No More Wasted Time

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No More Wasted Time Page 14

by Beverly Preston

  “No, but I heard about it. Blow by blow.”

  “Sorry, I didn’t know someone-”

  “You don’t need to apologize. And please don’t try to explain anything. That’s a little too much information for me. You’re obviously having a great time.”

  “More than likely, there will be more photos,” Tess forewarned.

  John groaned. “Please tell me you’re not naked or topless! I’ll never hear the end of that shit from my friends. They’ve already been telling me, ‘Dude your mom looks so hot’.” he mimicked with irritation.

  “No, I’m not naked or topless in any photos.” Tess glanced at Tom. He reassured her, shaking his head no. “Sorry about your friends giving you crap.”

  “I appreciate you trying to warn me, but you were too late. Everybody said it’s a great picture.”

  She gave a slight chuckle. “That’s what I said. Tom wanted me to get a hold of you before you saw it.”

  “Well if he wasn’t groping you in public, maybe he wouldn’t be feeling guilty right now. Sorry. I’m fine. It’s just weird. You’re my mom, but it sounds like, or should I say it looks like, you’re really into him. My only concern is that you’re happy.” Annoyance sat heavy in his voice.

  “I am happy.”

  “I’m gonna go. This conversation’s a little too weird. Love you.”

  “Love you, too.”

  “He’s upset?” Tom asked, after she hung up.

  Tess could tell it bothered Tom. He wanted her kids to approve of him. “Well, I’m not sure about mad, maybe embarrassed. However, he did request you not grope me in public. Please tell me there won’t be pictures of us from Bora Bora? They would die. I would die if there were topless photos of me.”

  “No, there aren’t.” He attempted to be convincing.

  “Lovely,” she smirked, falling straight back onto the bed.

  Tom touched the Tahitian pearl necklace hanging around her neck. “If you don’t mind, Tess, I’d rather you didn’t wear this right now.”

  She frowned with hurt feelings. “Why?”

  “I don’t want them to have any idea where we’ve been. This necklace would be a dead giveaway. They probably assume we’ve been in Greece the whole time, and I’d like to keep it that way.”


  “I’m sorry. It won’t be near as crazy after our public interest wears off, but it’ll be an ordeal for a while. I’d love to sit here and tell you that it won’t be a nightmare, but it will. If I could make them go away I would, but the media doesn’t work that way. So, we can either go out and get it over with or lay low until the premier. Either way, they’re still going to line up outside, hide in the bushes, and follow us everywhere. Waiting will only delay the inevitable.”

  “I think I’d rather get it over with.”

  “I’m not going to sugarcoat it, Tess. This might be very overwhelming for you. The paparazzi can be brutal. A few of them are decent, but some will say anything to piss you off so they can get their pictures.”

  “Lifestyles of the rich and famous…” she smirked.

  “Get dressed. We’ll go over some things.” He taught her how to stand. Don’t fidget, it shows weakness. And don’t ever look pissed. Move slowly. Don’t rush when you walk. “And, Tess, no matter what you do, be very careful getting in and out of the car.” He reached his hand under her dress, snapped the top of her thong, and raised his eyebrows. “I’d like to keep that out of the photos.”

  She listened carefully, absorbing his instructions.

  “I’m friendly with some of the paparazzi, so what we do will depend on who is here. Just follow my lead. If I stop, then stop with me.”

  “Is there a problem with your publicist? I get the feeling I’m an issue of sorts.”

  “Just a small one, but its fine.” He acted nonchalant, but obviously, there was a definite problem.

  Tom’s phone rang. He smiled, handing it to Tess.

  “Hi, Tracy. How’s your cruise going?”

  “Hey, Mom. We are loving Greece! Apparently you did, too!” Tracy and JC giggled hysterically.

  “Oh, great. I didn’t think you’d see it.”

  “When we got into port, JC had eight photo messages from all of her friends. So yeah, we’ve seen it!”

  “Did you have a message from your brother, too?”

  “Oh, yeah. He was quite peeved.”

