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Robin Tremayne

Page 9

by Emily Sarah Holt



  "And make me die the thrall of Margaret's curse-- Nor mother, wife, nor England's counted Queen."


  Few hours had been tolled on the great clock of Saint Paul's, or hadrung across the water from the Tower guns, ere England knew what was thevengeance to be taken. Once more royal blood was shed upon Tower Hill;once more England stooped to commit murder at the dictation of a foreignpower. The white dove was sacrificed.

  About ten o'clock on the morning of the 12th of February, Lord GuilfordDudley was beheaded on Tower Hill. It is plain that he died aProtestant, seeing that no priest was present at his death. And likethe fiends they were, his executioners brought him, both going to thescaffold, and his dead body in returning, past the windows ofPartridge's house, where his poor young wife had her lodging. They lether--that tender bird of seventeen short summers--from her chamberlattice see all the horror she could see, and feel all the agony shecould feel; and then they brought her forth, to die also.

  Calmly and quietly, as though she had been going to her forfeitedthrone, she came forth to her death. And she was going to her throne.For she was one of Christ's martyrs, and sat upon His throne with Him.

  She spoke very little on the scaffold; only saying that "though she hadconsented unto the setting up of herself against the Queen's Highness,yet was she innocent of all procurement or desire thereof: and that shedied a true Christian woman, looking for eternal life unto the passionof Jesus Christ only, and to none other; and she thanked God, that hadgiven her space to repent; for when she was younger, and did know theword of God, she had neglected the same, and had loved her own self andthe world." And then she said to Dr Feckenham, "Shall I say thisPsalm?"

  Feckenham--a man of the Jesuitical type, renowned for the softness andsweetness of his manners--bowed assent. Then the victim prayed throughthe Fifty-first Psalm, and prepared herself for the sacrifice. Thehangman knelt down and asked her forgiveness: she replied, "Mostwillingly," and "I pray you, despatch me quickly. Will you take it offbefore I lay me down?" Poor child! The executioner was the one whodealt with her most gently and respectfully. He said, "No, Madam." Soshe handed her gloves to one of her women, and her book to Sir JohnBridges, and tied the handkerchief over her eyes. Feeling about withher hands for the block, she said,--"What shall I do? Where is it?Where is it?" One of the bystanders guided her hand to it. Then shelaid down her head; and saying, "Lord, into Thy hands I commend myspirit!" her head fell with one stroke. She was out of Philip's waynow. And the angels of God, for whose company she exchanged a societysomewhat less angelic, were not so likely to account her in their way.

  A fearful day was that from dawn to dusk. Half an hour after theexecution of Lady Jane, Lord Courtenay (but a few days before made Earlof Devon) was brought into the Tower; he would not declare the cause ofhis coming there, saying he could not tell; "but," added he, "let theworld judge." All the evening the noise of hammers was going in theCity, for the gallows were set up everywhere. There was one at everygate of the City, and at the bridge-foot one; four in Southwark, one atLeadenhall two in Cheapside, six or eight in Fleet Street and CharingCross--nor were these all.

  Throughout London all the prisons were so full that the less importantprisoners were kept in the churches, by eighty in a group. Dr Thorpesaid, "If they hang all the Queen's subjects, there will be small fearof a new rebellion." Men greeted each other fearfully, scarcely knowingif they should ever meet again. But the worst fears of all wereawakened for the Archbishop, Bishop Ridley, and Mr Latimer, within theTower, and for Mr Rose outside it. On the 15th of February, IsoultAvery wrote in her diary--

  "In Southwark all this day were the gallows at work, till I am sick atheart for every sound I hear. The gallows at Aldgate, I thank God,cannot be seen from our windows, being hid by the gate. If it could, Iscantly know what should come of us. I dare not go forth of the door,lest I meet some awful sight that I may not forget to my dying day.

  "God Himself showeth His displeasure by fearful sights from Heaven. Twosuns should this morrow be seen in the sky, and this even was a rainbowover London, turned the diverse way, the arch on the ground, and thepoints on high. I dare not think what shall come next, either on earthor in Heaven, unless Christ Himself (that scarce ever was more wanted)would rend the heavens and come down to save us. Yea, Amen, Lord Jesus,come Thou quickly!"

  But no sign of the Son of Man flashed on that weary land. Not yet wasaccomplished the number of the elect; and until the last sheep wasgathered into the fold, there could be no hastening of the kingdom.

  The execution of Lady Jane's father quickly followed her own. He died,as men of his stamp often do, better than he had lived. The "subjectionto bondage from fear of death," in which he had spent his tremblinglife, vanished before death came to him. Boldly and bravely this timid,shrinking soul stood forth at the last, telling all the world that hedied in the faith of Christ, "trusting to be saved by His blood only,and by no other trumpery." Strange words from one of the weakest menthat ever lived!--yet it is the special characteristic of Christ'sstrength that it is "made perfect in weakness." It may be chiefly whenHis children come to die that they understand the full meaning of thatpassage, "He hath abolished death." For our faith, as it has been said,is a religion of paradoxes. Strength, whose perfection lies inweakness,--life, which is founded upon a death--glory, which springs outof shame and suffering. When the Twelve heard that, to draw all menunto Him, the Master should be lifted up from the earth, it probablynever dawned upon their minds that the scene of that exaltation was tobe the cross. News that made men tremble came before the end ofFebruary. The Lady Elizabeth had been summoned to Court--was it forlife or death?--and Bishop Bonner had issued a commission of inquiryconcerning all in his diocese, with orders to present all persons whohad failed to frequent auricular confession and the mass. Many fellaway in this time of temptation--Sir William Cecil (afterwards LordBurleigh) and his wife Mildred, amongst others. The Duchess of Suffolkheld on her way unwavering. Annis Holland's second letter, which hadbeen delayed, reached Isoult Avery in the beginning of March.

  "Unto my right entirely beloved friend, Mistress Avery, that dwelleth atthe sign of the Lamb, in the Minories, next without Aldgate, besideLondon, be these delivered.

