Journeying Between the Worlds

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Journeying Between the Worlds Page 12

by Eagle Skyfire

  Practice equally giving and receiving energy with your breath. Receive as you inhale, give back as you exhale. The better you become at doing this, the more intense the exchange of energy is. In time, this will become second nature. You will receive the blessings of strength, stability, and guidance. While you are here in the state of meditation, begin to contemplate these things. What are you creating in your life right now? Do you have the wisdom, resources, and healthy relationships for the future that you need?

  You know you are done when the tree, plant, stone, or crystal begins to lessen what they are giving you. You are politely being dismissed. Be not surprised if you receive some messages. Trees and stones hold much memory and wisdom. They love to share with those people who approach them with humility and a desire to listen and learn. In Native American tradition, we call the stones the Old Ones for they are the bones of Earth Mother herself.

  Air: The Winds of Thought That Carry Us

  The next element I would like to cover is air. It represents thought and process. It is the ability to communicate with all beings seen and unseen. The communications are not limited to merely the written and spoken word but encompass all forms of communication that are possible, such as body language. This element has us focus on our mental structures. It is our mental constructs and outlook that set the tone for how we perceive a situation and can create a predisposition in the way that we would handle it. The direction of air is south, and its color is yellow like the sun at its highest point. The season this direction represents is summer. Chronologically, it represents youth and young adulthood.

  When this element is Balanced, it is like a friendly wind. It brings clear thought with honest and open communications. Just as air easily moves and bends around objects when this element is in Balance within us, it gives us the ability to be flexible and to adapt. When we master the lessons of this element, we discover how we can properly pace ourselves when we are working or playing. Air encourages us to be open-minded and helps us laugh at ourselves and at life.

  When air is out of Balance, it rages and tears things apart like a roving tornado. It symbolizes scattered thoughts or when the mind becomes so overwhelmed it just shuts down. Miscommunications are common because of narrow-mindedness. As air runs out of control, it manifests as one extreme or the other, such as workaholism or procrastination. When this element is out of Balance, it represents when we are too serious and can overengineer things. Garbled communications and mounting frustrations are the result of not communicating to others in a way that they can comprehend.

  Power Animal: Deer

  The Power Animal that came to teach us about the element of air is the Deer. The Deer guides us to embrace and unconditionally love all parts of ourselves, both light and shadow. This sacred animal helps us become attuned to the rhythms of nature and our society without becoming lost in them. The Deer shows us about freedom of movement. For many tribes, it is the totem of the shaman and the ability to journey between the worlds. The lessons of this Power Animal teach us how to build bridges between people and instruct us about the Sacred Hoop of giving and receiving equally.

  When out of Balance, the Deer represents fearfulness and becoming paralyzed when we see shadows both within ourselves and in the outside world. It is when we have tunnel vision and mindlessly continue on a course of action even if it is self-destructive. We become selective in our memory and in our listening. When the Deer is in this state, it represents anxiety about new people or new situations. It is when we would rather stay stuck within what is familiar even if it is not healthy.

  Journey of Air

  Here we are going to ask the spirit of the Deer to assist us in learning about the element of air. Prepare for your journey as you normally would and sit facing south. If you wish, you may bring something with the color yellow to represent the energy of the south. However, this is optional.

  Relax. Kindle and strengthen the Fire of Your Heart. Let it fill you and focus on your breath. Feel your breath going over your breastbone as you breathe. Remain here and continue focusing on this sensation until it is all that exists. Focus on your heartbeat. Its rhythm is like the hoofbeats of a dancing deer. Envision this Power Animal. See the points of his antlers, his sharp hooves, and the color of his fur. Note his clear, dark eyes and his strong yet delicate steps. Feel the spirit of the Deer and ask for this sacred animal to help you.

  Follow the Deer to a field and back to his herd. Take time to pay attention to the feeling of the air. Pause to notice how many are in the herd, including the young Deer. Feel the beautiful wind moving around you; it inspires the young Deer to leap joyfully. You can feel the rhythm of their hooves on the ground as they dance. Open your Heart to this energy and feel yourself also wishing to move and dance. Run with the Deer. Let yourself be free like the wind. Become the wind! Revel in the freedom and joy of movement and of being. Free your mind of any doubts and negativity. Enjoy this exciting moment. When the herd stops, it is at the edge of a beautiful forest. Lift your arms to the sky and release any and all tensions that you have in your mind and in your body.

  When you are ready, allow the leader of the Deer herd to approach you. See your reflection within his large and beautiful eyes. Receive this Power Animal’s blessing. The Deer will breathe upon your Heart and fill it with strength and freedom. Be in this moment. Do not rush it!

  When the Deer herd is ready to go, it is time for you to return. Give thanks to this beautiful sacred teacher. Return to the Fire of Your Heart. Breathe deeply and allow for the blessing of the Deer and the lightness of being to run completely through you. Allow it to become integrated into every fiber of your body, mind, and spirit. Once more give thanks and begin to journal what you have experienced.

