Beautifully Stolen (Candied Crush Book 4)

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Beautifully Stolen (Candied Crush Book 4) Page 2

by Charity Parkerson

  Brett’s eyebrows shot to his hairline. “What the fuck was that?”

  “My first kiss. You still owe me two more. I promise I’ll make those better. But we’re in public, you know?”

  The scowl was back. “You said if I asked you properly, then you would do this weekend for free.”

  Roman nodded. “And I am. You’re not paying me. But you also said I could still stay with you and all that. My three kisses fall under the ‘all that’ umbrella.”

  Brett rolled his eyes and turned away.

  Roman followed on his heels, smiling like an idiot. He couldn’t wait to have Brett alone. Brett led him to a waiting Aston Martin DBS Superleggera. It was red. It was beautiful, and Roman imagined it was also fast and expensive. He tried to temper his reaction. After all, Roman’s best friend had married an extremely rich man. It wasn’t like he had never been exposed to ridiculous wealth. In truth, he didn’t like thinking about how far out of his league Brett seemed to be. That detail was hard to ignore while climbing into the passenger side of a car worth more than he made in a year.

  “If you’re interested, we’ll run by the house so you can drop off your stuff and do whatever, then I’ll take you to dinner.”

  “Sounds good.” Roman couldn’t believe how nonchalant he sounded. In truth, he couldn’t wait to be underneath Brett’s roof. Being in his house meant being close to his bed, and that was where Roman fully intended to be by the end of this trip. Brett obviously had no idea how to handle Roman. Roman knew why. Brett had never met anyone as relentless as him once Roman had his mind set. Since the first time he met Brett, Roman’s mind had been completely locked on owning him. This weekend was his chance. Roman wouldn’t fail. Brett was already taken. He just didn’t know it yet.

  Now that Roman was here, Brett’s nerves were frayed. He never got nervous. Brett had no clue what it was about Roman that got to him so much. As he led Roman into his assigned bedroom, Brett couldn’t shake the definite flutter in his stomach. They were feet from a king-sized bed. Brett couldn’t deny he wanted to jump right into it.

  Brett motioned around the room as he turned to face Roman. “Here you go. The bathroom is through there.” He pointed toward the open bathroom door. “If you need the wi-fi password, I’ll send you a picture of the back of the router. Otherwise, there’s no way I can remember that long jumble of numbers and letters. Do you need anything else?”

  Roman’s hazel gaze never wavered from Brett, making the timorous shake in his stomach even worse. Brett fought the urge to shift from foot to foot and rattle on like a nitwit beneath Roman’s intense stare. Roman draped his garment bag across the chair by the door before parking his suitcase beside it. He crossed the room. Brett took a step back. As Roman got closer, he took another. The backs of his legs hit the bed, stopping him from getting away. A wicked glint entered Roman’s eyes.

  “I’m claiming my second kiss.”

  That was all the warning Brett got before he found himself on his back with Roman’s huge body hovering over him. Roman was merciless. His kiss... expert. In fact, Brett had never experienced anything like it. Roman’s tongue curled, licking and teasing. He made love to Brett with only a kiss. Brett’s entire body burned. His cock strained for the same attention Roman gave his tongue. Roman licked and nipped. Sucked. Brett lost all sense of reason. Time passed with no end in sight. Brett wondered if he would come in his jeans. He had never been so thoroughly seduced. Brett questioned if he should shove Roman away before things went too far. He didn’t have the strength. Brett had kissed a lot of men over the years. There was no comparison.

  Brett grasped for some semblance of control. “You only asked for a kiss. No touching,” Brett said between kisses. He sounded every bit as turned on as he felt. There was no hiding his desire.

  “I’m not touching you.”

  Brett glanced down the line of his body. Roman kept his weight balanced on his hands and knees. No part of him touched Brett but his lips. That was odd. Brett would have sworn Roman’s body moved against his. “Oh.”