  JC snatched the phone away from Tracy. “We had to explain to our brother the effect Greece has on you.” JC laughed. “We can appreciate how you could get caught up here. Greece is incredibly romantic. At least it was a good picture.”

  “That’s what I said.”

  Tracy had the phone now. “We can’t talk long because we’re getting off the ship. We told John he should bring his girlfriend here on vacation then maybe he wouldn’t be so judgmental. Europe is magically romantic. Anyway, we have to go. He’s fine now and we all want you to have fun. Do you know where you are going yet?” she asked enthusiastically.

  “Yes, I do.”

  Both girls chimed, “Have fun. Love you.”

  “Bye. Love you, too.”

  “Your girls seem awfully sensible. I knew they’d love Greece.” Relief covered Tom’s face.

  “They are very responsible, but apparently they find Europe incredibly romantic. I hope they come home.”

  Tess sat anxiously waiting for the plane to land.

  “I wouldn’t have brought you here if I didn’t think you could handle it. If we want to be together, this has to happen at some point. The sooner we get it over with, the sooner the cameras will go away. Somewhat.”

  Paparazzi loomed when they exited the airport. Tom held her hand. She followed behind him casually doing everything he told her to do. Walk smoothly. Don’t fidget or look directly at them. He slid his arm around her waist, smiling at her. Tess focused so hard on concentrating, she didn’t hear much of anything, but a rush of mumbled voices. Tom moved toward one of the men with a camera, but kept his distance.

  “How was Greece Tommy? Let me take your picture! Who’s your new date, Tommy?” the man asked.

  Tom stopped for five seconds and pulled Tess in next to him. “Hey, Joey. This is my girlfriend, Tess Mathews. Greece was especially nice.”

  Flashes popped off. Before she could duck her head from the strikes of light, Tess caught glimpse of the stunned look on the man’s face. He resembled Benny and Lisa’s when Tom used the word girlfriend. The paparazzi were still taking pictures as Tess slipped into the car carefully.

  “I hope you’re ready for this.” He kissed her on the cheek.

  “That wasn’t bad.”


  The car pulled up to a large black wrought iron gate. Lush, tall landscaping exposed only a very small portion of the garage doors from the road.

  Entering Tom’s home, she whispered in awe, “It’s beautiful.” Drawn to the mesmerizing view of the Pacific Ocean, Tess walked straight past the modest, modern décor. “Wow.” She stared out the floor to ceiling glass panels that created a frame for nature’s finest canvass of coastal artwork.

  Tom stood behind Tess, embracing her. “Come on, you can look around later.” He led her to his room, turned on some music, and opened the glass doors, letting in the moist ocean breeze.

  “The view is spectacular.” She wandered out onto the balcony and leaned over the stainless steel railing, taking in the smell of the ocean. He stared at her and tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. “What? Why are you looking at me like that?” She blushed.

  “I like looking at you, Tess, you’re beautiful.” He placed his palm to hers and his other hand grasped her hip, dancing slowly gazing into her eyes. She laid her head on his chest, gently swaying to the music.

  “Do you want me to show you around the house?” he whispered in her ear.

  “Not right now. I feel so relaxed.”

  Tom kissed her lips tenderly, until they heard the front door open.

y? Hello! Hey, where are you?” a woman shouted.

  “We’ll be right out!” He replied and then brushed his nose to hers. “It’s my assistant.”

  A very young, attractive woman stood in his living room. “Tommy! I’m glad you’re back. I tried to knock, but you didn’t hear me.” She gave him a welcoming embrace. “I have some things for you. I hope they’re the right size,” she said to Tess, setting several bags atop the driftwood coffee table.

  “Tess, this is my assistant, Shayla,” he said, arms still wrapped around the striking, blond haired girl with hazel eyes.

  Tess consciously made an effort not to show any emotions on her face as a rush of jealously surged through her. His assistant looked as if she could’ve stepped right out of a surf magazine. Very California. “It’s nice to meet you.” Tess reached for her hand.

  “She’s my assistant and my niece,” Tom clarified.

  Shayla embraced Tess. “It’s nice to finally meet you. Tommy’s been talking about you on the phone for weeks. He said you needed a few things.”

