Wild Heir

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Wild Heir Page 7

by Andrew, Nikolai

  I would never have a better opportunity to make my own way in the world than this. Nobody knew where I was, and if I did kill him, nobody would find him for days. I didn’t even need to seduce him for this plan to work.

  I could even leave evidence that he had done away with me, so my family debt surely would be forgiven upon my death. A tragic end to my life as Valeria Valentine, and a new beginning under a new name…

  But I didn’t want to kill him. I didn’t even want to hurt him. I knew in my heart that I could’ve spent my whole life looking at that beautiful face, and trying to solve the mysteries of the gorgeous Vasile Greengallow.

  I wish you were the one I was marrying, I thought, surprising even myself with that idea. And with the utter truth of it.

  As I held my weight on my knees, I found my unarmed hand moving toward his cheek. He was so beautiful. Gently, I stroked his rough cheek. As I touched him, I felt my whole body begin to melt.

  But then, from a seemingly dead sleep, he seized my wrist hard in a vise-like grip that triggered a rush of fear inside me.

  Instinctively, I fought back and in a flurry of movements, grunts and force, I found myself with the knife pressed to his throat.

  Chapter 10


  I’d pretended to be asleep when she entered the room.

  I’d heard her coming down the fucking hall, my senses were so on edge, so acute I swore I even caught her scent before the door opened.

  It took all my willpower to leave her in that bedroom only to come to mine and use the remaining power I had to talk the surging hot blood from my erection.

  I thought briefly about relieving myself, but I couldn’t. This girl I’d only known hours, had ruined me already.

  I knew, the only satisfaction I’d ever have again, was with her. In her. From her.

  Who knows how she got past the lock on her door, but I found the ingenuity fascinating. There was more to this girl than looks and a title.

  She wasn’t just smart, she was resourceful, fearless and I found myself drawn to her with a force that shocked me. I’d let her have her moment, wondering what she would do when she found me alone and vulnerable.

  I’d enjoyed it when she climbed up on top of me.

  I’d even been fascinated by the idea of her wielding a blade, of my life being in her hands. But I couldn’t hold back any longer.

  In the low light, with that look in her eye, she looked more beautiful than ever.

  Goddamn. That fire, that daring. What a fucking goddess.

  But mischievous as hell.

  “How the fuck did you get out?” I barked.

  She pursed her lips, all sassy and sexy.

  “Next time you kidnap someone, you should check their braid for hairpins.” She was smug with her little victory and doubly sexy because of it. A confident woman is the sexiest thing in the world, hands down.

  I slowly released her wrist, but she didn’t take her hand away from my cheek. Nor did she move the knife from my throat. Instead, she kept it there, blade to my jugular.

  The pressure on the knife increased and I slowed my breathing as I stared into her eyes. It took all my strength to keep my wits. The scent of her cunt was driving me mad. If heaven had a scent, it would be her.

  My dick was hard as the stone walls in an instant, in spite of the blade at my neck.

  Sitting on top of me, pinning me to the mattress, she began to grind her hips into mine, rolling her clit again my engorged dick. I was naked under the sheet and the only thing between her sweet cunt and my cock was a few threads of fabric.

  It took one hell of a woman to walk that line between danger and pleasure. But she needed to be careful. If she pushed me too far, there would be no turning back.

  “What the fuck do you think you’re doing?” I growled.

  She exhaled slowly, with eyes fluttering as she pleasured herself against me.

  “You thought you’d kidnap me and keep me locked up like some little jewel, didn’t you?”

  She spread her legs further against my balls, warmth and wetness seeping through the thin sheet. It was her wetness spilling out of her. I wanted to get inside her so badly, I felt it in my fucking bones.

  “You have no clue what I wanted to do, Princess.”

  “Stop calling me that,” she snapped, setting her teeth in anger and sucking in her belly as she pulled herself slightly away from me.

  I slipped my hand behind her, forcing her back down onto me, with my fingers digging into her plump ass cheek.

