Hanover; Or The Persecution of the Lowly

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Hanover; Or The Persecution of the Lowly Page 22

by Jack Thorne


  Rev. Jonas Melvin, Resigns.

  "I've bin er readin' ther Scripter an' rastlin' wi' ther Lord in prayerfer lo these meny ye'rs, an' hain't never seed er time when I tho't theter preacher of ther word was jestified in j'inin' in with sinners indevilment. Thar's no use in talkin', Brother Melvin mus' wine up hiskareer in Free Will Church." Mrs. Aamanda Pervis was addressing theabove to Deacon Littleton, as arm in arm they proceeded toward thechurch a few evenings after Thanksgiving Day. Ever since the massacreshe had been busily trying to awaken sentiment in the church against thepastor, who on that fatal day had stood with Dr. Jose upon the firingline to shoot down his fellow citizens of color. The deacons had waitedupon Jonas Melvin and informed him of what was being done, and hadadvised him to tender his resignation and get out; but he preferredcoming before the church and "quitting honorably," as he termed it. Mrs.Pervis had worked so earnestly that the church was crowded to the doorson that evening. It was Deacon Littleton who called the meeting to orderand stated its purpose. "Brethren an' sisters," he began, "the 10th ofNovember was to the people of this community a tryin' time. It was a warwhich many of us felt justifiable in enterin', but there was nojustification in it; it was the work of the devil. If we had got on ourknees an' kept our eyes fixed upon the things of God, such a deed as hasdisgraced this community would not have happened. I wonder what theNegro thinks of us now? Does he think we air the banner carriers ofChristian civilization? Orphans are cryin', widows are moanin', aparadise has been turned into hell by a people calling themselves asuperior people. Christians and sinners have gone hand and hand intothis evil. We don't know whether any other church has felt in duty boun'to sift its membership, an' reprimanded the guilty, but Free WillBaptist Church feels it her indispensable duty to do so, an' we aresorry to say that the first case we are pained to try is that of ourpastor, Rev. Jonas Melvin, who, on the 10th of November, 1898, stoodwith gun in hand, assisting the devil in his work." Turning to theminister, who sat all the while with head bowed, the deacon concluded:"Brother Jonas Melvin, have you anything to say to this charge, why itshould not be sustained, and you be dismissed from this church?"

  Rev. Jonas Melvin arose. "Brethren," he began, "this work began in thechurch; church people laid the plans and led in the execution of thoseplans. Those men who waited upon the Governor to persuade him to keepthe troops away that the mob might execute its work unmolested, wereleading church men and ministers of the gospel." "They were noChristians!" cried a feminine voice. "I thought I was doing my duty as aChristian in assisting in restoring good government to the people ofthis town, and if I have done wrong, the Lord is my judge." Mr. Melvinsat down. "The state of things as they existed in Wilmington did notjustify the taking of a single life," said a brother, rising, "and manya man has been made to stumble by the deeds of professing Christians inthis riot; and while I'm on my feet, I move that the resignation of Rev.Jonas Melvin from the pastorate of this church be demanded." "Secon'ther motion!" exclaimed Mrs. Pervis, jumping to her feet. "An' I wishter say jes' here that Teck Pervis, who perfessed religion las' year,has jes' gone back to ther deval bekase, ses he, the preachers war inthis thing. Preachers whose han's air full er blood air not fit terhandle ther word er God."

  The motion was carried with but few opposers. Mrs. Pervis felt lightenough to fly away that night as she walked homeward, for she hadcarried the church with her for God and the right. She hugged the arm ofDeacon Littleton with painful tenacity as they both strode homewardtogether. "Think of them po' creeters drove frum ther homes ter sufferan' die by men claimin' ter hev religion. Jonas Melvin mus' go back terGeorgy whar the people air in leeg wid ther deval."


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