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Steal Me (Haunted Roads Book 1)

Page 27

by India R. Adams

  Struggling with her pants, she yelled, “Why would you want your sister plastered on your skin? Do you think of her like my stepdad thinks of me?”

  Not only was I stunned, but I was deeply hurt. June was accusing me of seeing my sister in an unforgiving, inappropriate way. I laid a hush finger over my mouth, strongly suggesting for her to get quiet. Then I spoke in a tone I never used with June. “Simmer down. I do not want Lilah overhearing this. June, you are crossing a line that I don’t fucking deserve. We are speaking of my sister. You know she’s my goddamn world.”

  “Yeah, yeah. Your light.” Fully dressed, June grabbed her purse and headed for my bedroom door. “And I’m not.”

  I gently grabbed her arm. “I care for you. My actions have proven this. Why are you attacking the very healthy, normal relationship I have with my sister?”

  She screamed, “Because I don’t have one!”

  That was when it started making more sense. “June, I would do anything for you—”

  “Would you die for me?”

  What the fuck is she talking about? I let her go and took a step back. “I—I—”

  June was borderline rude. “Let me help you, Tucker. The answer is no, because you must live to take care of your precious Lilah.”

  I grabbed my chest, feeling betrayed. “My mom is dead. I told you of my promise.”

  June’s eyes closed. Then her head fell forward. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me.”

  Trying to be in touch with June’s needs and let go of what she’d just accused me of, I said, “You’ve been hurt deeper than most would and still survive, and I’m sorry for that. I truly am, but… to accuse me of… Jesus, with Lilah? I—I’m speechless, June.”

  Unfortunately, because of that conversation, June and I had reached the beginning of our good-bye.

  “I’ve gotta go.” June’s voice was full of confusion and regret.

  Standing at the top of my stairs, I watched her storm out the front door to her aunt’s car. Lilah was looking up at me from the bottom floor. “June doesn’t want to get pizza with us?”

  Driving to the Pizza Parlor, I asked Lilah, “Why do you hate my girlfriend?”

  “Hate is a strong word.”

  “Okay. Dislike.”

  “I don’t want you with—where you don’t want to be.”

  “Lilah, you say this as if speaking from personal experience.”

  She snapped at me. “Stop digging. June doesn’t make you glow.”

  I smirked. “Would we be speaking of the glow you get around Maverick?”

  She tried but couldn’t hide the smile that I’d been hoping to see. “Don’t take control of this conversation.”

  I squinted my eyes. “Wow, it’s getting bright in here. Someone is glowing!”

  “Shut up!”

  Walking into the pizza joint, I was still riding her ass. “Just admit it! You like the kid!”

  Viola got up from her booth. “Ew, we must be talking about my besty.”

  I winced. “Your besty?” I was not approving of her admiration for the kid.

  “Yep. Me and Mavy are tight.” She intertwined two fingers in my face for emphasis.

  “I don’t think I like this new besty relationship.” I removed her hand, refusing to let go.

  “Jealous?” Viola winked.

  Fuck yes! “Maybe.”

  Then I saw Lilah trying to sneak away while I was distracted. “Oh, no you don’t. Just admit it. You like him, Lilah! Your smile at the mention of his name tells us all how you feel.”

  Viola sang out. “If I were Delilah, I would chase Maverick from dusk till dawn and all that’s in between.”

  “What?” I shrieked—in not such a manly way.

  Lilah was eyeballing us. “Do I see two people glowing?”

  V smacked me on the back of my head and pointed to the seat she’d saved for me. “Sit.”

  I scooted into the booth, saying, “I don’t like to be pinned up against the wall where I feel trapped.” When V slid in next to me and her thigh rested against mine, I mumbled, “But I’ll get through it.” I looked over my shoulder to see Lilah behind me. “Why are you sitting at another booth, Lilah? Don’t want me to watch you watch Maverick?”

  Viola snickered. “I want to watch Mav—”

  My arm flew around Viola’s neck, pulling her to me as if wrestling her. I knew V knew it was just an excuse to touch her, which she had beautifully set up for me. My skin felt on fire from being so close to her, causing instant sorrow because I wasn’t able to touch her like that every day. I was accusing Lilah of hiding true feelings when I was doing the same right under her nose.

