Lesbian Billionaire

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Lesbian Billionaire Page 22

by Olivia Hampshire

  Dr. Lumby was raising some concerns, but seemed generally open to the idea when Debbie and Beth busted in and confronted the two men. "What the fuck is going on here?" Debbie roared, feeling hatred for these men who had turned her beloved Grandpa Jerry into a dope dealer. "Easy, easy, young lady," Joe urged. He was a chubby man who reminded her a bit of that guy George from Seinfeld, and he wore thick glasses. Debbie wasn't scared of him. "Don't young lady me," she said, shoving him a bit, "I know this isn't some happy, helpful situation where you are trying to figure out what is best for the patient. You guys are just in it to make as much money as you possibly can. This is sick."

  Joe laughed. "So what are you going to do about it, Missy? I see you have got some fire in your belly but I must inform you that everything we are doing is completely legal and Best Health has the support of the Federal government, as well as congressmen and senators that represent the state of West Virginia. I've known about you two girls since you took out one of my men and destroyed that entire payload of pills. I have been on to you since the beginning, and I made sure to get my lobbyist to force the FBI to back down from the investigation. You two bitches won't get anywhere."

  Debbie growled, wanting to just kick this guy's head off and shove it up Dr. Lumby's ass, but she held back. She wasn't about to get Beth in trouble for violating direct orders from the FBI. For now, it seemed like there was nothing that they could really do at this point.

  "We aren't done yet," Beth promised Dr. Lumby as she walked out of his office, "but you are."

  Angrily marching out onto the street, Beth was not paying attention to where she was going and she ran smack dab into a neatly dressed blond woman in a black business skirt suit and a leather briefcase. It was Susan, and she had not been paying attention to where she was going either. She was feeling very confused about what she had been doing for the past two weeks. All she saw around her was dire poverty, but yet she kept selling the drugs. It just wasn't making sense, something was not adding up and Susan wanted to get to the bottom of it.

  She was roused from her deep thinking by a pair of soft, large breasts she bumped into. When she looked up, she saw a beautiful brunette woman. From the way she was dressed she looked like a local, but there was something pristine and elegant about the way she carried herself that made Susan think she wasn't from Kermit.

  "Oh, I am so sorry," Susan said flustered. She had dropped her briefcase when she bumped into the woman, and she bent down to get it. Beth had also leaned down to pick up the woman's briefcase she had knocked out of her hand, and the two of them bumped heads clumsily as they both reached for the briefcase, falling backwards on their butts. "Oh my gosh, this just isn't my day," Susan said, blushing a deep, intense red. Debbie stood off to the side and watched the scene unfold between these two hotties, chuckling inside of her head. This was the way couples met in the movies. It was too cute for words.

  When the women had finally gotten their wits about them enough to stand up and brush off, Beth handed Susan her briefcase. "Sorry about that," she said, looking deep into Susan's eyes. "I haven't been having the best day." Susan laughed, "I can understand that! Me neither! My name is Susan, by the way," she extended her hand for a shake. Beth took her hand, planted a small kiss on it, and told her, "Charmed, I'm sure. My name is Beth." There was a long pause between the two, the sparks in the air were clearly flying, but neither woman knew how to proceed. Debbie could take no more, she cleared her throat loudly, reminding the women of their third wheel. "I'm so sorry, I have to be going. It was very nice to meet you Beth. I hope your day gets better!" Susan wished her goodbye and then rushed off to her appointment. She was supposed to be meeting with a Dr. Lumby to urge him to restock his supply of Best Health oxycodone.

  Susan was surprised to run into Joe Gleason in the lobby. She frowned, wondering if he had stolen her sale. But why would he be working against her like that? Joe looked happy to see Susan, as if this had all been planned out. He greeted her with a big, touchy feely hug, and he seemed to be still a big fan of Vieeg-gro because as usual his dick was poised at rock hard attention. Susan wondered how these older men could tolerate walking around with a woodie all day, but it was really none of her business.

