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by Walter Laqueur

  86. Constancio Bernaldo de Quiros, El Bandolerismo en Espa na y en Mexico (Mexico, 1959), 296 et seq.; F. Lopez Leiva, El Bandolerismo en Cuba (Havana, 1930), 28 et seq. On the general phenomenon of banditry see E. Hobsbawm, Bandits (London, 1969), and with reference to Brazil, Maria Isaura Pereira de Queiroz, Os congaceiros (Paris, 1968).

  87. Martin Luis Guzman, Memoirs of Pancho Villa (Austin, 1956), 7.

  88. Jen Yu-wen, The Taiping Revolutionary Movement (New Haven, 1973), 67-68.

  89. In 1951 this was watered down to "a very large proportion."

  90. Quoted in Stuart R. Schram, The Political Thought of Mao Tse-tung (London, 1963), 176,196.

  91. Mark Seldon, "The Guerrilla Movement in North West China," China Quarterly, 28(1965), 70.

  92. C. MacFarlane, Lives and Exploits of Bandits and Robbers (London, 1837), 36-37·

  93. Ibid., 49.

  94. David Hilton, Brigandage in South Italy (London, 1864), I,48.

  95. About Gasparone (or Gasbaroni) who fought the Austrians and the local rulers in the 1820s see Le Brigandage dans I'états ponteficaux. Memoirs de Gasbar-oni: celèebre chef de bände de la province de Frosinone, redigé par Pierre Masi (Paris, 1867).

  96. Hilton, Brigandage, 50.

  97. Ibid., 60.

  98. Ibid., 67. This is based on Sacchinelli's biography of Cardinal Ruffo; he had been Ruffo's secretary.

  99. Jen Yu-wen, Taiping Revolutionary Movement, 210.

  100. See Bloch's lecture "The Transvaal War" in London, reported in the Journal of the Royal Service Institution (1901), 1341. ιοί. Deutsche Revue (July 1901).

  Chapter Three: the Origins of Guerrilla Doctrine

  1. The only work which gives a short historical survey of partisan and guerrilla doctrine in the eighteenth and nineteenth century is Werner Hahlweg, Guerilla. Krieg ohne Fronten (Stuttgart, 1968). F. Tudman, Rat protiv rat (Zagreb, 1957) shows familiarity with the literature but does not discuss it in detail.

  2. Jomini, Précis de l'art de la guerre (Paris, 1838), 1,72-75.

  3. For instance the Marquis de Santa Cruz de Marzenado, Réflexions militaires et politiques (Paris, 1735), II, 233 et seq., and before him the works of Bernardin de Mendoza and of Melzo.

  4. An English translation by Robert Scott was published in London in 1816.

  5. De la Croix's treatise was among the very first of its kind but even previously Folard's unpublished De la guerre des partisans and Basta's Governo della cavalleria leggiera had been written.

  6. De la Croix, Tratté de la petite guerre (Paris, 1752); see M. Jähns, Geschichte der Kriegswissenschaften (München, 1891), III, 2710.

  7. Grandmaison, La petite guerre (Paris, 1756), 15.

  8. The Count de Saxe, Reveries or Memoirs upon the Art of War (London, 1757), 173·

  9. Grandmaison, op. cit., 149,174.

  10. De Jeney, Le Partisan ou l'art de faire la petite guerre (The Hague, 1749), 6.

  11. The literature is discussed in Jahns, op. cit., 2712-2717.

  12. Baron de Wüst, L'Art militaire du partisan (The Hague, 1768), 98-99.

  13. The following quotations are from the German translation of Emmerich's book, Der Partheygänger im Kriege (Dresden, 1791).

  14. Emmerich, op. cit., 5-6.

  15. Ibid., 106-110.

  16. Ibid., 55.

  17. Ibid., 107.

  18. Ibid., 111.

  19. J. von Ewald, Abhandlung von dem Dienst der leichten Truppen (Schleswig, 1796), and see also his subsequent Belehrungen in three volumes.

  20. Von Ewald, Abhandlung, op. cit., IX.

  21. Ibid., 274-275.

  22. Ibid., 280.

  23. His study is quoted here on the basis of the 1829 edition which was incorporated into a larger book, Die Lehre vom Kriege.