  "My Very well beloved Isoult,--My most hearty and loving commendationsremembered unto thee. Sithence my last writing have I made a mostwoeful discovery, the which I would almost I had not done. But thoushalt know the same.

  "An even of late, I was alone in my chamber sewing, having sent Mariaforth to buy certain gear I lacked. And being so alone, I began to singlowly that hymn of Saint Bernard--`Hic breve vivitur, hic breveplangitur,' [Note 1] when of a sudden I was aroused from my singing by asound like a groaning, and that very near. I hearkened, and heard itagain. One was surely moaning in the next chamber. Thinking that oneof the bower-women might be evil at ease and lack one to help her, Icrept forth from my chamber, and, listening at the door of the next,heard plainly the moaning again. I laid mine hand on the latch, andentered.

  "It was a large chamber, airy, but not light. All the windows were highup in the wall. There was a bed, divers chairs, and a table; and by thetable sat a woman apparelled in black, her arms laid thereon, and herhead upon them. Her face showed much pain. She lifted her head slowlyas I came towards her, and then I saw that she had the face of astranger. `Who is it?' she said in a whispered voice. `My name,Senora, is Ines de Olanda,' said I. `Meseemeth you lack ease. Could Iin any wise bring it unto you?' `Ay, I lack ease, _muchacha_' (which isto say, maiden), quoth she. `I lack rest. But that lieth in--thegrave.' She spake slowly and uncertainly. `Whence comest thou?' shesaid again. `Thy tone is not of these parts.'--`Senora,' said I, `I ama stranger from England.'--`And how camest thou hither?' quoth she. `Asreader of English unto the Queen's Highness,' said I. `How much hastthou read unto the Queen?' she asked, and smiled

  "Her smile lighted up her face marvellously. It was not a fair face. Imisdoubt if it were ever such. Her hair is near white now; but thoughher complexion were good, and her eyes shining and dark grey, herfeatures must have been alway something harsh and strong. `Nothing atall, Senora,' then said I; `for it is now three months sithencemy coming, and yet had I never the honour to see herHighness.'--`Traitors!' quoth she angrily; and her features grew harsherthan ever. I stood in silence. `Thou art not a Lutheran?' she saidsuddenly. `Methinks it should fare ill, Senora, with any that were sohere,' I made answer, desiring to be discreet. `Is that any answer tomy question?' she said, knitting her brows. `Senora,' said I, tremblinggreatly, `I cannot tell a lie, even though you may betray me. I am aLutheran.'--`I betray thee!' she said pitifully. `Poor child! whosodoth that, it will not be I. I am under the same ban.'--`Senora!' Icried, much astonied, `you are a Lutheran? here, in the Queen'sPalace.'--`Doth that amaze thee?' she answered with another smile.`Then a second thing I can tell thee will do so yet more:--I am theQueen.'

  "I set myself upon my knees afore her Highness, so soon as myastonishment would give me leave. `They do not burn me,' she said, inthe slow uncertain way wherein she had spoken at first. `I think theyscarce liked to do that. But I had suffered less; for then it had beenover long ago. They say I am mad. And it doth seem sometimes as ifsomewhat in my head were lost,' she saith, pressing her hands wearilyupon her brow. `It was Dona Isabel, my mother. She used to give me the_cuerda_!'--`Senora,' I answered, `craving your Highness' pardon, I,being a maid from strange parts, know not that word _cuerda_!'--`Havethey the thing in your land?' answered the Queen heavily. `Did they trythat on my poor sister, your Princess of Wales [Katherine of Aragon]?_Ay de mi_!'--`I know not,' said I, `under the gracious pleasure of yourHighness, what the thing is.'--`Look!' she said, pointing with her thin,trembling hand.

  "I looked whither she pointed, and in the further corner of the chamberI saw a frame of pulleys set in the ceiling. But it came not presentlyto my mind wherefore they were there. `They set those short sticksunder my arms,' the Queen said, speaking heavily as it were with sleep.`Then they jerk up the pulleys, and I have to go up with them. It hurtsvery much. I think I scream sometimes, and then he beats me fordisturbing people. They alway do it at night. They say I need it, andI am mad. I marvel if they cure mad people so in England. And I thinkif they did it sometimes in the day, it would not disturb people somuch. You see, I understand it not--at least they say so. But I fancyI understood better before the _cuerda_.'

  "I was silent from very horror, as the fearful truth dawned slowly uponme. `_Ay de mi_!' sighed the Queen again, leaving her head fall backupon her arms. `My father never used to do so. They say 'tis by hiscommand. I marvel if they tell me the truth.'--`Who dareth to do thusunto your Highness?' I said at last. `Denia,' she said, in the samedreamy fashion, `and them he bringeth with him. They want me toconfess, and to hear mass. I think they make me go sometimes, when thatthing in mine head is lost. But if I know it, I resist them.'

  "Again she lifted her head, and her voice grew more resolute.`_Muchacha_, I have been here twenty-six years. All that time, in thischamber! They left me two of my children at the first. Then they tookthe Infant Don Fernando from me. And all my heart twined round mylittle maid,--my last-born, my Catalina! So they took her. I neverknew why. I never did know wherefore they began at all, save forlistening to some French friars that came to see me. And they told mevery good things. God was good, they said, and loved me, and Jesus ourLord had taken away all my sins. And it was good to think so. So then_they_ beat me, and set me in the _cuerda_; and they called me anheretic, and a Lutheran, and all the bad words they knew. I do notthink the holy angels at the gates of Paradise will turn me away, norcall me an heretic, because I thought Jesus had taken away my sins. Ifthis be Lutheranism, then I am a Lutheran--then I will be a Lutheran forever! And those were good friars, that came from Paris. They say theObservants are the ones I should believe. The Queen Dona Isabel setObservants about me. But the Observants beat me, and put me in the_cuerda_; and the Good Men [Note 2]--the French friars--said Jesus ourLord loved me, and had taken away all my sins. That was the betterEvangel of the two. That thing in my head goes wrong when they give methe _cuerda_. But when I can sit quiet like this, and they will let mealone a little while, I love to think of Jesus our Lord, and of Histaking away all my sins. I know not wherefore I should be beaten forthat. It is my head, thou seest.'