  Roman reclaimed his mouth. This time, Brett did more than accept his fate. He embraced it. Maybe Roman’s kiss proved what Brett had always believed. Roman had a skill only kissing a thousand men could achieve, but Brett had known that going in. When he invited Roman this weekend, Brett had known he wouldn’t be special. Damned if Roman’s kiss didn’t trick his mind. He felt exceptional. Brett felt desired, like no one else had ever managed. He wanted Roman. Brett had always thought Roman was extremely sexy. Even after cutting off the long hair Brett loved so damn much, Brett still thought Roman was the most gorgeous man he had ever set eyes on. With that said, he had never had any intention of touching the man in any way. Now, he couldn’t stop. All Roman had to do was make a move and Brett would cave. He was at peace with that decision.

  Roman’s kiss turned sweet. He lightly swept his lips across Brett’s, making Brett’s heart squeeze. “So sweet,” Roman whispered, making it a little harder for Brett to breathe. “You make me want to stay right here forever. Thank you for not pushing me away.” Roman brushed noses with Brett before pushing to his feet. There was no missing the bulge in Roman’s jeans, but he obviously didn’t intend to act on things. “Just let me cool down and we’ll go.”

  Brett couldn’t find his voice to respond. He blinked at the ceiling, trying to breathe through the lust. The unquenched desire wasn’t the worst part, even though that was awful. As always, the truth was Brett’s worst enemy. He liked Roman. Brett hadn’t wanted that. Nothing good could come of longing for Roman. Not his time and not his touch. Even if Roman didn’t live nine hundred miles away, Roman wasn’t the type to settle down. Brett didn’t have the time or mental spoons for anyone anyhow. He didn’t want to take away from his work—the one thing that kept him sane—to invest in someone else who would never love him. People never loved Brett. He was the guy people passed the time with while they waited to find the one. Brett was never the one. That was a kick to the teeth. Brett didn’t want to feel that way with Roman. Roman had too many irresistible qualities. He was fun and funny. Roman always smiled and joked. Flirted. He tempted and teased people into happiness. Roman wasn’t meant for someone like Brett. Brett was too serious and driven. Roman deserved to have someone who made him smile.

  Roman laughed, pulling Brett’s focus his way. A bright smile lit Roman’s flushed face. “You look like you’re mentally grading me. Was it that bad?”

  “I just remembered I forgot to email a client.”

  A roar of laughter rent the air. Roman’s light didn’t dim one iota at Brett’s claim. “Come on.” He pulled Brett to his feet. “Let’s go get dinner before I waste my final kiss only to remind you of more work you’re forgetting.”

  Brett’s gaze dropped to Roman’s mouth at the threat of another kiss. He truly hadn’t invited Roman here for this. “Your kiss gets an A minus.”

  Roman’s laughter was addictive. Brett didn’t want it to stop. “And I’m jet-lagged. Imagine what I can do at full bars.”

  Fuck. Brett couldn’t even imagine. He didn’t stand a chance. The bed was too close. They had to get out of there. Brett had never been in so much danger in his life. He absolutely couldn’t wait to see what happened next.

  Roman hadn’t intended to waste his second kiss so quickly. He hadn’t exactly squandered it. His body was on fire and he almost hurt, he wanted Brett so badly. But he hadn’t planned to use all three kisses in one night. Roman had thought to spread them out throughout the weekend, getting the most out of them for his planned seduction. Unfortunately, seeing Brett’s house had left him feeling insecure. He had to showcase some serious skill if he had any hopes of enticing someone like Brett.

  Brett didn’t have a house. He had a fucking estate. Hidden behind a stone fence, Brett’s home had a humongous garage, a gigantic swimming pool complete with water falls and landscaping to make it look like a jungle watering hole. As they had cleared the back door and cut through a mud room, Roman h
ad caught sight of his dream kitchen. Roman loved to cook, eat, and cook what he loved to eat. Brett’s kitchen was a chef’s wet dream. There were multiple ovens and cooktops. Cabinets as far as the eye could see. His refrigerator looked big enough to walk inside. Roman had to force himself not to go exploring like a little kid. Instead, he had kept his gaze locked on Brett, refusing temptation. Unfortunately, staring at Brett wasn’t a better option. The guy was just so fucking delicious, and that kiss... damn. Roman was so blown away that happiness had him laughing at every little thing. Brett was amazing. Roman needed more.

  Roman didn’t manage to hide his love for Brett’s kitchen the second time they passed through. “How do you feel about me cooking for you sometime this weekend?”

  Brett glanced over his shoulder. “You’re my guest.”

