195 worthy feeding rich pasture, grazing land
197 like sooth truthful
203 featly skillfully
206 light upon choose her (for marriage)
Servant i.e. the Old Shepherd's servant (whose presence indicates that though humble, the household is not impoverished) 209 tabor small drum used for morris dancing
211 tell count out
212 ballads narrative songs sung and sold by itinerant peddlers grew listened attentively/were drawn to
213 better at a better time
217 milliner vendor of fashionable hats and gloves
218 bawdry lewdness
219 burdens refrains
dildos and fadings nonsense words used in refrains (plays on the senses of "false penis" and "moment after orgasm") 220 "jump ... her" also with sexual connotations stretched-mouthed wide-mouthed/obscene
221 break ... matter interrupt the song with an obscenity (gap plays on the sense of "vagina") 223 Whoop exclamation of outcry or excitement
225 brave excellent/impudent
226 admirable conceited extraordinarily witty, ingenious 227 unbraided untarnished, not shop-soiled ("braid" plays on the sense of "ribbon") 229 points laces used to attach doublet and hose (plays on the sense of "arguments") 230 by th'gross wholesale
inkles linen tape
231 caddisses yarn tape used for garters
cambrics fine linen from Cambray in Flanders
lawns fine linen
'em over about them
232 smock woman's undergarment
233 sleeve-hand cuff
work about embroidery on
234 square square piece of material on the chest area 238 You have there are some
240 go about wish
242 Cypress lightweight crepe fabric
243 sweet scented
244 Masks worn by women to protect the complexion from the sun 245 Bugle glittering
247 quoifs close-fitting caps
stomachers decorated fronts for women's dresses
249 poking-sticks rod for stiffening the folds of a ruff (with possible phallic play) 254 enthralled enslaved (by love)
255 bondage (buying and) binding up
256 against in preparation for
258 more than that presumably marriage
260 paid you had sex with you/given you
261 paid ... again refers to pregnancy and the shame of an illegitimate child plackets slits in skirts or petticoats (hence "vagina") 263 plackets ... faces i.e. reveal their most private affairs in public 264 kiln-hole fire hole at an oven (somewhere to gossip) 267 Clamour silence
268 tawdry-lace Saint Audrey's lace, a decorative neckerchief 270 cozened tricked
272 abroad roaming about
273 behoves befits
276 charge value
278 alife on my life
280 usurer moneylender
281 brought ... of delivered
at a burden in one birth
283 carbonadoed scored and grilled
287 Tale-porter i.e. "tale-bearer" or bringer of "tail" (vagina), hence pimp 291 lay it by set it aside
294 fourscore eightieth (four times twenty)
forty thousand fathom 240,000 feet (about 74,000 meters) 297 exchange flesh have sex
301 justices' magistrates'
hands signatures
302 pack bag, pack of goods
306 passing extremely
308 request demand
309 bear a part sing a part/play a role/handle genitals 311 on't of it
313 Have ... you let's begin
322 Or either
grange farmhouse
323 ill wrong
330 have ... anon finish this song later
331 sad serious
340 toys ornaments, trinkets
344 utter offer for sale
ware-a wares, goods
345 carters cart drivers
346 neat-herds cowherds
made ... hair dressed in hairy disguises, presumably animal skins, to resemble satyrs 347 Saltiers malapropism for "satyrs" (mythical creatures, part man, part goat) 348 gallimaufry of gambols chaotic mixture of leaps 351 bowling i.e. a gentle, sedate activity 353 homely simple
355 threes trios
358 by th'square with great precision
359 prating chattering
361 stay are waiting
362 father respectful term of address for an old man you'll ... hereafter presumably refers to a conversation the men were having during the dance 364 He's simple the Shepherd is ignorant/humble
367 handed handled
wont accustomed
368 she with knacks lady with trifles, presents
371 marted bargained/ bought
372 Interpretation should abuse should misinterpret 373 bounty generosity
straited at a loss
374 make ... her care about keeping her happy
378 looks looks for
380 delivered i.e. legally, through formal betrothal breathe my life i.e. pledge my love
382 sometime formerly, at some time
384 bolted sifted, refined
385 blasts winds
387 wash clean/ whitewash
388 was that was
put you out disconcerted you (by interrupting); also used for actor forgetting his lines 389 to return to