  “I do?”

  “I had her pick out a couple of outfits for you so we wouldn’t have to go out shopping right away. I wasn’t sure how this morning would play out. Lisa helped me with your sizes, so hopefully they’ll fit.” Tom said.

  “They probably will. That woman is gifted when it comes to shopping.” Tess peeked inside the bag.

  “If they don’t fit or you don’t like them, let me know and I’ll exchange them for something different. Tommy can give you my number. If you need anything, Tess, call me. By the way, two guys are lurking around out front.”

  “I’ll call you later so we can go over plans for tomorrow,” Tom confirmed.

  A shudder trickled down her spine as she wondered what it would be like to go shopping in public with Tom. Tess smiled appreciatively. “Thanks for the clothes.”

  “No problem. Call me with whatever you need. See you tomorrow.”

  “Hopefully you’ll like the things she picked up. Lisa set the whole thing up for me.”

  “You’re spoiling me,” she murmured. Tess treasured everything Tom did for her, but she was used to taking care of herself.

  “I enjoy doing things for you and don’t give me any trouble over it, please, because you’re going to have a great time the next few days.”

  “I’ll just say thank you then.” She kissed him appreciatively.

  “Tess, I want nothing more than to take you to bed right now, but I hoped we could wait until later.”

  Tess realized she didn’t need to rush all of her feelings into three days. They were together now and she could enjoy him for a long time. “I see a pool out back. Or do we have plans?”

  “I want to take you to dinner later, but we can unwind for a few hours. I’m going to unpack and make some calls.”

  They both unpacked. She casually glanced around his thoroughly organized closet, slightly satisfied to see there weren’t any other woman’s things hanging in his closet. The outfits Shayla picked out for her were perfect in fit and style, even the shoes fit right.

  Tess put on her bikini bottoms, heading out to the pool. He slipped his fingers around her wrist turning her so he could observe her. A huge grin spread across his face. “I didn’t think you wanted topless photos of yourself on the Internet.”

  “But your back yard is so private.”

  He handed Tess the top to her bikini. “You should probably put this on, but it’s up to you.” He winked.


  Large white stone tiles bordered the long narrow rectangular pool. Perfectly manicured trees and shrubs lined the property so not to block the view of the ocean. Tess swam laps in the warm water and lounged in the sun. Tom eventually joined her. “I brought this back from Bora Bora for you.” He handed her a bottle of the monoi oil she loved so much.

  “Thanks. That was sweet of you.” She rubbed oil on his back. He wanted to wait until later to take her to bed, but just the scent of the oil turned her on.

  “Roll over, I’ll do you,” he said.

  “I was hoping you’d say that.”

  “Play nice, Tess.” He swatted her butt playfully.

  Her thoughts kept wandering back to Bora Bora and the massages her gave her. “I give up. I’m going inside.”

  She retreated back inside, trying her best not to tackle him on the bed, couch, counter or anything else that looked like fair game. He wanted to wait and she knew it would pay off nicely in the end.

  Tom showed Tess around his home.

  “Your place is so…”

  “Bachelor pad? I don’t have much design skill.”

  “I was going to say contemporary or modern. I like the clean lines.” Dark brown leather sofas looked rich against the light gray walls and several pieces of colorful artwork hung on the walls. “I love the artwork. The colors add a lot of warmth.” The painting extended the full length of the sofa it hung over. Midnight blue faded into purples, reds, oranges and yellows, mimicking a sunset.

  “Do you like art?”

  “Sure. Not strange pieces, but I appreciate unique things.” She stood in front of his fireplace, admiring the pallid mosaic gray-blue glass tiles surrounding it. She suspected the glass tiles came from Italy.

  “Tell me about your house, Tess.”

  “I have a nice house, but I’d rather show it to you.”

  “Would it be hard for you to have another man in your home?” Tom asked softly as they ambled down the hall to his room.

  “I’ll get past it. Is it strange for you to have me here?”

  Both stretched out across his bed. “Yes, a little bit. Truthfully though, I couldn’t wait for you to come home with me, and that’s nothing I’ve ever wanted before.”

