Lone Wolf

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Lone Wolf Page 18

by Shelley Munro

  He needed to think. Get his head straight.

  And somehow he needed to make R.J. understand he didn’t need a keeper, someone to keep him safe. Corey wanted a lover, a man who stood at his side, shoulder to shoulder.

  He was damn tired of people telling him what to do all the time.

  R.J. took a shower, washing Wilson’s blood off his body with calm, methodical strokes.

  He’d killed the bastard.


  Funny, he’d thought the knowledge would make him feel better. It didn’t. The man who had killed his family was dead, and he felt nothing.

  Instead he’d alienated Corey. Revenge hadn’t brought his family back. They were still gone, dead, while he was very much alive.

  R.J. dipped his head under the hot water, noting at the back of his mind the temperature had turned tepid. He must have been in the shower for longer than he’d thought. He turned off the tap and slicked his hands over his head. His hair needed a cut. His lips twisted in a spurt of amusement as he admitted the truth. Corey liked his hair longer, which was why he’d let it grow.

  He’d do almost anything for Corey.

  The amusement died as suddenly as it occurred. Corey would thank him later. Killing a man who’d had close ties to him, watching the life slip from his eyes, wasn’t an experience the kid needed on his life resume.

  “Yeah, right. Like that’s the truth,” he muttered as he grabbed his towel from the hook. When he’d seen the Enforcer’s face, he’d realized Wilson was responsible for his family’s death and simply acted without thought, without thinking of Corey’s feelings on the subject.

  If he’d stood in Corey’s shoes he’d have wanted to take Wilson down himself.

  Aw, fuck. He’d made a mess of this. No wonder Corey was pissed with him.

  After toweling himself dry, he pulled on a pair of faded blue jeans and a T-shirt that had seen better days. A few minutes later, with his feet shod in boots, he grabbed his damp towel and toiletry bag and went to face Corey. Hopefully, he’d accept his apology once he explained things.

  Corey wasn’t in the cabin. He went looking, sticking his head in Hal’s office.

  “Hal, you seen Corey?”


  He found Emma sitting in the lounge area near the dining room, flicking through a fashion magazine. She intercepted his smirk and snarled at him. “What you lookin’ at?”

  “Nothing. You seen Corey?”

  “No, not since the fighting.”

  R.J. nodded. “Okay.” That was over an hour ago. Where the hell was he? He searched the rest of the camp and when he couldn’t find him, he paced the lounge area.

  “Will you quit with the prowling?” Emma snapped at him.

  “Corey hasn’t come back.”

  “So?” one of the guys said. “He’s an adult. He’ll come back when he’s ready.”

  R.J. stalked past Emma and dodged her kick, aimed at his ankles. “Did we get all the Enforcers?”

  “According to the girl manning the park gate, there was a car with four people,” Hal said.

  Emma scoffed. “How come she remembers? Hundreds of people go through the gates every day.”

  “They were rude,” Hal said. “Made it easy for her to remember them.”

  “Did she ask any nosy questions?” one of the men asked.

  R.J. flung himself into a chair. They’d disposed of four bodies, which accounted for all of the werewolves. “Could there have been more?”

  “More would be overkill,” Emma said. “Think about it. They didn’t know we were here. They thought it was you, Hal and Corey. Three Enforcers were ample protection for Wilson. He was taking a risk as it was because four men attracted attention. The girl at the gate remembered them. Stop worrying. Corey will be fine.”

  R.J. stared moodily at the door. They were right. Corey could look after himself.

  At nine the next morning, Corey was still missing.

  R.J. knocked on Hal’s cabin door. “Corey isn’t here,” he said when Hal opened the door. “I’m going to try to track him before too many tourists pour into the park.”

  “I’ll come and help.”

  “No, stay here. If I haven’t found him by this afternoon, I’ll come back for help. If I can’t track him, I shouldn’t be teaching tracking skills. He didn’t come back and grab clothes.”

  “Which means he’s in wolf form,” Hal said.


  “Okay, let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.”

  “If I don’t return by tonight, you’d better come looking for us.”

