Alpha Rising: Book 12 of the Grey Wolves Series

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Alpha Rising: Book 12 of the Grey Wolves Series Page 32

by Quinn Loftis

  Fane felt his mate shaking beside him. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and pulled her against him. The bond between them had been wide open, and it was comforting and overwhelming at the same time.

  “Fane Lupei, son of Vasile and Alina, rise with your mate and child.” The goddess’ voice came both audibly and within his mind. Fane released Jacquelyn but then took her hand and pulled her to her feet. His eyes were still downcast when he saw the flowing, white robe that glowed so brightly it was painful to look at.

  “You may look up,” she said.

  Fane lifted his head slowly until he was staring at his Creator. The need to lower himself back down was instant, but she’d told him to stand up, and so he would.

  “It is alright to show your pain, child,” the Great Luna said. “There is no weakness in allowing yourself to mourn. Your pack needs to know that they, too, can show their pain. That is what you will be: an example for them to follow. You will lead and they will follow, just as your father led before you. Do not attempt to be your father. You are your own person, and yes, your parents instilled much wisdom in you. But you are your own man, and I will guide you.” Her lips turned up slightly, though there was still a feeling of sadness radiating from her. “You will do great things, Fane. The path I have for you is not easy. We will do it together.”

  Fane’s jaw clenched, and he bowed his head. “I am your humble servant.”

  She must have heard the doubt in his voice or saw it in his mind. “You will stumble. That is to be expected. But you will right yourself and continue the work I have for you until I call you home.”

  Jacquelyn let out a small sound, and the Great Luna turned to her. “Jacquelyn,” the goddess said, her voice full of love, “you carry a great burden. You saw the weight on Alina’s shoulders. You will be the comfort and home that your mate needs. You will be the alpha female that your pack looks to for understanding and kindness. As I have said to your mate, you are not alone. I am with you always, and you need only call out to me.”

  Fane watched as his mate whispered, “Thank you.” Tears streamed down her cheeks, but her shoulders were square, and she looked as regal as a queen.

  The Great Luna looked at both of them and then said, “I have a gift for you both. This I give you as a reward for your parents’ faithfulness.”

  She stepped to the side, and there in front of them were Vasile and Alina. Fane’s head whipped around, and he saw that his parents' bodies were still where they lay. Then he looked back to the ones standing a few feet from him.

  “These are their souls,” the goddess explained. “This isn’t goodbye, it is simply ‘until we meet again.’”

  Alina rushed forward and wrapped her arms around Fane. To his surprise, she was solid. His arms automatically enveloped her, and Fane closed his eyes as he held on to the woman who had given him life and raised him with a love that every child should experience.

  “I am so proud of you,” his mom said as she squeezed him tighter. “You have grown into an incredible man.”

  “Only because of you and dad,” Fane said as she pulled back and framed his face with her hands. She was just as she was in life, beautiful from the inside out. The kindness in her eyes brought comfort and a feeling of hope. “I love you, Mama,” he said quietly.

  She nodded. “I know. You don’t have to doubt that. We love you so very much.” She patted his face and then stepped back.

  Fane turned to see his father embracing his mate. Then he took Slate from her and held him close as he hugged his grandson. Tears streamed down Vasile’s face, but it wasn’t sadness that Fane saw there. It was pride and hope. Vasile pressed a kiss to each of Slate’s chubby cheeks and then passed him to Alina. His mom switched places with his father, and then Fane was embraced by his dad.

  “I love you, son.” His deep voice rumbled as he hugged Fane close.

  “I love you, too.”

  “You can do this. You will do this, and the Great Luna will be with you every step of the way.”

  Vasile stepped back, and Fane met his eyes. “I’m not ready to say goodbye, Dad,” Fane admitted.

  “We’re never ready,” his dad told him. “But our time is done. Nobody lives forever, and that is a gift, believe it or not.”

