Assisting the Bosshole

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Assisting the Bosshole Page 14

by Kristin MacQueen

  “How can you say he’s harmless? He’s so vulgar and flirts non-stop. I swear that man could make a stripper blush.”

  I throw my head back in laughter. Carrie gets so wound up when it comes to Owen. He gets under her skin like no one else can.

  “Owen’s all talk with very little bite... unless you’re into that thing, then I'm sure he’d bite.”

  Carrie’s eyes bulge, her mouth falls open. Before she can respond, a familiar voice floats through the air. A kiss is placed on my cheek, at the same time Owen slides into the seat next to Carrie and Lucas drags a chair over from another table. Parker squeezes my thigh, letting his hand linger there.

  “Hey, baby. We got bored and missed you.” He flashes me a panty melting smile.

  “Did you miss me, Carrie?” Owen wiggles his eyebrows, smiling so big his dimples make an appearance.

  “I told them you two wanted some time alone but they didn’t want to listen to me. Surprise, surprise.” Lucas rolls his eyes, giving us an apologetic look.

  “How can we miss you when you’re always around?” Carrie raises a brow, clearly annoyed she has to deal with Owen once again.

  “Are you mad?” Parker whispers in my ear, his warm breath fans over my skin making me shiver. He chuckles when he notices, snaking an arm around my waist, tugging me close. Placing a gentle kiss on my head, he lets out a little happy sigh.

  “Nah, I'm not mad. Carrie definitely is though.”

  “Do you want us to leave?”

  “No. I wanna stay in your arms forever.”

  “I think that can be arranged.” He kisses my temple.

  “You guys are seriously the most adorable couple.” She plops her elbows on the table, resting her chin in her hands, giving us a dreamy smile.

  “We could be more adorable,” Owen mutters in her ear.

  Carrie jumps away, knocking her drink over in the process. It spills all over Owen and herself, drenching their laps completely.

  “Well, shit. When I said I’d make you wet, I never meant this way. My way would be much more fun.”

  “Ohmygosh!” Carrie lets out in one loud moan, covering her beet red face in her hands.

  “Exactly!” Owen’s face lights up, he points at her, a huge smile in place. “You’d moan exactly like that! Ohmygosh!” He imitates her moan in a breathy voice.

  “Logan... I... I gotta go. I’ll call you later.” Carrie hops up, grabbing her purse.

  “Carrie, sit the fuck down. I'm just messing with you. Plus, you look like you pissed yourself and people are looking.” Owen grabs her wrist, tugging her back down.

  “You look the exact same way! This is all your fault!”

  “How’s this my fault?” He rears back like someone slapped him. “You’re the one who flipped the fuck out.”

  “Because you were all up in my personal space! Do you always have to be inches from me? Why can't Lucas sit next to me? Why does it always have to be you?”

  “Because Lucas is asexual, he doesn’t give a shit about a pretty girl.”

  “I am not!” Lucas’s brows furrow with anger. Owen rolls his eyes, waving him off.

  “You are too. You couldn’t care less about flirting with a woman.”

  “Just because I can hold a conversation that doesn’t revolve around flirting and sex doesn’t mean I don’t or can't flirt. I don’t feel the need to overwhelm a woman.”

  “See! I’d much rather sit next to him.” Carrie motions to an innocent looking Lucas at the end of the table. Owen narrows his eyes, his gaze bouncing between the two of them.

  “Does Lucas give you a lady boner?”

  Carrie stares up at the ceiling, muttering a prayer and letting out a deep breath. When she turns her attention back to Owen, she glares at him.

  “I'm not answering that.”

  Carrie jumps out of her chair, this time she’s quicker than Owen, running out of the café.

  “Motherfucker,” Owen mutters, racing after her.

  “Oh, stop looking at her you perv! I got her a little too wet and she made me cream myself, mind your own damn business!” Owen roars at some guy staring at Carrie.

  “So how long do you think it will take for him to admit he wants to date Carrie?” Lucas leans in with a smirk on his face.