  24. Valentini, op. cit., 5-6.

  25. Napoleon on the Cossacks, Bulletin, 21 December 1806; on the German Free Corps see letter to the Empress, 16 May 1813; on the Vendee see Mémoires; about Spain see Bulletin, 15 November 1808 and Mémorial.

  26. Guibet, Essai général de. tactique, first published in 1772, in Oeuvres militaires du comte Guibet (Paris, 1803), I, passim.

  27. Bülow, Neue Taktik der Neuern wie sie seyn sollte (Leipzig, 1805), II, 24.

  28. Bülow, Militärische und vermischte Schriften (Leipzig, 1853), 52 et seq.

  29. Jomini, Précis de l'art de la guerre (Paris, 1838), I,72.

  30. J. B. Schels, Leichte Truppen; kleiner Krieg (Vienna, 1813-1814) and Felipe de San Juan, Instrucción de guerrilla (Santiago, 1823).

  31. See for instance Μ. Tevis, La Petite Guerre (Paris, 1855).

  32. Carl von Clausewitz, Schriften—Aufsätze — Studien — Briefe, ed. W. Hahl-weg (Göttingen, 1966), 226-539.

  33. Ibid., 240.

  34. Ibid., 381.

  35. Ibid., 309.

  36. Ibid., 436.

  37. Ibid., 413-414.

  38. Preussische Gesetzsammlung, no. 184 (1813), 79.

  39. Carl von Decker, Der kleine Krieg im Geiste der neueren Kriegsführung (1822) — I have quoted from the French edition De la petite guerre . (Paris, 1845) — and Karol Bogumil Stolzman, Partyzantka czyli wojna dla ludow pow-stajacach najwlasciwcza (Paris and Leipzig, 1844).

  40. Le Mière de Corvey, Des partisans et des corps irréguliers (Paris, 1823).

  41. Ibid., X.

  42. Ibid., 105.

  43. Ibid., 145.

  44. Decker, op. cit., 318,325.

  45. Carl von Decker, Algerien und die dortige Kriegsführung (1844).

  46. Ibid., II, 155.

  47. Stolzman, op. cit., 192 et seq.

  48. Ibid., 38 et seq.

  49. General Chrzanowski, Über den Parteigänger-Krieg (Berlin, 1846), 4, 5,19; the original Polish version of this book was not accessible.

  50. J. M. Rudolph, Über den Parteigängerkrieg (Ziirich, 1847), 12.

  51. Gingens-La Sarraz, Les Partisans et la defense de la Suisse (Lausanne, 1861), 130.

  52. Translated under the title Total Resistance (Boulder, Col., 1965).

  53. Commandante J. I. Chacon, Guerras irreguläres (Madrid, 1883), 2 vols., Matija Ban, Pravila ο cetnikoj vojni (Belgrade, 1848).

  54. W. Rüstow, Die Lehre vom kleinen Krieg (Zürich, 1864), 12-17.

  55. Ibid., 320,340.

  56. The Brussels Declaration (1874) was a compromise between countries with great armies, such as Russia, urging that armed bands should not have the rights of belligerents and Spain, Belgium, Holland and Switzerland insisting that no limitation be placed on the right of inhabitants in occupied territory to defend their country. (L. Nurick and R. W. Barret, "Legality of Guerrilla Forces under the Laws of War," American Journal of International Law [1946], 565.)

  57· Albrecht von Boguslawski, Der kleine Krieg und seine Bedeutung für die Gegenwart (Berlin, 1881), 23. Boguslawski was also the author of a history of the war in the Vendée.

  58. Published in several installments in the Journal des Sciences Militaires (September-December 1880).

  59. Devaureix, op. cit., 450-451. But on other occasions Napoleon said that Soult was one of his most gifted generals.

  60. V, Charenton, Las Corps fra ncs dans la guerre moderne (Paris, 1900), 172.

  61. T. Miller Maguire, Guerrilla or Partisan Warfare (London, 1904). Maguire (1849-1920) was a barrister and a successful army "coach" lecturing and writing about strategy and great campaigns. Among his students were Allenby, Gough, Wilson and other military leaders of the First World War. He was elected Fellow of the Royal Historical Society in 1866. Maguire had previously published a series of articles in eleven installments in the United Service Magazine between May 1901 and March 1902. He had first written about the subject in 1896 but "was only turned into the utmost contempt by experts and politicians for my pains. General Lloyd did the same in Woolwich, only to be laughed at." (November 1901), 172.