  “Make sure you’re back tonight. I’m too old for all this excitement.”

  R.J. grinned despite his worry. Hal didn’t seem much older than he’d appeared when R.J. first met him as a young eight-year-old kid, although he must be in his early fifties by now. “See you later.”

  R.J strode from the camp to the spot where they’d met Wilson and his Enforcers the previous evening. There was no sign of Corey. After a swift glance in both directions, he ducked behind a tree and stripped. Seconds later, he called up his wolf and shifted. He embraced the discomfort of the change and the explosion of senses. One scent jumped out at him more than the others. Corey. With a wolfish smile of victory, he put his nose to the ground and followed the trail into the hills.

  He trotted through the forest, the scent of pine heavy on the air. A fox darted across the track in front of him, scuttling into the undergrowth when he disturbed its foraging.

  The trail continued through a clearing and past a small campground. An orange tent was pitched at the far end and the smoke of a camp fire curled into the air. Two adults sat by the fire and the scent of bacon distracted him for an instant. He should have stopped for breakfast.

  Slinking low through the undergrowth, R.J. crept past the men, not picking up speed again until he was well clear. The incline of the terrain increased and he caught glimpses of the valley below. Still Corey’s scent trail continued along the top of the ridge, past a recent landslide.

  A sudden playful yip stopped him in his tracks. R.J. crept closer and looked down the trail. To his right there was a small clearing. He caught a flash of gray, and when he stalked closer he saw Corey. Every inch of tension left his body until he heard another yip. A small furry missile tore through the grass and sprang at Corey. Two more followed.

  Wolf pups.

  They couldn’t be older than two or three months. R.J. froze, instinctively searching the vicinity for the pups’ mother. How could Corey be so stupid? After the warnings he and Hal had given their students.

  Where the hell was the mother?

  R.J. scanned the grassy clearing and, once he sensed no danger, stalked closer, his belly low to the ground. And Corey wondered why everyone still treated him like a child.

  Corey and the wolf pups scurried through the undergrowth then slowed, this time gliding silently. Perfect little hunters. As R.J. watched, it occurred to him Corey was patiently teaching the pups some of the hunting skills he and Hal had taught him. Perplexed, he settled on his belly, still watchful but more relaxed than a few minutes earlier.

  The pups and Corey suddenly stopped their playing and turned to watch something coming toward them. Instead of fleeing, they moved toward the disturbance. The mother wolf trotted from behind a bush, a hare dangling from her mouth.

  R.J. tensed, ready to intervene. The last thing he wanted to do was hurt any of the wolves but he would to keep Corey safe.

  Along with the pups, Corey approached the mother without fear. Totally thrown, R.J. watched the accident waiting to happen. The mother trotted over to Corey and dropped the rabbit at his feet. Astonishing R.J. even further, she rubbed her head against Corey in a gesture of welcome.

  R.J. blinked. Hell. He’d listened to the stories Corey and Teague told after their unsuccessful hunt. Like the others, he’d dismissed them as tall tales. Now it was obvious they hadn’t lied. He watched Corey take a token bite from the
rabbit before he let out a whine inviting the pups to dine. Hell, he’d never have believed it if he hadn’t seen Corey interact with his own eyes. He must have made a sound because the mother and Corey both tensed and turned in his direction. The pups scurried behind them and bobbed from his sight.

  Slowly, R.J. stood and moved from hiding. He waited, unsure of what to do next. Corey made a soft almost inaudible bark and, after nuzzling him, the mother slinked into the undergrowth.

  R.J. stepped closer and halted, waiting for Corey to approach him. Tentative and uncertain, for once in his life he wasn’t sure what to do next. One thing he knew for sure—he wanted to spend time with Corey, living with him and loving him. But what did Corey want?

  Before he could come to a decision, Corey approached him. The wolf family’s scent overlaid the one R.J. was familiar with. The pungent aroma wasn’t unpleasant exactly, but it made R.J. more cautious. Corey kept walking toward him, silent yet intent. This wasn’t the kid he’d first met. In his wolf form Corey showed confidence and, without warning, a spear of lust hit R.J. Hell, he wanted Corey. He was beautiful in both human and wolf forms.