  “I thought Owen didn’t date.” I frown, does he want to date Carrie?

  “He doesn’t... Or at least hasn’t dated in the past,” Parker adds.

  “Then why would he want to date Carrie?”

  Lucas and Parker share a look, a slow smile spreading across both of their faces.

  “Because she doesn’t want him,” They say at the same time.

  “She can't be the first woman to turn him down.” I roll my eyes, chuckling. But when I glance back at them, their expressions make me second guess my thought. “Wait... really? First ever?”

  “Eh... Yeah, kinda. Married women turn him down, but I don’t think a single woman has ever turned him down. He’s hot and he knows it. He could charm the panties off a nun.” Lucas rolls his eyes making Parker choke out a laugh.

  “So, she’s a challenge? He’ll nail her and drop her?”

  “Nah, I didn’t say that. Owen’s a whole hell of a lot of things, but heartless isn't one of them. I think he genuinely likes Carrie. It’s kinda weird, she’s not really his type, but whatever.”

  “And what’s his type?” I arch a brow. Owen would be the luckiest man in the world to land a woman like Carrie.

  “You,” Parker growls.

  “Me? What do you mean, me?” My voice squeaks, that’s the last thing in the world I expected him to say.

  “You’re sexy as fuck, confident, flirty, and know how to banter with him. You’re as close to perfect for Owen as anyone I’ve ever met.” Parker shrugs his shoulders like he didn’t just drop that bomb in my lap.

  I swat at Parker’s chest several times, he chuckles, grabbing my wrist. He places gentle kisses on my palm, before dropping our hands to his lap.

  “You can't just say something like that! Are you saying Owen likes me?”

  “Owen loves the shit outta you.” Parker drops another bomb on me.

  “But not like that,” Lucas adds, easing the terror building in my chest slightly. “He loves you like a sister.”

  “You promise?” I beg, I need to know Owen doesn’t have feelings towards me. I’d never want to come between him and Parker. If I ruined their friendship, I’d never forgive myself.

  “Yes, darling. You have nothing to worry about. Owen and I knew we didn’t have a chance with you from the moment we met you. Parker’s your perfect person, not us.”

  I furrow my brows. Did Lucas like me as more too? My brain runs a mile a minute, trying it’s hardest to figure out if he’s ever shown any indication of liking me as more than friends.

  “Stop that!” He chuckles. “I’m not harboring a secret crush on you, I promise. You and Parker were made for each other. You’re an amazing woman, I won't act like you aren’t, but you’re not my perfect person.”

  “That’s the sweetest thing ever!” My hand flies to my chest, tears welling in my eyes.

  “Shut the fuck up, Coleman. You’re gonna make my girl cry,” Parker growls, tugging me closer. He nuzzles his face into my neck, peppering me with kisses.



  “I PAID IT ALL OFF,” Owen says on a sigh, dropping onto the couch in my office.

  I pause, lifting my gaze from the documents I was going through.

  “Explain all.”

  “Oh, ya know, over half a million in past due and I called the hospital and gave them my credit card number. They promised any new bills will be charged to me and no bills will be going out to Little L.”

  “Good. I’ll give you money.”

  “No. You won't.”

  Owen crosses his arms over his chest, a defiant scowl on his face. I narrow my eyes; Owen doesn’t do something like this often. He normally just goes along with the flow, but this is
my girl. She’s my responsibility.

  “You’re not paying for all of it yourself, it’s too much.”

  “Oh, c’mon, Parker. We both know this is barely anything to people like us... but someone like her,” He gestures to Logan’s desk. “This is huge. Just let me have this, let me feel like I'm helping someone for once in my life. You get to give her a better home.”

  “Fine. But only because when she finds out she’s gonna be pissed and I can feign innocence.”

  “There ya go! It’s win win for you! She’s not in debt and you won't get in trouble!”

  “What would Parker get in trouble for?” Logan bounces into my office, presses a kiss to my cheek, then pushes my chair back so she can sit on my lap. My arms instantly wrap around her waist, melting her body into my own.