  62. Ibid.

  63. R. F. Johnson, Night Attacks (London, 1886), and G. B. Malleson, Ambushes and Surprises (London
, 1885).

  64. Major L. J. Shadwell, North West Frontier Warfare (Calcutta, 1902), 2-5; Brigadier General C. C. Egerton, Hill Warfare (Allahabad, 1899), 16; see also Lieutenant Colonel A. R. Martin, Mountain and Savage Warfare (Allahabad, 1898), passim.

  65. Callwell, Small Wars (London, 1899), 8, 104, Callwell was an artillery officer who had been seconded to serve in intelligence. He saw action in Afghanistan and South Africa and resigned from the army when passed over for promotion in 1909. He had published sketches from army life which had apparently offended his superior. He was recalled to duty in 1914, became chief of operations in the war office, was promoted to major-general and knighted. Callwell died in 1928.

  66. Ibid., 108, and Maguire, op. cit., 106.

  67. Maguire, op. cit., 59.

  68. Ibid., 61.

  69. The following quotations are from the first edition of Callwell's book, published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London in 1896, 107 et seq.

  70. Ibid., 115.

  71. Ibid., 108-109.

  72. Τ. Η. C. Frankland, "Notes on Guerilla [sic] Warfare," The United Service Magazine, New Series, vol. 33,183.

  73. A. T. Barteniev, Voenno-Istoricheski Sbornik (St. Petersburg, 1912), 137.

  74. Voennaia Entsiklopedia (Petrograd, 1914), 303.

  75. Colonel Vuich, Malaia Voina (St. Petersburg, 1850), viii, 239.

  76. F. Gershelman, Partisanskaia Voina (St. Petersburg, 1885), 11.

  77. Ibid., 17.

  78. Ibid., 241.

  79. "Ostpreussen und der Tartaren Ritt," Allgemeine Militair Zeitung, no. 92 (1883).

  80. Partisanskie Deistvia (St. Petersburg, 1894).

  81. C. Hron, Der Parteigänger-Krieg (Vienna, 1885).

  82. Wlodimir Stanislaus Ritter von Wilczynski, Theorie des grossen Krieges (Vienna, 1869), 121. On occasion Wilczynski waxed lyrical about partisan warfare: "A war of this kind is the flower, it is the poetry of strategy ... it is everything which fantasy can imagine and for this reason it is quite impossible to put down firm rules for it." (Page 4.)

  83. Hrori, op. cit., 6.

  84. Ibid., 54.

  85. Ibid.

  86. A. Ehrhardt, Kleinkrieg (Potsdam, 1935), 73-75, and Major General Kerchnawe in Militär-Wissenschaftliche Mitteilungen (January-April 1929).

  87. The French and Italian literature on Buonarroti is surveyed in Samuel Bernstein, Buonarroti (Paris, 1949), and Elizabeth Eisenstein, The First Professional Revolutionist (Cambridge, Mass., 1959).

  88. Delia guerra nazionale d'insurrezione per bände applicata all'ltalia. Trattato dedicato ai buoni ltaliani da un amico del paese (Italia. 1830), 2 vols. The book is now exceedingly rare; two copies have been located in Bologna and Milan. See Piero Pieri, "Carlo Bianco Conte di Saint Jorioz e il suo Trattato . . .," in Bolletino Storico Bibliografico Subalpino (Torino, 1957-1958), 2 parts. On Carlo Bianco and Buonarroti see Alessandro Galante Garrone, Filipo Buonarroti e i rivoluzionari dell'ottocento (Einaudi, 1951), 333-342.

  89. Bianco, op. cit., II, 14.

  90. Manuale pratico del Rivoluzionario Italiano desunto dal trattato sulle guerra d'insurrezione per bände (Italia, 1833).