  "Poor, poor lady! I felt great tears running down _my face_, anddropping on my gown as I knelt. `_Ay Senora mia_!' I said, so well asI could falter it, `Jesus, our dear Lord, hath taken away all our sinsthat do believe in Him. He loveth your Highness, and if you will clingto Him, He will have you to dwell with Himself at the end of this life.'

  "I felt I must use words easy to be received, for her understandingseemed gone, and like unto that of a little child. `_Ay doncella mia_!'she sighed, `I shall be glad when the end of this life is come.'

  "And she laid down her poor head so wearily. `When the Lord seethgood,' I answered. `Sometimes,' she said dreamily again, `I want sosorely to go forth. I long so much to breathe the sweet, cool air--tosee the cork-trees and the olives. They never bring me so much as anorange flower. Then my head goes wrong, thou seest, when this longingcometh on me; and then--. And sometimes I feel sick, and cannot eat.Then they make me eat with the _cuerda_. I wish Jesus would make hasteand help me. I used to understand it all better before I had the_cuerda_. But I had my husband then, and my children around me. Notone of them ever comes now; and there are six [Note 3]. My husband isdead--I think he is; they say so [Note 4]. I think they might have letone of them come, if only just to say "Mother" to me. I cannotunderstand it now; and it seems so long--so long! _Ay de mi_! if Jesuswould come!'

  "I could not utter another word ere Rosada brake in. `Ines!' she criedin a loud whisper; `what do you here? Know you not, _amiga_, that theLord Marquis will well-nigh kill you if he find you in this chamber?None of her Highness' women are ever allowed to enter at will. Back,back, as fast as you can go!'

  "Then, kneeling a moment, she said hastily, `_Criada umilisima de SuAlteza_!' [`The most humble servant of her Highness.'] and arising,pushed me forth of the chamber, and into mine own, almost before I knewwhat she had said or done. Five minutes later, my Lord of Denia hissteps sounded in the corridor. `Thank the holy Virgin and all thesaints!' cried Rosada under her breath. `_Amiga_, you know not thatman. He would not hesitate one minute to stab you if he found youthere, and fancied any cause of suspicion against you. 'Tis forbiddenground--Maria _sin pecado_ [without sin]! How came you in such peril?I knew her never before left alone even a moment.'--`I did but hear herHighness moaning,' I said bewilderedly, `and was moved to go toher.'--`The Devil must have moved you!' she saith breathlessly. `Ithink rather,' I answered, `saving your presence, Rosada, and notintending you, it was the Devil pushed me forth hither.'--`You mean myLord Marquis?' quoth she, taking me rightly. `The saints pardon herHighness! You know she is quite out of her mind. She saith all mannerof evil of him.'

  "I thought it better, perchance, to make no answer. But into my mindcame a remembrance touching a way wherein the fools should not err; andI thought she should maybe come in at the gates of Heaven afore eitherRosada or I.

  "O Isoult! I would I were forth of this horrible country! It ispeopled with devils. Leonor is not one, methinks; nor assuredly isRosada, neither this my poor sely maiden Maria; but I should find ithard to write a fourth within this palace.

  "I may not make my letter much longer. Prithee tell me some news ofEngland, if any be; and shouldst thou hear ought of my gracious mistress[the Duchess of Suffolk], I would like much to know it.

  "I do well-nigh wish I had not gone into that chamber! and yet, if Ihave in any wise comforted her, it is well. It hath maybe done her somelittle good to pour forth her sorrows to me for a minute. But now Inever awake of a
night but I listen for those fearful screams. I thankGod, I have not heard them again as yet. Methinks her gossips didblunder in naming her Juana; they should have called her Dolores[sorrows].

  "I pray thee, make mine hearty commendations to Mr Avery and all otherthat I know; and kiss thy little Kate for me. And so I commend thee tothe tuition of God. From Tordesillas, this fourteenth of August.--Thineown assuredly,--

  "Annis Holland."

  When we look back over the way which the Lord has led us these fortyyears in the wilderness, we sometimes find in retrospect the Marahs nosadder than the Elims. Nay, there are times when the Elims are thesadder.

  "A sorrow's crown of sorrow Is, remembering happier things."

  There was much sorrow of that class for the Gospellers at this time.Ease and liberty had gone already: they were followed by the cruel agonyof parting. Within fourteen days of the 25th of February, every marriedpriest in the diocese of London was commanded to be deprived anddivorced. The first would have been a sufficiently bitter draught,without the added desolation of the second. On the table before IsoultAvery lay a sheet of paper, containing a few lines of uneven writing.They were blotted with tears, and were signed "Marguerite Rose." Theirpurport was to ask for shelter at the Lamb, for a few weeks, until shecould see her way more clearly. Thekla herself brought her mother'sletter. There were no tears from her, only her face was white, andworn, and weary.

  "And you have not wept, Thekla?" said Isoult.

  "There are tears enough elsewhere," she said, and shook her head. "Icannot weep. It would ease me, perhaps, if I could."

  "These fiends of men!" cried Dr Thorpe, who was not renowned forweighing his words carefully when he was indignant. "Is it because theycannot drive nor persuade us into the sin and unbelief of Hell, thatthey be determined we shall lose none of the torment of it, so far aslieth in their hand to give us? Shall God see all this, and not move?Have they banished Him out of the realm, with other strangers?"

  "Bitter words, Dr Thorpe!" answered Robin, softly. "`Shall God castaway His people, whom He foreknew?' From them that are lights in theworld, shall He who is the Light of the World depart? Nay, `when wepass through the waters He will be with us.'"

  "They are dark waters for some of us," whispered Thekla under her voice.

  "But not fathomless, dear Thekla," replied Robin. "There are footstepsbefore us, though we may not see them; and at the dreariest, there isGod above us."

