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Lesbian Billionaire

Page 26

by Olivia Hampshire

  Deep down, Lucille had known she was being abused. The problem was, the abuse so completely destroyed her own sense of self and well-being that it become impossible to imagine a life outside of the abuse. She would think, "if I can't make some drug addict broke loser happy by giving him everything he asks for, how could I ever make a good man happy?" It would make her feel hopeless and dejected, and so she would stick around. The mean words from her abuser made any kindness she received from others feel uncomfortable, and she ran away inside of herself and away from the world. And, to be honest, in her heart Lucille had believed that one day that no good abusive man would get his life straight, realize how much she loved him, and do right by her.

  It wasn't until he died of what was written off as an accidental overdose that Lucille was finally able to move on. She went to his funeral and wept and wept. She suspected that the overdose had been less of an accident and more of a deliberate attempt to exit the cruel world that had kept him down. Lucille knew, behind this man's abusive behavior there was a deep, dark, and gnawing insecurity that kept him chasing the dragon. He hated himself for his addictions, for his poverty, and perhaps even for his cruelty. But he was trapped in something that was bigger than himself and seemed unable to find a way to escape.

  Lucille had eventually paid off her debt. In fact, it was quite easy once he was gone and was no longer hounding her a few times a month for her spare cash. She created a good life for herself, saving enough money to purchase the diner she now ran. Still, she had never truly recovered from the experience. She lived alone in a smallish town house with two cats and a well-tended flower garden. She did not date, and she never responded to any male advances. She just did not have the energy in her, not after what she had been through. She devoted herself, instead, to being a good, simple woman. A role model for the waitresses who worked at her restaurant, a stand up boss for the struggling young men who worked as short order cooks, and a kindly and understanding helper of the many foreign immigrants who came looking for jobs washing dishes or mopping floors. Most of all, she had become a matronly, protective guardian of Allison, who seemed to be entangled in the same sort of drama that had once consumed Lucille's own younger years.

  So hug Allison was all Lucille would do for now, even if she was rolling her eyes in the back of her head, marveling at how much women were willing to endure for the attention of a single man. It was tragic, but it seemed to be an inborn aspect of female nature. The long-suffering wife and mother was no trope; it was real life for most women of the world. It was a source of both feminine strength and weakness.

  After she was done discussing Lester and his recent infidelity, Allison confessed that she had sent an e-mail to the management of the wildlife sanctuary in Kenya. To her surprise, she had gotten a response! They told her that they would be happy to provide living quarters, meals, and wages for Allison, and she was welcome to bring her children. Unfortunately, they were unable to provide money for transportation costs to Kenya, and there was also a nominal yearly fee for residency on the reserve for her children. When all was said and done, Allison would need to pay eight thousand dollars upfront to get herself and her kids a one-way ticket to Kenya and a year's room and board.

  Of course, that was way more money than Allison had, and both she and Lucille knew it was about half a year's salary for her. It certainly did not seem like Allison would be taking her kids to Africa any time soon. Allison looked quite dejected, and Lucille did her best to try to cheer her up, offering words of encouragement and trying to help her think up a savings plan so she could get to Kenya in the least amount of time. Unfortunately, Allison told her, the offer was only good for the next two weeks and then they would move on to other candidates.

  Allison got to work, smiling through her sadness as usual, and the hours began to pass as she tended to the restaurant's customers. Around noon, Allison and Lucille both looked up to see the same black limousine from yesterday pulling up in the parking lot of the restaurant. They both paused in what they were doing to watch. This time, the limo driver opened the door and not one but two beautiful women exited the limo. There was Harriet from yesterday, and with her was a gorgeous blonde woman dressed in the diner's uniform, the same outfit that Allison was currently wearing. Allison and Lucille looked at each other, truly confused. They had been working at the restaurant for a long time, and neither of them had seen this waitress before. Lucille shrugged silently, and they watched the two women on their brisk walk into the diner.

