Blood of the Wolf (Safe Haven Wolves Short Stories Book 1)

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Blood of the Wolf (Safe Haven Wolves Short Stories Book 1) Page 14

by Sherry Foster

  Dylan’s shoulders shook with laughter. “Why bother, he heard you. Right now, it is me he is mad at for forcing that growl at you. Damn suck-up.” Dylan made a continue motion with his hand.

  “You have a weird wolf. Anyway, so this kid doesn’t have a black shadow around him, but he flickers. I can’t find another explanation for it. I had Trevor tell Edward to be on the watch for something but if I don’t understand what I am seeing I damn sure can’t explain it to Trevor to explain to Edward. Rather not have Edward mad at me otherwise I would have kept my mouth shut completely. That man scares me. Have you ever seen him?”

  “No. Never had the misfortune to come across him. Trevor says the man is ten feet tall, bullet proof, and built like a small mountain of the volcanic kind. No one crosses him and lives to tell about it. But he also says he has nothing but respect for the man. He told me growing up I would never find, outside of himself a more honorable Alpha and if I ever had to deal with Edward to deal honest as one bonded Alpha to another. I don’t know what history the two have but Trevor admitted to me if he had to have another Alpha at his back, he could pick no better one than Edward. Still, even with Trevor’s opinion of the man I will never have Edward on my land. No reason to ever expect to have him here. I have nothing that belongs to him nor does he have anything I could possibly want.”

  “Trevor has always had a great deal of respect for Edward. Lately though he has stayed in a temper at the man more than normal. Something to do with Dawn. But she is moving soon to the pack so that will cut down on the interactions between the two and he should be in a better temper. Half the pack is walking on eggshells and the rest of the pack just avoids him lately.”

  Their heads shot up and they raced to the front of the house as their mum called out to let them know the brownies were ready. Dylan, being both the Alpha of the territory and having a one-step lead easily beat his brother to the front door where his mother was waiting with a plateful of warm brownies. Dylan tried to elbow his brother away, it was his house and his territory after all, but a glare from his mother brought his arm down. His mother, fully aware she dared not offer a brownie to Billy, no matter how much she wanted to, glared at Dylan who had crammed a brownie in his mouth until her youngest son turned his own deadly glare toward Billy and motioned to the smallest brownie on the plate. Two brownies were obviously missing, and Dylan knew his mother had secreted them away for her and his dad to eat when they left.

  After putting the plate back in the kitchen Cathy walked through the house checking things and making a running list of things she needed to do on her next visit. Dylan just drew in a deep breath and started eating another one of the brownies he had snagged from the plate as he followed along behind his mum. At the front door she turned and held out her arms. As the two hugged Dylan saw Billy turning his car around and getting ready to leave while his dad, with a nod toward the pair in the doorway, waited to open the passenger door for his mate.

  It wasn’t long before Dylan was watching his family drive away. Resting his head against the door he wondered how many things his mother had moved on this visit and how long it would take him to put everything back the way he wanted it. He wondered for the umpteenth time if there was even any point in putting things back the way he wanted, his mum would move it all again on her next visit. Perhaps, if he only moved a couple of items back each visit, she wouldn’t notice. As he moved things around, he wondered also how long it would be before he got the phone call from Billy letting him know things with his mum’s attacker or would be attacker had been taken care of. He would have loved to have gotten the chance to handle the situation, but after the last time his dad wasn’t keen on letting him take care of things involving humans. It wasn’t his fault humans didn’t heal well, nor was it his fault the human had elected to harass his mum.

  A few hours later he went to sleep with a smile on his face. Billy had terrorized the human so badly the human had fled straight to the police and begged to be admitted to a hospital for his addiction. Billy said the man had sworn he would go straight. A brief thought flickered through his mind of the young man who flickered but wasn’t rogue his brother had spoken of but the thought was gone almost as soon as it arrived and by the next morning he had forgotten all about it.

  He wouldn’t remember the almost warning until weeks after he meets Amber.

