Lone Wolf

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Lone Wolf Page 5

by Shelley Munro

  Hal paled. “Hell no! Those guys are butchers.”

  He and Hal met for the first time after Enforcers killed R.J’s family for refusing to take the suppression drugs. Hal had placed R.J. with a trusted friend and, when R.J. was older, he’d offered him a job. He’d worked for Hal ever since.

  “One drink, I promise,” R.J. said. “A beer won’t be a problem.”

  “As long as the other kids don’t find out,” Hal said in a dry voice.

  “I can swing one outing and the other kids will never know of our drink.”

  “And if he blabs? What then?” Hal picked up his pen and tapped it three times on the desktop. “Although he seems to favor his own company.”

  “And his art. It’s the age gap,” R.J. said. “The few years between them make a difference at this age. I don’t think he’ll tell the others.”

  “Okay, but if this backfires, you’re on your own.” Hal met his gaze before glancing down at the papers on his desk and tapping his pen again.

  “Thanks. A single beer. That’s all. Nothing will go wrong.” R.J. understood Hal’s position, especially since Hal reported to the board that financed the program. Some werewolves didn’t approve of getting back to nature, despite the arguments in favor, and only allowed the program to continue because of the revenue generated.

  Hal laughed. “Get out of here before I change my mind.”

  R.J. left Hal’s office with a spring in his step, a sense of anticipation lightening his mood. Oh, his mind was clear—a drink was a bad idea. Interacting with Corey in an adult situation sent an erroneous message, but he intended to go ahead and take Corey for a drink anyway.

  Wrong. Wrong. Wrong!

  Yep, he told himself this a dozen times, heck, a hundred times. But he’d promised Corey, and he didn’t go back on his word.

  He made his way to the dining room where most of the kids congregated at this time of the day. “Anyone seen Corey?”

  One of the girls waved a hand. “He went off with his sketch pad. Said he wanted to draw a tree.” Her wrinkled nose told R.J. her opinion of Corey’s spare time activities.

  “Thanks.” R.J. retraced his steps and put his wolf senses to good use. Starting from the cabin Corey shared, he gradually separated the scent trails, latching onto Corey.

  Instead of going in the direction he presumed Corey would take, the trail headed along the road and up a hill. Fifteen minutes later, he found Corey halfway up the hill, bent over his sketch book in total concentration.

  “You’re gonna miss dinner if you dally much longer.” R.J. noted the fine tremor of surprise that jolted Corey. He hadn’t heard his approach because he’d been engrossed in his artwork.

  “I didn’t hear you coming.”

  “That’s obvious. You need to stay aware of your surroundings. It’s not safe to zone out.”

  “I live in the city,” Corey said with a return of his former attitude. “Nothing is going to happen to me there, not in the places I hang out at least.”

  R.J.’s brows rose and he bit back a grin. Corey didn’t pull off the smart-ass attitude as well without his heavy black makeup. To Corey’s frustration, every time he shifted to wolf, his makeup and hair color distorted with the change. Sometimes, his wolf form bore smudges of black. The other kids teased Corey and he’d given up trying to wear his cosmetics.

  Now R.J. found him hard to resist, which made his search for Corey sheer lunacy.

  “I owe you a drink,” he said. “Would you like to go tonight?”

  Corey’s eyes widened. “You mean it? I didn’t think you’d actually take me for a drink.”

  “I promised.”

  “Aren’t you worried I might make a move on you?”

  R.J. met Corey’s laughing gaze without a flinch. “Yes.”

  “But you’re still taking me?”


  Chuckling, Corey closed his sketch book and stood. “Let’s go. You know I’m going to do my best to seduce you?”

  “There’s no future to a relationship between us. You’ll go back to the city.”

  “A future?” Corey’s brows squeezed together before a grin smoothed out his forehead. “It’d be a holiday fling.”

  “A short-term affair?” Ever since the first day, R.J. tried not to think about Corey in a personal light. He’d fought to keep a professional mien, but Corey’s words ended his internal battle. Suddenly new possibilities—ones he shouldn’t consider—entered his mind.

  “At the end of the summer I’ll return home to Los Angeles while you’ll stay here.”