  "So glad to see you, Susan," Joe greeted her. "Let's go up to my good friend Dr. Lumby's office. I am sure he has a spare examination room that we could use to have a quick chat." Susan followed Joe to the elevator and up to Lumby's office. When they had some privacy in a back room, Joe shared with Susan the new game plan. "Things have changed, Suz. Especially here in Mingo county. This was our pilot county, and I am afraid to say that we have hit a ceiling. There are too many layoffs and that means not enough people with health insurance benefits. Sales are plummeting after months of steady growth. It had to happen at some point, but no one could have predicted it would be this soon. Anyway, since no one has health insurance anymore, it is our job to provide them with oxycodone at more affordable rates. We are going to switch over to a cash only plan. We can provide the customer with a significant discount if they are willing to pay directly in cash. So, I am going to need you to go to all the Good Buddy pharmacies in Mingo County and make cash sales of oxycodone. With all the cash you are going to have on you, I'm going to have to require you to carry a gun. It would be too dangerous for you to continue otherwise. I can't risk you getting hurt, and more importantly, I can't risk a loss in profits because some dope fiend jacked you. Capiche?"

  Susan was not feeling very confident about this new plan, but she was overwhelmed with information and not one to give up on a job. Joe had taken her by surprise, and without time to think about it, she simply nodded her head.

  Joe gave her another big hug and told her she was going to do just fine.

  Chapter 7, Let's Just Chill out With Mary Jane

  Susan was driving out of Mingo and headed to her hotel in Madison. She had a new Colt Mustang XSP in her glove compartment. Susan had taken some firearm classes at company retreats, but she was not very familiar with carrying a gun. The coldness of the steel felt odd and foreign to her. She figured out of sight would be out of mind, but somehow her brain kept wandering back to the gun.

  When she passed one of the staple Walful Houses, a real West Virginia classic, she decided that she better pull over and get something to eat. She was running on empty and the lack of food might be fueling some of the negative thinking she was currently indulging herself in. She parked her car, locked the glove compartment, checked it twice, and then went into the diner. The waitress, a pregnant girl who looked no more than fifteen years old, handed her a menu with a half smile.

  As Susan was looking over the menu, wishing they had something under ten thousand calories, she was surprised to see a familiar face walk through the door. It was Beth, the woman she had bumped into earlier. What were the chances?

  "Hey, Beth, over here," Susan called, gesturing for the fit brunette to sit beside her. Beth came and joined Susan at her table. "So what do you order in a place like this?" Susan asked, admiring Beth's slender physique, which looked even better coupled with her ample bust. Beth suggested an omelet with mushrooms and tomatoes, hold the hash browns. "It's high in sodium but otherwise pretty healthy," Beth shrugged. The waitress came back to greet the new dining partner and pour her a glass of coffee. They ordered an omelet to share and the waitress went off to tell the short order cook. "This stuff isn't too bad, really," Beth smiled.

  Susan was less concerned with the food and more interested in the strange coincidence that she and Beth would end up at the same Walful House. "What brought you to these parts? You were in Kermit this morning..." Susan asked. Beth told her that she had followed Susan. "I was really interested in you. To be honest, it has been a long time since I felt any sparks fly between me and a stranger. I didn't want to just give up. I hope that doesn't sound creepy." Susan told her that it was a bit creepy, but shrugged it off. "But what about that red head you were with? Isn't she your girlfriend?" Beth told Susan that her frien
d Debbie was just a work partner and they didn't have a relationship like that. This information brought a smile to Susan's face, but Beth could still see a lot of confusion and anxiety lying underneath. She was an FBI agent, she was pretty good at decoding faces.

  Thinking how nice it would be to put a real, carefree smile on this beautiful woman's face, Beth made a suggestion. "Hey, why don't we go have some fun for the rest of the day? I'm staying at a great hotel in Portsmouth, Ohio. It's a beautiful day, I have a great car, and it will be a nice, scenic drive. We can talk and get to know each other. Maybe I can even get a real smile on that pretty face of yours," Beth winked.

  It was about a three hour drive going on I-77, but Susan thought she could use some cheering up and besides, she liked the company. She agreed, and they made quick work of their coffee and omelet, paid the bill, leaving a generous tip for their pregnant teen waitress, and headed to the parking lot.

