Steal Me (Haunted Roads Book 1)

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Steal Me (Haunted Roads Book 1) Page 4

by India R. Adams

  Jazebelle sat Hailey next to us under our umbrella. “How do you get Bailey to eat tuna?”

  “Feed her what I eat. She follows suit.” I took a huge bite.

  Jazebelle rolled her eyes. “Hailey only eats mac ’n cheese and French fries.”

  Listening to the conversation, Bailey reached her sandwich out, offering Hailey a bite. Hailey took one and quickly turned to Jazebelle. “I want a tuna sandwich.”

  I reached into my cooler and handed the jaw-hanging Jazebelle a tuna sandwich. “See?”

  After lunch, I was watching Bailey and Hailey play some more in the shallow water when Delilah shocked me by coming over and sitting down next to me. “Hi.”

  Even her voice is beautiful. Damn! She sounded womanly.

  I kept my eye on my bobbing Peanut. “Hey.”

  “Sorry I made you uncomfortable last night—”

  “No, no worries. I’m good.”

  “Well… I wanted to explain why I reacted that way.”

  From the water, Tucker’s stare was expressing concern. I, for one, was not interested in crossing his boundaries. Don’t need my ass kicked my second day with new acquaintances. That could possibly make my senior year a living hell. “Delilah, I don’t think your ex would appreciate us talking.”

  She was so stunningly beautiful that being rejected had most likely never been an issue for her. At least, that was what I thought when her jaw unhinged and her spine stiffened. “What did you say to me?”

  I shrugged my shoulders. “I’m sorry. I think you’re hot as hell, I do, but I don’t want any part of the drama with you and your ex.”

  Her eyes blinked with dismay. “You. Are. An. Asshole.”

  Now I was shocked. “Look, I’m just trying to be honest—”

  She stood up. “You succeeded in being an honest asshole.” Then she stomped off.

  “That didn’t look pleasant.” Cole walked up and took a seat. “What is it with you two?”

  “Nothing. At least, that’s my goal.”

  Cole gawked in disbelief. “She hasn’t given anyone the time of the day since—” He stopped in thought. “Delilah is a good girl. You’re not interested?”

  “What I’m not interested in is getting my ass kicked by her ex.”

  “What?” A spasm crossed his face. “Her ex? What did you say about her ex?”

  I watched Bailey play without a care in the world. “I didn’t think he would appreciate me getting in between them.” Cole’s gasp made me slow my words. I was obviously saying something terribly wrong. “And … I didn’t want to get caught in her and her ex-boyfriend’s drama?”

  “Fuck. Me.”

  My eyes shut with regret. “Oh, this doesn’t sound good.”

  “It ain’t. Why would you say that?”

  I opened my eyes and was a smart-ass. “Hmm, let me think… Tucker?”

  Cole was dumbfounded. “Tucker?”

  Just then, a train was barreling in my direction: Tucker.

  I pointed. “And here comes what I tried to avoid.”

  I stood quickly, preparing to defend myself. So did Cole. “Yeah, brothers tend to get pissy when you make their little sisters cry.”

  My ears began to ring. “Brother? Sister—oh shit!”

  “Like I said,” Cole reiterated. “Fuck me.”

  I stared at the enraged approaching Tucker-brother. “Yep, this is going to hurt.”

  Cole rushed over and cut Tucker off, saying something I couldn’t hear. Tucker threw his hands in the air and looked in the direction his sister had just taken off in. I walked up, apologizing. “Tucker—”

  “Why would you think we were together? I’m with June.”

  I winced and tried to make light of the situation. “I’m from Atlanta and have seen worse?” But my heart stopped when I remembered my own little sister. I spun around. “Bailey!”

  She stopped playing, sand dripping from her fingers. “Yes, Mavowick?”

  Jazebelle was standing next to both Bailey and Hailey. “I got her.” And she waved for me to focus on what was at hand.

  I grabbed my exasperated chest. “I almost had a heart attack. Fuck. That kid is my life!”

  Tucker was studying me while Cole pleaded his case. “Tucker, I respect you wanting to give Delilah her privacy… respect… whatever I’m trying to say, but—” He looked at me then mumbled. “But I think she likes him. Please, give this kid here a fighting chance.”