  "I hope so," responded Dr Thorpe. "I am afeard, Robin, thou shalt say Iam an unbeliever and a fool; but it doth look mainly as if He had fallenasleep, and the Devil had stole the reins of the world out of Hishands."

  "Not an unbeliever," said Robin, in his gentle manner; "only a believerin the dark. `Lord, carest Thou not that we perish?' They were notunbelievers that said that. But you well know the answer--`How is itthat ye have no faith?'"

  "'Tis main hard to get hold of it, lad!" said Dr Thorpe, more quietly,but with some choking in his voice.

  "'Tis harder to do without it," answered Robin.

  Dr Thorpe never twitted Robin with his youth now. On the contrary, heseemed to respect him, as one who with few years had amassed muchwisdom.

  There was only one unpleasant element in the grant of a refuge to MrsRose. It would lock the doors of the Lamb on the beloved pastor. Whereshe was, he must come no more. The chief element of comfort was Thekla.She could have free access to both her parents, so long as theyremained at liberty; and Mr Rose might yet be heard to preach in thehouses of other Gospellers.

  "Isoult," said Dr Thorpe, coming in, a few days after this woeful letterhad been received and answered, "for all the late 'headings, there befools left in the realm."

  "Troth," said she, laughing, "I never cast doubt else."

  "Why," pursued he, "if they hang up all the wise men, what else shall beleft? But list the marvellous news. Yesterday, a parcel of lads didgather in a field by Saint James, for to have a game of childre's play."

  "Is that such news?" said John.

  "Hold thy peace till I have made an end," said Dr Thorpe. "Thesechildre in their playing (as childre will) did elect to follow theirfathers in their late diversion; and one half of them should be theQueen's men, and the other half Wyatt's men. And so rough was theirplay, that the lad which stood for the Prince of Spain was caught ofWyatt's side, and half strangled of them. But in the midst thereof, erehe were full hanged, come the watch, and took all the young rebels intocustody, as well the one side as the other."

  "I take it they boxed their ears and let them go," said John.

  "Do you so?" answered Dr Thorpe. "Not by no manner of means, worthySir; but this day are the great and mighty rebels on their trial aforethe Queen's Council, and the statesmen of this realm do sit in saddebate what shall be done with them. I had counted that the lad whichwas half hanged should have been enough punished for his state crimes;but maybe they think not so, but shall hang him out. But saw you a copyof the Queen's Majesty's ordinances?"

  "Nay," replied John. "What be they?"

  "It were well to know them," he answered. "These be they:--

  "First, all the statutes of King Henry touching religion shall be put inforce. No Sacramentary shall be admitted to any benefice; all marriedpriests shall be deprived, but more lenity shall be shown to them whosewives be dead (to wit, I take it, they shall not be divorced from theirdead wives). If they shall part by consent, and shall promise to committhe crime of matrimony no further, they may be admitted again, atdiscretion of the Bishop, but in no case to the same benefice. Noreligious man shall be suffered to wed. Processions, Latin service,holy days, fasts, and all laudable and honest ceremonies, shall beobserved. Homilies shall be set forth. Men shall go to their parishchurch only. Suspected schoolmasters shall be put forth, and Catholicmen put instead. And lastly, touching such persons as were heretoforepromoted to any orders, after the new fashion (hark to this, Robin!)considering they were not ordained in very deed, the Bishop of thediocese, finding otherwise sufficiency and ability in these men, maysupply that thing which wanted in them before, and thus according to hisdiscretion permit them to minister."

  "Now here is a knot to untie: how say you concerning the divorce of suchmen, _not_ again ordained of the Bishops? If they be not priests, thenthey need not to be divorced: or, if they be divorced, then are theypriests."

  "Friend," said John, "there is no better man in this world than DrGardiner for getting round a corner; and where he may not come round thecorner, he hath Alisaunder's sword, to cut the knot with no more ado."

  The blow fell at last, and the home in Leadenhall Street was broken up.Mr Rose himself brought his wife and daughter to the Lamb on the eveningof the 10th of March, which was the last allowed for all married prieststo separate from their wives. Doubtless the parting was very painful;but it passed in private, and the Averys too much reverenced his sorrowto suffer him to depart otherwise than in silence. Only John walkedwith him to his desolate home, and he told Isoult that not a word wasspoken by either, but the clasp of Mr Rose's hand at parting was not tobe lightly forgotten.

  The lads who had mimicked the rebellion were whipped and imprisoned forthree days, and then released, by the Queen's own command. On the 12thof March, the Archbishop, Dr Ridley, and Mr Latimer, set out for Oxford,where they were--ostensibly, to maintain their theories in a publicdisputation; really, to be martyred. Dr Hooper went part of the waywith them. He was going to Gloucester--to the same end. For a week,Thekla flitted backwards and forwards between her parents; generallyspending her mornings with her father, and the evenings with her mother.Robin constituted himself her guard in all her journeyings.

  Sunday was the day after his bereavement, and Mr Rose was silent; butthe following Sunday he preached at Mr Holland's house, where theGospellers gathered to hear him. Thekla remained with her mother; shewould not leave her alone with her sorrowful thoughts. It was a rainymorning, but in the days before umbrellas were invented, rain
was lessthought of than it has been since. John Avery and his wife, Dr Thorpe,Esther, and Robin, set forth, despite the rain. Before they had gonemany yards, they overtook a crowd of people, all running riverwards; andIsoult, looking towards the water, fancied that she could see thestandard of the royal barge.

  "Whither away?" asked John of some of the crowd.

  But no answer was vouchsafed, except a cry of "The Tower!" till suddenlyMr Underhill hove in sight, and was questioned at once.

  "What, know you not what all London knoweth?" said he; "that the LadyElizabeth's Grace is this morrow a prisoner of the Tower? 'Tis verytrue, I warrant you: would it were less! This moment is the Queen'sbarge at hand with her. Will you see?"

  "Have with you," said Dr Thorpe, who never missed a sight, if he couldpossibly help it.