  When they got to the parking lot, Susan glanced at her car, with the gun inside, and paused for a moment. She was having second thoughts, and was about to ask Beth for her digits and tell her it would be better to meet up another time, but before she could open her mouth Beth had grabbed her hand and was tugging her playfully toward her classic black Chevelle. It seemed like too much fun to pass up so Susan agreed, leaving her car and her gun for the time being.

  The drive was actually very scenic and romantic. Southern Ohio could be quite charming if you knew the right spots, and Beth had all sorts of ideas about which little towns were worth perusing. They stopped in at an old, broken down wooden building in a town named Rio Grande. From the outside, the building looked abandoned, but on the inside it was a trendy little cocktail bar filled with lots of cool antique memorabilia. They shared a few cocktails and a short kiss, then they got back on their way. With the booze in their system the small talk had turned from the weather and the surroundings to their past relationships. Loosened by the liquor, Beth began to talk about Debbie. She told Susan that she had always had a crush on Debbie since college, but Debbie was a busy woman who had little time for relationships and despite all of Beth's attempts to get something started it never worked out. She confessed that she had been longing for some time for a steady, serious relationship. In turn, Susan shared with her how hard it was to get a relationship going, especially when you were a lesbian sales woman working in a field completely dominated by men. She barely even saw other women, let alone had a chance to date them!

  As they drove, Beth started to notice a lot of marijuana fields north of a large wildlife preserve. The pot was ripe and in season and even if the windows had not been rolled down, Beth suspected the pungent smell of reefer would have filled the car. Beth suggested they stop and take a stroll through one of the fields. It was unguarded and unkempt, by the looks of it, it was a natural field that had grown from scattered seeds. It didn't belong to anyone, so they had no need to worry about getting shot. They admired the beautiful female plants, and Beth confessed to Susan that she was actually an FBI agent working primarily in drug enforcement. She told her that she had been called to West Virginia because there was some sort of strange opioid epidemic going on. So far, however, she hadn't made any busts.

  "It's funny," Beth laughed, "When I was in college I liked to take the occasional toke. Now, I make it my job to bust people for growing the stuff. It's crazy how things change as you get older." Susan nodded. She decided she could trust Beth, and she told her how she had been a salesperson for Vieeg-gro, but just recently she had been asked to sell something new. Pain pills. And what was more, even though she grew up believing guns were dangerous, she was now the owner of her very own. She divulged Joe's plan to Beth, telling her she was feeling really worried and upset by the whole thing, and that was probably why she seemed so anxious and unhappy.

  Beth thanked her for sharing and gave her a long, deep kiss. They had been holding hands for some time now, and it just seemed like the right chance to make a move. Susan reciprocated, and they shared a sweet, tender moment in a wild field of Mary Jane as the sun began to turn orange in the sky, getting ready for its setting.

  "It's getting late, we should get on our way to Portsmouth," Beth said, sad to break up their lips. They hopped back in the Chevelle and headed to the Belini Cucina restaurant. It was a quaint, quiet little spot overlooking the Ohio River. They shared the daily special, an especially creamy alfredo dish, and ordered a tiramisu for dessert. It was heavenly, and the conversation was just as delightful as the dinner. Of course, by now it was far too late to get Susan back to her car in Madison, and Susan knew it as well. She had walked into a situation and there was no way to turn back now. Beth invited Susan back to her room, and the woman had no choice but to agree.

  Back in the hotel, Susan was feeling a little bit silly for setting herself up like this. She wasn't in college anymore. Sensing she was a bit high strung, Beth opened up the room's mini bar and made her friend a drink. That got Susan relaxed. Beth suggested she give her a quick back rub to help speed up the process. With her soft fingers, Beth gently touched Susan's neck, moving her hair out of the way and lightly tickling her. She moved Beth's bra straps down around her shoulders and out of the way and began giving her a sensual massage, kneading out the tension in her neck and shoulder area. It felt great, and Susan was really starting to feel relaxed. Before she knew it, she had taken off everything on top and was letting Beth rub down her naked body. Beth began to kiss Susan, starting at her neck and working down. She ended up all the way down, and the women had a long night of love making with very little sleep.