protestation declaration
396 Thereof of all monarchs
400 Commend ... perdition either commit them to her service, or consign them to ruin.
408 By ... his through understanding the purity of my own thoughts I recognize that of his (a dressmaking metaphor) 413 portion dowry
415 one being dead i.e. when Polixenes dies and Florizel inherits the throne 418 Contract ... witnesses the formal betrothal; a pledge of marriage uttered before witnesses was legally binding 421 Soft wait a moment
swain country gallant or lover/young man/rustic
428 becomes befits
429 incapable Of unable to understand (through senility) 431 alt'ring rheums weakening catarrh or similar ailments of old age 432 Dispute deal with
433 does ... childish i.e. suffers dementia and returns to a state of childish dependency 440 unfilial not like a son, unnatural
Reason it is reasonable that
443 posterity family, descendants
hold some counsel be involved, consulted
445 yield grant
456 Mark witness
460 affects aspires to/seeks to obtain/loves/assumes the character of/puts on a pretense of sheep-hook shepherd's crook, and by implication a shepherd girl (derogatory) 463 excellent skilled
of force by necessity
464 cop'st with deal with/embrace
467 homely ugly/humble
fond foolish/doting
469 knack toy/piece of trickery
470 succession i.e. to the throne
471 Not ... blood disown you
472 Far ... off less linked in kinship than to Deucalion, in classical mythology the common ancestor of humankind and thus the most distant relation possible 473 churl rustic/villain, i.e. the Shepherd 475 dead ... it i.e. execution
enchantment enchantress, witch, i.e. Perdita
476 him i.e. Florizel
477 That ... thee i.e. were it not for his royal blood, his behavior has made him even unworthy of a lowly person like you 479 rural latches metaphorical gates that lead from Perdita's rustic world into Florizel's 482 tender acutely receptive
483 undone ruined
487 visage face
488 alike both alike
497 fourscore three eighty-three
498 fill ... quiet die peacefully
502 no ... dust criminals were denied a Christian burial 503 adventure dare
504 mingle faith exchange vows (perhaps with play on the belief in the mingling of blood during sex) 510 straining ... back determined for being deterred following ... unwillingly being dragged against my will 515 purpose intend
hardly with great difficulty/unwil
520 I think, Camillo? Camillo either takes off his disguise or is recognized by Florizel, even with it on 523 dignity worth
524 But only
526 violation ... faith breaking of my oaths
528 seeds i.e. of life
Lift ... looks look at me/be cheerful
529 wipe erase
531 Be advised be cautious, think carefully
532 fancy feelings, love
536 desperate extreme/rash/dangerous
538 honesty right, honorable
539 pomp splendor, ostentation
541 close secret/enclosed
wombs holds within
profound deep
547 passion rage
548 Tug contend with one another
549 deliver report
552 rides fast by anchored nearby
553 What ... hold where I intend to go
554 Shall ... reporting will not benefit you to hear or me to tell you 557 for advice to advise
561 irremovable determined
563 frame ... turn use for my purposes
565 Purchase obtain
569 fraught burdened
curious difficult
570 ceremony courtesy (toward you)
572 poor meager
576 not ... on and important to him to reward your service as fully as he values it 581 embrace ... direction accept my advice, adopt my plan 582 ponderous weighty
settled fixed, determined
583 suffer alteration permit some adjustments
584 receiving a reception
586 Enjoy make love to/love freely
587 disjunction separation
588 forfend forbid
590 discontenting discontented
qualify pacify
591 liking giving his approval
595 after ... to ever after trust
596 on of
599 th'unthought ... do this unexpected event is responsible for our rash behavior now 601 flies ... blows blown about like flies in the wind 603 list listen
608 habited dressed
612 As ... person as though he were your father
613 divides ... kindness veers between chastising himself for his past unkindness/unnatural behavior and endeavoring to be kind/ fatherly now 618 colour pretext
622 bearing behavior
623 as as if
625 point ... sitting direct you at every discussion (with regard to) 627 bosom most personal thoughts
630 sap life
633 unpathed uncharted
635 one one misery
636 nothing ... as your only certainty
637 stay hold, keep
639 Prosperity's ... love good fortune secures love 641 Affliction alters (love) is changed by adversity 643 subdue the cheek make the complexion pale
644 take in affect/conquer
646 seven years i.e. for a long time
647 such such as Perdita
649 as ... birth as superior to her lowly upbringing as she is inferior to us in rank 652 instructions education
660 furnished dressed/equipped
661 appear appear so
663 fortunes wealth
665 appointed provided for
666 mine written/performed by me
instance proof
667 want go without
670 trumpery worthless finery
stone gem
glass mirror
671 pomander ball of sweet-smelling substances carried about for ornament or to prevent infection table-book notebook
672 horn-ring ring made from horn, thought to possess magical qualities fasting i.e. being empty
674 hallowed sacred
benediction blessing
675 best in picture looked best (to steal)
676 use purpose/opportunity/profit
wants lacks
677 something some thing
grew plays on the phallic sense of "became erect"
678 pettitoes feet (literally, pig's trotters)
680 stuck in ears were devoted to hearing
681 placket literally, slit in a petticoat, hence "vagina"
geld ... purse cut a purse free from the codpiece it is attached to/castrate (geld) a scrotum 683 my sir's i.e. the Clown's
684 nothing meaninglessness/silliness (puns on musical "noting," which was pronounced similarly) 686 whoo-bub hullabaloo