  Fane could see the weariness in his father’s eyes. Vasile Lupei had not had an easy life. There had been moments on the mountaintop with joy and victory, but there had been many more moments in the valley, fighting the evil in the world that was constantly assailing them. “It’s time for you and Mama to rest,” he said with a smile. “You have earned that. Sit with your Creator and simply soak in her peace.”

  The strain in his father’s eyes eased, as if he’d been worried Fane would not accept that he and his mother could no longer be on this earth. “Never forget how much we love you and how proud we are of you. That we love your mate as if she is our own, and that our grandson is a treasure beyond compare.”

  Vasile held his hand out to Fane, and they grasped forearms. Then the Great Luna laid her hand on top of their joined arms and her voice filled the night sky for all to hear. “Fane Lupei is and will be the alpha of the Romania pack until such a time that, like his father, I call him home to me. All of the power and authority with which I have blessed Vasile Lupei will now flow in the veins of his son, and will one day flow in the veins of his grandson Slate Lupei. The wolves have been my chosen race, though I created all of the supernatural races.”

  Fane’s eyes widened at the goddess’ declaration, and he heard a murmur of voices flow through the great gathering of supernaturals. Vasile’s lips turned up slightly. Of course, his father wasn’t surprised. He’d either found out from the Great Luna at some point in his life, or it was knowledge gained once his life had ended and his soul had gone to be with his Creator.

  “The Romania pack is my chosen pack, and I bestow my blessing on them beneath the Blood Moon. Those who rise against them will not fight only the pack’s might but mine as well.” Fane felt a burst of power flood his arm and then erupt into the rest of his body. He felt stronger than he ever had. His senses were even more heightened. When she lifted her hand and his father released him, the power was still there, running through him like currents of electricity.

  The Great Luna turned to Jacquelyn and Alina. His mom was holding Jacquelyn’s hand close while holding Slate against her with her other arm.

  The goddess placed her hand over theirs just as she’d placed it on his and Vasile’s arms. “Jacquelyn Lupei is and will be the alpha female of the Romania pack until such a time that I call her home with her mate. All of the power and authority with which I have blessed Alina Lupei will now flow in the veins of Jacquelyn Lupei.” Fane saw his mate react to the power that transferred from his mother to her, and his eyes widened as she began to glow. It didn’t last long. But for a few seconds, she was lit up much like Peri was able to do.

  The goddess released them and then placed her hand on Slate’s forehead. “You have my protection, little one. As do all of the children that will come from this generation.” Then she stepped back and looked from Vasile to Alina. “It’s time for you to go home.”

  Alina handed Slate back to Jacquelyn, whose arms were trembling as she took their son. Alina patted Jacquelyn's face. “You are going to be amazing,” she told her. And then she gave Fane one last smile. In a blink, they were gone.

  The Great Luna turned to address all those who’d gathered. Her form began to grow in size, and then she was above them, looking down on all of her children.

  “There was a time when you knew who you belonged to,” she said as she glanced from race to race. “But as time passed and the power inside of you became your confidence, instead of your Creator, I was lost to you, the knowledge of me erased. But now, you have a choice. You can continue to rely on your own strength and power, which even as I speak is being siphoned from each of your realms, or you can turn back to me, the one who gave you life, and acknowledge that you are what you are an
d have what you have because of me.

  “You are either for me or you stand against me. I promise you, you do not want to be on the side of those who will come against me and those whom I love. My anger will be like a tidal wave as it crashes over your enemies. There will be no abating it, and I will grant no mercy to those who have done unspeakable acts of evil.

  “Those who lay before you now chose me and will be with me for eternity. You belong with me because I created you out of my love, and I want nothing more than for each of you to one day rest in my presence.” Her gaze roamed over the gathering, and Fane could see the love shining out of her eyes. “You will be my arm of justice, and I will be your rescuer. It will not be an easy plight. Even as I speak, there are those coming who will attempt to stand against you. It is as it should be, and you will show all those in the world what happens when my children are attacked.” She paused and looked out over them. Then she looked back at the group, and her gaze stopped on each of the leaders of those who had fallen members. “It is time to say goodbye. Rise as one and watch as my warriors come home.”

