The Club

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The Club Page 5

by A. L. Brooks

  It would be fulfilling a need, similar to the way eating a meal fulfilled hunger. It would be getting this damn sex thing out of the way, once and for all, so that she could focus on what was important between her and Sue.

  Too bad she couldn’t quite remember what that was.

  A cab pulled up a little way up the road from the door, and a woman got out. She was quite tall, wearing leather trousers and a long leather coat, and she carried a small pack slung over her shoulder. Her dark, shoulder-length hair lifted slightly in the breeze as she strode confidently towards the black door. She looked perfectly normal. Ordinary, even.

  Max chuckled to herself—what had she expected? Two heads? The woman waited for the cab to drive off before knocking. A small shutter opened at eye level, and then the door opened, and she disappeared inside.

  Easy as that.

  Max took a deep breath, trying to calm the butterflies that were now in rampant flight in her belly.

  A part of her wanted to laugh—never in her lifetime did she think she’d be standing here, planning to step inside a building in search of a woman to fuck her. Any which way she wanted. For as long as she wanted. She never needed to know the woman’s name or, if it was as dark inside as the article claimed, what she looked like.

  Another part of her wanted to cry. She really shouldn’t be here, standing in this quiet, dark street, contemplating fucking someone who wasn’t her partner.

  Suddenly, it was as if a dark wall dropped down in her mind, cutting off her feelings with a sharpness that made her feel almost amputated from her emotional self. Without really being aware she was doing it, she crossed the road and knocked on the door. Her breath caught in her throat as the shutter opened from the inside. A woman’s face appeared in the small window. Her sharp blue eyes looked at Max intently.

  “Do you know where you are?” she was asked quietly.

  “Yes,” Max replied and smiled with more confidence than she felt. “But it is my first time,” she admitted as a slight blush stole across her cheeks.

  The woman smiled in return, and then came the sound of the lock being turned.

  She stepped into a hallway that was painted deep red with dim lighting to guide her steps.

  “Welcome,” said the woman. She had handsome features to go with her intense eyes. “I’m Mandy, the manager. I don’t like to waste a lot of time here on the doorstep, but as you’re new, would you like a rough idea of what’s on offer?”

  In the semi-darkness, Max’s blush deepened. She nodded, shoving her hands into her pockets to hide their shaking.

  “It’s twenty pounds membership for the evening, which includes the use of the showers, but you’ll pay for whatever drinks you want. There are three rooms, each with their own bar. Each room serves a different purpose. The Green Room is, shall we say, vanilla—no toys, no bondage.”

  Max nodded, involuntarily licking her lips, which suddenly seemed very dry.

  “The Blue Room is the toy room. Just to be clear on what can be expected, dildos are definitely allowed.”

  Max again fought a blush as thoughts of toys filled her head.

  “And the Red Room is the BDSM room. Pretty much anything and everything is allowed in there. We have various pieces of equipment that allow a certain level of play without being too dark.”

  Max made a mental note to avoid Red—BDSM was definitely not something she’d experienced, and she didn’t intend to stumble into something she couldn’t handle.

  The corners of Mandy’s mouth lifted slightly. “The basic rule for all rooms,” she continued, “is that if you want to participate in any way, you find a space along a wall. That signals your availability. Obviously, it’s up to you whether you want to be approached or do the approaching. If you just want to watch, take one of the bar stools, and no one will touch you. Anything happens that you think is against the spirit of the room you are in or the place where you are sitting, you just get hold of one of the bar women. Okay?”

  Max nodded again and reached into her bag for her wallet. She pulled out the twenty pounds, heart pounding in her chest. A mildly nauseating mix of fear and excitement pitted deep in her stomach.

  “I can give you a locker for your jacket and bag if you want?”

  “That would be good, thanks.” She pulled cash from her wallet, stuffed it into the pocket of her jeans, and returned the wallet back into her bag. She followed Mandy to a side room, deposited her stuff in the locker, and pocketed the key.

  “Green is the first room you’ll come to, through that door there.” Mandy motioned towards the end of the hall. “The others are through that room. You can’t miss them.” She paused and smiled. “Hope you find what you’re looking for.”

