Complete Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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Complete Works of Elizabeth Barrett Browning Page 78

by Elizabeth Barrett Browning

  To greatness, but an ignorance of aims

  Makes it impossible to be great at all.

  So with our Tuscans! Let none dare to say,

  “Here virtue never can be national;

  Here fortitude can never cut a way

  Between the Austrian muskets, out of thrall:”

  I tell you rather that, whoever may

  Discern true ends here, shall grow pure enough

  To love them, brave enough to strive for them,

  And strong to reach them though the roads be rough:

  That having learnt — by no mere apophthegm —

  Not just the draping of a graceful stuff

  About a statue, broidered at the hem, —

  Not just the trilling on an opera-stage

  Of “liberta” to bravos — (a fair word,

  Yet too allied to inarticulate rage

  And breathless sobs, for singing, though the chord

  Were deeper than they struck it) but the gauge

  Of civil wants sustained and wrongs abhorred,

  The serious sacred meaning and full use

  Of freedom for a nation, — then, indeed,

  Our Tuscans, underneath the bloody dews

  Of some new morning, rising up agreed

  And bold, will want no Saxon souls or thews

  To sweep their piazzas clear of Austria’s breed.

  Alas, alas! it was not so this time.

  Conviction was not, courage failed, and truth

  Was something to be doubted of. The mime

  Changed masks, because a mime. The tide as smooth

  In running in as out, no sense of crime

  Because no sense of virtue, — sudden ruth

  Seized on the people: they would have again

  Their good Grand-duke and leave Guerazzi, though

  He took that tax from Florence. “Much in vain

  He takes it from the market-carts, we trow,

  While urgent that no market-men remain,

  But all march off and leave the spade and plough,

  To die among the Lombards. Was it thus

  The dear paternal Duke did? Live the Duke!”

  At which the joy-bells multitudinous,

  Swept by an opposite wind, as loudly shook.

  Call back the mild archbishop to his house,

  To bless the people with his frightened look, —

  He shall not yet be hanged, you comprehend!

  Seize on Guerazzi; guard him in full view,

  Or else we stab him in the back, to end!

  Rub out those chalked devices, set up new

  The Duke’s arms, doff your Phrygian caps, and men

  The pavement of the piazzas broke into

  By barren poles of freedom: smooth the way

  For the ducal carriage, lest his highness sigh

  “Here trees of liberty grew yesterday!”

  “Long live the Duke!” — how roared the cannonry,

  How rocked the bell-towers, and through thickening spray

  Of nosegays, wreaths, and kerchiefs tossed on high,

  How marched the civic guard, the people still

  Being good at shouts, especially the boys!

  Alas, poor people, of an unfledged will

  Most fitly expressed by such a callow voice!

  Alas, still poorer Duke, incapable

  Of being worthy even of so much noise!

  You think he came back instantly, with thanks

  And tears in his faint eyes, and hands extended

  To stretch the franchise through their utmost ranks?

  That having, like a father, apprehended,

  He came to pardon fatherly those pranks

  Played out and now in filial service ended? —

  That some love-token, like a prince, he threw

  To meet the people’s love-call, in return?

  Well, how he came I will relate to you;

  And if your hearts should burn, why, hearts must burn,

  To make the ashes which things old and new

  Shall be washed clean in — as this Duke will learn.

  From Casa Guidi windows gazing, then,

  I saw and witness how the Duke came back.

  The regular tramp of horse and tread of men

  Did smite the silence like an anvil black

  And sparkless. With her wide eyes at full strain,

  Our Tuscan nurse exclaimed “Alack, alack,

  Signora! these shall be the Austrians.” “Nay,

  Be still,” I answered, “do not wake the child!”

  — For so, my two-months’ baby sleeping lay

  In milky dreams upon the bed and smiled,

  And I thought “He shall sleep on, while he may,

  Through the world’s baseness: not being yet defiled,

  Why should he be disturbed by what is done?”

  Then, gazing, I beheld the long-drawn street

  Live out, from end to end, full in the sun,

  With Austria’s thousand; sword and bayonet,

  Horse, foot, artillery, — cannons rolling on

  Like blind slow storm-clouds gestant with the heat

  Of undeveloped lightnings, each bestrode

  By a single man, dust-white from head to heel,

  Indifferent as the dreadful thing he rode,

  Like a sculptured Fate serene and terrible.

  As some smooth river which has overflowed

  Will slow and silent down its current wheel

  A loosened forest, all the pines erect,

  So swept, in mute significance of storm,

  The marshalled thousands; not an eye deflect

  To left or right, to catch a novel form

  Of Florence city adorned by architect

  And carver, or of Beauties live and warm

  Scared at the casements, — all, straightforward eyes

  And faces, held as steadfast as their swords,

  And cognizant of acts, not imageries.

  The key, O Tuscans, too well fits the wards!

  Ye asked for mimes, — these bring you tragedies:

  For purple, — these shall wear it as your lords.