  “Make me,” I challenged, half provoking her just to see how far she’d go, with no concern for the fact that with one swipe, one flick of her delicate wrist, my lifeblood would drain from my body in a matter of minutes.

  “You’re pretty cocky considering your circumstances.”

  The warm softness of her skin made the tone of her voice all the more sexy. Fire and ice.

  I didn’t just want to fuck her. I wanted to own her, possess her. To consume her whole.

  “And you’re pretty gutsy for a girl who’s way out of her depth.”

  She gasped with eyes flashing, then pinned her tongue between her teeth. A little smile crept up one cheek—barely noticeable, but fucking intoxicating.

  “Maybe you’re forgetting who’s in mortal danger.”

  “And maybe you’re forgetting who’s making a mess of my sheets.”

  Her eyes blazed and she ground her hips again. I studied her close, watching every gesture and gyration, every movement and gasp. There was no question that she knew her own body and knew what it meant to pleasure herself.

  I was fucking glad about that. If only because it made me think of her in her moments of pleasure. Touching herself. Maybe rolling up her bed pillow and riding it as she was doing to me right now…

  But the way she reacted to my body told me something else; my brother might be a fucking liar ninety-nine percent of the time, but I was pretty sure he’d told it to me straight about one thing. She was a virgin. She was playing the experienced woman, but she wasn’t experienced at all.

  “You’re way too fucking innocent for a guy like me,” I told her, keeping my voice low, trying to convince myself I could destroy her if I unleashed myself on her right now.

  “Me?” she said, lifting her shoulder, being coy and seductive. “Innocent? I don’t think so, Vasile.”

  She had the act down, but it wasn’t real. I knew it in my gut. She wanted it, though. That sweet scent drifting from between her legs told me more than her words.

  Fine. If she wanted to play this game, we were gonna play it for real.

  I tensed my ass and drove my shaft into her spread legs, with only the sheet preventing me from driving into her for real. She gasped and shuddered, then looked down at me with lips quivering and eyes darting from my left to my right and back again.

  She’d be a shitty poker player; couldn’t bluff to save her life. Her eyes softened a little, and she blinked once at me.

  In that expression, I saw just how innocent she really was. And how terrified she was as well, deep-down inside her. I reached up to touch her face, sliding my fingers gently along her cheek, past the curve of her ear, and into her thick, honey-colored hair.

  I grabbed a fistful of it, hard, enough to make her neck tip back, and said, “You’re fucking safe with me. But I’m gonna warn you,” I clenched my fist to get a better grip on her, “once I start, I won’t stop.”

  She let out a low growl at the ceiling. “Good.”

  Her on top was sexy, but it was time for me to show her what I was really like. It was time for me to dominate her—the way I craved, the way she fucking deserved.

  With one powerful thrust, I flipped her onto her back and pinned her with all of my weight, tearing the sheets from around us and throwing them across the room. I seized the knife from her and forced her wrists above her head in one of my hands.

  With the other, I palmed the knife, blade pointed straight at her and glinting in the moo

  She gasped as I slipped it under the thin white cotton that covered her and in two sweeping motions cut her nightdress from her.

  Her gorgeous, creamy white tits were pulled up and flattened by the position of her arms, making her nipples look even more swollen and pointed against them.

  Leaning down over her, I positioned the knife down, with the flat of the blade against her ribcage, and the tip against the mattress. Then I got to work on those fucking tight nipples. I sucked hard on the left, biting her nipple until she tried to kick me off of her. The harder she fought, the more I bit down. Releasing her only when her moan turned sharp and the squeal of pain echoed in my ears.

  She hissed up at the ceiling, and when she looked back at me, I saw not just that adrenaline rush of pain in her eyes.

  But I also saw fear. Fear of what I could do to her, fear of what was to come. It wasn’t just fear, though. There was terror. And I wanted her to feel a lot of things for me, but terrified wasn’t one of them.

