Mating Dance

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Mating Dance Page 12

by Samantha Cayto

  “Like he slit Father Ted’s throat, almost severing his head?”

  “Exactly. That fucker won’t meddle anymore in my man’s business.”

  Trey said nothing more. He merely sat staring back at the boy while the enormity of what he’d just said sunk in. The piss and vinegar in the kid slowly leaked out. He deflated, slinking down into his chair. He blinked rapidly as if holding back tears.

  “I’m not saying anything more,” he added in a small voice.

  Trey almost felt sorry for him. Except for the image of Father Ted lying in front of him, as well as the nearly worse one of Demi diving into the Charles River in pursuit of this little shit, he might have. Instead, he gathered up the pictures and shoved them back in his folder.

  “Maybe after a night in a cell you’ll change your mind.” He stood. “He’s not coming to save you, kid. You’re already as good as dead to him, and some other boy is getting his ass reamed in your place.

  “I’m not the enemy. He is. You have no fucking idea how much.”

  Chapter Seven

  “I can’t believe I’m doing this in the middle of a murder investigation.” Trey eyed himself in Alex’s full-length mirror.

  Karl brushed at something on Trey’s shoulder. “When are you not in the middle of one? There’s never a good time on this job to do anything personal. We’ve hit a dead-end anyway.”

  That was true. The kid in the tank wasn’t talking. Having been baited into confirming their suspicions about who killed the priest, he’d clammed up good. Interviewing him had become an exercise in futility, and that was before his court-appointed attorney had entered the picture. John Doe, as he’d been processed under, was officially off limits unless his lawyer was present.

  “You’re right. Nothing’s happening tonight.” Other than a ceremonial sex act that made him more nervous than he’d been his first time.

  Running a hand over his own head, Trey checked out his barbershop trim and shave, as well as his choice in clothing. “I guess I look presentable enough. Not sure about the suit, though.”

  It was the best he had. He’d considered renting a tux, but that seemed overblown. This wasn’t a wedding, after all, more like a junior prom kind of situation—formal, but not too much so. Still, the few hundred bucks he’d laid out for this suit was nothing like the multi-thousand-dollar ones he could expect the Stelalux men to be wearing. He just couldn’t compete.

  “You look sharp, Trey. You always do, not that the kid is going to care.”

  Trey closed his eyes briefly. “Please don’t call him that. I’m freaked out enough as it is.”

  “Young man, then. Come on, Trey. If I thought you were doing something wrong, I’d pistol-whip you, tie you up with duct tape and toss you into the trunk of my car.”

  Trey forced a grin, appreciating how his friend was trying to ease his worries. “Yeah, I know that. Hell, I’d help you.”

  He flicked at some imaginary fleck on his collar while patting the pocket of his jacket to make sure he’d put the lube in. Harry had assured him that no disease could be transmitted between them, so no condoms were necessary, but a dry fuck was not on the agenda. The very thought of it made his hole clench—and not in a good way. And it was on him to prep himself. Demi didn’t have the experience to know what to do. He’d spent the last few nights loosening himself up with his own fingers.

  It had been more fun than he’d expected. Not a chore at all, especially when he jerked off at the same time with thoughts of Demi fueling his imagination. Of course, those fantasies involved him doing the fucking. Well, tough. Tonight was all about what Demi needed and wanted. Trey was a mere vessel. It kind of helped thinking of it that way, actually, made it more medical and not prurient. Yeah, that was how he had to approach the whole thing.

  Alex loomed up behind Karl. “Gentlemen, it is time, if you will.”

  Trey took one deep breath and let it out before turning. “Sure thing.” He winced at his casual awkwardness. Although no one had given him a script or anything, he still felt that there had to be a solemn way for him to play his role.

  “I am ready, sir,” he added.

  Alex smiled. “Relax, Sergeant. The ceremony itself is brief and fairly simple. The tough part will come once you return to this room.”

