Tales & Dreams

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Tales & Dreams Page 5

by G. Bailey

  “Where is your father?” I ask.

  “Dead. The Tale Masters killed him not long after I was born. My uncle told me so,” he says, and I get a sneaky feeling he really trusts his uncle.

  “Then why didn’t he come for you sooner?” I ask.

  “You ask a lot of questions,” Quinton replies.

  “Only the ones you are trying to avoid asking yourself, Quin,” I answer.

  “I hate how you do that,” he mutters, finally looking at me.

  “Do what exactly?” I ask.

  “Get into my head and confuse me. You’ve always been able to do it to me. It’s why I love you,” he says and gently places his hand over mine. I pull my hand away and quickly stand up off the bench. “I still love you.” His words almost echo around me, like they are there to haunt me.

  “Quin, you have no idea what love is then! If you loved me, if you knew me well enough, then you would have never let Sin die! I would have died for him; I would rather have died with him than let him die alone!” I shout at Quinton, and I can’t look at him for more than a second.

  “Madi, I just—”

  “Couldn’t let me die? Well, is this reality any better? I will mourn Sin for the rest of my life, and every time I look at you, I only see him dying. That is it for us, do you understand that?” I ask. “You don’t love me, not real love, and maybe one day you will love someone enough to understand what I’m feeling right now.”

  “Did you ever love me?” he asks.

  “That is the sad thing. I loved you as much as I loved him at one point. Or at least I thought I did. The truth is simple… I could walk away from you and move on. I could never do that with him. Even in death, my soul partly belongs to Oisin,” I say, and he nods, looking down at the ground as I do the best thing for us both, I walk away. I head straight around the corner, bumping head first into Warren who catches me with one arm around my waist.

  “Hey,” I say, clearing my throat and pushing a hand into his chest to back myself away. “I’m sorry, I wasn’t looking where I was going.”

  “You should be more careful,” he says, his voice husky, and I take a big risk by lifting my hand and going to push his cloak hood down. “Don’t. You won’t like what you see, Miss Dormiens.”

  “I’m sorry, that was rude of me,” I say, letting my hand drop, and I walk around him towards the entrance to the academy without saying another word as he follows me. I only look back at him when I’m outside my room, and I’m super curious about what he is a descendant of. Everything about Warren makes me curious. Thank god I’m not a cat, or I’d have to worry about getting myself killed.

  “What are you descended from? I know it’s rude to ask, but I want to know,” I ask him, and he doesn’t reply to me as I stare at his dark hood. I shake my head, wondering what the hell I’m doing as I turn the handle of my door and let myself back into my room. Just as I close the door, keeping my eyes on Warren, he tells me the answer.


  Chapter 9

  I quickly shut the door, wondering why I’m suddenly a little frightened of Warren. I vaguely remember the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale, but I’m sure my memory is a little rusty. Something about making a deal with a girl so she can make gold or something. There was something about a firstborn child being stolen. Damn, I really need to find a human fairy tale book or a charger for my phone so I can google it.

  “Hey, what did ice dude want?” Tavvy asks as I turn around to face her.

  “The usual. I don’t really want to talk about it,” I say, and I know she understands as she comes closer and places her hand on my arm for a moment before stepping away and going back to her spot on the floor where she was reading a book. “Do you know anything about the Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale?”

  “Why?” she asks, her face going a slight bit pale. I walk across the room and sit next to her as she places her book down.

  “Just curious,” I lie, and I have no idea why I automatically just did that.

  “The Rumpelstiltskin fairy tale is one of the most famous in our world, Madi. The history books all talk about their dark line and how you should never trust a word that leaves their lips. They used to be the royals of the dark tales, the most powerful and trickiest from their very birth. Well, that is until one of them gave up the throne to the Frostans. We never knew why, only that it happened right before the peace agreement was meant to be made between the good tales and dark tales,” Tavvy explains to me. “Then the Frostans declared war, and here we are today because of that war.”

  “Why would they give up the throne?” I ask because that doesn’t make one bit of sense.