  “I know you leave soon to start your film, and I’m not sure what your plan is, but if it works out, can you stay with me for a couple days when you take me home?”

  He fidgeted with his fingers. “Stay with you?” His brows creased and he cleared his throat.

  Sensing his hesitation, Tess started to ramble. “If you have the time. Plus you could meet John.”

  Tom ran his tongue over his teeth, sucking air through them as he folded his arms across his chest.

  I’ve never seen him do that before. He’s freaking out.

  “You don’t have to stay with me if you don’t want to.” Caught off guard by his reaction, Tess tried to swallow her insecurities. “Tom, I don’t want this to be weird. Our relationship should be easy for both of us. I’m not looking to get married again, so I don’t want you to think that’s where my head is.” She tried to be light hearted so things wouldn’t be awkward between them. “I enjoy spending time together. You make me happy. You’re fun, not to mention I can’t keep my hands off you.”

  He may as well have stamped panic to his forehead.

  Tess didn’t do well with sweeping things under a rug or hiding from reality. “Look I understand this is new for you, but please don’t trip out because I asked you to come home with me.”

  He remained silent.

  “Seriously, come on, Tom. I’m here with you at your home, and I have no idea how many women have laid in this same spot, but I really don’t care. I’m not going to let it bother me because right now, I’m in your bed. It shouldn’t bother you to stay with me.”

  Tom sat silent as the grave, letting her rattle on while he squirmed in his seat.

  So much for Benny curing those inner demons. Apparently they still linger.

  Irritated by his lack of confidence in their brand new relationship, Tess huffed. “Look, I need our relationship to be straightforward and uncomplicated for both of us. I don’t like drama and I don’t do well with bullshit. If there’s something you need to say, just say it. Okay?”

  She turned her back to him. “I’m taking a shower.”

  As the hot water rained over her, Tess’ thoughts were spinning. One little, ‘Will you come home with me?’ and he freaked. I shouldn’t be surprise
d. This is obviously new for him, but jeeze it wasn’t as if I asked him to move in with me.

  A few minutes later, Tom stepped into the shower and wrapped his arms around her. He stood behind her, placing affectionate kisses on her wet shoulder and tenderly stroked her arms.

  Heat and tears stung her face beneath the steamy veil of the hot water. She turned away from him, hiding her frustration. “I’m pretty much willing to blindly throw myself to the wolves lingering outside your front door with a camera in their hands. You should be willing-”

  “You’re right. I’m sorry. I panicked for a minute. Uncomplicated. That’s how I want us to be, too. No drama.”

  “No games, no bullshit. Okay?”

  He turned to face her, slipping a sodden lock of hair from her face to look into her eyes. “I promise Tess. No bullshit.”

  Tom lifted her up a bit, nudging his hard-on between her legs.

  Feeling his, I’m sorry searching for forgiveness between her thighs, she said, “Not yet, remember?”

  “I changed my mind.”

  “I know you have something planned later, so not yet, please. I like it when you surprise me. I’ve waited all day. I can wait a little longer.” She grinned stepping out of the shower.

  “Is this when I’m supposed to turn the water to cold?”

  “Umm hmm. Let’s save that for later.” She laughed suggestively.

  Tess dressed for dinner, checking herself over in the mirror. The dark straight jeans and sheer lavender top fit flawlessly. She loved the tan wedges with a silver buckle across the top, too. “Thanks for the outfits.”

  “You’re welcome. You’ll probably meet some interesting people. There’ll be camera’s here tonight. That’s one of the reasons I want to go out. I don’t want you to be surprised.”

  Tom drove them to a well-known restaurant where they had dinner and drinks. Tess met several of his friends, most were very nice, and a few were slightly pretentious. She became quite bored with the ‘Holy Shit’ expression people wore on their faces when he introduced her as his girlfriend. It made her proud to be by his side, though.

  She’d had several drinks and was having a hard time staying focused. She whispered in his ear as she gently bit his earlobe. “Tom, I can’t wait any more. Can we go?”


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