  The rest went on. Mr Rose looked older, they thought, and more wornthan was his wont; but his voice was as gentle and his smile as sweet asever. He came to them as soon as they came in, and wanted to know allthey could tell him of Mrs Rose and Thekla, though his eyes asked ratherthan his lips; yet his first words were a query why Thekla was not withthem. His sermon was on three words of David, "He shall live." Andfirst he showed that David spoke this of Christ, by prophecy: and thendivided his subject into three heads--"He hath lived," "He doth live,""He shall live." And under the first head, he pointed out how from alleternity Christ had lived with the Father, and was His delight,rejoicing alway before Him; and how then He had lived a little babe anda weary man upon this earth defiled with sin, amidst a people who knewHim not, and would not receive Him. Then coming to the next part, "Hedoth live," he showed what he now does, standing before the throne ofGod, within the true veil and beside the better mercy-seat, presentingin Himself every one of His people, and pleading every moment for them.And lastly, "He shall live." He shall come again; He shall reign overthe earth; He shall live for ever. And "because He liveth, we shalllive also." If He could die again, then might we. But He dieth nomore, having died once for us; and we that believe in Him, He havingdied in our stead, can never die the second death. He hath abolisheddeath, as well for His Church as for Himself: He that is the Living Onefor evermore holdeth the keys of Hell and of death. And for this cause,even the natural death, not one can suffer except by His permission. MrRose bade his hearers not to fall into the blunder that evil men heldtheir lives in their hands. "Christ hath the keys, not they. If theybe suffered to take our lives away, it is because we have ended ourwork, and He calleth us home to Him. And what child ever went home fromschool that went not gladly, except indeed he had an ill home? Let usnot bring up an evil report of that good Land, by unwillingness to goHome." Coming back, they found Dr Thorpe returned, and talking withThekla.

  "She is the manliest woman ever I saw in all my life!" cried he.

  Thekla made no answer, except a smile; but it disappeared as soon as shesaw her friends, and coming forward, she began to talk in a low tonewith Robin.

  "There is small praise for somebody," said John. "Who is it--my LadyElizabeth's Grace?"

  "Even so," replied Dr Thorpe.

  "Well, and how went the matter?" said he.

  "Why," he answered, "they took her in at the drawbridge by the Traitor'sGate. And, the barge arrived there, my Lord Treasurer sent my Lord ofSussex to desire her Grace to land. `Nay, that will I not,' quo' she.Nor could she, in very deed, unless she had gone into the water over hershoe. My Lord of Sussex then went back from her to my Lord Treasurer,and brought word that she would not come. Then said my Lord Treasurerroughly, `She shall not choose.' And all this while sat she in therain. So my Lord Treasurer stepped forward and did proffer his cloakfor her to tread on. Then up rose my Lady Elizabeth, and put back myLord Treasurer's cloak with her hand, with a good dash. And setting herfoot upon the stair, she saith stoutly, `Here landeth the truestsubject, being a prisoner, that ever landed at these stairs.' To whommy Lord Treasurer--`So much the better for you, Madam.' So in went she,as manly as ever did man; and Sir John Gage shut up the gates upon her.She hath the stoutest stomach ever I saw. If all the men were hangedthrough England, there should be yet one left in her."

  On Good Friday the Marquis of Northampton was released from the Tower.Dr Thorpe said, the Queen "played at see-saw with my Lord ofNorthampton, for he is in the Tower this day and out the next, and soover again." In the afternoon of Easter Sunday, Esther and Mrs Rosewent out together. When they returned, Mrs Rose went up quickly to herown chamber; and Esther drew her mistress aside.

  "Why, Esther, what is the matter?" said Isoult.

  "Methinks I had better tell you," replied she. "I would I could havehelped it; yet the Blessed saw not good. As we came back throughPoules, there was set up on a board a long list of all the priests inthis diocese which have been divorced from their wives by decree of myLord of London; and them that had parted by consent were set bythemselves. And in this list--"

  "Good lack!" cried Isoult. "Saw you Mr Rose's name?"

  "_She_ saw it," said Esther in a low voice, "though I did essay to turnher away therefrom by bidding her to observe the fair carving on theother side the way; but it was to no good. She caught the twonames--`Thomas Rose' and `Margaret Van der Velde.' And she brake forthwhen she saw them. I thank the All Merciful we two were alone in thecloister."

  "But what said she?"

  "`Margaret Van der Velde!' she cried. `I am _not_ Margaret Van derVelde! I am Marguerite Rose. I have borne his name for two and twentyyears, and shall I cast it off now at the Bishop of London's bidding?No, not if he were the Pope and the whole College of Cardinals!' Thenshe fell into French and Spanish mixed together. And `Parted byconsent!' quoth she. `_Ay Dios! que veut-on dire_? what consent isthere? They thrust us asunder with halberds, and then say we haveparted by consent! God! art Thou in Heaven, and dost Thou see allthis?' she cried."

  "Poor soul! And what saidst thou, Esther?"

  "I said little, only essayed to draw her away and to comfort her. It ishard work to bear such things, I know. But I think we be too apt toseek to be our King's kings--to bring down the Holy One that inhabitetheternity to the measure of our poor knowledge. 'Tis not alway when _we_think Israel at the lowest that Othniel is raised up to judge us. Hewill come at the right time, and in time to save us; but very often thatis not the time we would choose."

  Poor Mrs Rose! Isoult could scarcely wonder at her words ofindignation. But she had not seen nor borne the worst yet.

  "Isoult!" said Dr Thorpe, coming in on the 8th of April, "there is ajolly sight in the Chepe. I take it, a piece of some Lutheran's orGospeller's work, whose wit and zeal be on the thither side of hisdiscretion. On the gallows in Cheapside is a cat hanged, arrayed investments, all proper, her head shaven, and her forefeet tied over herhead with a round of paper betwixt them for a wafer. What say you tothat for a new thing?"

  "Poor cat!" said Robin; yet he laughed.

  "Nay, I know not that they killed the cat o' purpose," said Dr Thorpe."They may have taken a dead one."