  “Being an asshole.” Owen shrugs.

  “Oh, he’s the biggest asshole ever.”

  “Hey! I'm sitting right here!” I pout up at her.

  “Yes, you are. And I love you with all my heart.” Her fingers thread through my hair, wasting all the time I spent getting it to lay flat this morning.

  Kissing me slowly, Logan moans into my mouth. She doesn’t care if Owen’s in the room, we’ve grown used to him or Lucas being around at all times. We don’t care anymore. If they don’t like it, they can leave.

  “You keep doing that, Little L, you’re gonna turn this chubby into a full-blown boner.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize this was your office. I stupidly saw Parker Scott and thought it was his.” She rolls her eyes, tugging my arms tighter around her.

  “What are you doing here anyway, baby?”

  “Am I not allowed to visit my boyfriend at work?” Her brow raises in a challenging way.

  “Oh, you can visit me any time you want to, sweetness. I was just wondering if there was a reason.”

  “I'm cleared to work again. I'm coming back tomorrow.” A sly smile spreads across her lips.

  “So... I get to see you every second of the day again?”

  “Yup. Until you get sick of me and either fire me or kick me out.”

  “If this fucker fires you or kicks you out, I'm hiring you or making you move in with me.”

  “She’s mine, lay the fuck off,” I growl, glaring at Owen.

  The fucker chuckles, laying down on my couch, making himself comfortable. Clearly, he plans on staying for a while.

  “Mr. Scott!” Someone barks from outside my door. I instantly scowl, no one talks to me like that.

  The second the overweight form of Mr. Anderson comes into view it makes more sense. He has no respect for Owen, Lucas or I.

  “I'm sorry, Mr. Anderson. I don’t have a meeting with you on my busy schedule. You can make an appointment with my assistant when she returns to work tomorrow.”

  “She’s right there!” Anderson motions to Logan, still seated on my lap.

  “Yes, she is. But she isn't cleared to return to work until tomorrow... so... she’s here as my girlfriend and nothing else today.”

  “You’re not busy at all! You’re in here with Owen, goofing off as usual.”

  “Excuse me! We do not goof off.” Owen spits the words like they leave a bad taste in his mouth. “We are simply partaking in immature behavior. There’s a vast difference.”

  “Oh my gosh! I really can't believe your fathers left this company to you two and Lucas.”

  “Watch it, Anderson! Lucas is the hardest worker out of all of us, he doesn’t deserve to be insulted when he isn't even here to stand up for himself.”

  “Thank you, Owen. But I heard exactly what Mr. Anderson thinks of me.” Lucas slides in the door, pushes Owen’s feet off the couch and plops down next to him.

  “What do you want, Anderson? You have our full attention, but it won't last for long,” I hiss.

  “I have a new company I think you’d be interested in buying.” He adjusts his tie like he’s uncomfortable.

  “Ok. Please put the information on Ms. Johnson’s desk. She can deal with it in the morning.”

  “No! This is for the three of you to look at! Not some secretary who’s sleeping with the boss.”

  “Who the fuck do you think you are?” Owen roars, jumping off the couch. Lucas pulls him back down, holding him back from going after Anderson again.

  “Then give it to me, please,” I huff out my irritation but keep my voice fairly calm compared to how my blood is boiling on the inside.

  A satisfied grin takes over the schmuck’s face. He throws his shoulders back, strutting over to me like he somehow won.

  Stupid fucker.

  Taking the file in my hand, I throw him a tight smile. He steps away from my desk, thinking he got his way.

  He didn’t.

  A soon as he’s in front of my door, a smirk spreads over my face. I hand the file to Logan, placing a lingering kiss to her forehead.

  “Can you look into this for me?”

  “Anything for you, boss,” She coos.

  Anderson’s jaw drops, his face turns cherry red and his eyes bulge. I swear his head might explode.

  “Are you kidding me, Parker?” He shouts.