  Ignoring the other customers, Allison immediately jumped on Harriet when she entered into the restaurant. "Where were you yesterday?" Allison demanded. She told Harriet that she had waited all night for her, and in an irritated tone she told her, "I have a husband and three kids at home, I can't just waste hours of my time waiting on rich people with their lies!"

  Harriet apologized for the inconvenience and told the exasperated Allison that she had gotten held up the night before with unexpected, last minute business. Seeing how Lucille was looking at the uniformed blonde she had brought with her with a look of skepticism and disbelief, Harriet turned to her and explained that the woman in the waitress uniform was there to replace Allison for the day.

  "You can't just storm in here and take away my best waitress in the middle of her shift, ma'am," Lucille told her firmly, her lips terse and taught. Harriet held out a ten one-hundred bills and told Lucille that she would give her a thousand dollars in cash to let the girl work there for the rest of the shift. Before Allison could add anything to the protest, she gave her a thousand dollars as well, telling her it was for lost wages and the inconvenience that she had experienced the night before when Harriet failed to show up as promised.

  "Fine," Lucille said. Neither she nor Allison could protest with cold, hard cash. Besides, Lucille knew that for Allison that money could go a long way towards getting her to Kenya.

  Harriet apologized to Allison for not showing up yesterday and begged for her forgiveness. Allison was angry about being stood up by Harriet, and then cheated on by her husband, and she was feeling insecure and sad, but nevertheless, when Harriet invited her to spend the day with her, she agreed to go. She said goodbye to Lucille, and got inside Harriet's limo.

  The inside of the limousine was fabulous. In fact, it was the most amazing thing that Allison had seen in her entire life. She had only rode in a limo one time before, way back at her bachelorette party. But it had been a trailer trash limo, nothing special. It was nothing more than an old limousine one of the locals had purchased on the cheap. He had strung up some Christmas lights on the inside of the car and turned it into a little party bus for rowdy local woman looking to get drunk and a bit wild but still make it home to another morning. Allison was already pregnant at her bachelorette party, so she had not had the fuzzy alcohol vision necessary to transform that old limo into a sparkling chariot. She had just sipped on a coca cola while she watched her friends getting wasted, drinking vodka and Jack Daniels straight out of the bottle and showing off their tits to cars and pedestrians they drove by.

  Harriet's limo, on the other hand, was a real classy affair and Allison did not need any drugs to convince her of that. It was a roomy stretch limo with a black exterior and a white leather interior. Everything inside was impeccably clean. There was a huge flat screen television inside of the limousine that also functioned as a computer monitor. The limousine had its own WiFi connection. It also came complete with its own bartender, a smoking hot brunette gal that Harriet introduced as her personal assistant.

  There was a minibar inside of the limousine, and the personal assistant inquired as to what Allison would like to drink. Allison, however, was feeling very off base and out of her element. Her confidence had been shaken from the events of this morning and she felt like redneck scum inside of this elegant limousine with these classy women. Rather than order her drink of choice, a Jack and coke, Allison blushed and stammered that she would have whatever Harriet was having. Harriet requested two dirt
y martinis, and she toasted with Allison "to a new life."

  Allison had never even had a martini before, and she drank it down quickly, much quicker than Harriet, and began to feel warm and buzzed. Harriet asked her if she liked the drink and Allison nodded. Before she knew it, Harriet's personal assistant had handed her another one.

  With the liquor in her system, Allison was feeling less shy and uncomfortable and was beginning to open up. Harriet asked her to explain more about her situation with her husband, and Allison did not hold back. She told Harriet, essentially a stranger, everything that had happened and everything she was feeling in her life. Before she recognized it she was on her third martini and had tears streaming down her face. Harriet gave her a deep hug and let Allison cry out her pain on her shoulder. She gave a signal to her personal assistant, and when Allison had finished crying and wiped the tears from her face, she turned around to see several perfectly cut lines of coke set out in front of her.