  "But what say the folk thereto?" asked Isoult.

  "Some laugh," he answered, "and some rail, and some look mighty solemn.Underhill was jolly pleased therewith; it served his turn rightly. Imet him on my way home, and he asked me first thing if I had seen SirCat."

  "I warrant you," said John, "'tis a piece of his work, or else of GeorgeFerris. Mind you not how he told us the tale of his [Underhill]stealing the copper pix from the altar at Stratford on the Bow? I willbe bound one of those merry twain hath done it."

  "Little unlike," said Dr Thorpe.

  Proclamation was made of a reward of twenty nobles, increased afterwardto twenty marks, to find the irreverent hanger up of the cat, but invain. It was never discovered who did it. On Cantate Sunday--April22--Mr Rose preached at Mr Sheerson's house in Bow Churchyard. John andIsoult were there, with Esther, Thekla, and Robin. After service (forthey were late, and it was beginning when they entered), Mr Rose came tothem, and, after a f
ew minutes' conversation, asked if they had heardthe news from Oxford.

  "Nay," said John, "is there so?"

  "The sorest we might well have," he answered. "My Lord Archbishop, DrRidley, and Mr Latimer, be all three cast for death."

  Such a cry broke from Isoult, that some turned to look at her, and MrsHolland came up and asked if she was ill, or what was the matter.

  "Are you assured thereof?" asked John.

  "With little question," answered he, "seeing Augustine Bernher came untome with the news, and is lodged with me: who was himself present at thesentencing and all the whole disputation."

  "If Austin brought it, it is true," said John, sorrowfully.

  "But they will never burn Mr Latimer," cried Isoult in anguish. "Anaged man such as he is, that must die in a few years at the furthest!"

  "And my Lord Archbishop, that is chiefest subject of the whole realm!"said John.

  "There is an other before him now," answered Mr Rose. "The chiefestsubject of the realm is Cardinal Pole, that is looked for nigh everyweek."

  Austin Bernher, who had been talking with Mr Holland, now came up, andJohn begged him to tell them particulars of the trial.

  "It was a right morris-dance," said he, "all the examination. MrProlocutor Weston disputed with the beer-pot at his elbow, and forgotnot his devoirs thereto in the course thereof. And (whether the saidpot were in fault, I will not say, but) at opening he made a sorryblunder, for he said that the Court was called `to dispute thedetestable heresy of the verity of the body of Christ in the Sacrament.'There was much laughter in the Court thereupon. It was in the choir ofSaint Mary the Virgin they held Court, and my Lord Archbishop was firstexamined. He denied all propositions advanced unto him, and spake verymodestly, wittily [cleverly], and learnedly. So at the end of the dayhe was sent back to Bocardo, where they held him confined. Then thenext day they had in Dr Ridley, who showed sharp, witty, and veryearnest; and denied that (being Bishop of Rochester) he had everpreached in favour of transubstantiation. At _one_ point, the peoplehissing at an answer he had given, Dr Ridley turned him around untothem, and--`O my masters!' saith he, `I take this for no judgment. Iwill stand to God's judgment.' The day thereafter called they up mymaster [Latimer]; who, on his entering, escaped no hissings nor scornfullaughter. He came in from the bailiff's house, where he was lodged,having a kerchief and three or four caps on his head for the fear ofcold, his staff in his hand, and his spectacles hanging at his breast bya string [Note 5]. He earnestly desired to be allowed a seat, and alsoto speak in English; for (quoth he) `I am out of use with the Latin, andalmost as meet to dispute as to be a captain of Calais.' Moreover, hesaid his memory was weakened, and he very faint. Then they asked him ifhe would allow the verity of the body of Christ to be in the Sacrament.Quoth he, `I have read over the New Testament seven times, and yet couldI never find the mass in it, neither the marrow-bones nor sinews of thesame.' You know his merry fashion. Then they asked him how long he hadbeen of that opinion; and he said he had not been so long; that time hadbeen when he said mass devoutly, for the which he craved God's mercynow; and he had not been of this mind above seven years. Then theycharged him that he was a Lutheran. `Nay,' said he, `I was a Papist;for I never could perceive how Luther could defend his opinion, withouttransubstantiation.' And they desired he should reason touchingLuther's opinion. `I do not take in hand to defend Luther's sayings ordoings,' quoth my master. `If he were here, he would defend himselfwell enough.' And so went they forward, my master answering readily,but calmly: yet he warmed up high enough once, when one spake of thepriest offering of Christ. Quoth he, with some of the ancient fire thatwas wont to be in him, `He is too precious a thing for us to offer; Heoffereth Himself.' Well, after his examination was over (and they tooktwo days to it) Master Harpsfield disputed with my Lord Archbishop forhis doctor's gown. And the day thereafter (which was Friday) were theyall three brought forth to be judged. Then were Dr Ridley and my masterasked if they would turn; but they both answered, `Nay; I will stand tothat I have said.' So then sentence of burning was passed upon all ofthem for heresy. Then said my Lord Archbishop,--`From your judgment andsentence I appeal to the just judgment of God Almighty; trusting to bepresent with Him in Heaven, for whose presence in the altar I am thuscondemned.' Dr Ridley's answer was--`Although I be not of your company,yet doubt I not but my name is written in an other place, whither thissentence shall send us sooner than we should by the course of naturehave come.' And quoth my master--`I thank God most heartily that Hehath prolonged my life to this end, that I may in this case glorify Godby this kind of death.' So they carried them away, each to his oldlodging. And yester-morn, but an hour before I set out, there was mass,and procession down the High Street to Saint Mary's. They caused myLord to behold it from Bocardo, and Dr Ridley from the Sheriff's house;but not going by the bailiff's house, they fetched my master to see it.Who thought he was going to his burning, and saith unto the catchpole,`My master, I pray you, make a quick fire.' But when he came to Carfax,lo, there came the procession in sight, Dr Weston carrying the host, andfour other doctors supporting the canopy over him and his bread-god.Which no sooner had my master seen than he gathered up his heels, andaway he ran, as fast as ever his old bones could carry him, into oneSpencer's shop, and would not so much as look toward it. Andincontinent after that came I thence; so that I cannot tell any more."