  91. Anonimo, "Delia guerra di parteggiani," La Minerva napolitana (February 1821); quoted in Egidio Liberti, ed., Techniche della guerra partigiana nel Ri-sorgimento (Florence, 1972), 64-65.

  92. "Ristrettissimi mezzi grandiosi risultamenti," E. Liberti, Techniche . . ., 166-168.

  93. G. Pepe, Memoria su i mezzi che menano all' Italiana indipendenza (Paris, 1833), also L'ltalia Militare (Paris, 1836). A summary is contained in E. Liberti, 171-181.

  94. Studii sulla guerra d'indipendenza scritti da un uffiziale italiano (Torino, 1847); this is a shorter and modified version of the 1817 manuscript.

  95. Enrico Gentilini, Guerra degli stracorridori ο guerra guerriata (Capolago, 1848); reprinted in Liberti, 581 et seq. and (in part) in Gian Mario Bravo, Les Socialistes avant Marx (Paris, 1970), III; "Stracorridori" is an archaic military term relating to cavalry scouts. On Gentilini, Luigi Bulferetti, Socialismo ri-sorgimentale (Turin, 1949), 176-194.

  96. Guiseppe Budini, Alcune idee sull'Italia (London, 1843); E. Liberti, 181-188.

  97. Michele N. Allemandi, "Del sistema militare svizzero applicabile al popolo italianoItalia del Popolo (1850).

  98. Giuseppe La Masa, Della guerra insurrezionale in Italia ... (Turin, 1856).

  99. Carlo Pisacane, Saggi storici-politici-militari sull'Italia (Milan, 1858-1860), IV, 143; among the writers of the 1860s G. B. Zafferoni, L'Insurrezione armata (Milan, 1868), should be singled out.

  100. Czy Polacy moga sie wybic na niepodleglosc?

  101. I. Bern, Ο powstaniu narodowym w Polsce (Paris, 1846-1848), republished in Warsaw in 1956; Η. M. Kamienski, Wojna Ludowa (Paris, 1866), part III; see also his Ο prawda zywotnich ... (Brussels, 1844), 283.

  102. Bystrzonowski's book Siec strategiczna . . . appeared in French translation in Paris in 1842 (Notice sur le reseau strategique de la Pologne, . .). Like Pisa-cane, Bystrzonowski had participated in the war against Abd el-Kader in Algeria and he refers to the experience gained there.

  103. A. Jelowicki, Ο powstaniu i wojnie partyzanskiej (Paris, 1835).

  104. W. Nieszokoc, Ο systemie wojny partyzanskiej wzniesionym wsrod emigracji (Paris, 1838), 3-30.

  105. "Konspiratomania wloska, szczepiona na swawoli szlacheckiej polskiej," Demokrata Polski (February 8, 1845). Mieroslawski's views are discussed in detail in Marian Zychowski's massive biography, Ludwick Mieroslawski 1814-1878 (Warsaw, 1963), 183 et seq. Further bibliographical details on the Polish partisan debate are found in L. Przemski, "Zagadnenie wojny partyzanskiej w przededniu Wiosny Ludow," Wiosna Ludow (Warsaw, 1948), part I, 349-417.

  106. Guida pratica del perfetto partigiano. The treatise was republished after the liberation of Rome in 1944: Liberti, 168-171.

  107. Emilio Lussu, Théorie de I'insurrection (Paris, 1971), 26-27; "Instructions pour une prise des armes," Militant Rouge (December 1926-1928), and in Archiv für die Geschichte der Arbeiterbewegung (1930).

  108. Samuel Bernstein, Auguste Blanqui and the Art of Insurrection (London, 1971). 198.

  109. Maurice Dommanget, Auguste Blanqui, Des origines à la Revolution de 1848 (Paris, 1967), 185 et seq.

  110. Quoted from Auguste Blanqui, Politische Texte (Frankfurt, 1968), 157-163.

  111. A vivid description of barricade fighting was given in Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, bearing out Blanqui's criticism.

