Complete Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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Complete Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Page 52

by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  Shapes of brightness overlean thee,

  Flash their diadems of youth

  On the ringlets which half screen thee,

  While thou smilest ... not in sooth

  Thy smile, but the overfair one, dropt from some etherial mouth.


  Haply it is angels’ duty,

  During slumber, shade by shade

  To fine down this childish beauty

  To the thing it must be made

  Ere the world shall bring it praises, or the tomb shall see it fade.


  Softly, softly! make no noises!

  Now he lieth dead and dumb;

  Now he hears the angels’ voices

  Folding silence in the room

  Now he muses deep the meaning of the Heaven-words as they come.


  Speak not! he is consecrated;

  Breathe no breath across his eyes:

  Lifted up and separated

  On the hand of God he lies

  In a sweetness beyond touching, held in cloistral sanctities.


  Could ye bless him, father — mother,

  Bless the dimple in his cheek?

  Dare ye look at one another

  And the benediction speak?

  Would ye not break out in weeping and confess yourselves too weak?


  He is harmless, ye are sinful;

  Ye are troubled, he at ease;

  From his slumber virtue winful

  Floweth outward with increase.

  Dare not bless him! but be blessed by his peace, and go in peace.



  When ye stood up in the house

  With your little childish feet,

  And, in touching Life’s first shows,

  First the touch of Love did meet, —

  Love and Nearness seeming one,

  By the heartlight cast before,

  And of all Beloveds, none

  Standing farther than the door;

  Not a name being dear to thought,

  With its owner beyond call;

  Not a face, unless it brought

  Its own shadow to the wall;

  When the worst recorded change

  Was of apple dropt from bough,

  When love’s sorrow seemed more strange

  Than love’s treason can seem now; —

  Then, the Loving took you up

  Soft, upon their elder knees,

  Telling why the statues droop

  Underneath the churchyard trees,

  And how ye must lie beneath them

  Through the winters long and deep,

  Till the last trump overbreathe them,

  And ye smile out of your sleep.

  Oh, ye lifted up your head, and it seemed as if they said

  A tale of fairy ships

  With a swan-wing for a sail;

  Oh, ye kissed their loving lips

  For the merry merry tale —

  So carelessly ye thought upon the Dead!


  Soon ye read in solemn stories

  Of the men of long ago,

  Of the pale bewildering glories

  Shining farther than we know;

  Of the heroes with the laurel,

  Of the poets with the bay,

  Of the two worlds’ earnest quarrel

  For that beauteous Helena;

  How Achilles at the portal

  Of the tent heard footsteps nigh,

  And his strong heart, half-immortal,

  Met the keitai with a cry;

  How Ulysses left the sunlight

  For the pale eidola race

  Blank and passive through the dun light,

  Staring blindly in his face;

  How that true wife said to Poetus,

  With calm smile and wounded heart,

  “Sweet, it hurts not!” How Admetus

  Saw his blessed one depart;

  How King Arthur proved his mission,

  And Sir Roland wound his horn,

  And at Sangreal’s moony vision

  Swords did bristle round like corn.

  Oh, ye lifted up your head, and it seemed, the while ye read,

  That this Death, then, must be found

  A Valhalla for the crowned,

  The heroic who prevail:

  None, be sure can enter in

  Far below a paladin

  Of a noble noble tale —

  So awfully ye thought upon the Dead!


  Ay, but soon ye woke up shrieking,

  As a child that wakes at night

  From a dream of sisters speaking

  In a garden’s summer-light, —

  That wakes, starting up and bounding,

  In a lonely lonely bed,

  With a wall of darkness round him,

  Stifling black about his head!

  And the full sense of your mortal

  Rushed upon you deep and loud,

  And ye heard the thunder hurtle

  From the silence of the cloud.

  Funeral-torches at your gateway

  Threw a dreadful light within.

  All things changed: you rose up straightway,

  And saluted Death and Sin.

  Since, your outward man has rallied,

  And your eye and voice grown bold;

  Yet the Sphinx of Life stands pallid,

  With her saddest secret told.

  Happy places have grown holy:

  If ye went where once ye went,

  Only tears would fall down slowly,

  As at solemn sacrament.

  Merry books, once read for pastime,

  If ye dared to read again,

  Only memories of the last time

  Would swim darkly up the brain.

  Household names, which used to flutter

  Through your laughter unawares, —

  God’s Divinest ye could utter

  With less trembling in your prayers.

  Ye have dropt adown your head, and it seems as if ye tread

  On your own hearts in the path

  Ye are called to in His wrath,

  And your prayers go up in wail

  — “Dost Thou see, then, all our loss,

  O Thou agonized on cross?

