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Telephantom Page 7

by Gentry Race


  Enter Cosma

  Anita Dickens stared endlessly into the blackened monitor, waiting for some sign their quirky hero was alright. Right now, it felt hopeless and, indeed, like their fault for sending Trevor alone to Dr. Beta. Assuming he was capable had been a slight oversight, she thought.

  The room felt colder now. Her father laid on his old leather sofa, which was cracked and torn from the years he’d spent sleeping on it — or what he called ‘thinking’. She rolled her eyes at his innocuous attitude. He always assumed things would work themselves out, but she knew they needed to do something about their current situation, and fast.

  Static rolled on the screen in front of her.

  Startled, she rolled her chair back, trying to discern the signal she was receiving. A small blip flashed quickly and then went away. Was it Trevor? Relief began to blanket her overly anxious demeanor. She leaned in closer, watching for another sign.

  “Strange,” Anita said.

  “Sweetie?” Dr. Dickens said as he awoke, hearing his daughter’s alarmed voice. “What is it?”

  “I think I found the radio control signal, but there’s no answer,” he said, “It doesn’t even match Trevor’s location.”

  “How is that so?” Dr. Dickens asked.

  Anita looked at her father, who was only half awake. “I don’t know, but I’d better work on the upgrades.”

  She rose from her chair and entered the next room. On the table laid a shiny suit in disarray. She looked back to make sure her father had not followed her, and closed the door. In here, she felt the most comfortable, away from everyone. She guessed that’s what made her so good at creating gizmos.

  Pieces of batteries, vacuum tubes, and Tesla coils were sprawled out. Anita pulled up a chair and began working on the tin foil garment. She reached for a battery and a heat gun, soldering the first to the fixture. The smell of burning metal made her smile.

  As she focused on the motherboard and dabbed more solder, she instinctively reached for another battery. From under her dress and out of her tight pantyhose, a long, thin tentacle appeared and snatched the battery she needed with ease. She knew from experience that two hands were better than one — or in her case, eight.

  The hot, viscous lava sopped onto and melted through the cold concrete like butter. Trevor pulled his foot back just in time, thankful for the wall his back was pinned up against and the strength it showed, along with the floor, which continued to hold his weight. He looked up at the two menacing figures coming closer, with Ms. Joy behind them — longing and sadness on her face, as if she didn’t know what to do.

  Dr. Beta cocked back his plasma gun, loading a brilliant blue charge. The doctor fired at Trevor, hitting his legs. Trevor had felt pain like this before — the plasma Anita had hit him with when he had tried to escape. He tried to move his leg now, but his suit depressed, leaving a mass of jelly inside.

  “What the hell are you trying to do to me?” Trevor yelled. “My balls are numb.”

  “You see,” Dr. Beta said, walking closer while stroking his scaly face, “I was expecting you. Ms. Joy told me all about your… fling.”

  “Oh yeah?” Trevor said. He tried to buy himself time, watching for a chance to escape. “Did she tell you I’m the Telephantom now?”

  “Telephantom?” Dr. Beta chuckled. “Don’t be ridiculous. You are custodial technician who happened to be in the wrong place, at the wrong time.”

  “I have powers now that you would not believe,” Trevor said, making his hands into two letter ‘L’s.

  “Oh, I know. I have seen them,” Dr. Beta said, adjusting the dial on his plasma gun. “The accident at MolecuLabs was tragic… and you then you disappeared. It was easy to deduce what happened to you after my… incident.”

  “Don’t they call that a fish fry?” Trevor smirked.

  “Damn you, boy!” Dr. Beta fired back, his eyes growing more crimson than the red iridescent scales on his face. “I should destroy you right here and now.” He motioned for Lavarkmird and Ms. Joy to grab Trevor.

  The brooding strength of the lava-shark-bird-man gripped Trevor’s one good leg so tightly, Trevor realized he was no match for the creature. While he dangled upside down, Ms. Joy came to him, but only to steady him.

  “But,” Dr. Beta said, a few inches from Trevor’s face, “I need your genes first.”

  “Jeans?” Trevor asked. “It’ll take more than a two-eyed trouser trout to get into these pants.”