  “I told you you’re safe with me,” I said.

  She nodded, wide eyed. “I know,” she said softly.

  “With me,” I told her, “pain is only a means to pleasure.”

  Valeria blinked in that innocent way she had before. “You mean, unlike with your brother.”

  It was a credit to her that the mention of him didn’t blunt my hard-on at all. But there was a time and a place to discuss all that—and this most definitely wasn’t it.

  “Don’t fucking mention him,” I warned her, soothing her bruised nipple with some tender licks.

  She gave me an unsure little smile and looped her legs around me the way she had in the pool.

  “Okay,” she lowered her chin, tightening her lips to her teeth.

  The look on her face made my heart ache in my chest. She was way the fuck over her head; she didn’t know which way was up. I took comfort in knowing that I would be her first, that I would treat her right. That she’d feel pleasure and pain from me, instead of just pain alone.

  “I’m going to tell you the rules,” I told her. “Do not question them. Do not test them. If you do, I’ll walk right out of this room and I won’t come back until you learn to obey.”

  Now she was serious, focused and attentive. She nodded at me.

  “Say it,” I told her.

  “I understand.”

  “Rule one. When I tell you to something, you do it. No variations. No surprises. When I speak, it’s for a reason. I say what I want and it’s your job to give that to me.”

  She nodded quickly and answered, “I understand.”

  “Rule two. Trust me. Completely. When I take you, remember I just broke the fucking law to get to you. To keep you safe. To keep you close. So I will not hurt you more than you need to be hurt.”

  That word hurt gave her pause, and she searched my face as if looking for some hidden meaning there. I didn’t tell her anything more.

  “I understand,” she said, with a deep breath of anticipation.

  Now I released her wrists, though she kept them there where I’d placed them above her head.

  Good girl.

  I palmed the knife, rotating it in my grip so that the blade was away from her, though she couldn’t see that for herself. With the blunt edge of the tip, I traced a line down her beautiful body.

  Down her throat, her breastbone, her belly button. Then, keeping the knife against her thigh, I traced that same line with my tongue. As I licked my way down toward her pussy, I adjusted my body and shifted my hips so that my raging hard-on lay flat against the mattress.

  “Open your legs, bent at the knee. Pillow behind your head,” I told her.

  She paused for one second, watching me closely, and then did exactly as I asked, in the correct order. Now we’re fucking talking.

  “Good girl,” I said, and then situated myself between her legs, with my face mere inches from her honey-sweet cunt.

  I ate her out like it was my purpose in life as she moaned and purred, twisted and bucked, calling for God and Jesus and me all in the same breath. She tasted fucking amazing, and the heady scent of her cunt filled my brain and body like a double shot of whiskey.

  Her clit was already swollen with desire, but the more I worked on her the more swollen it became. Once I’d had a solid dose of her, I pulled away slightly, not even bothering to wipe her wetness from my lips.

  Her head lifted from the pillow and she looked at me as if to ask, with her innocent eyes, why in the world I had stopped. By way of answer, I pressed the steel of the blade against her creamy soft thigh. Her eyes flashed as it touched her.

  I fucking loved dancing this dance with her—this game of power and play, this negotiation of fear and need.

  “When you come, just fucking let it happen,” I told her. “No writhing, no squirming, no tipping your hips for more or less. This orgasm is a gift. So you just fucking take it.”

  “Yes,” she said instantly. Confident yet submissive. “Understood.”

  “Good. Now lay back. Close your eyes.”

  I didn’t make it easy for her to stay still.

  With my tongue and my free hand, I teased her clit and opening, without ever penetrating her. When I felt her approaching orgasm, I backed off once and then a second time.

  Her body was betraying her, though, and she was getting greedy. When I lessened my intensity, she shimmied her hips to beg for more.

  Don’t you fucking dare.

  I pressed the blade against her harder to warn her not to be disobedient. She inhaled sharply, then relaxed her whole body.