  Speaking of hiding feelings, Cole, Hu, and Bryce came through the front door, being loud as hell, making me wonder if they would ever learn other people were trying to enjoy their dinner and that they needed to shut the fuck up in restaurants. Maybe I was extra hostile because V had pulled away from me and Bryce was heading for her.

  Nash, Nelson, and Jaz were following them in, looking mighty uncomfortable—or should I say, Guilty with a capital G. I don’t know if I will ever understand these three. Just then, Nash pushed Nelson, who was following Jaz a bit too closely. “Hey,” I yelled. I was about to give a lesson about behaving in public, but damn V braced her hands against our booth table, refusing to budge and move out of my way.

  “Not our business,” she said under her strained breath. My shoulder was against hers. Stubborn girl knew I would never force my way past and possibly cause her bodily harm.

  Cole rushed back to them. “Knock it off before you get the Tuck hammer.”

  “Jazy’bell,” I said.

  She looked at me as if worried about an upcoming lecture. My shoulders softened, and I sat back to show peace with her. “No, baby. My gripe is with those two.” I pointed to the twins. Then I pointed to the other half of my booth. “Sit where I can reach you if needed.” Jaz began to follow them. “Not tonight, Tinker Bell. These clowns are too hot. I don’t need you witnessing repercussions. Why don’t you sit with Cole the Man, Hu, and Denial Lilah tonight.”

  I didn’t mention Bryce because I thought he would want to sit next to his girl. Nope. He kissed her cheek and sat across from us with Nash and Nelson. If V were mine, I would’ve demanded everyone make room so I could sit next to my girl. Dumbass.

  Hu was already sitting across from Delilah, so Jaz slid in next to him. Cole Coleman slid in next to Lilah, teasing. “Hey, Denial Lilah. Can I sit here till your main squeeze comes?”

  “What is with you people?” Delilah buried her face in a menu.

  The next time I came home to visit, June and I were still plummeting toward our breakup. I wasn’t sad over it, but I was sad over June and what would become of her. If it weren’t for my worries, I would have cut her loose the moment she accused me of inappropriate relations with Lilah. Maybe June was suspecting someone in my life because I wasn’t totally present with her at all times. Maybe she sensed V. Or maybe poor June had experienced irreversible damage and was going to have odd reactions to all kinds of normal situations.

  Larry refused to miss a “small-town showdown,” as he put it, and loaded his shit into my car. My buddies from college and I were drinking some beers at the river party when Larry looked over my shoulder, sighing. “There is a God.”

  Then another friend said, “I just found my goal for the night.”

  I turned, and wouldn’t you know it? It was my Lilah. Instead of losing my mind with guys visually stripping my sister, I called her over. The guys were immediately excited, seeing I knew this beauty, until I introduced them. “This is Delilah, my little sister.”

  “Tucker, holding back on the goods?”

  “But I won’t be holding back on your face, Larry, if you keep it up.” I turned around, looking for my solution. Where’s that big son of a bitch… found him! “Maverick! Come here.”

  Maverick innocently walked up but almost swallowed his tongue when I said, “And this
is her boyfriend, Maverick.”

  I knew it was a shock to them both, but it was time for those two to shit or get the fu—crazy off the pot. Months? Really? And I wanted to enjoy my night and not have to worry about Lilah at the party. Nothing would get past Goat-Boy. He sure didn’t like that nickname.

  After bashfully accepting my encouraging nudge toward Maverick, Delilah took off and started dancing with V and Jaz, looking happy as could be. I watched her in complete amazement. She looked… free. Fucking beautiful.

  I was having a good time, drinking beers with Mav and company, until June walked up, still not letting go of our tattoo argument. It was beginning to make my head hurt and piss me off. June had gone from sweet to controlling over one mention of a tattoo. I felt as though I had given her all I had to offer, and marking my skin with her name was asking too fucking much.