  “No, you moron,” Dr. Beta yelled, clunking Trevor on the head with the barrel of his plasma gun. “Enough with the dick jokes. I need your genes, as in your genetics. Your molecular instability can operate my… ah, hell, let me show you.”

  Lavarkmird and Ms. Joy slowly followed Dr. Beta, carrying Trevor, as he walked to the makeshift freezer.

  “My version of the Teledeportator, which I call the much better named ‘Molecutron’. It will need your genetic information to work properly,” Dr. Beta said, pushing the start button. “Dr. Dickens came up with that other shitty name, the Teledeportator. Sounds like a fucking immigration bill. Here, let me restart it and get the process ready for extraction.”

  “Extraction?” Trevor asked, trying not to look at his first love — Ms. Joy. “How much extract do you need?”

  “All of it,” Dr. Beta said.

  “Uh, you gotta buy me a drink first,” Trevor said.

  The Molecutron jolted a little and began to rock like an out-of-balanced washing machine. The gyration was enough for Trevor to finally shoot Ms. Joy a look of shared experience — something only she would know.


  Light filled the room with voluminous white rays. The shafts stung Trevor’s eyes as they passed through his blue skin, interacting with the dense bone within. He looked around, trying to gain visibility, only to see that everyone had been tossed like rag dolls. With another look at his body, Trevor felt the power he held.

  The Molecutron hissed and squealed from the pressure inside as it opened. Trevor was the first to catch a glimpse… of what looked like a person walking on their hands.

  “What in the—” he exclaimed in surprise. “Who hired the circus act?”

  Ms. Joy, Lavarkmird, and Dr. Beta picked themselves up from the ground, rising behind Trevor to peer over his shoulder and inspect the source of the surprising event. The steam slightly displaced, revealing more and more of the figure moving inside. Trevor could now see the walking hands step out, along with a snug space suit of some kind.

  When the steam cleared, and it was evident what Trevor was staring at. A gorgeous, animal-like, humanoid woman with long, acid white hair. Her face was black as night, with eyes to match, except for deep red irises that shone under the evil laboratory lights.

  She was mostly hairless and petite, wearing a space suit that clung tight to voracious hips. The spacesuit she wore looked familiar — like the chimpanzee from MolecuLab before it was burned down; however, her stance was more erect and upright like a human’s, and her behavior, obviously, more elegant.

  “Well, well…” the animal astronaut said, “Lava, sharks, men, and chicken? Who ordered the luau?”

  “Who are you?” Dr. Beta asked, now standing next to Trevor, raising his gun.

  “The name’s Cosma,” she said, keenly arching one eyebrow. “Ring a bell, anyone?”

  They all looked at each other in understanding. Trevor’s weird suspicions were right. It was the female chimpanzee from the night of the fire, but why was she here now? Trevor caught Cosma’s deep, gorgeous stare and the small nod she gave him, like an unspoken salute.

  He was quick to drop a fast elbow on Dr. Beta’s head, knocking him and his plasma gun to the floor. Cosma jumped up and grabbed onto the piping above, swinging about the room from hand to foot — or rather, hand to hand. She launched herself at Ms. Joy, sending them both tumbling into a wrestle.

  Trevor tried to get a glimpse of the girl on girl action, but the warmth was unbearable when Larva
rkmird stepped closer to him. His tiny chicken wing limbs wiggled ferociously in anger as he opened his toothed jaw, exposing a bright source of fiery lava light, ready to explode. Trevor thought fast, not knowing what to do. His energy finger guns had no effect on the beast, and his leg was still a goopy pile of numbness.

  “Has anyone told you,” he said, slowly stepping back, “your breath is stank.”

  Dr. Beta stumbled to his feet, grabbing his plasma gun, and directed it toward Trevor. “Get out of the way, Lavarkmird!”

  The lava beast side stepped just long enough for Trevor to shift his weight to his good leg and raise his hands in surrender. “You got it, doc. You won.”

  A reboot sound started from the back of the room and echoed throughout the chamber. Trevor nodded, knowing the hot ape woman had done her job and Ms. Joy was overtaken. Dr. Beta’s look was priceless as he turned back and felt a hairy primate’s foot land hard on his scaly face.