  I don’t move, don’t blink, barely even breath. I stare down the man who’s been a thorn in my side since the day we took over the company.

  I slowly stand, taking Logan with me. I place her in my chair and round the desk, getting right in Anderson’s face. We’re toe to toe, he has to look up to meet my eye, but I don’t care. This ends now.

  “It’s Mr. Scott to you,” Logan says in a sing song voice. “I don’t understand why that’s so difficult for you to remember.”

  “It would behoove you to remember your place in this company, because frankly, I'm getting tired of reminding you. Every single takeover or buyout goes through Ms. Johnson. There’s a reason for that. It’s not because she’s my girlfriend, it has absolutely nothing to do with where I stick my dick at night.”

  “Or during the day!” Owen interjects with a smug smile.

  “Our decision to do things this way is purely because of her ability in figuring out if a company is worth a damn. Owen, Lucas and I have more important things to do than look at every single one our employees bring to us. We trust Ms. Johnson to bring us the ones worth a damn and to chuck the inadequate ones. This is our decision, nothing you say can or will make a difference here.”

  His eyes narrow, his breaths come quickly but he doesn’t dare speak.

  “As you love to remind us, our fathers don’t work here anymore. We run the show now. That means you’ll learn your place or you’ll find yourself in the unemployment line. Do we understand each other?”

  “Crystal.” He practically spits at me.

  “Good. I'm glad we had this talk. Now, if you’d excuse us, we have some immature business to deal with.”

  I march back to my desk, sweep my beautiful girlfriend into my arms and kiss her like she’s the air I breath.

  No matter what internal tornado is swirling inside of me, Logan has the ability to calm the storm, bringing peace inside of me once again.



  I SEARCH THROUGH THE documents I’ve compiled on all the companies Anderson is working on. There’s no way this is all correct. If it is... Anderson’s trying to ruin the company.

  Whipping my phone out of me pocket, I text the boys and head straight to Parker’s office.

  I’ve been looking into Anderson’s work for weeks, finally able to get it all together. I’ve spent a boatload of time and energy spent on this. However if I’m right, it’s worth it.

  “Hey,” A massive smile breaks across Parker’s stubbled cheeks. He’s sexy as hell with his five o’clock shadow.

  “Parker... there’s a problem.”

  His brows knit together, his beautiful smile morphs into a scowl. Before he can open his mouth to respond, Lucas and Owen stroll into the room, similar scowls adorn their expressions.

  “What’s going on, Logan?”

sp; “Remember how you guys asked me to look into the companies Anderson was working on?”

  “Yeah, what’d you find?” Owen leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees, concern filling his features.

  “Well, I found a lot. I haven’t had a chance to make copies for each of you, I wanted to get my findings to you as soon as possible.”

  “Little L, spit it the fuck out. What’d you find?”

  I roll my eyes at Owen, but I don’t blame him. This is his company, his livelihood, his legacy.

  “Anderson had two separate folders on his computer. There was a document for each company in both folders. I found it odd because a lot of the information was the same.”

  “How’d you get on his computer?” Owen scowls.

  “It’s a company computer. I was able to remotely access it using my own. He had the folders password protected but he’s an idiot. His password was password. He probably never thought anyone would actually figure things out and trace it all back to him.”

  “Damn, you’re a smart cookie. Remind me not to piss you off. I don’t need you browsing my computer, work or home.”

  “You said a lot of the information was the same. But?” Parker pushes.

  “But, when I started looking into each company by myself, I figured out one folder contained the real information and the other is doctored financials. He’s been making you all believe these companies are better than they really are.”

  “How much better?” Lucas growls, catching me off guard. He’s normally the calm and collected one, but everyone keeps warning me he can be just as vicious as Parker and Owen, I just never believed it.

  “He’s telling you these companies are worth almost double their actual value.” I wince.

  “Are you fucking kidding me!” Lucas roars, leaping off the couch. “I’m going to murder this fuckhead! How many of the companies he’s brought to us have we actually purchased?”


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