  Because the idea of doing this back in Trey’s apartment made everyone uneasy, Alex had loaned out his own bedroom for the night. That was fine by Trey. He definitely didn’t want to take Demi’s virginity within hearing distance of the guy’s parents. Plus, rumor had it that Quinn was occupying that bed for the moment. Alex didn’t seem particularly tense, but he must be seething inside at how he was sleeping apart from his lover. Oh well, that’s what came from entangling himself with someone so young. Quinn needed time to figure out who he was. Like Demi. This night was about sex, not the rest of his life.

  Reminding himself of that helped. Not a lot, but he’d take anything at the moment.

  He followed Alex into the living room, Karl at his heels, a solid presence that Trey really appreciated. The group gathered there was small—Val and Mackie, Emil and Jase, Kitty and Quinn. No Logan, though, and that didn’t surprise him. The veteran was great in a fight, yet she still struggled with everyday life and interpersonal stuff. Demi and his fathers hadn’t arrived, which he knew was by design. They would come up from their suite shortly now that he was there waiting.

  As he’d expected, everyone looked like a million bucks. On the long coffee table sat beautiful cut-crystal glasses filled with red liquid, enough for everyone. Trey’s stomach tightened even more than it already was. God. He hoped drinking blood wasn’t part of the deal. Harry certainly hadn’t said anything about it. Then again, perhaps he hadn’t dared.

  The elevator chimed and there was no more time for him to dwell on what made him nervous. A few seconds later Demi came walking into the room flanked by his fathers. From that moment on, he was all that Trey saw. Beautiful, as always, Demi slowly approached with an uncharacteristically shy expression. His features were clearly visible because his hair was drawn back in a loose tail, the strands softly framing his face. He was dressed formally, but with a cute flair that made Trey smile.

  Trey took a step toward him. Karl stopped him with a quick grip of his arm. Of course, he was supposed to let Harry and Lucien escort Demi to him. What few rules there were had been passed along to Karl as his otherworldly wing man. In this proceeding, Trey was the queen, and those lofty females were pursued, never the pursuers. It was hard, but he stayed where he was and watched Demi make his slow progress forward. Trey’s palms itched with the desire to reach out and touch. He held himself in check with difficulty, but there was no holding back his dick. It hardened, not caring about protocol and not the least bit conflicted about what he was about to do.

  The trio stopped a few feet away from him and bowed. It felt weird being on the receiving end of that kind of courtesy. He almost returned the gesture, except this time, he remembered his lessons.

  Then Harry stepped forward. “I am Horatiu Stelalux and I humbly offer you the precious gift of my son, Demetrius.”

  Trey blinked. He’d sort of known Demi’s full name, yet hadn’t ever thought of him as anything other than Demi—or ‘that brat’, except that moniker didn’t fit anymore. Mostly. The adventure on the Esplanade remained a sore point.

  Karl poked him in the ribs. Trey sucked in a breath. “I welcome you, Horatiu, and your family.”

  He kind of felt stupid, especially as he wasn’t even in his own home and really didn’t have the right to entertain here. He stuck to the script because this mattered to these aliens who had become his friends. This was their culture as much as they could honor it in this setting. He needed to help them feel comfortable in what they did. That was as important as treating Demi right. After all they’d done, sacrificed, on behalf of the human race, it was the least he could do.

  The reminder had him straightening his spine.

  “Do you find our gift accep
table?” Harry asked with nobility but not certainty.

  Trey didn’t hesitate. “I do.” He wanted to say more, because Demi deserved more enthusiasm than two words could convey. That’s not how a queen would see it, though, so, again, he kept to the convention.

  Lucien guided Demi forward. He and Harry each took hold of Demi’s left hand and slowly raised it. No further words were spoken as they silently waited for Trey to make his move. He knew what to do, but before he took what was offered, he glanced around the room. While everyone wore serious expressions, the humans also showed happiness underneath. The aliens, though, were different. There was a depth of emotion there that Trey had trouble reading. It was almost a sadness, as if what was playing out hurt—or perhaps mattered so much that they couldn’t maintain the façade of confidence that they always presented.