  Even though her mouth had gone dry and her lips felt like they would never part, Max returned the smile and made herself walk purposefully to the end of the corridor. Her fingers trembled as she reached for the door handle.

  She pushed open the door and stepped into an equally dim room, this one painted a forest green. Music played just loud enough to cover quiet sounds, but she would still be able to hear her temporary lover. A cry of “Oh yes!” came just as she stepped into the room. She didn’t dare look round for the source. Not yet.

  She took a deep breath. The room opened up to a large space with a tall bar table and stools in the centre. A handful of couples were pressed up against the wall. She turned to the bar, feeling the need for something to relax her a bit before she allowed herself to participate in any way, even just by looking.

  “What can I get you?” The dim lights of the bar cast a gentle glow up into a friendly face framed by blonde hair chopped into a funky cut. She had the sort of face that instantly put one at ease with its softness.

  “Whisky and ginger. A double.”

  “Coming up.”

  As the drink was poured, Max resisted the urge to wipe her damp palms on her jeans. She stepped up onto a stool and perched on it, safe in the no-touch zone. She was grateful that the club had such a simple method of communicating her intentions to others. She took a good pull on her drink as soon as it was handed to her, and the warmth of the whisky eased its way down her throat to her belly. After a couple of sips, she felt brave enough to look back to the room.

  Near her, a dark-haired woman was on her knees in front of a blonde, her head bobbing up and down between the other one’s legs. With her head thrown back against the wall, the blonde’s gasps were audible above the music if Max listened hard enough.

  Desire thrummed between Max’s legs, and she couldn’t help smiling to herself. At least one part of her had no confusion about why she was here. When she finished her whisky, she ordered another and continued to watch as a few more women arrived. Some walked straight through to the Blue Room—clearly identifiable by the small blue light above the door—and two others stayed in Green. Both immediately leaned up against the wall. The dark-haired woman who had minutes ago been tonguing the blonde got up and without so much as a backward glance, walked across to a new arrival wearing a short tartan skirt. The dark-haired woman shoved the skirt up, yanked the underwear down, and dropped to her knees. As she pressed her face into the newcomer’s pussy, Max’s mouth went dry again.

  Was that what Max wanted? Quick, no foreplay, instant gratification? She wasn’t sure. That would be almost too clinical, too much like masturbating, really. All of her torment about the physical aspects of her relationship with Sue had been about the lack of connection, so surely that should be what she was looking for here, not just a quick-fire orgasm that she could have given herself back in her hotel room.

  She let her gaze slide round the room and spotted a couple in the corner near the door to Blue. This couple was kissing deeply, hands roaming over each other’s bodies underneath their tee shirts. Without thinking about what she was doing, she strolled into the centre of the room, took a seat on a stool at the high table there, and sipped her drink while she watched them. Heat rose in her face again as she blatantly
stared. She had to admit, being a voyeur was turning her on. A lot. The one with her back to Max was taller, and she was the first one to undo her partner’s jeans. They both groaned as she did so, and Max’s cunt throbbed in response. Oh God, to have someone want her that much, to have the thought of someone’s fingers inside her make her so wet.

  Tonight, she needed to deal with her physical self, the one that was aching to be wanted. And then, tomorrow, she’d let that wall come down and deal with the aftermath.

  The tall one slid her hand inside the jeans and then, clearly, straight inside the other woman, who arched and moaned and called out, “Fuck me… oh God, fuck me…”

  Max finished her drink and dragged her gaze away from them, acutely aware of the throbbing ache between her own legs. She needed to find someone to take care of that, and soon. The thought of it made her nearly moan out loud with want. Fuck yes, she needed it. A woman walked past, taller than Max, with short, dark hair and a spicy scent that spun Max’s heightened senses into overdrive. She walked slowly past the table. Her body was lean with strong shoulders beneath a muscle vest and long legs encased in tight denim. God, yes.