  Uncertainty hit R.J. when Corey stopped a few feet from him. He stared, trying to read Corey’s mind. The kid had watched him kill his father the previous night. Stepfather, he amended, still trying to wrap his head around the tissue of lies the other man had spun. Yeah, if it were him he’d feel pissed. Uncertain and untrusting. He called, a soft cry somewhere between a whine and a growl. Corey’s ears pricked. In answer he whined and leaped at R.J. like one of the boisterous pups.

  Relief hit R.J. with the impact of the brick wall. If Corey met him halfway like this, they could work out the rest. Yeah, there were obstacles to their relationship, but surely compromise was possible.

  The happy call of a bird and the chatter of a nearby squirrel told R.J. there was nothing amiss in the area. He dodged Corey’s next dive and sprang in a return mock attack. They tussled playfully with a concert of mock growls and yips. R.J. used his greater weight and pushed Corey to the ground, grabbing him by the scruff to hold him down. Corey relaxed his body without warning, yielding.

  Panting, R.J. relaxed too. Corey shivered beneath him, letting out a whine. Then he wriggled in a decidedly sexy way. R.J. froze in shock. Corey wriggled again, whining in a persistent demand.

  He wanted sex? Now?

  Thoughts whirred through R.J. so fast he could barely hear himself think. While his mind might fight the idea, his body had no scruples. His cock lengthened and his pulse rate jumped into a racy beat. A questioning growl escaped him. In answer Corey wriggled free. He twitched his tail and backed up to R.J. in silent demand.

  Acting instinctively, R.J. covered him. His cock pierced Corey in a shallow thrust while excitement grabbed him by the chest. Pre-come eased his next thrust and Corey trembled beneath his body, silently encouraging him by not moving away. Wet heat surrounded his cock, the tight muscles of Corey’s ass an added component to the lust sweeping R.J. The man in him countered the wildness of his wolf, counseling gentleness, and he managed this to a certain extent. Beneath him, the soft fur of Corey’s back caressed his belly, the trembling excitement of his lover communicated with each renewed thrust. Man and beast combined, transporting him into a world of pleasure and loving, one he’d never experienced before. His balls tightened, lifted and seconds later he stilled atop Corey, exploding into an orgasm that seared the length of his body, made his muscles twitch and red explosions of light flare behind his closed eyes.

  Gradually, he came back to himself and, aware of his weight, he pulled free. Immediately Corey backed away. Fear hit R.J. Had he hurt him?

  The change rippled over Corey and his human form shimmered in front of R.J. Soon Corey stood in front of him, naked and fully aroused. He grinned, looking none the worse for his fucking in wolf form.

  R.J. imagined his human form and shifted without taking his gaze off Corey. “Are you okay? Did I hurt you?” he asked hoarsely.

  “It was amazing,” Corey said. “Kiss me.”

  R.J. hesitated. “Are we all right about your father?”

  “Stepfather.” Corey didn’t say anything more. He stepped closer to R.J. and kissed him—the determined kiss of a lover demanding sex.

  R.J. wrapped his arms around Corey and surrendered to his demands. He kissed him back until the insistent press of Corey’s cock distracted him. Pulling away, he led Corey to a grassy patch and pushed him down.

  “What are you doing?” Corey smiled at him with lazy satisfaction.

  “Why don’t you wait and see?”

  Corey’s smile widened to a smirk. He placed his hands under his head and slowly stretched, flaunting his body without shame. R.J. settled at his side. Their mouths met, a slow mating of lips. R.J. took his time, teasing. Seducing. After a thorough kiss, he moved down Corey’s body, nipping his chin, nibbling the tendons of his neck and laving the sting away with his tongue.

  He licked Corey’s flat nipples until they hardened. Although he’d explored Corey’s body before and fucked him many times, this time felt different. More like a commitment. Frowning, he lifted his head.

  “I love you, Corey. This isn’t just about sex for me. It’s not a fling.”

  “I wondered how long you’d take to realize you wanted me permanently.”