  Ye played like children, — die like innocents.

  Ye mimicked lightnings with a torch, — the crack

  Of the actual bolt, your pastime circumvents.

  Ye called up ghosts, believing they were slack

  To follow any voice from Gilboa’s tents, ...

  Here’s Samuel! — and, so, Grand-dukes come back!

  And yet, they are no prophets though they come:

  That awful mantle, they are drawing close,

  Shall be searched, one day, by the shafts of Doom

  Through double folds now hoodwinking the brows.

  Resuscitated monarchs disentomb

  Grave-reptiles with them, in their new life-throes.

  Let such beware. Behold, the people waits,

  Like God: as He, in His serene of might,

  So they, in their endurance of long straits.

  Ye stamp no nation out, though day and night

  Ye tread them with that absolute heel which grates

  And grinds them flat from all attempted height.

  You kill worms sooner with a garden-spade

  Than you kill peoples: peoples will not die;

  The tail curls stronger when you lop the head:

  They writhe at every wound and multiply

  And shudder into a heap of life that’s made

  Thus vital from God’s own vitality.

  ‘T is hard to shrivel back a day of God’s

  Once fixed for judgment: ‘t is as hard to change

  The peoples, when they rise beneath their loads

  And heave them from their backs with violent wrench

  To crush the oppressor; for that judgment-rod’s

  The measure of this popular revenge.

  Meanwhile, from Casa Guidi windows, we

  Beheld the armament of Austria fl

  Into the drowning heart of Tuscany:

  And yet none wept, none cursed, or, if ‘t was so,

  They wept and cursed in silence. Silently

  Our noisy Tuscans watched the invading foe;

  They had learnt silence. Pressed against the wall,

  And grouped upon the church-steps opposite,

  A few pale men and women stared at all.

  God knows what they were feeling, with their white

  Constrained faces, they, so prodigal

  Of cry and gesture when the world goes right,

  Or wrong indeed. But here was depth of wrong,

  And here, still water; they were silent here;

  And through that sentient silence, struck along

  That measured tramp from which it stood out clear,

  Distinct the sound and silence, like a gong

  At midnight, each by the other awfuller, —

  While every soldier in his cap displayed

  A leaf of olive. Dusty, bitter thing!

  Was such plucked at Novara, is it said?

  A cry is up in England, which doth ring

  The hollow world through, that for ends of trade

  And virtue and God’s better worshipping,

  We henceforth should exalt the name of Peace

  And leave those rusty wars that eat the soul, —

  Besides their clippings at our golden fleece.

  I, too, have loved peace, and from bole to bole

  Of immemorial undeciduous trees

  Would write, as lovers use upon a scroll,

  The holy name of Peace and set it high

  Where none could pluck it down. On trees, I say, —

  Not upon gibbets! — With the greenery

  Of dewy branches and the flowery May,

  Sweet mediation betwixt earth and sky

  Providing, for the shepherd’s holiday.

  Not upon gibbets! though the vulture leaves

  The bones to quiet, which he first picked bare.

  Not upon dungeons! though the wretch who grieves

  And groans within less stirs the outer air

  Than any little field-mouse stirs the sheaves.

  Not upon chain-bolts! though the slave’s despair

  Has dulled his helpless miserable brain

  And left him blank beneath the freeman’s whip

  To sing and laugh out idiocies of pain.

  Nor yet on starving homes! where many a lip

  Has sobbed itself asleep through curses vain.

  I love no peace which is not fellowship

  And which includes not mercy. I would have

  Rather the raking of the guns across

  The world, and shrieks against Heaven’s architrave;

  Rather the struggle in the slippery fosse

  Of dying men and horses, and the wave

  Blood-bubbling.... Enough said! — by Christ’s own cross,

  And by this faint heart of my womanhood,

  Such things are better than a Peace that sits

  Beside a hearth in self-commended mood,

  And takes no thought how wind and rain by fits

  Are howling out of doors against the good

  Of the poor wanderer. What! your peace admits

  Of outside anguish while it keeps at home?

  I loathe to take its name upon my tongue.

  ‘T is nowise peace: ‘t is treason, stiff with doom, —

  ‘T is gagged despair and inarticulate wrong, —

  Annihilated Poland, stifled Rome,

  Dazed Naples, Hungary fainting ‘neath the thong,

  And Austria wearing a smooth olive-leaf

  On her brute forehead, while her hoofs outpress

  The life from these Italian souls, in brief.

  O Lord of Peace, who art Lord of Righteousness,

  Constrain the anguished worlds from sin and grief,

  Pierce them with conscience, purge them with redress,

  And give us peace which is no counterfeit!

  But wherefore should we look out any more

  From Casa Guidi windows? Shut them straight,

  And let us sit down by the folded door,

  And veil our saddened faces and, so, wait

  What next the judgment-heavens make ready for.

  I have grown too weary of these windows. Sights

  Come thick enough and clear enough in thought,

  Without the sunshine; souls have inner lights.

