Jacob's Joy: Men of Crooked Bend Book 9

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Jacob's Joy: Men of Crooked Bend Book 9 Page 1

by Taylor Rylan

  Copyright © 2019 by Taylor Rylan

  Published in the United States by Taylor Rylan

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, copied, scanned, or transmitted in any format or by any means without the prior written permission from the author, Taylor Rylan. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work is illegal. Criminal copyright infringement, including infringement without monetary gain, is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events are a product of the author’s imagination. Any similarities to actual persons, living or dead, is pure coincidence. As are any similarities to any businesses, events or locations.

  All products and brand names mentioned are registered trademarks of their respective holder and or company. I do not own the rights to these, nor do I claim to.

  Table of Contents

  Copyright © 2019 by Taylor Rylan

  Table of Contents


  Copyrights and Trademarks


  Jacob — 1

  Isaac — 2

  Jacob — 3

  Isaac —4

  Jacob — 5

  Isaac — 6

  Jacob — 7

  Isaac —8

  Jacob — 9

  Isaac — 10

  Jacob — 11

  Isaac — 12

  Jacob — 13

  Isaac —14

  Jacob — 15


  Connect with Taylor!

  Current List of Books


  Cover Design and artwork by Jay Aheer of Simply Defined Art

  Editing by Sandra Dee of One Love Editing

  Proofreading by Judy Zweifel of Judy’s Proofreading

  Copyrights and Trademarks



  Walt Disney World

  Paw Patrol

  Froot Loops



  Mickey Mouse

  Diet Coke

  Disney Princess




  “Sweetheart, you know I want at least one more child. But we’ve only been married a little over five months. Are you sure? We don’t have to rush into this.”

  “I know. But it’s just that I’ve been thinking about it, and all of the things you’ve brought up, they make sense. And there’s the fact that you’re about to turn thirty-seven—you’d be almost thirty-eight by the time the baby was born,” Isaac said with a serious look on his face. I tried to not laugh at the very clinical way he was looking at this.

  “It’s not as if I’m over the hill or something. I don’t have any issues keeping up with Mack.”

  Isaac sighed before he buried his face in my chest. We were sitting on the couch, enjoying quiet time before going to bed ourselves. Ivan and Nanuck were lounging in front of the fireplace, something that I couldn’t quite understand with the thick coats they had.

  “I didn’t mean it that way. I just don’t want you to feel…I don’t know. Never mind. I just thought you really wanted another one, and now that I’m on board it seems as if you’ve changed your mind. But if we are going to have another child, I don’t want to wait too long. I don’t want a huge age gap between Mack and his sibling.” Isaac looked at me, and I thought again how lucky I was. I leaned in and gave his lips a quick kiss before I lounged back on the couch.

  “I’m not saying no, and I’d love nothing more than to jump at this and say let’s do it tomorrow. In fact, I rather like the idea of another little you running around.”

  Isaac shook his head before pulling out of my arms completely. “No. If we have another one, I want it to be yours. We have Mack and he’s more than a handful. I’m hoping that maybe a little you will be a little less high-strung.”

  “Nah, I love our little guy. But if you want, I’ll contribute. Since…ahh, we won’t be doing it the same way you had Mack, we’ll need to look into a surrogacy clinic,” I said, not quite sure how to bring the subject up.

  “I think it’s absolutely funny when you get all nervous when talking about Jessica. Yeah, she was a little cray-cray, but she gave us Mack. Even if the way she did it was underhanded, I’m still thankful for him every day.”

  “I know and I’m trying to relax about it. I can’t help it. I still get jealous about your exes.”

  “Oh, and like you don’t have any?” Isaac said as he jumped up and quickly spun before straddling my lap. “I might just have to remind you who you’re married to again,” Isaac said as he started sucking and nibbling on my neck. That was certainly something I’d never complain about.


  I knew I shouldn’t be nervous, but I was. I mean, how difficult was it to rub one out and finish in the little cup? Only, the problem was, I couldn’t get excited about the idea. Everything in the room was white. The walls, the floor, the furniture. Everything. The porn was all…ewww, Isaac was late, and my dick—well, it wasn’t interested.

  I lay back on the couch and tried to think about all of the things I wanted to do with my husband tonight after we’d gotten Mack to sleep, but even with my quite vivid imagination, nothing. Not even a twitch. My husband had truly broken me.

  Or maybe it was the fact that it was about twenty degrees too cold in the room. I was just about to give up and say we were okay with just Mack when my phone vibrated in my pocket. I pulled it out and saw the text from Isaac and sighed in relief.

  Isaac: I’m here. Which room are you in?

  Me: 5

  Isaac: Okay. Be there in a sec.

  Sure enough, there was a light knock on the door just moments later, and when I opened it, my adorable husband was standing there with a huge smile on his face.

  “Are you finished already?”

  “No. I haven’t even started. I’ve tried just about everything and I can’t get into it.”

  Isaac seemed shocked and stared up at me. Yes, I’d just told my husband I couldn’t get hard. That was definitely winning me points. “Maybe this just wasn’t meant to be?” I said as I turned to grab my coat and leave. Isaac pressing his body up behind mine stopped me. When he snaked his hands down my torso and into my jeans—thank fuck I’d worn a loose pair—I gasped but realized my dick was definitely taking notice.