  Lavarkmird roared in anger. Cosma grabbed Trevor in one continuous move, pulling him away from the angry beast’s assault.

  “Run with me,” she said with a cocked eyebrow, “if you want to live.”

  “I can’t,” Trevor said, “My leg is all numb.”

  Cosma pushed him back, grabbed his good leg, and jumped up, swinging from pipe to pipe. Trevor hung upside down, getting thrown ahead and grabbed just before he fell to the floor. He felt some of his body goop fall from his suit.

  “This is not cool,” he said, rising up in the sky and catching a glimpse of where they were heading — the window.

  “Sorry, cutie,” Cosma said. “But we gotta get you out of here.”

  With one last release, Trevor felt her toss him through the window, shattering the glass and throwing him to the safety of the treetops. Below, he could see more Femroids running from the door, and one standing alone. Ms. Joy. Trevor wished she could have come, in both senses.

  That will have to wait.

  Cosma landed next to Trevor, gripping the tree branch with all four of her limbs. “You know, this would be easier if you weren’t flailing about.”

  “I had the situation under control,” he said superciliously, “until you—”

  Cosma swung quick with her two hand-like feet. Trevor felt a hard thud on his face, and what felt like falling turned to sleep.



  Around the Campfire

  The ground shook in a short, violent burst. Trevor woke up and shot to his elbows, still laying on his back, feeling the warmth of a small campfire in front of him. Glowing embers wafted in the cold air just in front of the gorgeous humanoid monkey sitting across from him.

  Cosma’s head was turned away, looking back through the trees at the voluminous puffs of dark smoke and ash that were venting from the volcanic neck of Dr. Beta’s lair. Trevor’s mind was fuzzy on the events that had occurred before Cosma hit him and took him to rest around a campfire.

  “He started it,” she said, turning her attention back to the fire, brushing one side of her white hair with her soft hands.

  “Started what?” Trevor asked.

  “Preparations for the last phase.” Her deep stare was now a sad one. “They must have gotten samples of your DNA. You were dripping quite a lot.”

  “Well,” Trevor said. “It happens to a lot of guys. Studies say almost six out of ten… wait, who are you?”

  Cosma stirred the coals like she was painting a picture of the words she had in her head. “I was a patsy. Cosma the Space Chimp. Not unlike you.”

  Trevor sat back, thinking hard to himself.

  “Pa—t—sy,” Trevor said, slowly trying to enunciate every sound correctly. He reached behind his waist and pulled out a thick dictionary, flipping the pages and stopping on ‘P’ for the correct definition. “A person who… how were you taken advantage of?”

  “I was a test subject for the Teledeportator,” she reminded him.

  “That’s right,” Trevor said in excitement, remembering the video he watched. “Everyone thought you made it back, but it was obvious they used a decoy to play it off.”

  “I knew it,” Cosma said in relief. “That explains why no one came after me. In all honesty, when I got your energy signal from the cosmic tunnel, I thought they’d finally sent for me.”

  “Nope,” Trevor admitted. “Just here to stop Dr. Beta.”

  Cosma’s eyes were heavier than before. Trevor had never seen a monkey cry, let alone a hot female monkey. Perhaps she was more human than primate. He admired her inner strength; she was stronger than him and wasn’t afraid to show it. He wondered what else she wasn’t afraid to show. He let his eyes wander to her small yet perky breasts under her tight space suit.

  “Hey,” he said, scooting closer to her and placing a light hand on her shoulder. “I didn’t mean it like that.”

  The flames flickered and danced across their faces with a kaleidoscope of analogous crimson color. Cosma’s eyes were sad.

  “Tell me,” he prompted. “Where have you been all this time?”

  “After the experiment,” Cosma said. “I went through the Shattered Cosmos. Lost for what seemed like years… Until I met a nice fella. With him, I was able to understand my deformation in the space-time continuum. He showed me how to fight. How to be a strong warrior.”

  “Fella?” Trevor said with a hint of jealousy. “Sounds like you have a boyfriend.”

  Cosma stood up and looked back at the billowing volcano that seemed washed out from the heavy air in the thick of the night. Trevor admired her tiny waist and thick, voluptuous butt. It was like she was a living Greek sculpture an artist had spent all his life carving.