  And since the Grand-duke has come back and brought

  This army of the North which thus requites

  His filial South, we leave him to be taught.

  His South, too, has learnt something certainly,

  Whereof the practice will bring profit soon;

  And peradventure other eyes may see,

  From Casa Guidi windows, what is done

  Or undone. Whatsoever deeds they be,

  Pope Pius will be glorified in none.

  Record that gain, Mazzini! — it shall top

  Some heights of sorrow. Peter’s rock, so named,

  Shall lure no vessel any more to drop

  Among the breakers. Peter’s chair is shamed

  Like any vulgar throne the nations lop

  To pieces for their firewood unreclaimed, —

  And, when it burns too, we shall see as well

  In Italy as elsewhere. Let it burn.

  The cross, accounted still adorable,

  Is Christ’s cross only! — if the thief’s would earn

  Some stealthy genuflexions, we rebel;

  And here the impenitent thief’s has had its turn,

  As God knows; and the people on their knees

  Scoff and toss back the crosiers stretched like yokes

  To press their heads down lower by degrees.

  So Italy, by means of these last strokes,

  Escapes the danger which preceded these,

  Of leaving captured hands in cloven oaks, —

  Of leaving very souls within the buckle

  Whence bodies struggled outward, — of supposing

  That freemen may like bondsmen kneel and truckle,

  And then stand up as usual, without losing

  An inch of stature.

  Those whom she-wolves suckle

  Will bite as wolves do in the grapple-closing

  Of adverse interests. This at last is known

  (Thank Pius for the lesson), that albeit

  Among the popedom’s hundred heads of stone

  Which blink down on you from the roof’s retreat

  In Siena’s tiger-striped cathedral, Joan

  And Borgia ‘mid their fellows you may greet,

  A harlot and a devil, — you will see

  Not a man, still less angel, grandly set

  With open soul to render man more free.

  The fishers are still thinking of the net,

  And, if not thinking of the hook too, we

  Are counted somewhat deeply in their debt;

  But that’s a rare case — so, by hook and crook

  They take the advantage, agonizing Christ

  By rustier nails than those of Cedron’s brook,

  I’ the people’s body very cheaply priced, —

  And quote high priesthood out of Holy book,

  While buying death-fields with the sacrificed.

  Priests, priests, — there’s no such name! — God’s own, except

  Ye take most vainly. Through heaven’s lifted gate

  The priestly ephod in sole glory swept

  When Christ ascended, entered in, and sate

  (With victor face sublimely overwept)

  At Deity’s right hand, to mediate,

  He alone, He for ever. On His breast

  The Urim and the Thummim, fed with fire

  From the full Godhead, flicker with the unrest

  Of human pitiful heart-beats. Come up higher,

  All Christians! Levi’s tribe is dispossest.

bsp; That solitary alb ye shall admire,

  But not cast lots for. The last chrism, poured right,

  Was on that Head, and poured for burial

  And not for domination in men’s sight.

  What are these churches? The old temple-wall

  Doth overlook them juggling with the sleight

  Of surplice, candlestick and altar-pall;

  East church and west church, ay, north church and south,

  Rome’s church and England’s, — let them all repent,

  And make concordats ‘twixt their soul and mouth,

  Succeed Saint Paul by working at the tent,

  Become infallible guides by speaking truth,

  And excommunicate their pride that bent

  And cramped the souls of men.

  Why, even here

  Priestcraft burns out, the twined linen blazes;

  Not, like asbestos, to grow white and clear,

  But all to perish! — while the fire-smell raises

  To life some swooning spirits who, last year,

  Lost breath and heart in these church-stifled places.

  Why, almost, through this Pius, we believed

  The priesthood could be an honest thing, he smiled

  So saintly while our corn was being sheaved

  For his own granaries! Showing now defiled

  His hireling hands, a better help’s achieved

  Than if they blessed us shepherd-like and mild.

  False doctrine, strangled by its own amen,

  Dies in the throat of all this nation. Who

  Will speak a pope’s name as they rise again?

  What woman or what child will count him true?

  What dreamer praise him with the voice or pen?

  What man fight for him? — Pius takes his due.

  * * * * *

  Record that gain, Mazzini! — Yes, but first

  Set down thy people’s faults; set down the want

  Of soul-conviction; set down aims dispersed,

  And incoherent means, and valour scant

  Because of scanty faith, and schisms accursed

  That wrench these brother-hearts from covenant

  With freedom and each other. Set down this,

  And this, and see to overcome it when

  The seasons bring the fruits thou wilt not miss

  If wary. Let no cry of patriot men

  Distract thee from the stern analysis

  Of masses who cry only! keep thy ken

  Clear as thy soul is virtuous. Heroes’ blood

  Splashed up against thy noble brow in Rome;

  Let such not blind thee to an interlude

  Which was not also holy, yet did come

  ‘Twixt sacramental actions, — brotherhood

  Despised even there, and something of the doom


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