  “Mmm, there we go. All we need to do is pay this guy some attention and I bet I can have you moaning in no time.”

  I couldn’t believe it. What I’d spent the better part of twenty minutes trying to do, Isaac had done in less than one. He had my pants open and my cock out and in his warm hands in no time. I leaned back into my husband and enjoyed the pleasure he was wringing from my body.

  “Where’s the cup?” Isaac asked in my ear. I pointed to the table, and regrettably he let go of me to retrieve it. “Lie down on the couch.”

  It took me a moment to compute what he’d said, but when it hit, I scrambled to the couch I’d been on earlier and then Isaac was there again. He was kneeling on the floor beside me, and his hands were once again wrapped around my aching cock.

  If it weren’t for the fact that my husband knew me and how to work my body almost as good as I could, I’d be embarrassed about how fast I came. But we’d been busy and had abstained for the past week in hopes that it would help our chances of getting a high sperm count. Really, what did we know?

  As I was coming down from my orgasm, I realized I felt shorted, and that wasn’t a good feeling.

  “You don’t look happy,” Isaac said as he screwed the lid on th
e collection cup.

  “I’m not. It’s…not right. You didn’t get to, and it just doesn’t feel fulfilling,” I told him as I tucked myself back into my briefs and jeans.

  “I’m sorry. Rain check? I’m more than happy to repeat this again when we’re home and can be together.”

  “Promise?” The thought of getting to spend the evening with Isaac thrilled me. Neither of us had to work tomorrow, so if we were up until way too late, it didn’t matter.

  “Yep. Now, come on. Let’s get your donation turned in, and we’ll go grab lunch and then head home.”

  I moaned at the thought of lunch. I’d run out this morning with nothing more than coffee and a bagel, and I’d been running ever since. I was trying to squeeze a full day of work into half a day, but it didn’t work. I’d only gotten half a day’s worth of work accomplished. It would all be waiting for me Monday morning, but this was more important. Isaac had decided he was okay with having another baby, so I was on board when and where I needed to be.

  “Mr. McCoy.” I glanced up at the sound of my name and realized that Isaac had pulled me out of the room and we were standing at the front desk. Wait, where…

  “We put the cup in the little window like instructed. Is there anything else?” Isaac asked.

  “No. We retrieved the eggs from your surrogate this morning. We’ll give you a call in a few days with an update. But if everything goes as planned, we’ll be implanting the fertilized egg into Kristy in a couple of days, and then the waiting game begins. Feel free to call anytime though,” Connie, the receptionist, told us. Isaac and I nodded and then left the inner office on our way out of the building.

  And wait we did. Then three weeks later, we received a call from Kristy. She was spotting and on her way to the clinic. By the time we’d met her there, we knew the embryo hadn’t taken by the state she was in. Kristy felt so bad and broke down and cried. Isaac and I did our best to let her know it was okay and that we appreciated her trying in the first place.

  Later on, when we’d made it home finally, Isaac and I sat in our house and held Mack. We had to remember we already had him. Our son was wonderful and filled our lives with joy. We would get through this.

  “I want to try again,” Isaac said in the dark later that night. I was holding him tightly in my arms, thankful for such an amazing man to call my own.

  “What? Why?”

  “We agreed. Kristy did as well. We can try again. Please? I see how you look at Marie’s kids. Don’t tell me you don’t want more,” Isaac said as he pushed up from the bed. I knew he was looking down at me, but it was no use—it was pitch-black in our room and you couldn’t see a thing.

  “Sweetheart, we just…we just found out it didn’t take.”

  “Yeah, but that doesn’t mean give up. I want a little you running around. Once more. Please?”

  “I’ll think about it, okay? Now come back here,” I said as I pulled Isaac down on top of me. I had no intention of going to sleep anytime soon. But I did plan on getting my husband naked. And messy.


  I moaned and bit my fist as my orgasm raced through my body. I wanted to shout as loud as I could, but there was no way I wanted to let anyone know that I’d just had an intense and satisfying orgasm.

  There were several factors involved, and each and every one of them had to do with the man that was stroking my cock and getting every last drop of come out of me he could.

  “Hmm, I think I should edge you more often, Sheriff,” Isaac said as he licked the come off his hand and moaned. Shit. If he didn’t stop, I was going to end up fucking him at the fertility clinic. I was almost positive that Forever Smiles had some sort of policy against that sort of thing.

  “Sweetheart, you’re about to find yourself cuffed and tied down in the bed of the pickup again,” I warned. It didn’t deter Isaac though. He simply sucked down my softening cock that seemed to have a mind of its own because it twitched and tried to stiffen back up.

  “Promises, promises, Sheriff. You willing to actually play?” Isaac teased as he got up from his position in front of me. I was met by his own stiff cock covered by his jeans, but when I reached for it, he effectively sidestepped me and went to the window to drop off the sample.

  “Come on, Sheriff. I’ve been a bad boy, and you don’t want to let me get away, now do you?” Isaac said while walking toward the door that led out of the room. I was still trying to get my legs to work, and my dick was still hanging out. How in the hell did he expect me to walk?