  Chapter 8, The Legal Machine

  The next day Beth and Susan spent the car ride back to Madison discussing how they could nail Joe Gleason and the Good Buddy Pharmacy for poisoning the people of West Virginia. It had happened, Susan had let guilt and good love infiltrate her hard business person and now she had no choice but to quit her job with Best Health and do something new.

  Beth dropped Susan off at her Lexus, and they drove back to Kermit, each in their respective vehicles. Susan had provided Beth with lots of information on the ride to her car and Beth was busy thinking up a plan so she could get those no good drug peddlers out of West Virginia for good. Susan had informed Beth that she could provide the name of all the pharmacies and doctors on her sales list. Beth thought this kind of information would sway her superiors at the Federal Bureau of Investigation, so she gave a call to her boss to see what the word would be. Beth's boss was more than enthusiastic now that she had some solid information that they could use to move forward. He told her that he was more than confident that they would be able to shut down Best Health, as well as Dr. Lumby and Good Buddy. All Beth had to do was wait.

  Unfortunately, things did not work out to anyone's expectations. Unbeknownst to Beth and even to Susan, Best Health had over a thousand lobbyists working on congressional campaigns to keep oxycodone on the streets. Best Health spent nearly a hundred million dollars a year on this nationwide campaign as well as making bribes and contributions to lawmakers. There was no way of getting anything done to stop them. What was worse, and shocking to Beth, they had partnered with respected organizations like the Cancer Society of USA Freedom to ensure that painkillers remained easy to obtain. Everyone's hands seemed tied. Best Health had hundreds of hand preened elected officials in office in the United States and they were starting similar tactics in Canada to lay the ground for the next country they planned to conquer. The machine was simply too powerful. Certainly there was nothing three sexy lesbians could do to stop it.

  Chapter 9, Grandpa Jerry

  Back at Grandpa Jerry's house, there was a different sort of trouble. There had been a brisk decline in business and Jerry was having problems keeping things together. Loretta's truck, the one she had been kind enough to let Debbie and Beth borrow, was sitting in front of the house fresh out of gas. The kids were moaning that they were hungry, but there was barely a speck of food in the house. Debbie offered to go buy some groceries, but G
randpa Jerry had too much pride to accept charity from his granddaughter. "Dagnabit, now, I don't know what is going on here… I have been doing good business, steady business. I don't know what could have happened. My clients are not dead, and I don't think they have stumbled upon some magic cure for the dopesickness. That could only mean that someone has nabbed my customers from right out under my nose. Now who would do that? I give them fair prices and they know I'm only selling to feed my family and keep clothing on their backs." Grandpa Jerry looked so crestfallen, it moved Debbie's heart. She hated seeing him so sad and down on his luck.

  "Come on, Grandpa," she urged, "let's forget about all this for now and go out to get some pizza and sodas at Shakey's Shake Shack. My treat. It's the least I could do for you letting me stay here." Grandpa was about to shake his head, but the children's excited squeals and the rumble of his own hungry belly made him give in. "Alright then," Grandpa Jerry said.

  At the restaurant, the kids were guzzling down soda pop like it was water and shoving big pieces of pizza into their mouths at a speed so fast Debbie could hardly believe her eyes. Those little rascals were so small, she wondered where they were tucking all that pizza. Their stomachs should have burst by now. As she was urging one of the girls to slow down a little, she noticed out of the corner of her eye a confrontation brewing. Grandpa Jerry was speaking to another local and their voices were becoming louder by the second. Debbie was on guard, and when she saw the man push her grandpa hard on his chest she stood up to intervene.

  "Hey now, what is the big idea pushing an old man who never did anything to harm anyone?" Debbie asked, grabbing the guy by his wrist and twisting it painfully. The man yelped. "Shucks, girly, your gramps here is the one asking for it. He's coming up to me complaining and asking where I'm getting my dope. Now I don't have one clue what he is talking about. I don't use no dope." But the track marks on his arm gave him away. Debbie noticed that all eyes in the restaurant were on them and she didn't like the feel of it. She squeezed the man's arm hard, and told him to wait for them out in the parking lot. They would speak when they were all done eating. "Trust me, you don't want to be on my bad side," she said, giving his arm one last jerk.


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