dracul’s den of iniquities. Harry crushed the lock with a quick squeeze before he steeled himself to go in.

  He stood on the threshold of a single, sparsely yet richly appointed bedroom. A thick oriental carpet and silk brocade wall hangings caught his attention first before a quick movement forced his gaze to the far end. An adolescent boy slid off the bed in a graceful movement to stand with head bowed. His curtain of dark hair hid his face, but Harry had seen enough in that quick moment to know he was the most exquisite thing in the room. And of course, that explained everything. Even in the notorious vice-ridden Barbary Coast, availing oneself of the pleasure of a boy prostitute would be a shameful thing. Only the richest, most daring of men would do so. And it would have to be well-hidden from prying eyes.

  The inhabitant stood mutely, undoubtedly waiting for orders as he’d been trained to do. He wore only a long, red-silk robe that hung open. His slender and perfect body was on display. It was too much to see, especially given his young age. No longer a child, yet not quite full grown, he shouldn’t be an object of sexual desire. Harry felt ashamed to have even glimpsed as much as he had.

  He turned in a futile effort to block Alex from seeing. “Please, leave this to me, sir.” He kept his voice low so as to not scare the boy any more than they had already.

  Of course, Alex had viewed everything, being taller than Harry and more of a warrior. He would have taken in every detail with a single glance, and that’s why he didn’t argue about going. “I will leave this to you, Harry. We’ll make sure the building is cleared. Don’t worry about danger when you come to join us outside. Give me your bag, so that you’ll be able to carry him with ease.”

  Harry didn’t hesitate to do as ordered. There was no question in his mind that he would be bringing the boy with him. And as Alex had already surmised, there was likely nothing for the boy to wear other than his robe. Those delicate feet shouldn’t be forced to walk in the cold muck of San Francisco’s streets.

  Once Alex had left, Harry turned back to the boy. He hadn’t moved an inch, but he wasn’t completely still. His fingers plucked nervously at the robe and his heart beat rapidly. Harry focused on that bird-like flutter, while he inhaled the boy’s scent. Underneath the acrid smell of fear was a sweetness that caused Harry’s own blood to heat. He tamped down the sexual reaction but vowed that he would patiently wait for the right time to show his instant devotion to this irresistible creature. In all the years they’d been marooned, no human had ever compelled him this way.

  He took a slow step forward. “It’s all right. No need to be afraid. I won’t hurt you.”

  The boy flashed his dark eyes at him for a split second before lowering them again. In that moment, Harry saw the disbelief. This boy had no reason to trust. “How may I please you?” he offered.

  That voice, so soft and melodious in perfect, clipped English, sent a shiver along Harry’s nerves. He swallowed hard in reaction before whipping off his coat. “There’ll be none of that. Put this on,” he added, approaching the boy slowly so as not to scare him even more. “It’s cold outside.” He held the coat in front of the boy until he reached for it with his small, trembling hand. “I’m going to carry you to protect your feet and take you away from here. You are safe with me.”

  Again that flashing look that broke Harry’s heart with its hopeless cynicism. The boy’s reticence led to Harry helping him. Harry was careful to touch as little of the human as possible, buttoning the coat to provide some privacy. No one would ever again see anything the boy didn’t freely show.

  “What is your name?” he asked, determined to give this former slave of Dracul’s as much dignity as he could. Thinking of him as merely a boy made him into an object, instead of a person.

  There was an audible swallow. The pulse at the base of the human’s throat pulsed rapidly. “L-Lucien, Master.”

  That brief hesitation, as if saying his own name was somehow foreign to him, sent Harry’s heart tumbling even further. He knew in that instant that no matter what, he would dedicate his life to protecting Lucien and giving him everything he wanted.

  First, though, he had to take him away to safety. Scooping him up in his arms, he said, “Master will do for now, but I’d prefer that you call me Harry.”

  Lucien gasped and stiffened for a second or two before relaxing into Harry’s embrace. Then he did an extraordinary thing. He lay his head against Harry’s shoulder and sighed. It was a sound of utter peace, and that simple and inexplicable show of trust sealed Harry’s resolve.

  Someday, he hoped Lucien would call him husband.