  A chuckle escaped R.J. No mistaking Corey’s words for anything but smug. R.J. continued his exploring. A kiss here. A nip. A soothing lick. He continued in an erratic sequence so Corey never knew what to expect. The kid shuddered, his balls so tight they had to be painful. R.J. grinned, enjoying the sensual torture. He blew on one tight ball, licked the other before taking it into his mouth.

  “R.J.,” Corey said, his stomach tense while a drop of pre-come caught the sun and glinted. “Please, this is torture.”

  “I’m making memories,” R.J. said, a jolt going through him at the truth he’d verbalized. It was true. He wanted to remember this day for a long time and he wanted Corey right there with him. “In fifty years time, I want us both to remember this day with a smile, remember how we felt and the pleasure.”

  Corey cracked open his eyes to stare at him. “Sounds like a marriage proposal.”

  “I’d marry you if I could,” R.J. said. “I don’t want anyone else but you.”

  Corey snorted, but he grinned a second later. “Took you long enough to realize.”

  “No one ever said I lacked the stubborn gene.”

  “Good,” Corey said. “That’s settled. Now about those memories?”

  “Your father gave the order to have my family killed. I didn’t realize he was responsible until I recognized one of the Enforcers protecting him. That’s why I killed him.”

  “You needed closure.”


  “I understand. It’s enough to know he’s dead and he can’t make any more werewolves suffer.”

  “Someone will replace him,” R.J. said. “He must have a second-in-command. The L.A. pack is going to ask questions about his disappearance.”

  “True, but my father was always secretive. Hopefully that will work in our favor. I guess time will tell.”

  R.J. curled his fingers around the base of Corey’s cock and squeezed. A noticeable jolt went through Corey. “I’m going to keep working with Hal in the underground movement. Suppressing our wolf natures isn’t the right solution. It will be dangerous.”

  “I’ve been thinking about the future. I still intend to set up base in Cody. I can take the normal dose of suppression drug and keep shifting. None of the officials will be any the wiser, but I can help. I want to help. Oppression isn’t the answer. Let’s face it—we’ve all been brainwashed by a few wolves who want power.”

  “Your real father is one of them.”

  “He’s not my father. The way I look at it, I’ll be a special weapon in your arsenal. When the time is right we can use the knowledge to our advantage.”

  “I’m proud of you, Corey.”

ey beamed. “Enough to buy me some more chocolate? I’ve run out.”

  “I have a stash in my cabin with your name on it.” So euphoric he could burst, R.J. went back to seduction. He traced the prominent vein on the underside of Corey’s cock before leaning down to take him in his mouth. Corey’s flavor burst across his taste buds. Faintly salty with a hint of wild green. He licked the head and ridges before taking Corey’s cock deep. He sucked and held Corey’s hips firmly, controlling his thrusts, confining them to shallow ones when he knew Corey was getting desperate for release. He teased him to the point of torture then backed off to let him settle, repeating the process until Corey thrashed under him and pleaded for more.

  With one hand, he stroked Corey’s ass, probed him and pushed a finger inside. He pleasured Corey with mouth and finger in tandem, stroking his gland and teasing the delicate underside of his cock until Corey broke. A stream of semen hit the back of R.J.’s throat. Corey let out a hoarse shout and thrust deeper. R.J. held him, a sense of rightness filling him. When the spasms stopped, he separated their bodies and flopped down beside Corey.

  “I’m glad you crashed into my life.”

  “Me too,” Corey said. “I think I loved you from the moment I saw you. It was your bossy nature.”

  R.J. laughed, too satisfied to argue. He stared up at the blue sky and the surrounding trees, feeling one with nature. Something tickled his toes and he moved them only to feel the same sensation again.

  Corey chuckled and R.J. lifted his head to see what was tickling him. One of the wolf pups had succumbed to curiosity. It lashed a pink tongue over R.J.’s toe while its mother watched from several feet away.

  R.J. sat up slowly so he didn’t frighten them. “You and Teague were telling the truth.”

  “Yep,” Corey said. “When I needed to think I found myself here. The mother let me spend the night in her den.”


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