  “This isn’t a proper topic of conversation.” R.J. cursed inwardly. Damn, he sounded like an uptight school mistress. “Are you coming or not?”

  “A drink sounds like a fine idea.” He gestured at his black jeans and T-shirt. “Should I get changed?”

  “We’re not going on a date,” R.J. snapped and strode away.

  Corey grinned, grabbed the rest of his drawing materials and sauntered after R.J. Suddenly his evening held great promise. R.J. was acting defensively—a good omen. Earlier today, he’d caught R.J. studying him in a clandestine manner. And the day he’d unexpectedly changed to wolf, R.J. had calmed his panic with both his touch and his composed demeanor. R.J. hadn’t treated him like an idiot. He hadn’t shouted or threatened bodily harm like his father would have under the same circumstances. Instead, he’d taken Corey’s change in his stride and given Corey a task to help him focus on something else.

  During the last couple of days Corey witnessed the same deft manner with the other kids during their first change. The depth of caring brought a warm, happy sensation to Corey. He lengthened his strides to catch up with R.J.

  “Where are we going?”

  “We’ll drive down to Old Faithful.”

  “Will we have time to explore? Can I get my camera?”

  “Sure. Meet me in the staff parking area in five minutes.”

  “Are we taking the bus?”

  R.J. snorted. “No we’re not taking the bus. Five minutes.”

  Corey watched him stalk away, his attention drifting to R.J.’s ass. As much as he loved his art, the desire to become physically closer to R.J. took the majority of his attention these days. He’d started dreaming about him—X-rated dreams full of sweaty, raunchy sex.

  Aware R.J. waited for him, Corey broke into a lope, snatched up his camera and wallet and hurried to the parking lot.

  He found R.J. waiting by a gleaming black SUV.

  “Get in.” R.J. climbed behind the wheel and started the engine before Corey even opened the door to jump into the vehicle.

  “Man, what’s climbed up your butt.” Corey slammed the door and clicked his seat belt into place.

  “My better judgment,” R.J. growled.

  Instantly, Corey decided to stop teasing R.J. in case he changed his mind and they stayed at camp. “I can’t wait to visit the thermal region. I’ve heard it’s impressive and different from the rest of the park.”

  R.J. shot him a curious glance. “Your family is well-off—they have to be to afford to send you here. Didn’t you go on school camps or for family vacations?”

  “This is the first time I’ve been out of L.A.” The lack of travel hadn’t bothered him before, but now he hungered to see more. His father wanted him to join the firm of architects he headed. Corey forced the untenable thought away. This was one argument he intended to win. His father might have forced Corey to attend this camp, but he’d find his son less tractable on his return. He intended to pursue his art—one way or another. Corey relaxed in the passenger seat, studying his surroundings with more interest than he’d shown during the journey from the airport into Yellowstone.

  The road climbed, winding around the side of a mountain. Large pines and fir trees clung to slopes and filled the flatter land. Brief glimpses of green meadows brought the urge to run and explore in wolf form. Pink, white, yellow and orange wild flowers dotted the meadows. Corey had no idea of their names and made a
mental note to do some research. Hand-painted flowers always proved popular on souvenir greeting cards.

  “The views are incredible.” An understatement. Once they reached the highest point of the road, Yellowstone spread out before them in a visual feast. “Can we stop?”

  “Maybe another time.”

  “Okay.” Corey inhaled and R.J.’s scent filled his lungs. Immediately, the passing scenery didn’t enthrall him as much. The past few days had strengthened his resolve. His stomach cinched tight and his hands balled to fists in his lap. He wanted R.J., and tonight he intended to make his move. He didn’t think R.J. was indifferent to him. Corey wasn’t even nervous. An attraction shimmered between them, growing bigger and more substantial with each passing day. All he needed to do was prove to R.J. he was adult enough to handle a clandestine affair for the length of his stay in Yellowstone.

  Corey asked questions to while away the drive to Old Faithful township. They startled several pronghorns grazing near the edge of the road and passed more bison.

  On the approach to Norris, Corey detected the faint scent of sulfur. His nose started to tickle seconds before a sneeze exploded from him.