  The entire army of every race stood as one, and each lifted their weapons high in the air. Their chins were raised proudly as they watched the Great Luna call her children home. One by one, the souls of the fallen warriors rose from the bodies. They didn’t seem aware of anyone but the Great Luna as they floated toward her. Each one, she embraced before they disappeared. The last one to rise was Cypher. But the Great Luna had different plans for him.

  “King, speak to your clan on behalf of your queen,” the goddess told him.

  Cypher stood next to Lilly and took her hand. He faced the warlocks who were standing with her, their eyes glued to their king. “My mate is your queen. She is your leader, and you will follow her as you followed me. My memories are hers. My power is hers. My heart is hers. She will be the beating heart of our people. And heed the Great Luna’s words. Remember where we came from.” The words seemed to be filled with power because the warlock clan’s eyes widened. It would have been comical if it hadn’t been so profound to see some lost knowledge immediately restored in their eyes.

  Cypher then hugged Lilly and wiped her tears away. Quiet words were spoken before he turned and looked up at the Great Luna. “I am ready.” He rose in the air and was embraced by the goddess and then gone.

  Suddenly, the bodies and resting slabs of each of the dead disappeared, and a bright light filled the night sky. The Great Luna, still at least eight feet tall, was once again standing on the ground. She walked toward the center of the circle, but her gaze was once again on the forest.

  “The time has come,” she said, her voice loud and powerful. “You’ve more than one enemy, Fane. They covet what you have and care not the cost to gain it.” She lifted her hands and made a parting motion. The wolves that had been standing beside the fae began to separate, opening a space in the circle that allowed them to see past and into the trees.

  Fane’s eyes narrowed as his wolf went from that of a mourning beast to one that was ready to protect his pack. His eyesight sharpened, and he saw them at least a minute before they cleared the trees and stepped out into the open. The wind blew in his direction, and he took a deep breath. They were Canis lupus.

  Peri stepped up beside him. “These are the packs the Great Luna told me about. They have been living in hiding. Your parents' power kept them in check.”

  “But now they think that we will be easy prey,” Fane said as his teeth elongated.

  Peri sighed. “They are going to be very disappointed.”

  The weapons of the races that had been raised high were now lowered into a fighting position. Fane watched as they all readied themselves for a battle.

  “You have revealed yourselves,” the Great Luna said, her voice like ice. “But there will be no challenges here today.”

  A man stepped forward. He was large and reminded Fane of Decebel. His face was emotionless, but his eyes were not like Decebel’s. This man’s eyes were dead. “You may be their goddess, but you are not ours. Your rules do not apply to us.” The wolf seemed to be speaking for the forty or so wolves who’d stepped up with him.

  “You do not have to claim me in order to be under my dominion, lost one,” the Great Luna said. “My power is, with or without your acknowledgement.”

  “We have a right to challenge,” the man growled.

  “You have no rights but those I allow,” the goddess said coolly.

  “Ouch,” Peri muttered.

  “Move against me and see what happens.” The Great Luna moved forward, and Fane heard those behind him on the other side of the circle shuffling and knew they were closing the ranks.

  The wolf seemed to be considering it. Fane saw the moment that he decided that he’d risk it. “Calvin,” he called out. The group of wolves behind him shifted and out stepped a man who had to be at least seven feet tall.

  “Guess they grow them bigger in the hidden wolf packs,” Peri said and Jacquelyn snorted.

  “Go, give your challenge and fight the pup.” He must have been Calvin’s alpha or else he wouldn’t have been giving the huge man orders.

  Calvin started forward. He walked through the opening that had been created, but the second he passed the last of the group, his huge form dropped to the ground like a bag of bricks. Everyone stood in silence as, like Fane, they waited to see if he would move. But he didn’t.

  “You may come forward and collect your dead,” said the Great Luna. “But every wolf you send forward in challenge shall meet the same fate. There will be no challenges until after a period of mourning for my children. After the new year, then your challenges will be accepted.”