  Roman couldn’t fight his excitement. “Then you should definitely let me have my way. This kitchen is amazing. I love to cook, and I’m pretty damn good at it, if I do say so myself. That Dacor is calling my name. You have to let me showcase my skills.”

  Brett led Roman back to his car. “I don’t know what that is.”

  “It’s a range. You have it in your kitchen. Didn’t you pick it out?” He really didn’t understand rich people sometimes. Money was wasted on the wealthy.

  Brett shrugged as he opened his car door. “My neighbor helped design my kitchen when I remodeled a few months ago. He’s a chef, so I just trusted him to make it the best. Now I’m glad I did. Your excitement is adorable. Feel free to go wild while you’re here. Cook until your heart is content.”

  Roman had to stop himself from rubbing his hands together maniacally. He would start with breakfast. Maybe even breakfast in bed. Brett might have a huge house and tons of money, but Roman had his own seduction arsenal. Roman found himself sinking into his thoughts while Brett drove. He wondered if it would be rude to raid Brett’s fridge and take stock, in case he needed to get some items delivered before morning. Brett stopped at a red light. Roman glanced over. Brett’s arm rested on the arm rest. That smoking hot kiss flared to life in Roman’s mind again, refusing to be held at bay any longer by the thoughts of food. Brett would be amazing in Roman’s bed. He couldn’t wait to have this sexy man straddling his hips.

  Roman ran his fingertips down Brett’s arm, savoring the sensation of Brett’s soft skin without thought. When he reached Brett’s hand, Roman brought it to his mouth and kissed the back. With his eyes closed, he inhaled Brett’s scent. He smelled familiar. Nostalgia washed over him, but he couldn’t place the scent. Brett leaned his way and kissed Roman’s cheek. Roman turned his head, capturing Brett’s lips. Their lips clung, sweetly lingering. Roman craved. There was no other word for it. Brett made him want things he had never cared about before. Roman couldn’t explain it.

  “You’re not seducing me,” Brett said, pulling away. Brett stared at him so long that Roman almost forgot where they were. He swallowed the desire choking him. “I know.” He really did. Brett was the one seducing him. “The light is green.”

  Brett looked away and went. The world exploded. The air left Roman’s lungs as something slammed into his face. He fought to breathe as pain vibrated through him and screeching metal assailed his ears. He fought his way through the white cloud attacking him and sucked air. There was a horn that wouldn’t stop blowing. When the haze finally cleared, Roman’s confusion evaporated. They had been hit. Fear slammed into him as he caught sight of Brett. He was slumped over the steering wheel, unmoving. Roman quickly unsnapped his seatbelt and reached for Brett. He moved slow, hoping not to make any injuries worse. Brett was limp—like there was no life in his body. Blood covered his face and poured from his nose. Roman checked his pulse. It felt strong. He didn’t hesitate to peel off his shirt and use it to stem the blood running freely down Brett’s face.

  “It’s okay, baby. I’ve got you. Wake up. We need to get out of this car.”

  People swarmed the car, trying to open Roman’s door. Someone knocked on the window and asked if they were okay. Everything was a low hum on the outskirts of his panic. Brett wasn’t regaining consciousness and the entire driver’s side was caved in. A large dark-colored truck was parked where the steering wheel should have been. The more Roman’s mind cleared, the worse things looked. He threw open his door and scrambled onto his knees, trying to unbuckle Brett’s seat belt. It took some doing, but he managed to cram his hand in between Brett’s body and the center console to get it undone. Things were way closer to Brett than they should have been. With so much damage, he worried the car might catch fire and there was no way Brett could get out through his side.

  Brett suddenly screamed out in pain—like he went from unconscious to waking up in hell in an instant.

  Roman pressed his lips to Brett’s forehead, trying to cling to sanity. “I’m here. I’ve got you. Tell me what hurts.”

  In a panic, Brett tried looking around. He fought Roman while coming to grips with reality. “Goddamn. I’m stuck. I can’t move my legs.” The more Brett struggled and the more his terror grew, the more helpless Roman became. Sirens filled the air and Roman prayed for them to get closer while trying his best to keep Brett calm.

  “Shhh. Help is coming.”

