The Club

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The Club Page 21

by A. L. Brooks

  “Sorry, guys, I can tell you two know each other, but rules are rules—no touchy stuff at the bar, okay?”

  Lou laughed, blushing, and dropped her hand. “Sorry…completely forgot where we were.”

  The barwoman winked and moved away.

  Stephanie waited for Lou to meet her gaze again. She trembled from that merest of touches along her face, and all sorts of crazy thoughts rampaged through her brain. All sorts of good thoughts and nothing negative or scary or damaging. It was as if that brief touch of Lou’s fingertips had somehow opened a floodgate, and she was having a very hard time fighting the urge to grab Lou and…do things to her.

  And then, as if in slow motion, Lou stood, took hold of Stephanie’s hand, and pulled her to her feet. She led her away from the bar and into the main room. Stephanie didn’t resist. She didn’t see anyone else, didn’t hear any sounds; all her senses were targeted only at Lou leading her to a space on the wall. Lou turned, placed a hand gently on Stephanie’s hip and eased her back against the cool brick, never taking her gaze off her. Stephanie pressed back as Lou moved closer. Her heart hammered under her ribs, and her body thrummed with an anticipation she’d never known before.

  “I know we said slow,” said Lou. “But all I want to do right now is kiss you, and I think you want that too, but if—”

  Stephanie stopped her words with a gentle finger on Lou’s lips. Even just that simple touch sent exquisite pulses of want shimmering through her body. The heat of Lou’s hand searing through her jeans and the soft whisper of her words were a heady mix of nerves that made Stephanie tingle. Lou was pushing her own boundaries here, and although it was taking a lot, Stephanie loved that Lou was willing to try so hard for her.

  “Kiss me,” she whispered, shocked at how much she wanted it, needed it.

  Lou bent her head. Her breath was hot on Stephanie’s mouth in the moment before their lips touched. It was feather light, but oh God, it set off a firestorm of feeling through every cell in her body. Lou kissed her again, lingering longer this time, yet still so soft, so careful.

  And then Stephanie didn’t need careful anymore. Just these brief kisses had banished any last doubts or fears she’d ever had about being physical with another woman. The want running through her veins, scorching her body, suffocating all the mental damage her parents’ vitriol had ever done to her, was testament to that.

  When Lou’s lips touched hers a third time, she moaned, opened her mouth, and Lou’s tongue slipped in between her lips, met hers, and began to dance. Stephanie felt as if she might explode. Lou moaned and grabbed two handfuls of Stephanie’s top, pulling her tighter as she deepened the kiss. Stephanie went willingly, throwing her arms around Lou’s shoulders and pressing her body up against Lou’s.

  Stephanie ran her fingers into Lou’s short hair, gripping tight where she could to bring them even closer together. She pushed her tongue deep into Lou’s mouth, finding the passion in herself that had been dormant all these years. Lou kissed her with a ferocity that sent sparks shooting down to her toes. She felt herself getting wet, soaked in fact, and nearly laughed at the joy that discovery gave her. All her adult life, she had waited for the fireworks, and now here they were. And they were beyond anything she had ever dared to imagine.

  Lou eased away slightly, slowly backing out of the kiss. She panted heavily. Stephanie’s own breathing was haphazard, frantic. Her hands were in Lou’s hair, urging her to come back for more.

  “Wait,” whispered Lou. “I’m… God, I’m in real trouble here. We said slow, but I am one kiss away from tearing your clothes off. We have to stop, cool off for a while.”

  Stephanie smiled shyly and shook her head. “Slow went out the window the minute you kissed me,” she said quietly. “I want you so much right now, I am not going to stop you if you do start tearing my clothes off.” The thought filled her with thrilling anticipation.

  Lou groaned, and her hands clenched in the fabric of Stephanie’s top again. She bent her head and crushed Stephanie’s mouth with a fierce kiss, her tongue probing and teasing, triggering another flood of juice from Stephanie’s throbbing cunt. And then Lou stopped, took a breath, and her mouth moved to Stephanie’s ear.

  “Not here,” she whispered. “It isn’t right. I…I want you to be more than this to me, to be…different from everything I’ve ever done here.”

  She raised her head then and looked tentatively at Stephanie, who smiled and nodded in understanding. She kissed Lou briefly. God, she loved the feel of Lou’s mouth on hers. She found Lou’s ear and whispered, “Take me to your place?”