  “Who knows?” Tavvy replies. “I never read an answer or heard one.”

  “What do you think their power is? I don’t remember a whole lot about the fairy tale, to be honest,” I admit.

  “Humans never got close to the truth with them, like a lot of tales, in all fairness. I didn’t read the section on their powers, but they were the royals. The most powerful for a reason,” she explains to me. It means I need to be more cautious around Warren, even if part of me trusts him for some insane reason. I mean, he has kept my secret about the portal, and I can’t see any other reason why he would do that other than the fact he isn’t on Rueben’s side. I highly doubt Rueben didn’t use underhanded tactics to get the throne from Warren’s family, so I’m sure Warren doesn’t trust or respect him. From my talk with Quinton, I’m realising Rueben is a sweet talker and very good at manipulating people. He knew Quinton craved a father figure in his life, so he used that desire to manipulate Quinton to his side. I know Quinton isn’t that stupid though, and hopefully he will start to see through the cracks.

  “Thanks anyway,” I eventually reply to Tavvy, realising that she is staring at me, trying to understand what I’m feeling.

  “Are you okay?” she asks, and I really don’t blame her for questioning me. I feel like I’m slowly losing my mind.

  “Define ‘okay’?” I ask her with a humourless chuckle that she sadly smiles at. I jump when there is a tapping at the window. We both quickly get up and see a raven sat at the window, tapping its head against the glass repeatedly.

  “Why are the ravens so obsessed with you?” Tavvy asks. “It isn’t your power.”

  “I don’t know,” I reply, watching as the raven taps and taps on the window. Before either of us can comment on the raven, a portal burns into the room, and a hand reaches out. I run to the portal, sliding my hand into the waiting one and holding my other hand out for Tavvy who grabs it. I’m pulled through the portal, straight into Knox’s arms, and I stare up at him as I let go of Tavvy’s hand while the portal disappears behind us. I smile widely at him because he looks better. At least more normal than the last time I saw him. His hair is brushed out of his face, he has shaved, and he smells a lot better now. His eyes still hold the same grief and pain though, even if he is trying to function.

  “Right, this is awkward for me once again. Nice to see you, Knox,” Tavvy says, and I can’t help but smile at her words with Knox for a second as we hear her walk away.

  “I’m so sorry about yesterday. I was out of order, and I—” Knox tells me, and I lift my hand, placing a finger in front of his lips.

  “Don’t be. You are grieving, we all are,” I tell him, and he gently presses a kiss to my finger before I lower it. “There is nothing to forgive.”

  “I hate to ask anything of you, especially when I really want to throw you over my shoulder, take you to my room, and lock you in there so you don’t go back to that academy...but I need your help with Tobias,” he says, looking away from me to the woods in the distance before meeting my eyes again. “I can’t lose another brother, and Tobias...well, you need to see to understand. We are having a funeral, burning Oisin’s body and saying goodbye. It’s important he comes tonight. We all need him there, and he needs to say goodbye.”

  “Where is he?” I ask, knowing it must be bad if Knox is worried about him. Kn
ox waves a hand, creating a shimmering silver portal that looks like water. It hurts to think of a funeral...it seems so set in stone that way. I’ve seen Sin twice now since he died, and I don’t think I’m ready to stop seeing him yet.

  “I will try to help,” I tell Knox.

  “Be careful. Tobias isn’t himself. When you want to come back or if you need me at all, just shout my name. I will be listening,” he says, letting me go after pressing a kiss to my cheek. I turn back to him and wrap my arms around his waist, holding him tightly, and he holds me back, resting his head on top of my head for just a second. I step away, knowing he wants me to stay, but Tobias is more important at this moment. I need to see Tobias, to see he is okay myself. I know there is a good chance he isn’t; Tobias has never taken dark emotions all that well.

  I step through the portal, which is soft as it floats over me like a blanket of silk, and then I’m stood in the middle of the forest. There are large rocks all around the clearing I’m in, and those are surrounded by the large trees. My feet are in a stream, the water quickly soaking my trainers and the bottom of my leggings, though it isn’t cold. The light beams down into this place, casting thick shadows over the rocks and against the stream of water travelling over the little stones.