  “In there, time runs different,” Cosma told him. “I evolved into what I look like now, learned some things, and when I saw the opportunity, did what I could to get back home. The good fella helped me. Now I’m here, saving your hide.”

  “Thanks,” Trevor said, “I think.”

  “What happened to your skin?” she asked.

  Trevor adjusted in his seat, feeling uncomfortable about the question. His skin was more blue now, and during heightened emotion, his bones showed through. He was the freakshow now.

  “There was an accident,” he said, “Bullies that had it out for me.”

  “Well, that makes two of us. Scientists can be bullies, too,” Cosma said. “When I saw you flying through that Quantum Cosmos tunnel, you looked helpless… I knew you needed me. Thought I could give a hand, or four, and use your tail to hitch a ride.”

  Trevor’s curiosity was raised, pausing in response to the comment. Cosma reached into her suit and pulled out two geothermal batteries. These looked more advanced, more futuristic than what Anita had installed before.

  “Hitch a ride on my tail?” Trevor said, “Girl, you can hitch whatever you want to my tail… but wait, I don’t have a tail.”

  Cosma laughed and finished installing the new batteries. Trevor studied her black skin and full lips, looking for what else made her look like an animal, but to no avail. Her eye shape, nose, and ears were normal, save for the inverted palette of her skin and hair. Her likeness reminded Trevor of a film negative of a photograph.

  Cosma flipped a switch, and Trevor’s neck piece lit up and came to life with a static tone, then switched off.

  “Dang it. I was hoping those spare batteries would work,” she said, “Looks like we are here for the night. I was never good with that kind of stuff. Fighting is more my thing.”

  “Yeah, but don’t worry, we are all good at different things. Look at me,” Trevor said, “Now how am I going to deliver my ‘Sexiest Man Alive’ speech?”

  “Stop, you blue goon,” Cosma laughed, slapping him on the shoulder. “How’d you get so funny?”

  “It’s kind of like my thing I do,” he said, shrugging. “Sort of like a defense mechanism.”

  “Defense mechanism, huh?” Cosma asked, scooting closer. “What about an offense mechanism?”

  “Offense?” Trevor asked him
self. “Well, I don’t want to offend you.”

  “Believe me,” Cosma said. “You are making me happy.”

  She placed her hand on Trevor’s suited chest, brushing by the dead batteries she’d just installed, and guided two of her soft fingers in an ’S’ figure downward until she met his lower regions.

  Trevor was lost in thought, overtaken by lust and the fact that he was getting it on with a beautiful primate woman and was providing her bliss.

  “Well, that’s different,” Cosma said in surprise.

  Trevor’s blue penis had phased through his suit, growing by the minute. Cosma grabbed a handful and slowly rubbed the shaft up and down. He reached under her white hair and unbuckled her space suit collar, curious to see more of her. How much of a human was she?

  Her suit fell to her thin waist, caught by her lovely wide hips. All her skin was black as a gorilla’s. The tufts of white mane in select spots, along with her rhythmic movement, made Trevor think she was a sexy silverback jungle woman in heat. She jerked him harder.

  Cosma’s perky breasts peaked in tiny nipples the size of dimes that were carried just over white peachfuzz hair that extended to her side. Trevor leaned over, kissing the parts of her skin that were smooth as silk. Taking turns on each soft breast, he licked them until her nipples were as hard as the dick she stroked.

  Cosma slowly got to her knees and slurped his translucent blue member like there was no tomorrow. A voracious amount of slobber coated his dick and squeezed from between her perfect black lips. Back and forth. He could tell she liked it as she cupped his balls neatly with one hand and worked it more. Trevor looked down to see his balls were glowing in a bright aura. She seemed to be bringing out the best of him, but what was it?

  “You are amazing,” he said.

  He slowly moved her body down, pulling on the one-piece suit that fit snug around her hips. A couple of tugs and she was free. She wore nothing underneath but tiny, high-waisted string panties. Her legs were black as a pitch, but smooth to the touch, save for her upper thighs, where soft patches of white peachy fuzz grew.


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