  It startled Trey, so much so that he took the time to gaze at each person. Emil, always more familiar than the others, had his arm around Jase and held him close. His hand made circles around the boy’s shoulder, as if soothing them both. Val stood behind Mackie, clasping the tag that hung below the boy’s collar. The possessive gesture was only outshined by the rapid movement of the bouncer’s massive chest. And Alex, his gaze steady on Demi’s outstretched hand, slid his own over to where Quinn stood beside him. He fumbled for the boy’s fingers and latched onto them. For a brief moment, Trey thought Quinn would reject the touch given the troubles between them but no. He instead entwined their fingers in a solid hold that perfectly conveyed how strong their relationship really was.

  His perusal of the room seemed to take a long time. It had only been a couple of seconds and had done surprising wonders for his nerves. He returned his gaze where it wanted to be, on Demi. Then he reached for his hand and took it from the boy’s fathers. Without looking, he raised it to his lips, turned it over and pressed a kiss to the inside of the wrist. A shudder ran through Demi at the touch, something Trey had no trouble detecting. He grinned and was rewarded with a shy smile in return.

  The tension, or whatever it was, in the room evaporated. Seriously? As if anyone was actually worried that he would reject Demi. In any event, the mood turned positively joyful. Harry and Lucien beamed before clasping their own hands and sharing a quick, sweet kiss. Not that any of that held Trey’s attention. He tugged Demi to his side and wrapped his arm around his waist. While their heights were closely aligned, the half-alien boy was far more slender. He fit neatly against Trey’s broader body.

  Emil and Jase started passing the glasses around. Trey swallowed hard as Emil handed him one before doing the same to Demi. Except up close, Trey could tell that the drinks weren’t the same. His was thinner and the scent of wine wafted up even though Demi’s blood-filled glass produced a stronger smell.

  Once everyone had been served, Trey waited for some sign that they should all drink. A toast maybe. None came. Instead, the others merely drank eagerly, talking in low tones and sharing quiet kisses and other forms of affection. Kitty strolled over, taking Karl’s attention. Under other circumstances, Trey would have been tempted to ogle what was going on between the two of them. Now, however, wasn’t the time. Demi was where his focus needed to be.

  He clinked his glass against Demi’s. “Here’s looking at you, kid.” Cheesy, but the best he could come up with. The wine’s hearty bouquet hit his tongue with a burst of flavor. Of course, it was some likely hideously expensive vintage.

  Demi’s pretty lips pursed. “I’m not a kid. Well, not for much longer anyway.” He batted his eyelashes in an irresistible way before taking a sip of his drink.

  Trey first placed a quick kiss on that luscious mouth, then said, “Your movie education needs improvement.”

  “I get the reference. I’m just saying.” He lay his head on Trey’s shoulder. “I don’t want you hesitating tonight because you think I’m young.”

  Now Trey kissed the top of his head. “Don’t worry. I don’t have that much control or sense of morality. I want you. All you have to do to be confident of that is glance down. I’m surprised my pants haven’t ripped right open.”

  Demi giggled and rubbed his face along Trey’s neck like a cat. “I’m the same. Why don’t we go now?”

  “Um, is that okay? Won’t it be rude or something to leave before everyone’s at least finished their drink?”

  “No, silly. I’m yours for the night. You call the shots. Whatever you want, goes.”

  Wow. That was so not the thing to say in front of his dick. It pulsed while his balls tightened. He’d better get started before he hurt himself with the waiting. “Okay,” he said after another quick head kiss, “go on ahead of me. I’ll be there in a second.”

  Pulling away, Demi gave him a sly look. “Don’t keep me waiting too long.” Another quick flutter of his lashes then he was sashaying away, putting a provocative swing to his slender hips.

  Trey downed the rest of his wine in one gulp.

  Karl’s hand came out of nowhere. “Let me take that for you, boss.”

  “Thanks.” He grimaced. “I’m tempted to have more, like an entire bottle.”

  Karl shook his head. “Uh-uh. You need a clear head more than Dutch courage.”

  “You’re right.” He clapped a hand on his partner’s shoulder. “Thanks again for being here.”

  Karl’s eyes shifted to the side. “Like it’s a hardship for me to have an excuse to hang with Miss Kitty.”

  “Yeah, right. Enjoy.”