  Art thou reading all its tale?”

  So mournfully ye think upon the Dead!


  Pray, pray, thou who also weepest,

  And the drops will slacken so.

  Weep, weep, and the watch thou keepest

  With a quicker count will go.

  Think: the shadow on the dial

  For the nature most undone,

  Marks the passing of the trial,

  Proves the presence of the sun.

  Look, look up, in starry passion,

  To the throne above the spheres:

  Learn: the spirit’s gravitation

  Still must differ from the tear’s.

  Hope: with all the strength thou usest

  In embracing thy despair.

  Love: the earthly love thou losest

  Shall return to thee more fair.

  Work: make clear the forest-tangles

  Of the wildest stranger-land

  Trust: the blessed deathly angels

  Whisper, “Sabbath hours at hand!”

  By the heart’s wound when most gory,

  By the longest agony,

  Smile! Behold in sudden glory

  The TRANSFIGURED smiles on thee!

  And ye lifted up your head, and it seemed as if He said,

  “My Beloved, is it so?

  Have ye tasted of my woe?

  Of my Heaven ye shall not fail!”

  He stands brightly where the shade is,

  With the keys of Death and Hades,

  And there, ends the mournful tale —

  So hopefully ye think upon the Dead!


/>   NIGHT.

  ‘Neath my moon what doest thou,

  With a somewhat paler brow

  Than she giveth to the ocean?

  He, without a pulse or motion,

  Muttering low before her stands,

  Lifting his invoking hands

  Like a seer before a sprite,

  To catch her oracles of light:

  But thy soul out-trembles now

  Many pulses on thy brow.

  Where be all thy laughters clear,

  Others laughed alone to hear?

  Where thy quaint jests, said for fame?

  Where thy dances, mixed with game?

  Where thy festive companies,

  Mooned o’er with ladies’ eyes

  All more bright for thee, I trow?

  ‘Neath my moon what doest thou?


  I am digging my warm heart

  Till I find its coldest part;

  I am digging wide and low,

  Further than a spade will go,

  Till that, when the pit is deep

  And large enough, I there may heap

  All my present pain and past

  Joy, dead things that look aghast

  By the daylight: now ‘t is done.

  Throw them in, by one and one!

  I must laugh, at rising sun.

  * * * * *

  Memories — of fancy’s golden

  Treasures which my hands have holden,

  Till the chillness made them ache;

  Of childhood’s hopes that used to wake

  If birds were in a singing strain,

  And for less cause, sleep again;

  Of the moss-seat in the wood

  Where I trysted solitude;

  Of the hill-top where the wind

  Used to follow me behind,

  Then in sudden rush to blind

  Both my glad eyes with my hair,

  Taken gladly in the snare;

  Of the climbing up the rocks,

  Of the playing ‘neath the oaks

  Which retain beneath them now

  Only shadow of the bough;

  Of the lying on the grass

  While the clouds did overpass,

  Only they, so lightly driven,

  Seeming betwixt me and Heaven;

  Of the little prayers serene,

  Murmuring of earth and sin;

  Of large-leaved philosophy

  Leaning from my childish knee;

  Of poetic book sublime,

  Soul-kissed for the first dear time,

  Greek or English, ere I knew

  Life was not a poem too: —

  Throw them in, by one and one!

  I must laugh, at rising sun.

  * * * * *

  — Of the glorious ambitions

  Yet unquenched by their fruitions

  Of the reading out the nights;

  Of the straining at mad heights;

  Of achievements, less descried

  By a dear few than magnified;

  Of praises from the many earned

  When praise from love was undiscerned;

  Of the sweet reflecting gladness

  Softened by itself to sadness: —

  Throw them in, by one and one!

  I must laugh, at rising sun.

  * * * * *

  What are these? more, more than these!

  Throw in dearer memories! —

  Of voices whereof but to speak

  Makes mine own all sunk and weak;

  Of smiles the thought of which is sweeping

  All my soul to floods of weeping;

  Of looks whose absence fain would weigh

  My looks to the ground for aye;

  Of clasping hands — ah me, I wring

  Mine, and in a tremble fling

  Downward, downward all this paining!

  Partings with the sting remaining,

  Meetings with a deeper throe

  Since the joy is ruined so,

  Changes with a fiery burning,

  (Shadows upon all the turning,)

  Thoughts of ... with a storm they came,

  Them I have not breath to name:

  Downward, downward be they cast

  In the pit! and now at last

  My work beneath the moon is done,

  And I shall laugh, at rising sun.