  Calmly, I walked off with her to be alone so her constant bickering wouldn’t spoil everyone’s night, only mine. As kindly as I could, I explained to June that nothing was going to change my mind, especially her pestering me. June left mad. I hated to see her upset, but I refused to budge on the subject. Her past—as horrid as it was—was not my fault, and I realized I had to learn to set limits when trying to help someone. My needs were also important.

  Walking toward the party again, I was thinking, A tattoo is forever. Lilah is forever. Viola is… I looked up to see V heading straight toward me. Her expression was full of fear. A caveman response that must have been hidden in my genes rushed forward. I instantly decided that anything that had rocked V’s world must be destroyed, immediately.

  My legs had me rushing to her. “V, what’s wrong?” My arms had her up against me in seconds. I cupped her face in my palm, searching. “Are you hurt?”

  Her eyes slid shut as her hands rested on my chest. “No, your arms feel so… you’re so warm…” The way her body molded to mine had me forgetting caveman and becoming sex man. Not remembering that I shouldn’t be touching her like that, I let my hand cradle the back of her head, pulling her to me. I was thoroughly and positively under V’s magnetic spell, completely consumed in a sexual haze.

  Her eyes slowly opened, telling me she was as entranced as I was. Being a cheater was no longer causing me concern. Doing my girlfriend wrong was far, far from my conscience. So fucking desperate for the panting female in my arms, I growled my warning. “V.” She was breaking down every bit of discipline I had left.

  Viola suddenly jerked in my arms. “No, Tuck. No.” She tried to pull from my hold, but I selfishly held on, refusing. She said, “Maverick.”

  My arms tightened in jealousy, pulling her flush to my pulsing groin. “What about him?”

  “No, I need you!”

  I knew she could feel my growing erection. “I need you, too.”

  Her eyelids went heavy. “Damn, you feel good. No! You’re distracting me again! Maverick sent your drunk sister to me. He told her I was calling for her. I wasn’t. Something’s wrong.”

  Oh shit.

  I quickly gathered a couple of friends and ran to where Viola pointed. I rolled up on Mavy Boy, who was handling his own shit the way he said he could when we got our tats. He was pumped and pissed. Even a dumbass could see Maverick had some training. Not bragging about being a fighting machine had me liking the kid even more. I felt sorry for whatever fu—crazy asshole chose to get near my Lilah. He wouldn’t do it twice.

  Maverick spun to me, ready to do more damage. I hollered, “It’s me, buddy. It’s Tucker.” Maverick’s eyes changed to regret in a heartbeat. He didn’t seem to enjoy handing out beatings. Constantly, I was learning more about him. A guy’s heart rests when his little sister is with someone he can respect.

  Thinking of the time Jerry had fucked with the twins, I said, “Just tripped, right Jerry?”

  Since disaster had been avoided, and Mav was back with friends, I started thinking about V and how close I’d come again to kissing her. Without hormones ruling my body, I thought about what my betrayal would’ve done to June. Disappointed and confused, I wandered off to have a moment alone. I leaned against my car and tried to breathe through my guilt and my desire to do it again.

  “You okay?”

  My groin celebrated when I heard Viola’s voice. My brain ached with the long torture of needing her. “Yeah,” I solemnly told her.

  She walked till she was in front of me. “You sure?”

  Of course she knew I was lying, so I answered honestly this time. “No.”

  “I’m sorry that… got out of hand.”

  “A part of me is.” My hand reached out and pulled her to me. Viola’s body fell into mine, putting us face to face. “The other part isn’t.” My arm slid around her waist. “V, when I’m with you, I’m wide awake and settled all at the same time.”

  Staring at my mouth, V breathily whispered, “But… June.”

  After a moment of silence, I said, “Steal me.”

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  She couldn’t steal me. She wanted to but wouldn’t. It hurt. It hurt like hell.

  After what happened with Viola, I knew I had to distance myself from the women in my life. Not like last time. Lilah and I were solid and stayed that way, but I needed some distance from V and June.

  “Oh God. You’re breaking up with me!” June cried.