  Introduction to Edward isn’t Happy

  If you still haven’t read the series I don’t know what to tell you. This story will make no sense, at all. This is where the author throws up her hands and gives up? No, of course not. I don’t think this story really contains spoilers because there isn’t enough of the back story here to spoil anything. I lie, it contains spoilers for many characters and it will, in my opinion, absolutely ruin one of the story lines in one of the books. After you read this story, if you haven’t read the series, you still will have zero understanding of why Edward lost his mind except for the clue contained in the introduction to Billy. But that is okay, you can still grab the series. I hope you do. Joseph is amazing. But you won’t meet him until Amber. And it will be another couple of books past that before you understand Edward’s rage.

  Edward isn’t Happy

  The sound of shattering glass broke the silence and Dennis eased back a step. When Edward’s fist clenched around the desk Dennis turned and pushing Trisah ahead of him he broke for the door. The sounds of destruction could be heard from outside the office. Dennis turned left pulling his mate with him. Trisah’s nails dug into his arm as something came crashing through the window behind them.

  As the two jogged away Dennis gave a heartfelt sigh. “That went better than expected.”

  Trisah pulled him to a stop, shock in her voice, she asked, “That is better than expected? What in the hell reaction did you expect if that is what you are considering a good reaction?”

  Dennis tugged on her to get her moving again. “Come on, we don’t have any time to waste. We have to get Julie.”

  “Get Julie? What for?”

  “What for? What do you mean what for? She has to fix Edward.”

  Trisah dug her heels in and brought Dennis to a halt again. “Oh no buddy. Our Alpha has lost his mind and you aren’t far behind him if you think I am letting my baby sister get anywhere around him while he is like that.”

  Dennis stared at her in shock. “You came from Gammon’s pack. That man, from what I understand, isn’t much different from Edward. Are you going to stand there and tell me your former Alpha never lost his temper?”

  “Gammon? Oh, ye gods no, Gammon is dangerous and deadly. Probably more so than Edward. I think, mind you I have only been here a few months, but I think Edward has a much milder temper than Gammon.”

  “So, when Gammon loses his temper what happens?”

  Trisah shrugged, “Usually someone dies.”

  “He kills people in his pack?” Trevor’s voice held a tremor of shock as he tried to rationalize the Council letting an Alpha hold the females who was so out of control, he would kill his own pack members in anger.

  “What? Are you nuts? Gammon doesn’t kill his pack members. Why would you, oh, no he usually kills someone but it not from his own pack.”

  “Alright, good, you had me worried. So, what does his pack do when he is that enraged?”

  “They stay out of his way and let Mia, oh, I see. Julie is to Edward like Mia is to Gammon. I mean, I know that in my mind but sometimes it is hard to think of Julie in the position Mia holds.”

  Dennis shook her arm a bit. “You have got to stop thinking of Julie as your weak little sister. Your sister may have been through hell, but she is not weak, at all. It took strength to live through what she went through. It took strength to follow the directions of your parents as she watched them die. It took strength to stay silent. It took strength to follow Edward and move to a new country. Your sister has that strength. If she didn’t, she wouldn’t have true-mated to Edward. You know that. Stop thinking of her as your baby sister who
has to be protected and start thinking of her as the protector of the pack. That young lady owns Edward down to the last hair on his head and she knows it. He knows it. In fact, the only person who ever has problems remembering that is you. Now, come on. We have to get Julie so she can—”

  “I know, I know, so she can fix Edward.”

  As the two jogged toward their house Trisah asked, “If this was your version of, he took it well, what did you think might happen?”

  “Seriously? I thought he would have made a dash for the door and headed for his car then straight to Dylan’s.”

  “Is that why you disabled all the cars around the office and sent everyone on errands that had any kind of transportation?”

  “Of course. I am not a fool. Although, I did tell you we should have taken Julie with us to begin with.”

  “Maybe, but I wanted him to calm down before we brought her over. I didn’t want her to be scared.”

  “Well, I didn’t want him to destroy his office, my office and by the time we get back I expect he will have destroyed his car and probably a few others. This is going to be costly.”

