Journeying Between the Worlds

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Journeying Between the Worlds Page 16

by Eagle Skyfire

  Go with love and respect for nature and wild creatures, and this will be returned to you many times over, more than you can ever expect. You will find at moments of greatest need that because you have taken the care to live mindfully and lovingly, the beings of nature will reach out to assist you in any way that they can. This is not limited to the realm of the energetic and spiritual. It could be as simple as because you have helped preserve some of the rain forest, a life-giving, lifesaving herb was preserved, which in turn might in the future save your life or the life of someone you know. We are all connected on the Medicine Wheel of life.

  I would teach you the ways of the peaceful shaman. As a living bridge between the worlds, Walking as a traditional shaman means that in addition to being ecologically minded, you move mindfully and with compassion among people. This is not to say that you will never get angry or frustrated at the things that people do. This would be unrealistic and foolish! However, simple acts of kindness or a smile may relieve the tension in the people around you. This in turn helps lessen the toxicity and negativity that exists so prevalently in our stressful world today. Although it may not be easy to live in this way, doing good for goodness’s sake while honoring your own needs has been a sacred teaching in many cultures throughout the centuries. As you do these things, you will discover that divine beings, sacred beings, and Spirits of the Earth will notice. As you continue to go forward in this practice, you will find that they will more easily listen to you and guide you, for they will see you as a person who has an open and pure Heart.

  You are demonstrating that you are capable of patience with a potential to comprehend more profound concepts with your entire being instead of just with your mind. All too many times, people are only receptive to what they want and do not take the time to fully understand the advice and Power these divine spirits are gifting them. Life, it is said, is nothing but a reflection. When following these exercises becomes more than merely a practice to develop your gifts, reach a specific goal, and grow into a way of being, you will notice that good things are happening to you that you did not expect, such as honest strangers offering kindness to you in troubled times. You will find that life will become more beautiful as it grows in spiritual grace, and your connections to the sacred become more profound despite all its hardships.

  When living in harmony is the norm, then the causes of imbalances and strife will be more obvious. In turn, as a traditional shaman, understanding what can create harmony and discord will assist you in knowing what to do and what to say so that you can be the most use to others in their growth and in building a better community. In my tradition, it is said that the shaman is initiated twice, once by the spirits and once by the community that they will serve. What good will it do to talk to all beings in the universe if your people do not trust you and reject the help you can bring them? Conversely, what good is it if everyone loves you but the sacred beings seen and unseen refuse to listen to you or offer you their assistance? As you can see, it is of vital importance to cultivate good relationships in this world and in all others as you journey between them.



  As you have found out, there are different levels of journeying between the worlds. The more you speak to your Guardians on a continual basis and are open to the subtle energies and spirits around you (after they are screened by your Protectors as safe to approach, of course), the more you will find that all you need to do is be in a contemplative state in order to receive advice and sense the type and intensity of Power that is in your surroundings. If you ask questions, remember to use points of reference so that you recall which question a message is trying to answer. As you practice focusing on and directing sacred energy from your Waterfall to open your Heart more deeply, you will be able to easily channel the Medicine from your helpers into what you are doing. When you are in this receptive state and when you are able to sustain it, you will be in the perfect mode to remain connected to spiritual Power while crafting sacred and ritual items. It is in this state that you would “breathe life” into a ritual item. Drumming, chanting, and dancing help you connect with your Power more quickly before journeying. These practices bond you more concretely with your personal Medicine and greatly enhance it. It takes time to develop stamina. When your body asks for a break, take one right away to avoid physical exhaustion and spiritual burnout.

  As you become completely immersed in the Breath of the Creator, this is when you can do your most profound journeying and be able to shape-shift into other forms, such as animals on the spirit side. Pacing yourself and becoming attuned to each kingdom’s vibrational rate is how you achieve a greater capacity to journey much further in and between the worlds.

  I know that I have only scratched the surface of this ancient tradition with you. I hope I have inspired you and that you will continue to practice. May what I shared with you enrich your life and in turn bring more good Medicine into the worlds. Until we meet again, my friend, may the Great Spirit bless you and All Our Relations watch over you. Wanishi. Thank you.

  Dah-neh Ho! It is finished!



  I welcome you to share time with me again by reading my writing or training with me directly. Please go to my website to sign up for my newsletter and check to see my latest events and news at

  I have posted traditional chants and their teachings on my website if you would like to purchase them to help you in your shamanic practice. I have a free audio that you can use as well. To support your journeying, it is very useful if the music or drumbeat includes a signal for when it is time for you to return.

  Many of my services are available virtually or by phone for your convenience. Sign up for my newsletter to learn about the latest classes, workshops, and events in addition to reading my blogs such as Flow of the River, which talks about how this sacred energy will be influencing us every week.

  A few of the topics that I mentor on include intuitive development, past-life work, shamanism, communicating with your Spirit Guardian, soul work, Native American spirituality, and meditation. If there is an area that you would like to be mentored in, please contact me.

  I also do private readings and have helped many people around the world. I offer the readings of spirit, earth, and harmony. Please visit my website for explanations of what each type of reading can provide you, and you can schedule your appointment by contacting me directly or by going to my website’s calendar. I welcome you to contact me through my website at or by instant messaging me on Facebook.


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