  I turn around, and that’s when I see Tobias for the first time since Oisin died. He is sitting in the stream, his head in his hands as he is hunched over, watching the water. His shirt is gone, showing off his muscular back that is tight and strained, much like how he feels to me. His skin is pale though, and there are scratches and cuts all over him, some deep and some will heal soon. I can see bits of broken rock that are still in his skin, and it’s clear he hasn’t bothered to look after himself.

  “Tobias,” I gently say his name, but he either doesn’t hear me or he ignores me altogether. I carefully walk over to him and around him, but he keeps his head hidden from me. I unclick my cloak before chucking it onto the bank of the stream. I slowly sit down in the water, trying to ignore how cold it is as it soaks my leggings, and the little stones feel like they are going to leave permanent imprints in my ass. None of it matters though, not as I place my hands on Tobias’s arms, and he is shaking.

  “The last thing Sin said to me was that I needed to be a man and be enough for you because, right then, I wasn’t. He was right, I was a fucking mess. I should have been there for my brothers and you, and because I wasn’t, Sin died,” Tobias says, his voice cracking like he has been screaming or shouting for days. He might have been for all I know.

  “No,” I say, shaking my head, even though he can’t see it as he stays in the same position. “Sin died because of Rueben Frostan, and that is it. As much as I wish to any god we could change that fact...we can’t.”

  “Then can you tell me how to live with it? I just don’t know how, Sleepy,” Tobias says, and this time, he lifts his head and meets my eyes. My breath hitches when I see how bad Tobias really looks. His brown hair is wet, sticking to his forehead, and it is super long now. I’d almost like his hair like this if it weren’t for the fact that he has clearly given up. His brown eyes are still so beautiful with those silver specks of light in them, but they are even darker now, changed by the pain that is coming off him in waves. Pain and guilt are swallowing him whole, and I won’t let that happen; I won’t let him be lost because of it. Sin wouldn’t want that, I know it deep inside of my heart. Tobias Tale can’t be lost, because I need him. I want him, and I...love him. I always have, even though he is a hot mess most of the time now. He needs a reason to live, to fight for, and I have to hope I’m enough now.

  I move closer, lifting my wet hands to his pale cheeks and lifting his head just an inch. My heart beats so loudly, almost echoing, with how nervous I am as I press my lips to his cold ones. I don’t let go as his clear instinct is to push me away, to fight me off, because letting me get close to him is too risky. He is too scared of losing me. I understand that emotion perfectly and way more than I’d like to.

  I’m not living for the past anymore...I’m fighting for the future. Tobias needs to do this too, or he will stay here and let the past destroy him. Tobias snaps, tugging me closer with his hands that go to my waist as he kisses me back, pouring all the pain and emotion he is feeling into a dangerous, addictive kiss. I wrap my legs around his waist, as I slide my hands into his thick, wet hair and grip his hair tightly as he deepens the kiss.

  “Tobias, no more pushing me away and fighting me. I love you, and I’m going to fight for us. Please tell me I’m not fighting for nothing,” I whisper against his lips. “Please.” My words are nothing short of a desperate plea, because I can’t lose Tobias.

  “I love you too. I am never going to let you down, not anymore. Losing Sin, it made me realise life is so fleeting, and it can be gone in an instant, even for the good ones. It should have been me that died; I was the one that used drugs, got fucked up, and let you down. Sin was the good guy, the one who never did anything wrong, and yet he still lost his life. I miss my brother so fucking much, but I’m going to make him proud. I’m going to be the man he wanted me to be,” he tells me, and I hug him tightly, placing my head on his shoulder. That’s when I see Sin, standing in the river though it flows through him, and he smiles widely at me before disappearing. My heart breaks a little more, even though I know this is what Sin wanted for me. For Tobias.

  He should be here to live with us, to hug his brother.