  Hillbilly or not, Allison was no stranger to cocaine, and she knew just what to do. The personal assistant handed her a gold plated straw shaped snorter and Allison tooted a big line of the powder. It was strong, pure stuff, and Allison quickly realized she would have been fine with a bump. Her head was positively abuzz and she felt herself losing control of her mind. She focused on looking out the window, concentrating on familiar buildings going by and encouraging the alcohol in her system to even her out a bit. Harriet, who was used to her own high grade stash, snorted two lines, one up each nostril, and then lay back in the comfortable seats of the limousine, putting one arm around Allison.

  She told Allison that she wanted to take her shopping, and Allison managed to squeak out the name and general location of the local mall, but Harriet told her that she wanted to take her somewhere nicer, where rich people shopped. It was a bit farther away, but Allison did not mind taking the trip, especially since it would give her some time to level out her buzz, which was still very strong. So strong, in fact, Allison had her doubts about how well she could walk.

  The limousine got onto the highway and drove the women to a nicer area of the state with a large, deluxe shopping mall. By the time they arrived, both Harriet and Allison were intoxicated but not to the point of being incapacitated. The limousine dropped them off in front of the mall, and Harriet treated Allison to a shopping spree. She instructed Allison to pick out whatever and as much as she liked, and Allison was giddily treating herself to Rolex watches, Gucci hand bags, and expensive stiletto heels. After Allison had gotten her fill of luxuries and was starting to slow down, Harriet suggested that she pick out some nice undergarments from Victoria's Secret.

  They walked around the store, and Harriet picked out a number of sexy, strappy, and lacy numbers that she thought would look hot on Allison. Then she accompanied her to a large dressing room to help give her opinions on the lingerie. It had been a long time since she had been out shopping with friends, but it was not unusual for Allison to head to the changing room with a gal pal, so she thought nothing of it.

  Allison decided to try on a strappy, modern red bra first. She liked the newer fashion styles and had never been much of a traditionalist. She liked bold cuts, bright colors, and cutting edge styles. However, with all the straps to get through, Allison was having a hard time getting the bra on. Embarassed and buzzed, Allison fiddled with the bra, too nervous to ask for help. Then, she felt Harriet's gentle, warm fingertips on her back.

  "Let me help you with that," Harriet told her, re-arranging the straps expertly, caressing Allison's body lightly as she did so. From behind, she cupped her hands around each of Allison's breasts and softly jiggled them into the cups of the bra before she did up the back closure. Allison checked out the bra in the mirror, feeling like she looked sexy and the coke buzz aiding her feelings of being a porn star or a runway model.

  She saw Harriet approach her again behind. She watched in the mirror as Harriet's hands caressed her breasts, whispering sweet nothings in her ear about how sexy and gorgeous Allison was. Embarrassed, Allison confessed she did not think much of her body after popping out three kids. Harriet nuzzled her neck and told her that was silly, she was gorgeous and her body was out of sight. She traced her fingers around Allison's prominent collar bone, and then moved her hands down Allison's body, drawing a line to her belly button. She told Allison how much of a turn on her body was and how hot it made her. She called Allison tight and toned, restoring the woman's confidence.

  As Harriet's fingered grazed Allison's hips, she felt overcome with a strong desire for Harriet to go further, to go lower and touch her pussy, which was becoming damp. But Harriet moved her hands back up to Allison's shoulders and gave them a slow but intense rub, helping to loosen any remaining tension in Allison's body. But Allison could take it no more, and she found herself removing her own panties, revealing her well-shaped legs and her moist little shaved pussy. Harriet raised an eyebrow, and Allison turned a deep red and stammered, "I- I- I'm sorry, I have no idea what I'm doing." Harriet shushed her and began to caress Allison's pussy, gently probing between her lips to feel the hot wet excitement inside.

  "That feels good," Allison whispered. Allison had not had sex in years. She could not even remember the last time Lester had made love to her. Her body was excited and ready, eating up all the attention it had been so desperately craving. Harriet slipped a finger inside of Allison's throbbing pussy, and Allison let out a low moan. "Mmmm, that is amazing. I don't know how long it has been since someone touched me down there," Allison confessed.