  Lou raised her head and swallowed nervously. “I’ve…I’ve never…at my place,” she confessed, her cheeks tinged pink in the low light.

  “Hey, it’s okay. I just assumed you’d be more comfortable there,” said Stephanie, softly. “We can go to my place if you like?” Deep inside Stephanie’s mind, she wondered just who the heck she was to be so bold; she was loving this new version of herself.

  Lou shut her eyes for a moment, then exhaled. As she opened her eyes again, she smiled widely. With that, Stephanie knew they’d just crossed a big hurdle. They were going to be all right.

  “I’d love it if you came back to mine,” said Lou, kissing her softly. “Please?”

  Stephanie kissed her deeply in response and then pulled away and reached for Lou’s hand. “Lead on,” she whispered, her body trembling with a delicious mix of nerves and excitement.

  * * *

  Mandy watched in quiet amusement as the nervous blonde virgin who’d only arrived about thirty minutes ago walked out of Green with that gorgeous dark-haired regular, Lou. It had taken her months to get Lou to respond to her friendly overtures, to find out her name, to share more than a quick smile when Lou appeared each Friday.

  They retrieved their coats from the locker room, and there was something a little different in the way they looked at each other and interacted with each other. They had a familiarity about them that they wouldn’t get from less than thirty minutes of acquaintance, and Mandy suddenly twigged they must know each other from elsewhere. Oh, how cute—had they stumbled across each other here and realised they wanted to explore something more than a quickie in the club? She smiled, laughing at her repressed romantic self. Looking at the adoring looks these two were giving each other, she sincerely hoped that was exactly what was going on here.

  Rebecca would laugh, dig her in the ribs, and call her a big softie. Mandy chuckled as Lou shyly took the blonde’s hand and then, in true chivalrous fashion, opened the door for her. She chuckled some more when the blonde blushed slightly but looked at Lou with nothing short of reverence as they stepped out onto the dark street together.

  Damn, those two were seriously cute. And something told Mandy she’d just lost a regular punter.

  She turned back to the office as the front door shut. Dee was grinning.

  “Did our gorgeous virgin just pull in record time?”

  Mandy nodded, matching Dee’s grin. “But there’s more going on there, I think. Anyway, just going for a stroll,” she said.

  Dee smiled and waved her off.

  Mandy entered Green and walked over to the bar. Cassie was serving a curvy little redhead in a short skirt, pouring her a glass of white wine. Mandy waited, taking in the atmosphere in the room. It was reasonably busy, and it looked as though nearly everyone was paired up. Good. She hated seeing too many women unoccupied whenever she did her strolls, as she called them.

  “Hey, boss,” said Cassie, next to her. The redhead wandered off into the main room. Mandy turned to face Cassie, smiling.

  “How’s things? Seems a good crowd.”

  “Yeah, it’s been good. Lots of coming and going between here and Blue, I think.”

  Mandy nodded, turning her gaze back to the room.

  “Good,” she murmured and then wandered off, through Green and into Blue.

  * * *

  Still holding hands, Lou and Stephanie left the club and wander
ed up to the main road to flag a cab. They rode in silence with their hands tightly locked together as they shot shy glances at each other. The longer the journey went on, the more nervous Stephanie became, regardless of how their kisses back in the club had made her feel. She was about to get naked with another woman, and she was fearful she wouldn’t know what to do, that she would fumble around like a teenager. Just as she started to go into a little panic, Lou squeezed her hand, and Stephanie looked across at her. Lou’s smile was so warm, her expression so understanding, Stephanie wondered just how she had known. She was grateful that she had.

  Lou paid the cabbie and led Stephanie up to the second floor, not once letting go of her hand. Inside the flat, they both kicked off their boots in silence, and then Lou reached out a hand. Stephanie exhaled and stepped forward.

  Without speaking, Lou unzipped Stephanie’s coat, turned her to pull the coat off from behind, and threw it casually onto the sofa nearby. Lou’s breath tickled on her neck, and Stephanie shivered with desire and then moaned softly when Lou’s lips started a sensuous journey across the back of her neck and up into her hairline. Her body hummed with a physical yearning she’d never, ever experienced.

  “You are so beautiful,” murmured Lou in between kisses.