  Next, Trey approached Harry and Lucien, feeling the need to say something before trotting off to deflower their son. Harry had his hand cupped around the back of his husband’s head and they were hunched in toward one another. They turned to him when he got close. Tears swam in Lucien’s eyes, causing Trey’s stomach to drop.

  “Oh, God, don’t cry.” The words were out of his mouth before he could stop them. “I’ll take good care of him, I promise. Unless you’ve changed your mind?” The thought caused a lump to form in his throat. Mary, mother of God, please don’t do that.

  In the next instant, Harry allayed his fears. “We have not. We can’t. Biology drives us all in this matter.” He rubbed his thumb along his husband’s cheek, catching a tear that had escaped. “It’s hard. That’s all.”

  Lucien blinked rapidly before setting his gaze on Trey. “We trust you, Sergeant Duncan. Please pay me no mind. Like any parent, I suppose, I find it difficult to accept that my son is grown up.” His lips quivered in a parody of a smile. “That reminds me that Idris needs tending. Damien was kind enough to watch him, but the child is my responsibility.”

  Trey was tempted to say something stupid like ‘hey, we should be on a first name basis’ but he held his tongue. With a bow, Lucien turned and walked away with a straight back and no hesitation.

  Harry’s expression conveyed his love as he watched his husband leave. “It took nearly two years before he could look me in the eye, three more after that until he welcomed my touch as something more than duty—or at least convinced me that was the case. I waited for that signal, fought my own desires all the while, because hurting him was anathema to me. Even now, I sometimes worry that he’s merely doing what he’d been brutally trained to do—submit to whatever powerful man possessed him with a convincing smile.”

  “He loves you.” Trey was kind of crap at reading other people’s emotions, but even he could tell that much.

  Harry looked at him with wide eyes. “You think so? It is all I’ve ever wanted since the moment I first saw him. Certainly I’ve given him safety and comfort.”

  “And Demi.”

  “Yes, he loves our son. Of that, I have no doubt. He trusts me, as well, and I’ve always strived to never give him regret that he does. He believes that you must take Demi to bed tonight because it’s medically necessary. I’ve assured him of it, and so he has fought his own instinct to keep our son away from the carnal pursuits of a man. It must bring up painful memories for him.”

  Trey cleared his throat. “I get that. I pr
omise you, though, Harry, that I will treat Demi with the care and respect he’s due.”

  Something frighteningly feral crossed the man’s face. “I’m certain you will. If you don’t, you know I will suck your blood dry, rend your flesh and grind your bones to dust.”

  Trey coughed as if he’d been hit in his solar plexus. “Got it. But if you don’t mind, I’m not going to dwell on that right now. Otherwise, I’ll be no good to Demi.”

  Harry inclined his head. “Naturally. I wish you a good night.” With another quick bow, he walked away.

  Trey stood frozen for a few seconds.

  Once again, Karl proved his worth. He ambled up and said, “Shake it off, Trey, and get in there.” He jerked his head in the direction of the bedroom.

  Trey snorted. “Who are you, Yogi Berra?”

  “Tonight I am, apparently. Didn’t we say our goodbyes like five minutes ago?” He waggled his thumb.

  “Right. I’m going, I’m going, coach.”

  Hitching up his pants, he headed for the bedroom. No one seemed to pay him any mind, which he sincerely appreciated. The bedroom door was tipped shut. He pushed it open with his fingertips and stepped inside. Once again, he froze, all executive functions having shut down in his brain.

  Demi lay propped up against the pillows, having turned down the bedding. He was stark naked, his silky black hair cascading down his shoulders and his glass of blood dangling in one hand. And, his slender cock stood ridged against his flat stomach.

  “What took you so long?” The question was asked in a low, breathy voice. Demi took a sip of his drink while he kept his gaze on Trey.

  Trey didn’t have any words, wouldn’t have been able to get them out of his dry mouth anyway. Instead of answering, he kicked the door shut with his foot then stumbled his way to the bed, shucking clothing as he went. Maybe he was supposed to do this with some kind of finesse. A striptease perhaps? A slow seduction, drawing out the anticipation for them both.


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