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Lord Sebastian and the Scottish Lass

Page 15

by Christine Donovan

  “Do ye ken how tae use a dirk?”

  Confused, Sebastian said, “A what?”

  “Knife, do ye ken how tae use a knife?”

  “Yes.” Sebastian took it and tested the feel of it in his hands, hoping he wouldn’t have to use it.

  “Highwaymen,” Bradbury said. “They have been plaguing the area for quite some time.”

  “We ken. We were hunting them,” Lachlan said. “Teagan and ah with the locals for quite some time. Had nay luck.”

  “They managed to get away from me and my men several times,” Bradbury said as he held up the pistol and waited for the door to open. They didn’t have to wait long as it was thrown open by a large bearded man who looked more savage than Sebastian thought possible. Was he one of the men who attacked him? Suddenly he had a change of heart about using the knife.

  “Do nae move and nobody will get...”

  Bradbury put a bullet between the thief’s eyes and then all hell broke loose. It would be a long time before Sebastian managed to understand the sequence of events.

  A hand reached inside the coach and hauled Bradbury outside. “If ye ken what is good for ye, ye will exit peacefully with yer hands in the air or ah will put a bullet in this English dandy.”

  “Ian?” Lachlan mouthed to Sebastian, shock on his face.

  “We are coming out,” Lachlan said as he tucked the pistol inside his waistband and hid it with his greatcoat. Teagan and Sebastian put their knives inside their boots and exited the carriage with their hands in the air.

  Five men surrounded them and quickly removed their weapons. “Nice tae see ye again brother...sister. In case ye dinnae ken, Paw is dead. Nae that he was yer real paw.” He pushed his pistol hard into Bradbury’s temple. “This mon is. What a whore our maw was. Sleeping with a mon before marriage. She deserved what she got marrying my bloody monster of a paw. Unless ye are my paw too?”

  “Hell no.”

  “Too bad. Ah might have let ye live. But now...”

  Ian pulled the trigger and Bradbury’s head exploded as his body sank into a dead heap. Teagan screamed and ran toward him, only to be held back by Lachlan.

  “Dinnae move or ye might be next, sister dear.”

  Ian proceeded to pace around the three of them while his men held guns aimed at their chests. He paused and looked directly into Sebastian’s eyes. A chill crept up his spine at the crazed look in Ian’s eyes.

  “Tae bad we didnae kill ye weeks ago at the ravine. It would have saved ye from the beating ye got at the cottage and for what ah have planned for ye today. And tae answer the unspoken query, yes. Ah’m the leader of the highwaymen now that Paw is dead. How do ye think he supported us all these years? With Maw’s dowry? Stupid fools. We would cross the border and terrorize the English. Which was nae hard, most of them are dandies, asking tae be relieved of their coin and gems. We have amassed quite a fortune. A fortune ye will never get yer hands on Lachlan. Ah wish ye well in running Murray Castle without coin. ‘Tis also how ah found ye in the cottage. Ah saw ye both trying tae be brave chasing highwaymen. It was never hard tae shake ye. ”

  “Ye bloody bastard, ye and MacPherson.” Lachlan bellowed. “Ah will hunt ye both down and put ye in the ground myself.”

  A large, filthy Scot stepped forward with murder in his eyes.

  “Easy MacPherson. Right now this is between Lachlan and me.” Ian got in Lachlan’s face. “Ye think ye will kill me? How? As ah see it, ah’m the one holding the gun. Try anything and the next bullet goes into yer chest. Nae a quick death like Bradbury, but a slow and painful one.”

  “Why,” Teagan said. “Why would ye kill yer own brother?”

  Ian moved his black emotionless eyes on Teagan and Sebastian’s heart lurched. He had to find a way to keep her safe. Not just from her brother but from her betrothed. Sebastian shivered at the thought of that monster ever having touched her.

  “Teagan, my dear sister, ye will be the only one spared. MacPherson still wants ye. Ah cannot fathom why since ye probably whored yerself out to this bloody Englishman just like Maw. As for yer question Teagan, Ah killed paw so ah could become duke. All ah need tae do now is kill Lachlan. After murdering Paw, a nothing. Besides, ah always hated him.”