  From May to July there was a respite in some respects. Were theywaiting for Philip?

  The Princess Elizabeth was released from the Tower, and sent toRichmond; Mr Bertie, summoned before Gardiner in Lent, took advantage ofthe temporary cessation of the persecution in the summer, and escaped toGermany. The gallows set up for Wyatt's followers were taken down; thecross in Cheapside was regilded; and bonfires, bell-ringing, and _TeDeums_, were commanded throughout London, as soon as the news ofPhilip's landing should be received.

  "I marvel," observed Mr Rose, one Sunday, "if we should not do better tosing _Miserere mei, Deus_."

  Philip came at last--too soon at any time--landing at Hampton on the20th of July. He and the Queen were married in the Lady Chapel ofWinchester Cathedral on the 25th, Mr Underhill being present, andreceiving a venison pasty as his share of the spoil; and on the 19th ofAugust, London went forth to welcome its new King. Dr Thorpe, ofcourse, put on clean ruffles and trudged off to see the sight; so didJohn and Robin, though they contented themselves with strolling down tothe riverside to watch the barge pass. Isoult declined, as she said,"to go see one of whom she feared so much." John asked Mrs Rose andThekla if they wished to go.

  "What! to see the Prince of the Asturias?" [Note 6] cried Mrs Rose."Think you we have seen too little of him in Flanders? I would as soonto see Satan."

  Thekla smiled and shook her head; and that was her answer. So when thethree returned, they were desired to say, "what like were the King."

  "Not so high as Kate, nor any thing like so well favoured," growled DrThorpe.

  "Softly! softly!" said John, smiling.

  "Call him a king!" said Dr Thorpe, who appeared somewhat put out. "Onmy word, I have seen many a mason and carpenter a deal fairer men, andvastly taller fellows of their hands. He should be 'shamed to be aking, and so slender and pitiful a fellow."

  Isoult could not help laughing, and so did Thekla.

  "Now give us thine opinion, Jack," said his wife.

  "Well," replied he, "methinks his Highness is somewhat taller than Kate;but truly he is under the common height of men. His limbs be well madeand lithe, and his person of fair proportions. His hair is somewhat toodeep to call it yellow, yet fair; his eyes grey, with a weak lookthereabout, as though he might not bear overmuch light; his brow notill-made for wit, yet drawing backward; his lips large, very red, andthick like all of his house [Note 7]. He hath a fair beard andmustachio, and his complexion is fair, yet not clear, but rather of aCain-colour." [Note 8].

  "Ah, the lip of the House of Austria--how well I know it! It maketh meto shu
dder to hear you," said Mrs Rose. "Yet if his complexion beCain-colour, he is changed from what he was. In his young years was itvery fair and clear,--as fair as Walter."

  "He is mighty unlike Walter now," said Dr Thorpe.

  "And what is thy view, Robin?"

  "I have not to add to what Father hath said," replied he, "saving that Ithought there was a gloomy and careworn look upon the King's face. Heis stately and majestical of his carriage; but his nether part of hisface cometh forward in a fashion rather strong than seemly. It struckme he should be a man not easily turned from his purpose."

  Mr Underhill presented himself in the evening.

  "Well," said he, "saw you our goodly King Philip?"

  "Nay," said Dr Thorpe, "I saw a mighty ill-favoured."

  Mr Underhill laughed. "Verily," said he, "I would be bond that I couldmatch him for beauty with any the first man I should meet withal in theCity. There were two swords carried afore him--"

  "Ay," said Dr Thorpe, "to cut off all heads withal that be left yetunmown."

  "I fear so much," answered Mr Underhill, more gravely than was his wont."Were you forth this even?"

  "No," said John; "we have all sat at home sithence my home-coming."

  "In the streets to-night," said he, "I count I have met four Spaniardsfor every Englishman. If the King bring all Spain over hither, we shallbe sweetly off. As I was coming hither, I protest unto you, I heardmore Spanish talked than mine own tongue. I trust some of you have thattongue, or you shall find you in a foreign country--yea, even in theheart of London."

  "I have it," said John, "and so hath Mrs Rose; but methinks we standalone."

  "No, Mr Avery, you do not so," quietly said Esther. [Note 9].

  "Marry, I never learned any tongue save mine own, nor never repentedthereof," answered Dr Thorpe; "saving, of course, so much Latin as aphysician must needs pick up withal. I count I could bray like ajackass an' I tried, and that were good enough for any strange-borncompanion as ever cumbered the soil of merry England."

  Mr Underhill laughed, as did John and Robin.

  "Dr Thorpe, you are exceedingly courteous, and I thank you heartily,"said Mrs Rose, smiling almost for the first time.

  "Body o' me! what is a man to do when he falleth into the ditch o' thismanner?" said he, with a comical look. "Mrs Rose, I am an ass bynature, and shall find little hardship in braying. I do beseech you ofpardon, for that I meant not to offend you; and in very deed, I scarceever do remember that you are not my countrywoman. You are good enoughfor an English woman, and I would you were--There! I am about to makeyet again a fool of myself. Heed not, I pray you, an old man in hisdotage."

  "My good friend, say not one other word," answered Mrs Rose, kindly. "Ido feel most delighted that you should say I am good enough for anEnglish woman. I can see that is very much from you."

  Spaniards were everywhere. England had become a nation of Spaniards inher streets, as she was a province of Spain in her government. AndEnglishmen knew that Spain, like Rome, whose true daughter she was,never unloosed her hand from any thing she had once grasped. Isoultbegged her husband to teach her Spanish; but Kate desired to know whythey were all come.

  "Is there no meat ne drink in their country, that they come to eat upours?" she asked in her simplicity.

  Her mother told her "they were come to wait on the King, which was agentleman of their nation."