  112. Bakunin frequently referred to robbers as the most revolutionary element in society. See for instance his letter to Nechaev on 2 June 1870, published by M. Confino, Cahiers du monde russe et sovietique IV (1966), 652.

  113. "Rules for the Conduct of Guerrilla Bands" in Mazzini, Life and Writings (London, 1864), 1,369.

  114. Ibid., 372.

  115. Ibid., 378. Istruzione per le bände nazionali, was published in Lausanne in 1853; but Mazzini's first writings on the subject date back to the early 1830s: "L'Istruzione generale per gli affratellati nella Giovine Italia" (1831); "Delia guerra insurrezionale" published in 1832 in the fifth number of Giovine Italia; several introductions to new editions of his work first published in 1832; and lastly Istruzione del condottiere delle bände nazionali (1853).

  116. Marx-Engels, Werke (Berlin [East], 1960), VIII, 95.

  117. From the Abbe de Pradt's Memoires historiques sur la revolution d'Espagne (1816).

  118. First published in the New York Tribune (30 October 1845); quoted from Karl Marx and Frederick Engels, Revolution in Spain (New York, 1939), 55.

  119. Engels, Der bisherige Verlauf des Krieges gegen die Mauren (January i860), and Marx-Engels, Werke, XIII, 548 et seq.

  120. Marx-Engels, Werke, XVII, 131,169,187.

  121. Ibid., VI, 387.

  122. Engels, "Die Aussichten des Krieges," Pall Mall Gazette (8 December 1870), and Werke, XVII, 197.

  123. "Kriegsfüihrung im Gebirge einst und jetzt," in Marx-Engels, Werke, XII, 115.

  124. Engels, "Persien-China," first published in the New York Daily Tribune (5 June 1857) and Marx-Engels, Werke, XII, 214.

  125. Marx-Engels, Werke, XVII, 177.

  126. Engels, "Introduction" (1895) to Karl Marx, Class Struggle in France (New York, 1964), 21-25.

  127. "Es lebe der Tyrannenmord," Freiheit (London, 19 March 1881). The newspaper later appeared in New York.

  128. New York, 1884, p. 1. The German title of the opus was Revolutionäre Kriegswissenschaft. Ein Handbuch zur Anleitung betreffend Gebrauch und Herstellung von Nitro-Glyzerin, Dynamit, Schiessbaumwolle, Knallquecksilber, Bomben, Brandsätzen, Giften usw. The Anarchist Cookbook published in New York in 1971 was modeled after Most's Revolutionary Warfare and acknowledges its intellectual debt.

  129. General de Brack, Advanced Posts of Light Cavalry (London, 1850).

  130. Henry Lachouque, Napoleon's Battles (London, 1966), 454.

  131. "Précis des guerres de Jules Cesar," Memoires de Napoléon, IV, 18.

  Chapter Four: the Twentieth Century (I): Between Two World Wars

  1. Gouverneur Η. Schnee, Deutsch-Ostafrika im Weltkriege (Leipzig, 1919), 171.

  2. General von Lettow-Vorbeck, Ηeia Safari (Leipzig, 1920), 88.

  3. Operations in Waziristan 1919/1920, Catalogue C.W.4 (Calcutta, 1921), 139.

  4. Charles Horden, Military Operations. East Africa (London, 1941), 514 (History of the Great War based on official documents, HMSO).

  5. The first and most reliable was Meine Erinnerungen aus Ostafrika (Leipzig, 1920); the most successful written for the benefit of the young generation was Heia Safari (Leipzig, 1920) and many subsequent editions; the most recent was Mein Leben (Bibrach, 1957).

  6. Horden, Military Operations; only the first volume leading up to September 1916 has appeared.

  7. Brian Gardner, German East (London, 1963); Leonard Mosley, Duel for Kilimanjaro (London, 1963); J. H. Sibley, Tanganyikan Guerrilla (London, 1971).

  8. Τ. E. Lawrence, Revolt in the Desert (London, 1927), 95.

  9. G. Macmunn and C. Falls, Military Operations. Egypt and Palestine (London, 1928), 1,237-240,

  10. Lawrence, Revolt, 44.

  11. Ibid., 202,264,314.


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