  Out of the corner of Sebastian’s eyes, he spotted several men in the woods close by. He recognized the blacksmith. What could he do to let Lachlan and Teagan know without tipping off Ian and his men? He looked at Lachlan and moved his eyes to the woods several times. Finally Lachlan understood and gave him a slight nod. Teagan caught on quickly and nodded as well.

  A diversion was what they needed. When Ian’s attentions wavered between Teagan and Lachlan, Sebastian lunged at him. He shoved the gun aside, and it went off, taking down the thief to Ian’s left. As Sebastian grappled with Ian, out of the corner of his eye he saw men charging out of the woods carrying pistols, swords, and axes. When the other men where dead, including MacPherson, Lachlan helped Sebastian subdue Ian and tie him up. When Ian was secured, he quickly went to Teagan and pulled her into his arms.

  “Are you hurt?” he said, praying to God she was not.

  “Nay. Are ye?”

  Sebastian’s legs buckled and took them both down to the ground on their knees. “No. A few bumps and bruises. Ian knows how to fight. But so do I.”

  “Thank God.”

  Lachlan took charge. He told George to escort Ian to Bradbury’s estate and have word sent to the authorities. With sadness he covered Bradbury’s upper body with his cloak. He turned and strode toward Teagan and Sebastian then pulled Teagan into his arms and held her tight against his chest. “Ah thought ah would lose ye.”

  “Ah as weel.”

  “We owe George our lives again.”

  “Aye, we do.”

  “Ah’m sorry about Bradbury...our father.” Lachlan murmured. “He was a good mon. Ian will hang for killing him and for the other crimes committed.”

  “Aye. He deserves no less. Ah just wish...”

  “What lass?”

  “Ah wish ah had more time with our real father.”

  “Me too.” Lachlan turned to Sebastian. “Please see tae my sister. Ah think ah will travel on foot with George tae keep an eye on Ian. Ah will see ye both at Bradbury’s Estate.”

  It was then Sebastian noticed their driver hiding beneath the coach. “Sorry milord, I had no weapon to assist you and a wife and child at home.”

  “All is well. Let us continue on to Bradbury’s Estate.”

  “Yes milord.”


  Sitting in the coach with Sebastian’s arms around her shaking body, Teagan thanked God they were alive. Only she wished...Sobs rose up from deep inside her soul, and she cried for the man who was her father. The man she would never get to know. Never get to see again. And she wondered if she would ever get the image of his death out of her head? The sound of the gunshot, the spray of blood, and the sound of his body hitting the ground. She hated Ian even more for making her witness it.

  When she first realized Ian was leading the band of highwaymen, a sick feeling settled in the pit of her stomach. A stranger would have been easier to deal with. Ian had a score to settle which made him unpredictable. Which he had been. And vengeful. The hateful look in his eyes and on his face had almost paralyzed her in fear for all their lives. They should be thankful Bradbury was the only one killed, but she could not be. She wanted him alive. Wanted a real father, which she never had. Ian stole that from her. But she would have to be satisfied with the time they’d had, and the story he told about her mother and him and the love they shared. Bradbury was gone, and even though she didn’t know him long, she mourned him deeply. The only thing that consoled her was both her parents were together at last. She trembled now at the sight of seeing MacPherson and could not feel sorry about his death. He will rot in hell as it should be for his crimes.

  “You’re quiet. I’m worried about you.” Sebastian’s soft voice penetrated her thoughts. Thoughts she was glad
to leave behind for now.

  “Ah’m sad. So verra sad and weary. Ah feel bad for Bradbury and what happened between my maw and him. Did ye hear how he talked about her? He loved her with all his heart and soul. And ah believe she did as weel. He was robbed of kenning us. Ian robbed all three of us from having a relationship.”

  “I know, love. Fate was unkind to them. Perhaps now they are together.”

  “That is what ah was thinking just now. That ah prayed they were together at last.”

  He rubbed the top of her head with his. “I believe they are.”

  When they arrived at Bradbury’s Estate to welcoming servants looking for their marquess, Sebastian gave them the terrible news and asked for a footman to fetch the authorities immediately.