  Brett’s dark blue gaze latched on to Roman. He held Roman’s stare and visibly fought for sanity. Roman clung to him, trying to keep him calm. Brett tried to move again. Another cry escaped him, ratcheting up Roman’s fear. Brett went limp—like the life left his body again. Roman fought the urge to scream for help. He didn’t know what to do. Roman had never been more terrified in his life. Time creeped by, making him feel like help would never arrive while Brett suffered from god only knew what injuries. He needed Brett to be okay. They still had things to discuss. Memories to make. Brett had countless people who looked to him for a bright future. Roman would keep him safe. He would make him better. If it was the last thing he did, Roman would see Brett smile again.


  The inside of Brett’s mouth felt like he had been licking shag carpeting for hours. His eyes were gritty as he peeled them open. He hadn’t felt this bad since the last time he got the flu. The more he rejoined the world of the living, the less he wanted to be there. Everything hurt. Not just a little—like he had slept wrong, but a lot—like he had been hit by a fast-moving truck. Oh yeah. He had. The hazy memory of Roman keeping him calm creeped into Brett’s brain. His foot had been pinned and felt like a shark had mistaken it for a meal. Brett tried wiggling his toes. A gasp escaped him as a searing pain ran up his leg.

  The moment the sound left his lips, Roman was there, hovering over him. “Are you okay? Do I need to call the nurse?”

  Brett blinked, trying to make Roman’s words make sense. He looked harder at his surroundings. There was an IV nearby. Fuck. He was in the hospital. “Is my foot still attached?”

  At his croaked question, a smile exploded across Roman’s face. “Yeah. It’s still there, but you might wish it wasn’t for a couple of months. It’s got some new hardware. Pins and screws. Good luck getting through airport security from now on. Your nurse said if you wake up hurting to let her know. She can bring you the good stuff.”

  Brett glanced around, still trying to get his bearings. “Can you lift this bed or something? I’m feeling disoriented.”

  Roman quickly moved to help. He pushed the button, easing the head of the bed upward.

  “That’s good,” Brett gasped when all his injuries made themselves known. He could feel his pulse pounding in several places. His face and entire left side felt like a baseball bat had enjoyed its game, using him as the ball. He tried focusing on Roman instead of his pain. Roman wore scrubs. That caught Brett’s attention. “Why are you in scrubs?”

  “You bled all over my clothes,” Roman answered, sounding absent as he grabbed a cup of ice water and offered Brett a drink. While Brett gratefully sipped, Roman kept talking. “Your car is obviously totaled, and you’ve been out of it for close to thirty-six hours. All my things a
re at your place, so a guy on the night shift let me borrow some clothes.”

  Guilt washed over Brett. “Jesus. I’m so sorry. Wait. Thirty-six hours? We missed the wedding and I ruined your trip.”

  Roman rolled his eyes. “You did not ruin my trip. Some asshole running from the cops ruined our weekend.” A sexy smirk touched his lips. “I hate that you’re hurt, but I kind of like having you at my mercy.”

  It was Brett’s turn to roll his eyes. Now that he was somewhat lucid, he tried taking stock. He eyed his body. There was a thick bandage covering his left foot and ankle, stopping him from seeing the damage. Considering the rest of his left leg was completely black, he didn’t think he needed to see. The way his face hurt left him with a bad feeling it looked the same as his leg. This put a definite damper on his upcoming schedule. A million and one things he had planned raced through his mind at once. Thirty-six hours in the hospital meant he was a day and a half behind on work. Defeat washed over him.

  “Don’t look like that. I’m here. Put me to work. I’ll help you do whatever needs to be done.”

  Brett’s gaze swung back Roman’s way. He swore sometimes the man could read his mind. A small bruise on the outside corner of Roman’s eye caught Brett’s attention. His heart raced with a sudden burst of fear. He found himself inspecting Roman, looking for more injuries. “How are you, by the way? Did you get hurt? Are you okay?”

  “I’m good.” Roman sounded calm and steady. “Seeing you get hurt took ten years off my life that I couldn’t spare, but I’m fine.”

  Brett’s heart rate slowed. As his panic ebbed, the guilt skyrocketed. “Let me hire a car to take you back to my place. In fact, I’ll cover a first-class ticket so you can head home and I’ll pay you the fee we originally discussed. Obviously, I never meant for this to happen, and I’m incredibly sorry.”


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