  Almost on autopilot, her mind shut down and her body fully awake and alive, Max stood, walked across the room to the opposite wall, and turned to face the woman as she strolled around, gaze sweeping the room. When she landed on Max, she stopped roaming. Max sucked in a breath and waited. Her nipples hardened with the anticipation and pushed against the confines of her bra. The woman slowly stepped towards her, and Max’s heart threatened to stop.

  You are actually going to do this.

  The whispered thought rattled repeatedly through her brain. The woman came closer, her blue-eyed gaze locking on Max’s. She hesitated a moment, then lifted a hand to Max’s face and ran her fingertips from Max’s eyebrow to her neck. Max’s entire being focused in on the gentle touch of those fingertips on her hot skin. She was vaguely aware the woman’s fingers were trembling. Nerves? Or desire?

  “I want to take my time, okay?” the woman said; her quiet voice held a slight tremor in it. All Max could do was nod; the power of speech had abandoned her. “I…I need to feel.” She dipped her head and brought her lips to Max’s neck. “I need to…taste.” Her voice sounded strained as if she had her own battle raging. Max had no idea what that was and, to be honest, didn’t care. Max moaned, unable to help herself, and her whole body pushed up towards the stranger.

  “Oh yes.” Max, finally remembered she had arms and hands of her own and brought them up to grip the woman’s hips. She cupped her ass and pulled her in tight against her.

  The woman moaned, and the tension in her body relaxed at Max’s touch. Her whole stance softened as Max held her. Perhaps she wasn’t as confident as she had at first appeared. And then Max’s thoughts fluttered away as the woman’s lips trailed a path across her chin to find her mouth.

  Max didn’t hesitate. Her lips opened, and for the first time in over eight years, she felt a new tongue push into her mouth, a tongue that sent shockwaves of heat and want pounding through her veins. At the back of Max’s brain, a sliver of guilt writhed but was tamped down by the overwhelming physicality of the moment. They devoured each other’s mouths, long, deep kisses that elicited moans and whimpers from Max that she’d forgotten how to make. It was hard, messy, and passionate, yet tender all at the same time.

  “What’s your name?” whispered the woman in Max’s ear. Her tongue lingered to lick and probe and send shivers down Max’s spine. “Just your first name…”

  Max trembled. “Max. Yours?”


  Lou’s hands pushed up underneath her tee shirt then, and her warm fingertips stroked their way upwards. In a moment of clarity, she suddenly realised she was oblivious to everyone and everything else in the room. It was just her and Lou and their mutual need, which pulsed between them like a living thing. Lou’s fingers reached Max’s bra, and Lou reached round to unclip it. She freed Max’s full breasts and cupped them in the next instant. Lou moaned and teased her nipples with her nails. Max whimpered with pleasure, pushing upwards, desperate for more contact, more pressure. Jesus, she had been so long without this. She feared she would come too quickly and then almost laughed. So what if she did? That was the beauty of this place—she could take what she needed and not worry about how she did it. As Lou feathered her fingertips around her nipples, Max moaned, murmuring words like “harder” and “more,” unable to form full sentences, yet trying to communicate her need for Lou to apply more force. Lou responded. She pinched both nipples between her fingers, rolling them, kneading them, making Max gasp with desire.

  “You feel amazing, Max,” murmured Lou, close to her ear again, and then she was gone. She pushed Max’s tee shirt up, baring her breasts, and sucked hard on one nipple, then the other. Max groaned with every pull of Lou’s lips, her teeth, her tongue.

  Without warning, Lou moved, kneeling, her hands undoing Max’s jeans. She pulled them down to her ankles, spread Max’s legs, and when she pressed her tongue to Max’s clit, Max thought her knees would give. Max opened her knees wider and pushed her hips up, wantonly giving Lou more room. Lou licked the length of her, dipping her tongue just inside and then out and over her clit, her strokes hard. As she lapped up Max’s juices, Lou dug her fingers into her thighs, pulling Max even closer to her face. Max was panting, her heart thumping in her chest, her pussy throbbing.

  “Oh God,” she breathed, her head buzzing with the pressure Lou was building in her body. “Fuck me…please.”