  I was floored at the conversation, and I was beginning to feel like a pawn. “What the hell is going on?”

  “Tuck, she needs this,” Cole demanded.

  Tucker’s shoulders drooped. “Trust me, I know.” He looked at Bailey and then took a deep, heavy inhalation. “Walk-and-talk time, Maverick.”

  “Is that code for I’m beating your ass as soon as you’re out of sight of your little sister?”

  Tucker chuckled, sizing me up. “You talk as if you’re a runt.”

  We walked for a while, making our way half around the lake before Tucker began talking. “My best friend wanted to date my sister. Of course, you, being a big brother, can understand how that can be a little… awkward. He was a player—a great guy but a player nonetheless. He swore it was different with Delilah.” Tucker grinned. “It was. Her junior year was spent wrapped up in Kenny. He was a year younger than I was. I was a senior and was kicked to the curb”—he laughed—“replaced by a girl.”

  I instantly thought of Delilah’s question, When? My stomach dropped. No wonder she was so offended. Stupid, Maverick!

  “When?” I asked, feeling like such a shmuck.

  “Last year, toward the middle of her junior year.”

  “What happened?”

  Tucker began to struggle to talk. “Car accident. He was… he ran off the road… wrapped around a tree. They say it was instant.” He choked out, “He didn’t suffer.”

  “You said he was your best friend?”

  Tucker nodded but seemed reserved.

  “Damn. So young.”

  “Don’t seem fair?”

  “Not at all.” At least my dad had some time to live before passing.

  “As you can imagine, my sister’s world was rocked. It happened in her car. She refuses to let my dad buy her another one. She hasn’t recovered. I worry she never will… I think that is why Cole—” Tucker stopped talking.

  I couldn’t help but wonder. “Why are you telling me all this?”

  “Look, I don’t know you from Adam or Eve, so if you’re a dick, I beg you to stay away from Delilah. The only reason—well, it’s not the only reason I’m taking a chance here, but… you have a little sister. If you can love her as much as you seem to, then you can understand where I’m coming from.”

  I nodded as my chest tightened. My heart bled for the guy. If Bailey were to go through this, a piece of me would be tortured to insanity for her.

  Tucker said, “Coleman is right. If there is a chance that Delilah can move on, she deserves to breathe. I’m not looking to hook my sister up because, well, that just feels like all kinds of wrong, but her happiness is everything. You need to know the truth and have a chance if you want it.”

  I rubbed my hand through my hair in frustration. “I’m not going to lie: your sister takes my breath away. I mean—I’ve barely even spoke to her, but she is more beautiful—” I stopped to think of my past. I’m just as screwed up.

  “What is it?”

  I shook my head. “It’s just… I’ve had a year from hell myself. I might be the worst thing for her.”

  “Or, because of your loss… you might be the best.” He leaned in confidentially and lowered his voice. “Not all relationships are fucking roses and rainbows. Sad but true. Some relationships have hidden truths that few can survive. Only us strong ones can dare listen to, and have the balls to stay and bear witness to, the result of irrevocable damages. So tell me, Maverick, are you one of the strong?”

  Chapter Four

  “You don’t have to take her,
Maverick. I’ll drink some coffee or something,” Mom said, sitting in a freshly painted, country-yellow kitchen. I somehow thought light, bright colors would help lift my mother’s spirits. I was wrong. She was sinking even further.

  Fortunately, the school was understanding of our situation and had let me enroll Bailey, once I brought in all her shot records and the right documents. She’d turned five two weeks past the age cutoff the year before, so she’d be turning six just a few weeks after starting kindergarten. It sucked because she’d be older than the other kids, but it was what it was.

  Getting ready for my first day at a new school, and explaining to my mom that I didn’t think her fit to drive her daughter to kindergarten, was stressful. “Mom, I’ll take Bailey to school and get her settled in coloring, or whatever they do.”

  Her smile told me I’d made the right choice.

  Mom used to be a very good mom; she just got lost. She knelt down and kissed Bailey. “I love you. Make lots of new friends.”

  Bailey’s little voice was excited as she stood before her. “I will. Mavowick says they have two swides there.”