  “What should we tell my sister?”

  “Tell her? I planned on picking her up, jogging over to the office and tossing her in then making a run for it.”

  Trisah stopped in her tracks. Her voice had a hint of frost when she spoke. “I know I heard you wrong. You did not say you planned on tossing her inside and running like you would toss a steak to a rabid dog.”

  Lips twitching Dennis gestured toward the office, “I mean, sort of sums up the situation rather good. But no, I am taking the Mickey out of you. I was going to walk her over and let her call to Edward from a distance, so she doesn’t get hurt by flying debris by accident.”

  “What if he hurts her by accident? He is furious right now. He may not be thinking clearly. He obviously is not thinking clearly.”

  “How many times did you say Gammon hurt his mate by accident?”

  “Alright, fine. But is she gets hurt I am going to take it out on you. I will flay you alive and stake you out over a meat eater ant bed before I bang on it with a hammer to get them stirred up.”

  Dennis shrugged. “I’m not worried about her getting hurt because Edward would never hurt his mate. No more than you would actually flay me alive and set me out for the ants to eat.”

  “You keep on and you will sleep on the couch tonight.”

  “Now that threat, I believe. Come on, we are wasting time. And the longer we take the more time he has to think and the more dangerous he will become. We can’t afford for him to go after another Alpha. Not with him bonded and the other Alpha bonded to the shifter race like they are. From what I understand the outcome could prove deadly to both Alpha’s and it won’t do the two packs much good either.”

  The two picked up the pace and were soon tripping over each other to get in the house.

  Julie was pacing and talking to her phone. Her cheeks, typically slightly flush, were almost void of any color. Dennis had time to hear her begging someone on the other end of the phone to please pick up before she dropped the phone and headed toward her sister.

  “Trisah, you have to help me find Edward. Something is terribly wrong. He won’t answer his phone and I can feel, I don’t know, rage maybe? Pain? Find him, he needs me. He could be hurt somewhere. Oh, why can’t mates talk to each other before the bonding ceremony?” Julie grabbed her sister’s upper arms in a tight grip and started shaking. “Did you hear me? You have to find Edward for me. Can you feel where he is by the pack bond?”,

  Trisah opened her mouth but before she could say anything Dennis stopped her. “We know where Edward is—-”

  Julie turned to glare at him. “And we are still standing here why? Take me to him. Now!”

  Dennis had a smirk on his face when he turned to face Trisah, “Do you see? She feels his emotions and she commands me, the second highest in the pack until her bond is complete, to obey her. She will lead when she must. She doesn’t cower when her mate needs her. She is the mate for an Alpha.”

  “And you will be fish bait if you don’t take me to him.” Julie pointed out.

  Dennis turned and headed for the door, Julie and Trisah on his heels. Julie was demanding answers before they reached the sidewalk. As her sister and the Beta filled her in, they could feel the fury boiling from her in waves.

  Dennis paused, “I don’t mean to sound pushy, but you can’t go to him with rage radiating from you. Your rage will feed his.”

  “I am not angry at Edward. I am angry at you two for trying to protect me from someone who would never hurt me. I know, better than either of you what I have been through. Yes, I get nervous and twitchy, but neither of you get to choose for me what I can and can’t handle. If you don’t start moving again you won’t have to worry about Edward hurting anyone because I will take it out of both of you. Get to stepping and take me to my mate.”

  Dennis’ lips twitched as he turned and started back to the office at a jog. The expression on Trisah’s face when her baby sister threatened them was something he planned on crowing about later. Maybe this event would wake Trisah up to Julie’s potential. He knew nothing else had worked. It didn’t matter what was said or done, Trisah continued to have problems seeing Julie in the role as mate to their Alpha.

  As the three closed in on the office Julie stopped and they saw her stare in dismay at the wreckage outside the office. Most of it were things that had previously been inside the office but the door from Edwards car, which was no longer on the car, gave evidence the Alpha had made it outside at least once. They could hear him inside the office continuing his path of destruction.