  Allison began to undress Harriet as she got fingered, eagerly unbuttoning the rich woman's shirt and revealing two pert breasts in a fancy black lace bra. Allison lifted one of Harriet's tits out of her bra and began sucking on the nipple greedily, like a babe hungry for milk. Harriet enjoyed the sensation, and responded by inserting another finger into Allison's pussy. Allison moaned on Harriet's tit, and she began to grind her legs together against Harriet's hand, overcome with passion and a feeling like she was going to have an orgasm.

  Harriet slowed her down a bit, gently putting a hand on one of Allison's hips and giving it a little squeeze to calm her down. Harriet took off her own skirt and underwear, and both women were in their bras and naked down below. Harriet had a well-groomed small tufted landing strip, and although Allison had never eaten a pussy before, she thought Harriet's looked absolutely scrumptious.

  There was not much space in the dressing room, however, and instead of letting Allison lick her pussy, Harriet brought Allison to her in a close embrace, their legs intertwined and their hot cunts touching each other's skin. They made out, wet and sloppy with a lot of tongue, as they grinded against each other's legs and fingered each other's clits playfully.

  It was not what Allison had expected from her first lesbian experience, but it still felt great and her horny, long neglected body was responding, humming with excitement. Before she knew it, she felt her vision clouding and she swooned, emitting a loud moan as she came hard. Harriet put one hand over Allison's mouth as she came, releasing years of sexual tension in a powerful, drawn out orgasm.

  After Allison came, Harriet fingered herself in front of Allison and the mirror until she brought herself to orgasm. Then she pulled out a large silk Versace handkerchief from her designer hand bag and wiped both of them off. To Allison's surprise, rather than taking back the handkerchief to be washed, Harriet threw it into the dressing room waste basket. Allison figured after all she had seen she shouldn't be surprised by that, but there was still something in her that felt alarmed seeing what must have been at least a hundred-dollar kerchief end up in the trash.

  Harriet and Allison got dressed, and then Harriet purchased all of the items that she and Allison had picked out at Victoria's Secret without even having Allison try the rest of them on.

  By the time they had finished their shopping mall adventure, Allison was as well-dressed as Harriet and fully accessorized. She looked like a living Barbie doll and she felt on top of the
world. They headed back to the limousine and were escorted to dinner at the finest restaurant in the region. Harriet had ordered them a special tasting menu and they dined together in privacy in a small back room reserved for only the most distinguished of guests. Allison tried a lot of different foods she had never seen before, let alone tasted, including expensive caviar, truffles, and raw seafood. She did not find all of it to taste delicious, but then again she really did not think the frequent fast food and boxes of mac and cheese and stale cereal that she and her family usually subsisted on was that good either. There was fine wine paired with each dish, and Allison liked that part the best. The strong taste of the wines helped wash away any lingering after taste from some of the more exotic dishes.

  After dinner, the limo took Allison and Harriet to the suburbs. Enjoying more cocaine and martinis during the ride, Allison suddenly found herself being let out of the limousine in front of an elegant six-bedroom home.

  "How do you like your new place?" Harriet asked her. Allison's jaw dropped. "It is temporary of course, but you and your children can live here for the next year. You will be safe and well cared for." Allison felt tears coming to her eyes. She was totally overwhelmed. She gave Harriet a big hug and thanked her for all of her kindness.

  Harriet suggested they tour the home. It was fully loaded. It had wide screen televisions in all the bedrooms, fancy showers and tubs with whimsical fixtures, a gigantic kitchen with a stocked pantry, and the décor was just gorgeous. Allison felt like she was living in a fantasy or on one of those television shows where they come in and make over a poor person's entire life. She was at a loss for words.

  As they toured the big house, Harriet frequently touched Allison on the arm or the shoulder, and casually played with her hair. When they were done with the tour, they sat down on a big overstuffed leather couch in the living area and Harriet told Allison, continuing to play with the silky strands of her long blonde hair, that she would like to spend more time with Allison during the next year while Allison lived in the house. "I just want to get to know you better, to keep track of where my money is going to of course, and also to be there in case you need someone to help you out or you get lonely," Harriet told her.


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