  "But wherefore so?" said she. "Could the Queen not marry an Englishman,that could have talked English? I am sure our Robin is good enough forany Queen that ever carried a crown on her head."

  A view of the subject which so greatly tickled Robin that he could notspeak for laughing. He was, and always had been, very fond of Kate, andshe of him.

  A fresh rumour now ran that five thousand more Spaniards would shortlybe brought over; and some of them preferred to the vacated benefices andsees.

  On the 30th of September, Gardiner preached at the Cross, the Bishop ofLondon bearing his crosier before him. All the Council _were_ presentwho were then at Court. He spoke much of charity, which is commonlylauded by false teachers; and said that "great heresy had heretoforebeen preachen at that place, by preachers in King Edward's time, whichdid preach no thing but voluptuousness and blasphemous lies." Then hetouched upon the Pharisees, who stood, said he, "for such men as willreason and dispute in the stead of obeying." And lastly, he spoke ofthe King; praised his dominion and riches, and "willed all so obedientlyto order them that he might still tarry with them."

  "Well!" said Dr Thorpe, "I count I shall not need to order me for solong time as King Philip is like to tarry with us: but afore I do go onmy marrow-bones to beg him tarry, I would fain know somewhat more ofwhat he is like to do for us."

  Our friends at the Lamb were fearfully employed on the 5th of October.For during the previous fortnight there had been so severe a search forLutheran books, and nearly sixty persons arrested who were found topossess them, that John determined to hide all his in a secret place:one that, he said, "with God's grace these bloodhounds shall not lightlyfind, yet easy of access unto them that do know the way." So he buriedall the books at which offence could be taken, leaving only his ownlaw-books, and Isoult's "Romaunts" that she had when a girl, and DrThorpe's "Game of the Chess," and Robin's "Song of the Lady Bessy," andthe "Little Gest of Robin Hood," and similar works.

  In the evening came Mr Underhill, whom they told what had been theiroccupation.

  "Why," said he, "but yesterday was I at the very same business. I sentfor old Henry Daunce, the bricklayer of White Chapel (who used to preachthe gospel in his garden every holiday, where I have seen a thousandpersons), and got him to enclose my books in a brick wall by the chimneyside in my chamber, where they shall be preserved from moulding or mice.Mine old enemies, the Papistical spies, John a Vales and Beard, havebeen threatening me; but I sent them a message by means of Master Luke,the physician of Coleman Street, to let them know that if they didattempt to take me, except they had a warrant signed with four or fiveof the Council's hands, I would go further with them than Peter did, whostrake off but the ear of Malchus, but I would surely strike off headand all."

  After which message Mr John Vales and Mr Beard never meddled furtherwith the Hot Gospeller, doubtless knowing they might trust him to keephis word, and having no desire to risk their necks.

  On the 3rd of November [see note in Appendix] was born Mr Underhill'sson Edward, at his house in Wood Street. This being no time to searchfor sponsors of rank, John Avery stood for the child, at the father'srequest, with Mr Ive, and Mrs Elizabeth Lydiatt, Mr Underhill's sister,who was staying with him at that time. And only a week later they wereall at another christening, of Mr Holland's child, baptised by Mr Rose;and the sponsors were Lord Strange, his kinsman (by deputy), MrUnderhill, and Thekla; the child was named after Lord Strange, Henry.[The sex and name of Roger Holland's child are not recorded.] The_all_, however, did not include Mrs Rose; for she knew too well, poorsoul! the dread penalty that would ensue if her husband "were taken inher company."

  The year ended better than the Gospellers feared. No harm had come tothe Archbishop and his brother prisoners. Mr Underhill and Mr Rose werestill at liberty. Cardinal Pole had returned to the fatherland whencehe had been banished for many years; but from him they hardly looked forevil. The Princess Elizabeth was restored to favour. Roger Holland hadleft London for his own home in Lancashire, to prevent his child frombeing re-baptised after the Roman fashion. He meant to leave it withhis father, and return himself to London. In the Gospellers' houses, MrRose was still preaching: he was to administer the Sacrament on thenight of New Year's Day, at Mr Sheerson's house in Bow Churchyard. AndPhilip had been King five months. Surely, the cloud had a silverlining! surely, they had feared more than there was need! So argued themore sanguine of the party. But it was only the dusk which hid theblack clouds that had gathered; only the roar of men's work whichdrowned the growl of the imminent storm. They were entering--thoughthey knew it
not--on the darkest hour of the night.


  Note 1.

  "Brief life is here our portion, Brief sorrow, short-lived care; The life that knows no ending, The tearless life is There."

  Neale's _Translation_.

  Note 2. Boni-Homines--translated into various languages,--was theancient title of the Waldensian Church and its offshoots.

  Note 3. The best of them, and the only Lutheran--Isabel Queen ofDenmark--died in 1525; but of course the imprisoned mother never knewit.

  Note 4. The letters yet extant in the archives of Simancas, from Deniaand others, give rise to strong suspicion that the story which the worldhas believed so long--Juana's insane determination not to bury thecoffin of her husband--was a pure invention of their own, intended toproduce (as it has produced) a general belief in the insanity of theQueen.

  Note 5. This sketch in words, given by Foxe, is one of the most graphicdescriptions ever written.

  Note 6. King Juan the Second of Castilla conferred this title on hisheir in 1389, in imitation of that of the Prince of Wales, which hegreatly admired.

  Note 7. This well-known feature came into the House of Austria with theMassovian Princess Cimburgha, a strong-minded woman, who used to hammerthe nails which confined her fruit-trees to the garden wall with herknuckles. She was the wife of Duke Ernest the Iron-handed, andapparently might have shared his epithet.

  Note 8. In working the tapestry so much in vogue during the MiddleAges, certain persons were indicated by hair or complexion of aparticular tint. To Cain was given a sallow complexion, not unlikeNaples yellow, which was therefore known as Cain-colour; and JudasIscariot being always represented with red hair, this came to be calledJudas-colour.

  Note 9. The English Jews, being Sephardim, spoke Spanish mostly amongthemselves at this time.


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