687 choughs small chattering birds of crow family, especially jackdaws (plays on "chuffs," meaning "rustics") chaff wares, pickings/husks of grain after threshing/refuse 692 satisfy appease
697 Nothing nothing that
703 outside ... poverty i.e. poor clothing 704 discase undress
705 think believe, understand
706 pennyworth bargain
707 some boot something more
710 dispatch hurry
flayed stripped
712 in earnest sincere (sense then shifts to "advance payment") trick knack/habit/trickery
on't of it, i.e. duping people
718 Come ... ye be fulfilled
719 covert hiding place
720 pluck pull
721 Dismantle you take off your outer clothes
disliken disguise
722 seeming appearance
723 eyes over spies
724 undescried undetected
725 lies plays on the sense of "dissimulates"
727 remedy alternative
734 twain two
739 after in pursuit
740 review see again
741 woman's i.e. overwhelming
742 speed favor/hasten
747 cutpurse one who steals by cutting purses which were worn hanging from the waist 749 exchange conversation/exchange of garments/financial transaction without boot even without payment
750 boot benefit/profit/shoe
751 connive at conspire with
extempore on a whim, spontaneously
752 piece of iniquity wrongful act
753 clog burden (block of wood tied to man or animal to prevent escape)/mistress 754 withal with this
756 constant faithful
fardel bundle
757 hot enthusiastic, active
758 session court session
759 careful attentive, cunning
761 changeling fairy child (usually substituted for a stolen mortal baby) 765 Go to go ahead
778 I ... ounce i.e. nothing at all
779 puppies i.e. silly ones
780 fardel bundle
782 complaint lament, grounds for grievance
783 master i.e. Florizel
786 pocket up put away
787 excrement i.e. mustache/beard
789 an it like if it please
791 condition nature
792 having means, wealth
793 discover reveal
794 plain simple (Autolycus plays on sense of "smooth") 796 give ... lie deceive us/accuse us of lying (a valid cause for a duel) 797 pay ... lie i.e. even if cheated or insulted, since soldiers pay with legitimate currency rather than by stabbing, tradesmen cannot claim to have given anything (free goods/the lie), and a duel is thus avoided 799 one the lie/a duel
800 taken ... manner behaved properly/caught yourself in time 803 enfoldings clothing
804 gait posture, bearing
measure graceful movement
805 baseness lowly status, which the court would find contemptuous 806 for that because
insinuate draw out subtly
toaze tease out
808 cap-a-pie from head to toe
809 open thy affair disclose your business
812 advocate representative
814 pheasant the only courts known to the Clown are those of local justices; he assumes Autolycus refers to bribing the judge with a gift 820 but anyone but
823 fantastical imaginative/eccentric
824 picking on's teeth the way he picks his teeth (ornate toothpicks were a mark of fashion) 830 Age old man
834 be'st ... serious are able to und
erstand important things 838 hand-fast arrested
fly flee, escape
842 wit ... heavy ingenuity can make brutal
843 germane related
846 sheep-whistling rogue rascal who whistles to his sheep ram-tender one who looks after rams
offer attempt
847 grace favor at court
849 sheep-cote building sheltering sheep
854 'nointed anointed, covered
855 dram tiny bit
856 aqua-vitae liquor
857 prognostication proclaims the calendar forecasts 860 blown swollen with flies' eggs (laid in wounds) 862 capital worthy of the death penalty
863 to to say to
Being ... considered as I am deemed noble/esteemed at court 865 tender offer, present
him in to him on
866 man any man
868 Close make a deal
874 that what
875 in pawn as security
878 moiety half
880 case circumstances/skin
886 gone else dead otherwise
890 before ahead of me
891 look ... hedge i.e. urinate
897 suffer allow
booties booty, benefits
courted wooed
898 occasion opportunity
901 him i.e. Florizel's ship
902 shore them put them ashore
904 officious interfering
proof against impervious to
906 matter serious business/reward
2 sorrow i.e. penitence
3 paid ... trespass endured and repented more than the sin warranted 9 in them with regard to them
16 the ... are all existing women
22 good now expression of entreaty
26 done ... benefit been more helpful
32 sovereign name royal lineage, i.e. through an heir 33 fail of issue childlessness
35 Incertain lookers on subjects or spectators who are unsure and anxious about the future 36 well i.e. in heaven
42 Respecting compared to
45 tenor substance
48 monstrous incredible, unnatural
50 on my life I am certain
51 counsel advice
54 Great ... th'worthiest Alexander the Great reportedly urged his followers simply to choose the worthiest man as his successor 60 squared me conformed
61 full perfect
67 her i.e. Hermione's
68 and i.e. and do so/and appear
69 now i.e. now stand (or perhaps a printer's error for "mourn") soul-vexed tormented (dying with a troubled soul was thought to make the dead rise as ghosts) 70 Why i.e. why offer this insult
72 had would have
75 should so would also incite you to do so
76 mark note, observe
79 rift split
80 mine i.e. my eyes
82 eyes else other eyes
85 leave permission
88 tempt test
91 Affront come before
95 office task, responsibility
98 walked ... ghost were the ghost of Hermione to walk 104 Servant so called in Folio, but clearly a gentleman courtier (he has once written poetry in praise of Hermione) 105 gives out himself claims to be
109 What i.e. what attendants, company
111 out of circumstance without ceremony
112 framed planned
113 accident chance event
train retinue (has he with him)
115 mean humble
117 peerless ... earth perfect mortal
The Winter's Tale Page 24