  Honor the Element of Air

  Acquire an incense that you find pleasant to smell. If you have asthma or allergies, then you can use cold mist like that from a diffuser that uses water instead. If you are able, go outside and look up at the clouds in the sky. As always, dedicate everything back to the Great Spirit and to All Your Relations by offering the incense or mist to them. Feel the sacred breath of life within you. As you have done previously, focus on the sensation when you inhale and as it goes over your breastbone. Relax. Allow your breathing to naturally become deeper. Open your Heart and feel the air around you. Pay close attention to how it feels on your skin and what smells and sounds there might be riding upon it. Allow yourself to get lost in the sensation of the wind if you are outside or on the plume of smoke or steam if you are inside. Unite your breath with the rhythm of the winds and remain there.

  Gaze deeply into the smoke, steam, or the clouds if you are staring up at the heavens. What images or symbols do you see? Do not bother interpreting anything now. Be in the moment. Fill your whole being with the element of air. Once you complete this honoring, give thanks. If you are using incense or smudge, remember to bury the ashes! While you are connecting your breath to this sacred element, contemplate these questions: How does your worldview affect how you interact with life and communicate with others? What is your current mindset?

  Water: The Element of the Power Within

  We turn now to water, the element of Heart. As stated before, emotions and intuition are important expressions of Heart. It is good to pay attention to how you are feeling and to psychic impressions you receive, but like water, they are only healthy if they flow through you and do not stagnate. This is the place of Knowing, where true, profound transformation begins. It is the element of going into the Great Silence, where you can hear the Voice of the Creator within you, also known as the Voice Within. Manifestations begin here because we attract what we believe, whether we are conscious of it or not. Water’s direction is west, and the color is like that of the night sky, which is commonly represented with black or a deep, deep blue. The season this direction represents is autumn. Chronologically, this relates to middle age.

  When water is
in Balance, it is like a gently flowing river or a calm ocean. It helps you hear the Voice Within. It is the element that allows you to connect heart-to-heart with others so that there can be nonverbal communication, which can be more impactful than words. Water carries you to a place within you where you will discover inner peace. Another gift of the Knowing is an intuitive understanding of divine law, karma, and how the universe around you works. Like the water of a river flowing within its banks, this element will teach you how to create healthy boundaries so that you express and reinforce them so that others will respect them.

  When the waters are out of Balance, they become more like a furious ocean or dangerous whitewater rapids. You will sense that your Heart is closed and that you are isolated and lonely. You will feel as if you have no boundaries or that people are constantly violating your boundaries if you have them. When this sacred element is churning like an angry sea, you will experience internal turmoil that can escalate to soul suffering. Toxic emotions will create painful drama and blind chaos that can overwhelm and drown you because everything seems hopeless and personal! When the element of water is crashing out of control, you cannot listen to the Voice of the Creator within you.

  Power Animal: Dolphin

  The Power Animal that is kind enough to join us is the Dolphin. This animal is seen in many cultures as a protector and a good omen. It has been recorded from centuries ago up to this current day that the dolphin has the compassion to save other species, such as human swimmers. When this Medicine is in Balance, it opens and deepens our connection of Heart with ourselves and All Our Relations and can help us navigate our sea of emotions. This inquisitive animal reminds us to keep on playing and learning new things throughout our lives. The dolphin lives in pods and is the perfect instructor regarding the power of cooperation and community. Since this sacred animal has heightened senses and intelligence, it can assist you in learning to read the currents of energy and the trends of a situation while using your intuitive abilities.

  When the Dolphin is out of Balance, it becomes irresponsible and childish. Its intelligence is used for manipulation and is divisive. This Medicine, when out of control, can manifest itself as insensitivity toward others in words and action. In this mode, the Dolphin is lazy and becomes petulant if asked to do anything at all.

  Journey of Water

  It is time now to dive into the oceans with the Dolphins. Prepare for your journey and sit facing the west. If you wish to represent this sacred direction, you have the option of bringing something that is black or at least very deep blue in color. Begin your Waterfall; concentrate and completely surrender to the flow of this divine energy flowing through you and around you. Send this energy into the Fire of Your Heart. While you are in this meditative space, pay attention to how you truly feel very deep inside your own Heart. What emotions are you experiencing in different areas of your life?

  When you are ready, focus and envision the Dolphins in the ocean. You see swift movements and fins breaking the surface of the water. You hear their whistles and clicks as they call to you. Go into the ocean and feel the waves. Know that you are safe, for the Dolphins are all around you. They invite you to swim with them; if permitted, you may ride one. If you allow yourself to connect fully with the energy of this sacred Power Animal, you might shape-shift into a dolphin. The tides carry you and feel very soothing. The Dolphins’ sleek bodies are graceful, and they invite you to leap playfully as they do in the ocean. As you go racing through the waves with the Dolphins, release your sorrows and any toxic energy that you have. The shining sun burns this energy off and restores the ocean to its beautiful, pristine state. The Dolphins guide you to a cove that holds a magnificent crystal glowing brightly with divine Power. Experience its color, energy, and light. When you feel that you have permission, gently take the crystal in your hands and touch it to your Heart.