  Tears pricked at Stephanie’s eyes, and she blinked them back. The emotion of being here, now, threatened to engulf her. She swallowed, pushed her thoughts away, and concentrated on what was happening to her body right now.

  Lou shrugged out of her own coat and dropped it to the floor, and then Lou wrapped her arms around her waist, pulled her back, and kissed her neck more insistently. Hot waves of need washed through Stephanie. She turned in Lou’s arms, needing her mouth on hers, and they both whimpered softly.

  As the kiss deepened, Lou pulled gently at her top, tugging it out of her jeans, and then, oh God, Lou’s hands were on her skin, roaming over her abdomen, around to her back, and then returning to move upwards gently. When Lou’s fingers ran over the lace of her bra, she gasped and arched into Lou, needing, craving, more. Her nipples tightened underneath the lace, underneath Lou’s hands, and she wondered how she was still standing.

  Lou lifted her head, removed her hands from under Stephanie’s top, and pulled her towards the bedroom.

  “Okay?” asked Lou.

  “Yes,” Stephanie replied, smiling as she squeezed Lou’s hand in reassurance, although not sure if for herself or for Lou. Lou switched on the bedside lamp, and they lay on the bed. Stephanie took Lou’s hand and boldly placed it under her top. “Where were we?” she asked.

  “Here, I think.” Lou smiled shyly but with a deliciously naughty sparkle in her eyes as she cupped Stephanie’s breasts.

  “I want to touch you,” Stephanie murmured.

  She watched, entranced, as Lou stood to peel off her shirt and then, more shyly, her bra. Stephanie groaned and reached out, cradling Lou just below her breasts. She stared at the perfect shape of them, the dark nipples hardening under her gaze, crinkling in a way that made her cunt ache. She moved her thumbs against Lou’s nipples, rubbing them slowly, enjoying the feel of them and the way they responded to her touch. Lou gasped as she lowered her mouth and tasted her breast. Stephanie licked and sucked and pulled the hardened tip with her teeth and lips, and she knew, with absolute certainty, this was what she truly wanted, where she absolutely needed to be.

  Lou grabbed her shoulders, and Stephanie looked up at her.

  “I want you naked, now.”

  Stephanie didn’t hesitate; the desire in Lou’s voice sent sparks shooting through her belly to her cunt. Stephanie yanked off her top and let Lou reach behind her to undo her bra. She pressed herself into Lou’s hands as she cupped her naked breasts, and they kissed, slowly and deeply. Stephanie went to unzip her jeans, but as her fingers brushed down her belly, they rubbed over the zip of Lou’s jeans. Lou let out a soft moan, and Stephanie lingered and caressed and dipped her hand down deeper, feeling Lou’s moist heat even through the denim.

  She felt no shame, no embarrassment, and no coyness. She knew exactly what she desired, and she couldn’t believe she’d denied herself this for so long.

  She pulled Lou’s zip down to slide the jeans over her hips and off her entirely. Lou stood in front of her in nothing but a black lacy G-string. Her toned body looked amazing in the soft light, and Stephanie didn’t think she’d ever seen anything sexier. She ran her gaze over the full length of Lou’s body. She reached out a finger to trace the tattoo on Lou’s right thigh—a serpent twining its way up her leg from just above the knee to her hip. Lou twitched beneath her touch.

  “God, you’re gorgeous,” Stephanie whispered, and she let her hands wander all over Lou’s skin and muscles, revelling in Lou’s small gasps of pleasure. She undid her own jeans and stepped out of them, and then Lou was pulling at the waistband of her underwear. Stephanie trembled as Lou peeled her underwear down and off. Stephanie stepped away, lay down on the bed, and watched breathlessly as Lou removed her own G-string. Then Lou fit her body on top of Stephanie’s, and Stephanie sighed, marvelling at the feel of Lou’s soft, hot skin on her own.

  “Jesus,” she murmured as Lou moved gently up and down over the full length of Stephanie’s naked form. “You feel incredible.”

  Lou moaned, muttering something indecipherable, and then her mouth was on Stephanie’s, her hands clutched tightly in Stephanie’s hair.