  “I beg your pardon, milord,” an older gentleman bowed. “I’m the butler, Carson. John, the footman will go immediately with word about the atrocities befallen the marquess. but it may be some time before the authorities reach us here. Hopefully, no more than a day or two. But meanwhile we have dungeons that can house the prisoner.”

  “Perfect,” Sebastian said as Teagan envisioned these dungeons and hoped they were befitting Ian. He deserved the worst for the time he had left on earth.

  Not long after Lachlan arrived with Ian they said good-bye to George and the men who helped them. Against her brother’s wishes, Teagan followed Lachlan, Sebastian, Carson, and Ian, down a pair of dark, steep stone stairs to the bowels of hell. At least that was what Teagan thought when the stale, musty aroma assaulted her senses. Not to mention the dank chill coming off the stone walls never to dissipate. Yes, she mused. This would be perfect.

  Ian had very little to say as he was escorted inside a cell, the bars closed and locked behind him as he slunk down on a filthy cot.

  “Please have food sent down twice daily until the constable arrives,” Lachlan said as he ascended the stairs. “Ah want him alive and well before he hangs.”

  Teagan’s body shivered at the sound of her brother’s voice void of emotion.

  Two days they spent in awkwardness at Bradbury’s Estate until the constable came to escort Ian to London so he could stand trial for his crimes. Crimes punishable by death. Part of Teagan believed Ian deserved to die for all he’d done. A small part of her did not. Before they left, Bradbury’s barrister arrived and told Lachlan that the title and lands that went with it would go to a distant cousin of Bradbury’s. However, he had personal revenue and had set up accounts in both his and Teagan’s names. They were wealthy.


  Sebastian believed the money would ease Lachlan’s burdens at Murray Castle. Teagan appeared not to care about the money. Sebastian felt her slipping away into despair, and he didn’t know how to reach her. She seemed distant and quiet ever since they left Bradbury’s Estate and traveled, once again, in Wentworth’s coach.

  He’d never seen Lachlan so withdrawn either and wondered what was going through his mind. Before they left Northumberland, Sebastian had written to Wentworth explaining the situation. He didn’t want his brother to hear of Bradbury’s death and worry for the rest of their safety.

  As they approached Murray Castle, Sebastian took in the well maintained, ancient gray stone castle complete with turrets and what appeared to be a moat that had been filled in, because sure enough, there was a drawbridge. Although it looked to be permanently in the down position. He wondered if it still worked. They went beneath a portico and were greeted warmly by many. Lachlan appeared uncomfortable with the attention, as did Teagan.

  After they had time to adjust and mourn the man who had been their real father, Sebastian hoped they would be themselves again. Albeit, only time would tell.

  The housekeeper showed Sebastian to his chamber and left him with a promise of a hot bath and food. He paced the chilly room as the fire hadn’t been lit. He took care of building it and soon there was a roaring blaze warming his travel weary body. Staring into the flames, he found himself worrying about Teagan. He knew Lachlan would land on his feet. He seemed the resourceful type. Actually, he knew he was. Teagan as well, except it may take longer for her to recover from the shock of witnessing Bradbury’s violent death. Sebastian had woken up in a cold sweat several times after reliving the shooting in his sleep. He could only imagine what Teagan was going through.

  Perhaps when his bathwater came he could inquire as to the whereabouts of her rooms. He needed to see her. To be reassured she would be fine. His mind and body would not rest until he confirmed it.

  After he bathed in the metal tub that barely fit him and had brandy, cheese, and bread, he was reaching for the door when he heard a knock.

  “Sebastian, are ye in there?”

  Exhaling, he opened the door, took Teagan’s hand in his and tugged her inside the room. After he closed the door, he led her to the fireplace to warm up as her hand was freezing and she was shivering.

  “I’m here.” He stood behind her, wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her close, hoping to comfort her and warm her. Whatever she needed, he was there for her.

  After a short time she pulled from his arms. “Ah’m feeling better. Ah’m going tae seek out my brother and see how he’s fairing.”

  Sebastian’s eyes followed her every move as she walked stiffly toward the door and never looked back. A heaviness settled in the pit of his stomach. He had a terrible feeling she was anything but fine and was slipping away from him.