  Let go! Permit yourself to be open to receive the energy of this crystal, touch it, and let it suffuse every part of you. Be receptive to the messages and blessings that this crystal is giving to you. You will know when the crystal wishes to be returned to its place within the cove. With respect and gratitude, return it to its place. The pod of Dolphins is joyfully whistling and jumping. It is time to return. Once more go into the water and enjoy the sensation of being with them through the rolling waves.

  Back upon the shore, you rejoin your Guardians to return to the Fire of Your Heart. Take a moment to enjoy the sensations and bask in the energy that is now throughout you. Breathe deeply and relax. You do not need to rush here. When you are ready, open your eyes, and be in your Heart. Remember to record what you have experienced.

  Honor the Element of Water

  Most people find water to be the easiest of the elements to connect with. Get a bowl that has no decorations on the inside. A darker colored bowl will make this exercise easier but is not critical for success. If you are able to be outside and work with moving water like the sea or a river, that is even better. Fill the bowl almost to the top with clean, clear water. If you are outside, see the reflection of the sky upon the surface the water. If you are inside, use soft light, and do not have the light source directly reflected on the water.

  Sit quietly and concentrate on your breathing. Gaze with soft eyes. This means that you allow your gaze to become unfocused, or as if you are gazing at a depth that is twice as deep, beyond the bottom of the bowl. If you are outside, soften your gaze upon the movement of the water or the ocean waves. Focus on your heartbeat and connect it with the energy and, if you are outside, the rhythm of the water. Let your mind be open and trust your feelings. Become one with this divine element. Feel the calmness of the water and let it touch you to calm the waters of your soul. Allow this sacred element to cleanse you and energize you. If you begin to see images on the surface of the water or sense energies, do not interpret or engage them. Let them flow by. Remember that you are here to Balance the element of water within you.

  When you are connecting with this sacred element, it would be good to contemplate these three questions: What do you really believe in your Heart about yourself? Does life support you? What beliefs need to be let go and what new beliefs need to be brought in? Once you are done, give thanks to all your helpers seen and unseen. Give the water that is in the bowl back to Earth Mother. You can do this by watering your plants or by pouring the water outside on the dirt. It should never be thrown down the drain, as that would be very disrespectful. Record what you have experienced.

  Fire: The Breath of the Creator Within Us

  Fire is the Breath and Energy of the Great Mystery. It represents the life spark. Out of all the elements, fire is most like a living being. It starts off as a small and weak ember that needs to be nurtured or it can easily die. It needs to be constantly fed and be given enough nourishment of both fuel and air in order to grow. As it becomes larger, fire requires more “food” in order to sustain itself. Fire can have offspring in the form of other flames that also grow and mature. Ultimately, if fire is not maintained and if it is not given proper shelter, it can age and die. Of the directions, this is the compass point of north. Its color is white like the winter sun, and the season it represents is winter. Chronologically, it represents old age. I joke that it is a uniting factor because it does not matter what ethnicity you come from—as we age, we all get “snow on our mountaintops.”

  This element teaches us that we must pursue our passions responsibly. Just as fire can help us see in a dark room, Sacred Fire helps illuminate the darkness within our souls and helps us understand our shadows. When fire is properly maintained, it can warm us, protect us, and cook our food so it is safe to ingest. When your Sacred Fire is properly cultivated, it can help protect you from the darkness of the mind and toxicity in the environment. It is able to give you the wisdom to see things from a greater perspective so that hard concepts are broken down and you can easily integrate them.

  When fire is out of control, i
t becomes a wildfire that does not differentiate what it chooses to consume and destroy. It obliterates everything in its path. When a person’s Sacred Fire rages out of control, it will ultimately destroy their life by “burning” the people around them and can also destroy their work life by putting too much energy in the wrong places. When fire turns dark, it will create bad Medicine by wanting to wrongfully take energy from others, and it can also manifest itself in the form of all-consuming jealousies and a wrongful sense of superiority. Eventually, just like a physical fire, a person will suffer from burnout.

  Power Animal: Jaguar

  The Power Animal that I ask to assist us is the Jaguar. The Jaguar is very prevalent in spiritual traditions, especially in the southern points of North America, in Central America, and in South America. This animal is very strong and is at the top of the food chain where it is found. The Jaguar represents personal Power and building self-confidence. When this Medicine is in Balance, this Power Animal teaches us how to engage and temper the gifts that we have in order to create our reality. This big cat symbolizes leadership and overcoming obstacles through well-thought-out action.

  When out of Balance, the Jaguar can bring direct conflict through contests for dominance and of will. It can become drunk with its own Power and be given to excess. Leadership becomes arrogant tyranny. Might makes right, and there is no regard for who or what is destroyed in the process. Perseverance becomes blind stubbornness.

  Journey of Fire

  On this journey, we’re going to ask the Jaguar to show you and to strengthen the qualities of the fire within you. I ask you to sit facing to the north. If you like, you can have something white in your sacred space to represent this direction, but this is optional. Call your Guardians to you. Feel the Fire of Your Heart. Focus and envision a Jaguar. Ask the Jaguar to come to you. Feel the strength of this powerful animal. See her sleek movements and the fire in her eyes. Connect with the Jaguar.


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