  They kissed and kissed, and Lou caressed and stroked Stephanie’s body until she was so turned on she almost couldn’t take any more. Lou used her lips to travel down Stephanie’s body from her neck to her ankles, licking and sucking and making Stephanie arch and moan and beg. Stephanie stifled a cry and arched her back when Lou ran her tongue up her thigh to her pussy.

  She began with long, slow licks, going from entrance to clit and back again, slow and firm. Then she pushed inside Stephanie with her tongue, and Stephanie cried out, unable to believe the intensity of the pleasure now swimming through her body. She came, embarrassingly quickly, and clutched at Lou as spasm after spasm ripped through her limbs.

  “Oh God,” she whispered. “Sorry, that was ridiculously fast.” She blushed, but Lou pushed herself up Stephanie’s body and lay over her again, and she was smiling.

  “I don’t care.” Lou grinned and kissed her. “I loved it, loved knowing I could make you feel like that.” She kissed Stephanie again. Tasting herself on Lou’s lips kick-started Stephanie’s desire, and all she could think about was what Lou might taste like. She rolled Lou onto her back, reversing their positions.

  Hesitantly at first, but gaining in confidence the more she did and the more Lou responded, Stephanie taught herself Lou’s body. She licked and kissed and touched and stroked, working her way downwards, enjoying those pliant breasts centred with hard nipples, the wonderfully firm abs, and that deliciously flat stomach, until she reached her goal. Lou groaned as Stephanie nibbled the inside of her thighs. She breathed in Lou’s scent, her own wetness increasing again as she did so. And then she shyly dipped her tongue into Lou’s juices and licked and tasted. She moaned at the sweetness of it, the rightness of how it felt, and she sunk her tongue deep into Lou and began slowly fucking her.

  Lou called out her name over and over and writhed underneath Stephanie’s tongue. When she came, her thighs gripped the sides of Stephanie’s head and powerful spikes of want throbbed between Stephanie’s legs. She slid her body up over Lou’s until she was facing her again.

  “Please,” she moaned. “Inside me?”

  And Lou, despite her lungs heaving deeply in the aftermath of her own orgasm, moved her hand between Stephanie’s legs and plunged inside her, first with one finger, and then adding another. Stephanie rocked on Lou’s fingers, riding her body up and down Lou’s. Sweat pooled between them as they both gasped for breath. Her orgasm built slowly this time, like liquid honey oozing all over her body, and when it came, it wrenched a long, guttural moan from deep in her throat. Lou’s free arm tightened around her
waist and held her close. She collapsed across Lou, chest pounding.

  When she could eventually move her head, she lifted it just enough to meet Lou’s gaze.

  “Incredible,” she murmured against Lou’s lips. “Just beyond everything I ever imagined.”

  And Lou squeezed her close again, her mouth opening against Stephanie’s as their soft kiss became frantic and their desire flared hot again. Stephanie pushed Lou’s arms up above her head, pinned her to the bed, and kissed her hard. Lou groaned and squirmed beneath her, gasping out her need, which Stephanie obliged by slipping a finger slowly into Lou’s cunt. The wet heat that enveloped her left her breathless. She slowly fucked Lou, watching her face intently. Lou’s eyes were barely open, her cheeks flushed, beads of sweat on her brow. Stephanie leaned over to kiss her as she pushed a second finger deep inside.

  “Oh God, yes.” Lou threw her head back. “Don’t stop…please…don’t stop.”

  Stephanie fucked her harder and deeper and held her tight as she came. Lou slumped back on the bed beneath her, and Stephanie rested her head on Lou’s breasts.

  They lay quietly, limbs askew, as Lou softly kissed her hair. Stephanie felt torn open, as if she were somehow starting life all over again with a whole new set of instructions. It was wonderful.

  “I can’t believe how that felt,” she whispered eventually, and Lou smiled against her forehead. “You… God, just looking at you, I want to do all of that over and over again.” She reached for Lou’s nipple and stroked gently, almost involuntarily. She smiled as Lou moaned softly.

  “So,” began Lou, hesitantly, “you might…um, might be interested in doing this again? I mean…not just a one-night stand?”

  “Are you crazy? I could have a hundred nights of you, a thousand…” responded Stephanie without thinking, pressing closer to Lou to emphasise her feelings. And then she wondered if her words might be a bit too much too soon for her shy lover—lover—and raised her head to see if she needed to apologise, only to be met by a stunned but grinning Lou.


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