  “Sometimes the sulfur is stronger than others,” R.J. said, smirking at him.

  “Where are we going to have our drink?”

  R.J. shot him a quick glance before turning his attention back on the road. “I thought we’d go to one of the lodges or inns, but if you want to take some photos, we might stop at the store, grab a couple of beers and maybe some snacks since we’re missing dinner. How does that sound?”

  A private picnic for two. An excellent idea, but R.J. didn’t appear too sure about his suggestion. “That sounds like a plan,” Corey said, badly wanting to spend time alone with R.J.

  R.J. grunted and kept driving. Hiding a smile, Corey studied the scenery they passed. The waters of a small lake glinted between the trees, the last rays of the sun suffusing the view with light and shadows.

  The edgy silence continued until they entered the small village. R.J. parked in the gigantic parking area, now mostly empty since the day visitors had departed for home. He shut off the engine.

  “You coming?”

  “I didn’t know if I was invited to go into the shop with you.”

  “Don’t be an idiot.” R.J. strode away, leaving Corey grinning after him.

  Corey jogged to catch up and fell into step with him. “Are you always this grumpy? It’s no wonder you don’t have a boyfriend.”

  “I have sex.”

  “You don’t need to sound defensive about your love life.” It was fun teasing R.J. because he bit so well. “Can we get some potato chips? And maybe some sandwiches?”

  Half an hour later, they pulled up at a picnic spot near a thermal area. R.J. grabbed the cold beers along with the bag of snacks they’d purchased.

  Corey picked up his camera and followed, pausing to take photos of a boiling mud hole. R.J. backtracked to wait patiently at his side. Corey half expected a complaint or a brusque order to hurry. His father would have certainly objected to his dawdling. He decided to push his luck a little more.

  “I need some perspective in my photo. Can you stand by the railings?”

  R.J. did as he bid without argument.

  “Thanks for bringing me here.” Corey snapped another two photos in quick succession. When R.J. didn’t answer, he turned to gaze in another direction and took more photos of steaming, chalky white cliffs. A cover for his unease. Nerves simmered low in his belly, his awareness of the other man acute. He wanted to touch R.J., but his normal confidence teetered now they were truly alone.

  What if R.J. didn’t want him and this…yearning was a figment of his imagination? He sighed, his hands trembling violently when he pushed the shutter button of his digital camera. Damn. He scowled at the result in the small digital screen. Maybe the blurry shoot would inspire an Impressionist painting.

  Corey hesitated, pondering his next action. He needed to do something because he might not have another opportunity like this with no one in sight apart from R.J.

  A kiss.

  He wanted to at least kiss R.J. and taste him, and give himself a tactile experience to fantasize about when he was alone. Lord, not even his first kiss with another man had thrown him to this extent. He trailed R.J. along the path until they reached an open spot with space to sit in safety.

  “You want a beer now?”

  Yes! An opportunity to sit beside R.J., to get closer. Corey swallowed, attempting to settle his nerves and answer with a degree of sophistication.

  “Sure.” Before he could make himself crazy worrying over how to make his move, he dropped to the ground beside R.J. Their shoulders brushed and the worst of his unease settled. He wanted this. Without letting himself over think the situation, he turned to R.J., and leaned in to kiss him. Their noses collided briefly before Corey adjusted the fit and their lips settled together.

  R.J. tensed and, for an awful second, Corey worried he’d shove him away. To counteract, he gripped R.J.’s shoulders, curling his fingers into R.J.’s flesh, willing to fight a rejection. His fears didn’t materialize. Instead, R.J. let out a harsh groan and lifted his head. They stared at each other and a shudder worked through Corey.

  R.J.’s gray eyes darkened, doubt swirling clearly in their depths. “This is a mistake.”

  Yet he didn’t move away, which gave Corey hope. “It’s not a mistake. We’re attracted to each other. I keep telling you I’m not a kid. Why can’t we spend time together while I’m here?”

  “I…nobody knows I’m gay.”

  “Nobody knows I’m gay either. I can exercise discretion. I won’t tell anyone or behave in an inappropriate manner in front of the others. I’d never embarrass you.” Corey’s heart thumped while he waited for a reply. Disappointment would strike hard if R.J. rejected him.