  “Two swides? Wow!” My mom faked excitement, not correcting the word swide.

  Bailey squealed, “I know! Can you bewieve it?”

  Mom slowly stood back up, looking at Bailey and grabbing her chest. Maybe she was aware of Bailey’s impediment worsening around her. Then Mom turned and pulled me into an embrace with such force that it shocked me. Her voice sounded desperate as she tightened the hold around my neck with her shaky arms. “You… I know how much you’re helping me. I can only swallow my guilt because of how much you love this little girl.”

  I couldn’t swallow as I firmly hugged her back, wishing I could pull her from her depression, which was eating us all alive.

  My new school was much smaller then my old one, which made it less intimidating. It was clean and had many smiling adults and students, none of whom I knew. I tried not to show relief—the fact that I was being a coward—when I saw a familiar face. Viola. She was standing with another girl I had yet to meet. “Hey, Mavy! Meet Zoey. She was just telling me she is new here. All the way from Cal-i-for-nia.”

  I could already recognize Vixen’s disapproving tone.

  Good luck, new girl!

  Zoey looked like money and was completely out of place here in the sticks.

  “Hi, nice to meet you,” I told her. Zoey’s eyes lit up, and she gave me a once-over and stepped closer. I took a step back.

  Her hand was touching my chest as she cooed, “Oh, you have that cute accent like they do. Is Mavy short for something?”

  Wow, aggressive much? I gently removed her hand. “Uh, yeah. Maverick.”

  Viola turned her not-so-sweet Southern charm up a notch as she linked her arm with mine. “Sorry, Zoey. I must steal Mav away. He needs to be, uh, elsewhere. See ya around, girl. Don’t let the country bumpkins bite.”

  From behind us, Zoey waved with a giddiness that was a complete turnoff. “Oh, country bumpkins. I get it. How funny!” We kept walking, and Zoey kept talking. “Uh, kay. See you around!”

  Viola’s smile looked a little forced as she waved back. While leading me away, she whispered, “Need help putting your clothes back on, Mavy? I think her imagination just stripped you clean.” I busted out laughing. I knew this Vixen and I were gonna be tight. Viola chuckled under her breath. “Not so loud. Zoey’s gonna know I’m raggin’ on her.”

  “I think I love you.”

  “Why, Maverick, I would think you’re flirting with me if I didn’t see your eyes scanning these halls for one in particular. Like they were doing at the lake.”

  “Yep. Settled. I love you. You already got my number.”

  “That and my boyfriend—”

  I interrupted with a hint of accusation. “Bryce?”

  “That’s the one,” Viola cautiously responded as our walking slowed.


  “You doubt my love for him?”

  “Just riding a hunch about a Mr. Tucker.”

  With arms still linked, she stopped and stared at me. “You’re cute and bright?” I shrugged, smiling at her. We started walking again. “Mav, you and I are going to be best buddies, huh?”

  My arm tightened on hers. “The beginning to a beautiful friendship, Vixen.”

  She howled in laughter. “And apparently, you already have my number also. Rock on, soldier. Oh, here’s your new besty’s request.”

  “Name it.”

  “Make boyfriend jealous.”

  “Which one?” I snidely asked.

  “Zip it, kid.”

  “What the hell are you doing with my woman?” a voice said. I looked up and saw Bryce smirking, eyeing his girl and me. He warned Viola, “Do not make me kick the new guy’s ass.”

  Not concerned in the slightest with whether or not he was capable, I played along and pulled my arm free. “Yeah, Viola. Don’t get me in trouble.”

  Cole was standing next to Nash and Nelson, laughing. “Sorry about your luck, Maverick. Trouble is Viola’s middle name.”

  “No wonder I like her so much.”

  I jerked out of the way as Bryce lunged at me while Viola just laughed. “He’s already nicknamed me Vixen!”

  “Undeniably perfect label,” said Cole.

  Bryce and I ran circles around the group, him trying to catch me. Viola yelled out, “I love this kid! Bryce, you better hold me tight, or I’m jumping ship.”

  I stopped in my tracks when I saw Delilah. Skinny Bryce bounced off my back since I gave him no warning, which sent him falling into the brothers. Delilah was standing with Jazebelle next to a classroom door, watching me with no smile in sight. I tried to smile, but some half-crooked thing happened with my lips. Not impressed, Delilah walked into the classroom.