  Dennis watched Julie ball her fist up and square her shoulders. He didn’t fail to see the slight tremor she failed to hide as she called out to Edward. A moment later Edward stood in the doorway staring out. His eyes landed on his mate for a moment before tracking toward his Beta.

  “This is your fault. Completely your fault.” Edward growled.

  Dennis threw his hands in the air before turning around. As he grabbed Trisah’s hand he started walking, tugging her along behind him.

  She tried to plant her feet firmly against the sidewalk, but he never slacked up and she almost stumbled as he continued to tug her behind him.

  “Wait. Would you slow down. At least tell him it isn’t your fault. What are you doing? You aren’t even going to defend yourself? He is blaming you for something another Alpha did, and you just let him?”

  Dennis stopped short and leaning over he braced himself as he tossed Trisah over his shoulder. With a sharp slap to her ass he started walking again. As he disappeared around the corner headed for his house her protests echoed loud in the air. Anyone watching from the front would have noticed the pained grimace as her demands for release were punctuated by her fists beating a tattoo on his back. Occasionally a loud crack would echo through the air as his hand landed on her ass which appeared to enrage her ever more.

  Even Edward, as furious as he was at the news his Beta had brought to him, gave a small grimace at the threats hanging in the air as the couple turned the corner. When his eyes lit on his mate, he noticed her balled fists, her squared shoulders, and the slight tremor she couldn’t hide. A wash of coldness flooded his body where red-hot anger had surged moments before. Stepping from the office he opened his arms wide. Within seconds Julie was huddled in his arms, feet dangling in the air as he held her close to his chest.

  “I am sorry. Did I frighten you? I can smell your fear and anger. The fear I understand but the anger, I admit it confuses me.” Edward whispered into her hair.

  Julie leaned back in his arms and lifted one hand to stroke his face. “I am mad. Not at you. Those two idiots knew what was going on and they didn’t bring me with them to break the news. They should have told me first and let me be the one to tell you. I am so mad at them right now. They should have known better.”

  “So, you aren’t mad that Shiloh found a way to get
to Australia? Because I am pretty upset at that man right now.”

  “No. Trisah said that Dawn told her that Trevor talked to Dylan about, well, something and blaa blaa blaa, it wasn’t as important as getting to you so I may have let some of it slide past me. I know I should have listened a bit better because it affected you so strongly but getting to you was my main concern. But I do remember the Alpha and Beta position being explained in great detail over the last few months. You and Dennis and Trisah made certain I understood pack politics and hierarchy. How then can you be so angry at another Alpha for picking the best person to help lead his pack. You have former pack members in Dylan’s pack. Isn’t the most important thing protecting the pack? Besides, you explained to me what happened with Fletcher and Amber and why you had to leave that day. And I saw how little Dylan had to offer as far as a pack when you let the others leave this pack. You should be happy Shiloh is here. We both should be happy.”

  “I am not happy, and I don’t know how in the hell you figure I should be happy to have another male sniffing around waiting for you to have a baby.”

  “But he isn’t sniffing around, is he? And if what you told me is correct about how bonded packs work, he can’t cross into our territory without permission. He is high enough in a pack to give our mythical daughter that we do not have yet and may not have for decades or centuries protection for the rest of her life which again, may not start for decades. Not only that but, what if our daughter, we don’t even have, wanted to move to Alaska with him? Or another Alpha had claimed him for a Beta in the future and took our daughter far from us? Did you think about that? We had no idea what choices she might have made in the future about where to live but now? Oh, my darling, now she is stuck in a pack only a couple of hours from us for the rest of her life. We don’t have to worry he will leave and go somewhere else, do we? Beta is for life, right?”

  When Edward didn’t answer she prompted him again, “Right? I mean, we now have proof he is strong enough to protect our future child. He couldn’t be Beta to an Alpha as strong as you say Dylan is unless he was strong enough to hold the pack if something happened to Dylan. I did understand that correctly didn’t I?”


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