  I will never stop loving Sin and wishing he was here...but I have to find a way to live. Just like Tobias has.

  Chapter 10

  I hold Knox’s and Noah’s hands while we watch the pillar of wood holding Sin’s body as it lights on fire. The fire rapidly spreads all over the wood, spitting sparks into the air. There is almost no sound, nothing but the crackling of the fire and the beating of my own heart. The sound of my tears dropping onto the ground is a small sound as well, I guess. The smell of the fire makes me want to run away, to deny this is all happening. Tobias stands at Noah’s side, and I feel all their pain like it is my own as I stand here. There are twelve other pillars floating in the big lake we are standing on the edge of, each one has a body they were able to save. Mothers, fathers, lovers and even one child. The dark tales didn’t care who they killed; they just took what they wanted.

  Eventually, some of the mourners break down. The cries and sobs of the people are so hard to stand here and take in. I can’t say goodbye to Sin. Not yet. I let go of the brothers’ hands and turn around, walking into the forest. I don’t know if they are following me. I don’t know anything as tears blur my vision while I walk along the pathway. I keep walking and walking until I stop right in front of Knox’s cabin. I look to the pool, and before I think about it, I start taking off my shoes. I pull my black dress over my head and jump headfirst into the pool, the warm water soothing me almost instantly. I don’t know how long I endlessly swim lengths up and down the pool before I relax back against the rocks, just watching the still water.

  “Can I join you?” Knox’s voice should shock me, but it doesn’t. I nod, before pulling my eyes up to meet his as he tugs his shirt off. Knox leaves his boxers on after taking his trousers and shoes off, then jumps into the pool.

  “I’m sorry I just left like that. I’m not—and I don’t think I ever will be—ready to say goodbye,” I admit to Knox when he stops right in front of me. I wrap my arms around his shoulders, pulling myself closer to him.

  “Sleepy, I don’t expect anything from you. I never have done, and I never will do,” he tells me. “I just want you here. Next to me.”

  “I miss him,” I lightly admit to Knox. I don’t want to add my emotions to his bucket of them, but I just have to say it one time.

  “So do I. Every moment, I feel like a chunk of me is missing, and you know the only thing that makes it a little easier?” he replies to me. I’m glad he is trying to help me and be here for me. I shouldn’t have run from Knox, not him. Not Tobias or Noah either. They are my home, and they are what mak
es me feel better. They aren’t the bad guys here.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Being around you. Even when I’m angry and scared, you make me feel better. I live to see your smile, to hear your laugh, and just to be next to you, Sleepy,” he says. I lean closer and kiss him softly, gently enjoying his lips for a moment.

  “What do you plan for our future, Knox?” I ask, because I don’t want to talk about the past anymore. I haven’t thought of a future since I was told it might not be in my control. I know I wouldn’t have ever married Roger like the Masters planned, and I wouldn’t have ever left the Tale brothers’ lives. I guess I secretly hoped the Masters would change their minds, and we could live out our days together, happily. Now I don’t know what I want exactly. There are three people I know I want in my life though. Three people I love and cannot live without.

  “We kill Rueben for what he did. I made a vow to kill him with Noah and Tobias. Then we are going to end the war,” Knox starts to explain to me, and that isn’t surprising. Knox, Tobias and Noah are honourable. They couldn’t relax or rest without knowing Rueben has paid and everyone is safe.

  “Then what?” I ask.

  “We want to take you away, somewhere with a beach, and spend a few months just relaxing. Then we could travel—I know you always wanted to see the world—before buying a little house somewhere in the tales community and living in peace,” he explains to me. I wasn’t expecting such a well thought out plan.

  “So you don’t want to live with the humans?” I ask. I’ve never even considered living in the tales community, if I’m honest.

  “No, well, I don’t want to lie to our children about who they are,” Knox explains, and it makes me smile.

  “Our children? Like more than one?” I ask with wide eyes. Knox is a big guy, and I can’t help but imagine his children will be big babies. I’m not sure I’m ready—or ever will be—to push out a baby that size.


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