  Jazebelle shook her head while walking over to us. My shoulders slumped, knowing I would never win Delilah. “That girl hates me.”

  Viola said, “No, just crippled with pain, but… she’s getting better.”

  “That’s better?” I asked in shock.

  Jazebelle approached. “Tucker tried to talk to her, but you’re under her skin.”

  “Oh.” I was pretty sure that was a bad thing.

  With his arm around Adele, Hu joked, “Maybe you should stick with Viola.”

  Bryce punched his shoulder and grabbed Viola into his arms. “Unavailable.”

  I couldn’t help but stare at the door Delilah had just walked through, wanting to follow her and hold a conversation that didn’t involve my stupidity.

  “Earth to Mav,” Viola sang out.

  Voices entered my mind, and I realized they had been talking to me. “Yeah?”

  Bryce chuckled. “I’m safe with my girlfriend. The new guy’s got it bad.”

  From Bryce’s bear hug, Viola said, “I was asking you if you know where your first class is.”

  I shrugged my shoulders, still thinking of the beauty who preferred me to stay far away from her.

  Jazebelle rolled her eyes at me. “Dear Lord, how are you going to get through the day with Delilah on the brain? Let me see your schedule.”

  I handed over my paperwork and went back to staring at the door. If I can just get her to hear me out, she’ll see I’m not a bad guy. Just a bit dumb.

  More chuckling pulled me from my thoughts, again. I looked at the group, and Houston pointed. “Have at it, lover boy.”

  I followed his finger. He pointed to the same class Delilah had just disappeared into. “Are you shittin’ me?” I was suddenly apprehensive.

  Viola took my schedule from Jazebelle, handed it to me, and patted me on my back. “You’ve got this. Quick pointers though: Pretty D is bighearted but very smart.”

  Jaz had a lecturing finger going. “Don’t try to be the hero.”

  Cole added, “And whatever you do, don’t lie.”

  Nash said, “And don’t pick a fight!”

  “Oh yeah, she hates guys that fight,” said Nelson.
/>   Shit!

  I felt like I was getting a shabby pep talk as they forcefully guided my body toward class. “You people are making me nervous.”

  “Think you’re nervous now? Wait till she gives you the look.” Hu snickered.

  Viola snapped, “She might not give him the look. Stop it.”

  As they pushed me through the door, I asked, “The look? What look?”

  One last shove, and I was in the war zone. I heard boots scuffle and sneakers squeak on the hard floors as feet scattered behind me. I was on my own. My eyes went straight to Delilah, sitting at a desk at the back of the room. When her eyes saw mine, she rolled them, made an expression that must have been “the look,” and went back to her book.

  Fuck! Okay, inhale. Good inhaling, Maverick. Okay, exhale. That’s right. You got this.

  I put my timid shoulders back and walked like the man I was pretending to be. Approaching the empty desk next to hers, I asked, “Will you smack me if I sit here?”

  She never looked up from her book. “I’m against violence.”

  “Very good to hear… for some, that is.” I went to sit down but struggled to fit in the tiny desk. “Jesus! This thing made for a two-year-old?” Refusing to sit anywhere else, I squeezed in.

  Delilah watched with an expression that said she thought I was mentally somewhere between challenged and an idiot. After an exasperated exhalation, she went back to reading.

  Figuring I had nothing to lose by that point, I asked, “Hey, have you met the new guy?”

  Her face peered out from under fallen hair I was sure smelled like heaven. “Excuse me?”

  Goddamn, she’s beautiful.

  I shrugged one shoulder, because that was the only body part that had space to move. “Yeah, I hear he’s a real—what was the word? Oh yeah, a real honest asshole.”

  Was that an attempt to smile?

  “Oh, that guy. Yeah, I did meet him.”

  I gasped in pretend, feminine horror, covering my mouth.

  Delilah nodded. “Yes, it was awful.”

  “You should stay away from him.”

  She inspected me in the tiny desk. “Oh, I’m trying. Believe me.”

  This could be getting worse. “I’m also new here.” I kept playing with her.


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