  The alpha wolf motioned for two of his wolves to get Calvin’s body, and then he snarled at the goddess. “Who are you to dictate to us?”

  The Great Luna’s glory grew until Fane and everyone else had to shield their eyes. Her voice reverberated so strongly that he felt it in his chest.

  “I am the one who gave you life. I take it away just as quickly. It is not you who makes me who I am. My dominion will reign whether you give me your loyalty or not. Your path is already decided as your heart has hardened to any reasoning. You will either obey my decree or you will watch your pack members die. Go back to where you came from, and do not return until the appointed time.”

  “There will be more,” the wolf yelled. He looked at Fane. His eyes glowed a bright green and were filled with rage. “So many more than you can even imagine. You will fall, pup, and then all you have will belong to one more worthy.”

  Fane saw Jen move forward from the corner of his eye, but Decebel had been ready. His arm was around her mouth, pulling her back against him. Fane almost smiled, but his attention stayed on the threat.

  “They can try,” Fane said, his voice loud enough to carry. “But I am not going anywhere. These are my people, my pack, and any who tries to take them from me will be met with my teeth and my claws dripping with their blood.”

  The wolf laughed. “You don’t get it. You’re already dead.” Then he turned, at the same time phasing into his wolf. His pack did the same, and then they took off into the forest.

  Everyone began to speak, but the Great Luna wasn’t done. “Silence,” she said with a sharp bite.

  “My protection will stand,” she told them. “You need not worry. But when the time comes, there will be many to challenge Fane. You cannot fight for him,” she said looking around the circle that had once again closed in. “But you can help protect his pack and continue to work toward ridding the world of the Order of the Burning Claw.

  “A new era is coming. It is time for the races to join as one, to remember who you are and where you came from. I have been waiting for you to be ready.”

  She turned back to Fane, and he felt the eyes of every person fall on him. “You are the chosen leader for all my children.”

  Fane’s heart skipped in his chest as her words resonated inside of him.

  “You have and wi
ll face unimaginable strife. You will bleed. You will lose, and you will win. But through it all, you will stand as one with your pack around you,” she said, her gaze boring into him.

  Fane thought back to all the struggles he had faced, nearly losing his mate multiple times, facing the possibility of going feral over the trial from the In-Between, facing death before he’d even met his child, seeing his mate and child in the hands of his enemy, helpless to protect them. He remembered feeling the bonds of his parents ripped from his soul as quickly as they’d been ripped from this life. He had been torn down. But he had not stayed there. He had not wallowed in the defeat that at times seemed more than he could bear. And he had not done it alone. Beside him, his mate stood proud, always, as had his pack.

  “I have allowed you to walk through the fire. I have torn you down only to build you back up, and now you will rise. Every supernatural being here bears witness to this. Fane Lupei is alpha, king, and anointed by your Creator.”


  “There is nothing that prepares you to leave this life. It doesn’t matter that you know that you won’t live forever. It doesn’t matter if you see it coming or if it sneaks up on you. It doesn’t matter that you know one day your loved ones will be left to live on without you. It is inevitable. It is painful. It is costly. But it is necessary. For without death, there is no real value in life.” ~Alina Lupei

  Vasile froze as he knelt next to Drake, attempting to hold Drake to this world by his will alone as the man’s alpha. His wolf was determined not to let a member of his pack, especially one with a pregnant mate, die. As Vasile focused on Drake’s life force, he realized his wolf’s attention was being ripped away. Focus, he snarled at his beast. He could feel the wolf snap at him as he shoved his own emotions into the man’s mind. Our mate, foolish man, his wolf growled. Vasile’s mind immediately pushed the bond completely open, and he was nearly knocked over by the force of her fury and absolute terror. He could feel her body shaking, could taste the blood in her mouth. Something was very, very wrong. “Mina!” he roared through their bond. He didn’t even consider that it might distract her. She was in mortal danger. Her wolf was snarling, howling in rage. His own wolf must have picked up on it.


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