  Chapter Seventeen

  The sennight that followed proved his fears to fruition. Teagan took to her chamber and would not leave. Nor would she welcome anyone, including him, inside the walls. The only person allowed in or out was her maid. And when Sebastian stopped her in the hall, her eyes were filled with sadness, and she merely shook her head.

  Something had to be done. But what? One morning after a terrible night’s sleep, actually—no sleep at all—he knocked on Lachlan’s study and entered upon his, “Come in.”

  “We need to talk.” Sebastian sat down without waiting to be invited. He kept forgetting Lachlan possessed the title of duke now. “I’m beside myself with worry about Teagan.”

  “As am ah,” Lachlan said as he rose from his seat and went to the sideboard. He held up a crystal decanter. “Is it tae early, or can we partake in some fine Scot’s whiskey?”

  “Partake please.”

  Sebastian took the glass out of Lachlan’s hand and downed the contents. “Damn, but that stuff is fine. Burns like hellfire though.”

  “Wouldnae be good otherwise. Have another, it will go down smooth as silk.”

  And sure enough it did and took the edge off his nerves. “What do you think is wrong with her?”

  “Damn if ah ken. Ah’ve never seen her like this. Nae even when Maw died. Witnessing Bradbury’s gruesome death broke her somehow. ‘Tis my only explanation because she is nae a shrinking violet, as ye ken. She rides and shoots better than most mon ah ken. And has never even appeared squeamish when attending tae the injured or sick. Ah think her mind is healing, and the only way she can allow it tae is tae rest in solitude. If it persists much longer, ah will send for the local physician. Although ah will admit, Teagan is a far better healer than he. Dinnae take it personally if she willnae see ye, she willnae see me either.

  Another sennight passed and Teagan remained behind closed doors. Sebastian was at the end of his patience and understanding. Why was she ignoring him? Had her feelings for him vanished? Lachlan kept reassuring him, but it didn’t help his mind from creating all sorts of scenarios. Scenarios that had him traveling back to London with his heart in tatters. The physician examined her and said she was healthy and eating. She was in shock and could remain that way for some time. He left several bottles of laudanum which Lachlan promptly threw out. Teagan would never forgive him if he gave her any. She always called it the devil drug. She preferred to make her own medicine. Medicine that wouldn’t make a person crazy.

  Today, a fortnight since he arrived at Murray Castle, Sebastian dressed i
n his riding clothes, hoping a good long ride would ease his mind. Just as he descended the stone stairs a gentleman, perhaps around forty, leaning heavily on a cane, stepped out of a carriage.

  “May I be of assistance?” Sebastian queried.

  “Ah hope so. Ah’m looking for Lachlan and Teagan. Ah’m their uncle.”

  “Uncle. But...I...they...thought you were dead.”

  “Ah nearly was. Ian is a crazy bastard. Killed Paw and my brother. Left me for dead. Took me this long to recover my wits enough tae even ken who ah was. Came as soon as ah could travel. Had my mon scouring all of Scotland looking for Lachlan and Teagan, only tae find out they were in England until recently. Is that where ye met them?”

  “Yes. It’s a long story and should be told around a warm fire with a glass of Lachlan’s fine whiskey.”

  “Ah hear he is the duke now? What about Ian? Is he still alive?”

  “Let me take you to Lachlan, and he can explain everything that has happened.”

  Sebastian knocked on Lachlan’s study door and entered when the familiar Scottish brogue said, “Come in.”

  “Uncle Bruce,” Lachlan bellowed and stood abruptly, sending his chair crashing to the ground with a loud thud. “Ah thought ye were dead.” Lachlan righted the chair then hurried around the desk, pulling his uncle into a hug. “Ah thought tae never see ye again. Is Grandpaw and Uncle Fergus with ye?”

  “Sit down, we have much tae discuss.”

  “I’ll just excuse myself.” Sebastian backing away toward to door.

  “Nonsense.” Lachlan waved his arm. “Sit down. Ye ken everything and have been through much with us.” He headed to the sideboard and poured three generous glasses of whiskey and handed them out. “Ian told me ye were dead. That he killed ye.”


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