  * * * * *

  But let me pause or ere I cover

  All my treasures darkly over:

  I will speak not in thine ears,

  Only tell my beaded tears

  Silently, most silently.

  When the last is calmly told,

  Let that same moist rosary

  With the rest sepulchred be,

  Finished now! The darksome mould

  Sealeth up the darksome pit.

  I will lay no stone on it,

  Grasses I will sow instead,

  Fit for Queen Titania’s tread;

  Flowers, encoloured with the sun,

  And ~ai ai~ written upon none;

  Thus, whenever saileth by

  The Lady World of dainty eye,

  Not a grief shall here remain,

  Silken shoon to damp or stain:

  And while she lisps, “I have not seen

  Any place more smooth and clean” ...

  Here she cometh! — Ha, ha! — who

  Laughs as loud as I can do?



  The Earth is old;

  Six thousand winters make her heart a-cold;

  The sceptre slanteth from her palsied hold.

  She saith, “‘Las me! God’s word that I was ‘good’

  Is taken back to heaven,

  From whence when any sound comes, I am riven

  By some sharp bolt; and now no angel would

  Descend with sweet dew-silence on my mountains,

  To glorify the lovely river fountains

  That gush along their side:

  I see — O weary change! — I see instead

  This human wrath and pride,

  These thrones and tombs, judicial wrong and blood,

  And bitter words are poured upon mine head —

  ‘O Earth! thou art a stage for tricks unholy,

  A church for most remorseful melancholy;

  Thou art so spoilt, we should forget we had

  An Eden in thee, wert thou not so sad!’

  Sweet children, I am old! ye, every one,

  Do keep me from a portion of my sun.

  Give praise in change for brightness!

  That I may shake my hills in infiniteness

  Of breezy laughter, as in youthful mirth,

  To hear Earth’s sons and daughters praising Earth.”


  Whereupon a child began

  With spirit running up to man

  As by angels’ shining ladder,

  (May he find no cloud above!)

  Seeming he had ne’er been sadder

  All his days than now,

  Sitting in the chestnut grove,

  With that joyous overflow

  Of smiling from his mouth o’er brow

  And cheek and chin, as if the breeze

  Leaning tricksy from the trees

  To part his golden hairs, had blown

  Into an hundred smiles that one.


  “O rare, rare Earth!” he saith,

  “I will praise thee presently;

  Not to-day; I have no breath:

  I have hunted squirrels three —

  Two ran down in the furzy hollow

  Where I could not see nor follow,

  One sits at the top of the filbert-tree,

  With a yellow nut and a mock at me:

  Presently it shall be done!

  When I see which way these two have run,

  When the mocking one at the filbert-top

  Shall leap a-down and beside me stop,

  Then, rare Earth, rare Earth,
br />   Will I pause, having known thy worth,

  To say all good of thee!”


  Next a lover, — with a dream

  ‘Neath his waking eyelids hidden,

  And a frequent sigh unbidden,

  And an idlesse all the day

  Beside a wandering stream,

  And a silence that is made

  Of a word he dares not say, —

  Shakes slow his pensive head:

  “Earth, Earth!” saith he,

  “If spirits, like thy roses, grew

  On one stalk, and winds austere

  Could but only blow them near,

  To share each other’s dew; —

  If, when summer rains agree

  To beautify thy hills, I knew

  Looking off them I might see

  Some one very beauteous too, —

  Then Earth,” saith he,

  “I would praise ... nay, nay — not thee!”


  Will the pedant name her next?

  Crabbed with a crabbed text

  Sits he in his study nook,

  With his elbow on a book,

  And with stately crossed knees,

  And a wrinkle deeply thrid

  Through his lowering brow,

  Caused by making proofs enow

  That Plato in “Parmenides”

  Meant the same Spinoza did, —

  Or, that an hundred of the groping

  Like himself, had made one Homer,

  Homeros being a misnomer

  What hath he to do with praise

  Of Earth or aught? Whene’er the sloping

  Sunbeams through his window daze

  His eyes off from the learned phrase,

  Straightway he draws close the curtain.

  May abstraction keep him dumb!

  Were his lips to ope, ‘t is certain

  “Derivatum est” would come.


  Then a mourner moveth pale

  In a silence full of wail,

  Raising not his sunken head

  Because he wandered last that way

  With that one beneath the clay:

  Weeping not, because that one,

  The only one who would have said

  “Cease to weep, beloved!” has gone

  Whence returneth comfort none.

  The silence breaketh suddenly, —

  “Earth, I praise thee!” crieth he,

  “Thou hast a grave for also me.”


  Ha, a poet! know him by


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