  I stayed calm, knowing June would see the truth in a moment. “You care for me, June, and you care for me so good, but here’s the thing: you have lovin’ to do. I’m not your forever. That would not be fair to you. June, you’ve never had the chance to go and experiment and play with other guys to see who you want your forever to be. If I married you, you’d soon outgrow me and want more. I don’t want that hurt, not after all we have been through. Not after all we have given each other.”

  In her aunt’s front yard, she put her arms around me and leaned her face against my chest. June whispered, but she sounded strong even though her words said differently. “I’m scared.”

  I held her close as we said our good-byes. “You wouldn’t be human if you weren’t. I’ll be there through the trial, June. You won’t be alone.”

  “You’re the only good I know, Tucker.”

  I kissed her hair. “That’s exactly why I must let you go.”

  June needed to know that I wasn’t the only decent guy out there. In fact, she needed to know that there were much better, kinder, and more generous males in the world who weren’t crazy about someone else. Someday, one of those guys was going to snatch her up and love her with their whole heart, just as she so righteously deserved.

  So, I went back to school—again, leaving two girls behind. But this time, it was for the best. Delilah and Maverick took my words to heart. V texted, saying that my push had been just what they needed and that Mav was crazy for my sister. My reply to her was simple out of respect, not punishment for choosing Bryce over me. Someday our time will come, just like she told me.

  I came home often to hang with Dad, but I didn’t contact Viola, and she didn’t stay the night with Lilah when I was home. Maverick had hung at our house for fixing Lilah’s car, having cookouts, and such, but one night, he came by to take Lilah out for their first official date. Delilah told me to leave Mav alone because he was nervous.

  So I fucked with him. I’m the big brother! It’s my right!

  Two months flashed by. Delilah had been on cloud nine with Maverick, so when I came home for Christmas break and she was upset, I couldn’t understand what had gone wrong. She said Mav was being very distant.

  “Have you had sex with him?”

  “Tuck! Not your business, but no. He doesn’t even bring it up.”

  “Then what the crazy is going on?” Having no worries over the two of them, I was not listening as carefully as I should have been because my stomach was growling. I slowly wrapped my arms around my sister in the kitchen to butter her up. “So, no breakfast?”

  Cole jumped off the counter he’d been sitting on. “Now we’re talking! Let’s discuss t
his lovers-in-paradise trouble over some perfect sunny-side-up eggs. Shall we?”

  “Do I hear hash browns?” Hu chimed in.

  My sister exited the kitchen, refusing to heat up a damn pan, smacking us as she went. Since I didn’t want to kill anyone with my meal-preparing skills, I yelled, “I got it! Mickey-D’s.”

  The boys cheered at my brilliance, and we headed off to clog our arteries.

  With our bellies full of crap, we came out of McDonald’s. We were all smiling until I saw an old, familiar Ford sitting in the drive-thru. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Maverick never fed Bailey junk food. When he saw us, he looked destroyed and held up a peace sign.

  “When are we going to start listening better to your sister?” Cole was seeing what I was seeing.

  I got into my car and immediately called Lilah. “Hey, I just saw your boy.”

  “Is he okay?” Lilah’s voice quivered.

  “He had Bailey in the McDonald’s drive-thru.”

  Lilah gasped. “I’m going over there.”

  “Wait. Call Jaz. Tell her I’m picking her up.” I pulled out of the parking lot. “We may need help with Bailey.” After hanging up, I said, “Boys, I’m ditching your asses for the day.” Cole and Hu silently nodded, looking worried for the new guy who had become a dear friend to us in the past months.

  Maverick looked broken when we got to his house. My throat tightened when I saw him clinging to Delilah like she was his air. I knew that was how I’d looked the night I clung to V. Maverick’s gonna marry my sister.

  Dad, once again, helped someone in need. This time, it was Jessica Hutton. I knew Maverick and his mom would make it through. The strong always do.

  At my dad’s, I was lying on my bed, feeling satisfied that some things were getting back to normal. My eyes weren’t on her but it sure felt good to know V was in my sister’s room, both of them cackling about God knew what. Then V strolled into my room. I warned, “Someday, you’re gonna get an eyeful if you don’t start knocking.”

  “Why the fuck do you think I don’t knock?” She headed straight for the wallet on my dresser.


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