  “This isn’t a good idea.”

  “I’m an adult, R.J.,” he repeated, trying to reinforce the point. “I’m not suggesting a forever relationship. Why can’t we have some fun together? We wouldn’t hurt anyone.” Back home in the city he never lacked for a sexual partner. This urgent desire to persuade R.J. to agree to a closer relationship was new, a bit confusing and scary. “What do you think?” His diffidence would have made his friends laugh if they’d witnessed it. “R.J.?”

  “Aw, fuck this,” R.J. said. “I’m tired of fighting.”

  He leaned in, closing the distance between them, and grasped Corey’s shoulders. Gently, he pushed until Corey sprawled back on the ground. Then he kissed him—a full-out, toe-curling mating of lips. Corey groaned at the mix of sensations boiling through his veins. His arms wrapped around R.J.’s neck, clinging in case he changed his mind.

  His fears soon faded.

  R.J. dominated him with his larger frame, taking control of the kiss and leading the way. His tongue demanded entrance, and Corey’s lips parted, silently encouraging R.J. to take more. While he’d enjoyed sex and making out before, this was miles better. The palpable connection between them, the way the kiss throbbed through him all the way to his toes. Besides, he genuinely liked the older man and respected him.

  R.J. deepened the kiss, tangling their tongues together, shooting arousal through Corey’s sex-starved body. A hungry moan escaped him when R.J. slid his mouth across his jaw and down his neck. The slight suction sent happy messages skipping to his cock.

  Good. Sinfully good.

  His hips canted upward, bucking against R.J. in a silent demand for more. His mind raced ahead. They needed privacy. Plenty of time so they could wallow in the experience. A vision of R.J. bending him over the back of a sturdy chair, spreading him wide, flickered through his mind. Sensations flooded him, adding layers to his pleasure. The cool wash of lube over his hole. The masculine scent of musk. He groaned as blood crowded his cock. Desperate for friction and greater intimacy, he jerked his hips upward.

  “R.J.” His breathing came hard and choppy, damp sweat sticking his clothes
to him. Unbidden, his imagination continued with the vision he’d conjured. The slippery brush of fingers, the initial intrusion and the piercing slide of a digit into his body. Heat sparked in him, his balls drawing tight until he desperately strained for control. He gripped R.J.’s shoulders, afraid to let go because of the storm buffeting both his mind and body.

  R.J. slid his hand under his T-shirt and plucked at one of Corey’s nipples. The small jolt of pain rippled the length of his body. Like a tsunami, he couldn’t fight the building pleasure. His hips jolted, the swollen tip of his cock digging into R.J.’s hip. He gasped, shocked at his swift journey toward orgasm, yet unable to do anything except ride the wave to conclusion. The spasms went on and on while R.J. held his shuddering body, whispering reassuring bits of nothing in his ear.

  Finally Corey stilled, his muscles relaxing as wetness from his release seeped into his jeans.

  “Oh God,” he finally muttered, heat filling his cheeks. “I’m embarrassed. I didn’t mean to lose control.” Corey closed his eyes, mortified by his lack of restraint. The sudden easing of weight on his upper body panicked him. “Don’t—”

  “Don’t what?” R.J. brushed a kiss over Corey’s lips.

  Corey swallowed, an audible sound of anxiety. He searched R.J.’s face for a clue as to his thoughts. “Leave. Don’t leave me.” Hell, R.J. had the whole poker face working for him, and Corey couldn’t read shit.

  “Don’t worry. I’m not going anywhere. I thought we’d take a drink now. How about a beer?”

  “Ah, yeah. Okay.” Corey sat up, grimacing at the damp spot in his jeans.

  R.J. handed him an open bottle before getting one for himself. They sat together in silence, watching the steam drift off the cliffs surrounding the mud pools, the musical bubble of the mud helping to fill the silence.

  For once, Corey didn’t have a smart-ass comment. He didn’t have a clue.

  “You sure you can keep things quiet?”

  Corey’s breath caught at the implication. Joy burst inside him. R.J. was considering a vacation fling. “I give you my word. I won’t tell anyone.”


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