  Thankfully, he took pity on me and came back to my side to help me get tucked, zipped, and buttoned. Then he held my hand as we left the room, offering a wave to Connie as we left. I wasn’t sure how many times I could go through this. We’d talked about adoption as well, but the wait was several years long.

  But it seemed that someone was smiling on us, though, because two weeks later we got a call from Kristy letting us know her blood test came back positive. Isaac and I both cried while we held each other. It was still very early, too early to get our hopes up but Kristy was pregnant. It was possible that we’d become daddies again next spring.


  “I can’t believe you guys didn’t bring Mack. I’d have thought you’d want him to be here. I mean, it’s his brother or sister,” Kristy said from the exam table. She had a point, but we had our reasons.

  “Yeah, we haven’t told the family yet. We’re waiting for these pictures, and we’re going to frame it with a picture we took of Mack wearing a big brother T-shirt and give it to our parents for Christmas,” Isaac said.

  “Aww, that’s so sweet. My kids are so excited about the baby for you. But why wouldn’t you bring him?” Kristy asked.

  “We’re afraid he’d mention the baby before we told the family. He never stops talking anymore, and we don’t want him to spill the secret before we’re ready,” I said. We were waiting for the ultrasound tech to hunt down some more gel. Once the elusive blue goo was found, we could finally see our baby.

  “Oh, yeah, I’ve forgotten about those days. Trust me, it doesn’t end when they get older either. And I’ve heard they only get worse when they become teenagers,” Kristy told us. We’d really lucked out when she picked us. Well, really, we picked her, but she accepted our offer. She was using the money to pay off student loans, something we could certainly understand. Kristy and her husband, Matt, had two children and were finished. But she was just thirty and had decided she’d offer being a surrogate for the right couple. Whatever the reasoning, we were thankful we’d found each other.

  “Found some,” the ultrasound tech, Jack, said as he came back in the room. In no time, he had the goop on Kristy’s stomach and there it was. We could see our baby, right there on the monitor, its little round head and tiny fingers and toes.

  I buried my face in Isaac’s neck before quickly looking back at the monitor. I didn’t want to miss anything, and I would if my face was covered by Isaac’s hair.

  “Oh, hey! Did you see that?” Isaac asked. I’d seen all sorts of things, but they all mostly appeared the same to me.

  “Umm, you’ll have to be more specific, sweetheart.”

  “Watch for it. When you see it, you’ll know.”

  So I did. I sat there and stared at the monitor, and then there it was. There was no mistaking what I was seeing. And when I did, I gave Isaac’s shoulders a squeeze and froze there. I couldn’t move.

  “Sorry if you didn’t want to know. I didn’t say anything, though, because I wasn’t sure,” Jack told us.

  “That’s okay. There’s just no missing a penis when the baby has his legs wide open,” Isaac told him.

  “Are the two of you okay with that?” Kristy asked, looking at us. “I know you already have a son. I—”

  “It’s more than fine,” I said, interrupting Kristy. And it was. I was okay with having a boy or a girl. It didn’t matter to me one way or another. I gave Isaac a slight tug and he settled back against my chest and I held on for dear li
fe. Holy shit, we were going to have another little boy.

  “I just…I’m so happy for you. Any baby is such a gift. I can’t believe you’re going to have another little boy though. Mack is going to be a great big brother, and those two will have so much fun running around the ranch together,” my mom said as we were having an early Christmas dinner with her, my sister, brother-in-law, and all of the kids.

  Heath and Marie were taking their kids to Walt Disney World for Christmas, and Mom was going with them. They’d invited us as well, but even as tempting as it was, I wanted to save as much time off as I could for after the baby arrived.

  “What are you going to name him?” Marie asked. Isaac and I glanced at each other before we both shrugged, which caused Heath to laugh. The boys were all running around, playing, and we all turned to look when the four of them started giggling. We joined in the laughter when we saw that Joshua had ended up on the floor, the other three boys on top of him in a pile. They weren’t hurting anything, and if they were all laughing, we were okay with it.

  “So no names picked out yet, then?” Heath asked.

  “We have a few, but nothing decided yet. We’ll let everyone know when we do though,” I told them.

  Mom kept smiling and looking at the double picture frame that had Mack in his big brother T-shirt in one frame and a copy of an ultrasound picture in the other. She seemed genuinely happy, and that was all that mattered to us. Now we just had to tell Cammie and Sam next week.

  “Sorry, there was an accident over on Laurel Street. Otherwise I would have been here sooner,” I said as I rushed into my in-laws’ house.

  “Is everyone okay?” Isaac asked as he came rushing up to me.

  “Yeah, Mrs. Dill just drove off the side of the road and took out Mr. Thorne’s mailbox,” I told them while rolling my eyes. If I didn’t see those two at the diner having lunch one day next week, I’d be surprised. Mr. Thorne was practically falling all over himself to reassure Mrs. Dill that it was perfectly okay that she’d leveled his mailbox. Forget the fact that he couldn’t fix the one he no longer had until spring, when the ground thawed and it warmed up enough so the cement would set.


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