  Chapter One

  Boston, Club Lux, present day

  Trey entered the club with a sense of excitement and trepidation. The grand reopening was something he’d been looking forward to attending. After the intense rescue mission and final confrontation over in Wales, he relished the idea of life returning to normal. He didn’t question how his definition of what that meant now included hanging out with aliens in an exclusive place with mostly naked go-go boys and rooms where a guy could get his freak on.

  The club was packed, all its members apparently coming after months of renovations due to the kitchen fire. Although the whole event had been staged as a cover, the damage had been real. Alex had taken the opportunity to redo the entire first two floors. Trey was looking forward to seeing the results and enjoying being there without being on the clock as a cop.

  He was, however, on edge. Earlier in the day, he’d received a short, polite text request from Harry to come and speak with him at Trey’s convenience sometime that night. The alien doctor had rarely communicated directly with him before. It shouldn’t cause any alarm, yet it did. There was a simple reason for that. Demi. Harry was the hybrid boy’s father, and things had gotten pretty intense and weirdly intimate between them during the rescue. Not only had Demi continued to show his devotion to Trey, but Trey had also lost his own internal struggle to hide his feelings for Demi.

  If he thought about it—and he did constantly—he could still feel Demi’s fangs sunk deep in his wrist, sucking in his blood for life-saving nourishment. He didn’t regret a thing that he’d done in Wales, would do it again in a heartbeat. It was the aftermath that haunted him. He hadn’t known how to act or what to do once they’d been safely back, first at Malcolm’s castle then in Boston. His conflicting feelings for the half-alien man-child hadn’t gotten any easier to deal with. And now Harry wanted to talk. About what was the question that had plagued Trey for hours.

  His brooding was disturbed by Karl smacking his arm. “Man, this place is hopping.”

  They’d come together because his partner had asked that of him. Straight as an arrow, Karl wasn’t exactly comfortable in such an unabashedly gay space. But he was in deep with the club’s bar manager, Kitty, and he welcomed any excuse to spend time with her. Trey figured they’d done a lot of that when they’d mutually held down the fort during the Wale’s adventure. What, if anything, had transpired between the seemingly mismatched couple hadn’t come up voluntarily from Karl. Trey didn’t feel comfortable raising the issue, either.

  “Not surprising, given how long it’s been closed. And there’s nothing like it in Boston to take the clientele away.”

  There was a short line of men approaching, where they showed their membership cards to a pretty boy who managed to flirt and scrutinize with equal skill. Trey started to pull out his own wallet as his turn came, but Val materialized out of the shadows and intercepted him.

  “No need for that, brother.” The massive guy with the don’t-fuck-with-me Mohawk greeted both Trey an
d Karl with surprising warmth.

  They each went through the ritual of hand-clasping and back thumping of the typical modern American tough guy before Val led them past the checkpoint.

  “We’ve got a VIP table set up for you right by the dance floor.” Val glanced back at them. “It’s permanently yours, actually. We, ah, hope you both come anytime you feel like it.”

  Although Alex had extended free membership to them both previously, Trey hadn’t felt comfortable imposing on the generosity. Plus, he hadn’t wanted to give Demi any wrong ideas. Now that he was muddled in his own thinking about the boy, he had more of an incentive to stay away. Still, the fact that the Stelalux clan thought well enough of both him and Karl to give them a reserved table was sweetly endearing. They weren’t merely tolerated by the aliens or useful tools for them. They genuinely liked them, apparently.

  “Thanks,” he said over the din of the music. “We appreciate it. Don’t we, Karl?”

  “Yeah,” his partner said, craning his neck around the room. “Although no offense, I’m more of a sit at the bar kind of guy.”

  Of course you are. “None taken. Go ahead,” he replied, giving him a gentle shove.

  He shook his head ruefully at Val. “He’s never going to give up there.”

  Val’s gaze followed Karl’s progress across the room. “Oddly, I think he has every reason to keep at it.”

  “Really?” Was it possible that the stern and scary Kitty was softening toward the puppyish, yet determined, Karl?

  Val shrugged. “Stranger things…” He kept going, clearing a path in the throng of partying men, his imposing figure parting the lesser humans without effort. He stopped at a small, two-seater table right at the edge of the dance floor. There was a ‘reserved’ sign literally embedded in the dark wooden top.


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