  Lou pushed one, then two fingers inside Max, her tongue still slicking over her clit while she fucked Max with her fingers, thrusting slow and deep. She felt, rather than heard, Lou murmur her name against her pussy as she fucked her harder still. Max’s orgasm came over her in huge, warm waves that curled up through her body from her toes and fingertips. Jesus, it had been so long since Sue had brought her to this point—and it hadn’t ever felt like this, so all-consuming, so…everything. She breathed out a loud, guttural moan when it hit her, hips pumping against Lou’s face, pushing herself down harder onto Lou’s fingers, her hands in Lou’s hair, keeping her tight against her while her clit throbbed out the last exquisite sensations.

  Max slumped against the wall, head thrown back, breathing ragged. Oh God, that had been good. Jesus… After a few moments, she tipped her head forward to look at Lou, still on her knees in front of her, her forehead resting on Max’s abdomen, her breath warm on Max’s pussy. She reached down and tugged Lou up; the glassy look in Lou’s eyes could mean only one thing. She did up her jeans, then reversed their positions. Lou’s breathing hitched as her back hit the wall.

  “Inside. Please,” Lou said, trembling as she gazed into Max’s eyes, and Max nodded. She undid Lou’s jeans and slid her hand down. Her fingers slipped through soaking wet curls, and Lou let out a long moan. Heady with the power that washed over her, Max groaned. Lou arched as Max slipped her fingers over and through wet folds to glide into Lou. She was so wet…so open… Max pushed three fingers inside, filling her.

  Lou shuddered, and grabbed onto Max. Pulling Max tight against her, she kissed her deeply. Max matched the thrust of her fingers with her tongue—long, slow strokes, deeper inside Lou each time. She angled her hand so that the heel of her palm pressed against Lou’s clit and moaned at how fucking good it felt. She set a strong, steady rhythm, nothing too fast just yet, keeping Lou just away from the edge and loving the sound of Lou whispering her name as she fucked her.

  “Faster, please,” begged Lou, and Max responded, driving deeper and faster and harder until her wrist screamed its pain. When Lou came, bucking and writhing against Max’s hand, Max groaned aloud with pleasure. Lou gasped in her ear as she drowned her hand with her juices. Max dropped to her knees, yanked down Lou’s jeans, and began licking. Not to arouse, but simply to taste, to drink. Oh God, she tasted so good, and it had been so long. Lou gasped again, her hands frantic in Max’s hair.

, that’s so good, don’t stop.” Lou’s voice was quiet and strained. She was close to a second orgasm, and Max changed the tempo of her tongue, changed her purpose. As she licked and sucked, she eased over lips, dipped inside, and then drew back over Lou’s swollen clit. Lou whimpered, a sound that had the capacity to drive Max to a second orgasm of her own without any further manual manipulation.

  She let the flat of her tongue lap over Lou’s clit, faster and harder until Lou thrust her hips upwards. A harsh sound escaped her, and her grip on Max’s head tightened to the point of pain. Max stayed where she was until Lou slouched back against the wall, then Max slowly stood, keeping her body pressed against Lou’s as she moved. She pulled Lou close, kissed her, and her own flavour mingled with the taste of Lou on her mouth.

  “Is ‘thank you’ inappropriate?” whispered Max once she could find her voice. She involuntarily gripped Lou’s waist tighter, not wanting to let this incredible woman go just yet.

  Lou smiled, shyly, which Max found utterly endearing. “Not at all. That was pretty amazing.” She smiled again, zipped up her jeans, and planted a quick kiss on Max’s swollen lips. “Thanks,” she said, averting her eyes as she stepped back. Max reluctantly released her hold. The tension from earlier regained its hold on Lou’s body, and Lou turned and walked towards the exit.

  Although a little stunned at the speed of Lou’s departure, Max took a deep breath and smiled ruefully to herself. This was what this club was about; no point hankering after an extended intimacy, a post-coital cuddle. What she’d just got was exactly what she had needed, and clearly it was mutual. Of course Lou was going to move on quickly afterwards, and Max should do the same or risk those emotions getting the better of her again.


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