  Once I was sure I had her back under control, I gave her a few nice long licks with the widest part of my tongue, then flicked her clit over and over again until I felt her entire being tense.

  Then and only then did I let her come for me. She came strong and hard, screaming my name again and again. Before she’d even finished coming, I tossed the knife aside, got up on my knees and pumped my cock a few times for her.

  I took her small hand in mine, showed her how to cup my balls, and then guided her other hand over my dick. She explored its girth, its length.

  Her cheeks were already flame-red from her orgasm, but a new blush crossed her cheeks as she touched me.

  Her touches were soft though, too soft, and I said, “You better be stronger than that when I fuck you.”

  She gasped, smiling that devilish smile that I was growing to adore. “Oh, I will.”

  Her lack of protest had cum dripping from the tip of my greedy cock.

  “Yeah?” I asked, lifting my eyebrow, and leaning in to kiss her.

  “Yeah,” she said, and met my lips with hers.

  Being so close to her, feeling her beautiful body against mine, and fully realizing just how deeply I wanted her, proved what I’d known all along, since the second I first saw her: I would never fucking ever allow Petre to put his hands on her. She belonged to me and me alone.

  I wound my tongue with hers. The warm wetness reminded me of how her pussy felt as I gave her a taste of herself. Knowing she was tasting her own cum made me crazed. I crushed our lips together…the kiss deeper and more profound than just a meeting of lips and tongues.

  After a long, delicious moment, I pulled away with a greedy nip of her lower lip. I held her head in my hands, hard enough to let her feel my power as I shifted my hips. The tip of my engorged cock was already dripping as her slick opening tempted me to my very limits.

  Forehead to forehead, nose to nose, I asked her, “You ready?”

  “Yes,” she said, her tiny hands gripping my shoulders.

  Embracing her with all my strength, moving her cheek against my chest, I hitched my hips and pressed into her virgin pussy. And goddamn did she feel good. So good. Too fucking good.

  A part of me hated her for that, for that tight, wet, pure little cunt of hers.

  Her maidenhead pushed back at me, but I forced my way through it, without warning or tenderness. I grunted and shuddered as I broke throug
h, a sound so animalistic I hardly recognized it at all. Her body tensed with the pain, she dug her fingernails hard into my back as her virgin blood spilled out from her and bloodied the sheets.

  Staying there, plunged inside her, I pressed a long, tender kiss to the top of her head. The kiss was what she needed, and her body relaxed, making her pussy open up even further to my dick.

  And that was when the appetizer ended, and the main course began.

  Chapter 11


  The hushed whispers shared between females by and large described sex, especially the first time, as something to be tolerated at best.

  So, whatever they must have been doing, it wasn’t this.

  Because, oh my God.

  I hadn’t even known my body could make me feel so good. Vasile kept me on my back, with my legs spread, and filled me with powerful thrusts of his cock.

  At first, it was as if my body was splitting in two, but the longer he stayed inside me and the more comfortable I became, the more and more I felt that it really was heaven on earth being there in his arms.

  Impaled upon him.

  At his mercy.

  His thick erection stuffed me utterly full and I clenched around him, every muscle I didn’t know I had tightening at once. The pleasure was so intense that my foot pinched with a cramp because my toes were so tightly curled.

  He stayed there, like that, deep inside me for a moment. Gazing down at me, he moved a lock of my hair aside with his big, rough finger. And then he smiled. And it took my breath away.

  “What is it?” I asked, my voice raspy and thick from so much panting and pleasure.

  “I need you to know that this is real for me. I feel… intoxicated by you. Unlike anything I’ve ever felt, Princess.”

  I nodded, trying to remind myself of the plan. I didn’t want to break his heart, but I couldn’t stay here and I couldn’t marry his brother.

  “Let’s just enjoy this moment,” I said, hedging my bets, trying desperately not to fall into those beautiful, mysterious eyes of burnished gold and red that gazed into mine, through mine, into my soul.


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