Lesbian Billionaire

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Lesbian Billionaire Page 31

by Olivia Hampshire

  "She tastes fine. Copious wetness, not too sticky, definitely not sour or smelly. A bit sweet, with a slight tang of saltiness or sweat. It's not the best pussy I have ever tasted, but it isn't half bad," Debbie said honestly.

  Patty laughed. "I wonder how her pussy compares to yours. Does that juice run in the family?" Patty asked. "I wouldn't know," Debbie told her. "I have never tried to eat out my own pussy."

  Patty had Debbie strip and lay down on the couch. She wanted to sample Debbie's pussy juices, and she wanted to teach Tia how to eat pussy as well. Patty was surprised, and more than a little bit ticked off, to see that Debbie was dry down under. "I guess you don't know how to have fun like your daughter," Patty said. "What a shame. The older they get the drier the pussy. I'm not like that though, but you will see in a moment." Then she grabbed Tia by the hair and put her face deep in Debbie's muff. "I want you to get your mom nice and wet, Tia. You probably don't have much experience doing this, but I will help instruct you." But Patty quickly realized that Tia needed no instruction at all. In fact, she seemed almost professional with how well she ate the pussy. Debbie was impressed as well, and she found herself dripping wet and about to cum in no time. Patty pushed Tia aside and brought Debbie to a gushing orgasm. She held all of Debbie's pussy juices in her mouth, and then she got on top of Debbie and kissed her deeply, spitting all the hot, warm juice into Debbie's mouth.

  "Now tell me, Debbie, how do you think your pussy juice compares to your daughter's?" Patty asked.

  Debbie took a second to catch her breath, then she answered curtly, "it tastes a little different." Patty harrumphed, and then she went to her big leather Birkin bag and pulled out a smaller, pink silk bag of toys.

  "I want you two to use this anal probe and vibrator and give me a great orgasm," Patty instructed, stripping naked. Her body had not held up as well as her hair and face. There was a certain droop to her tits and her stomach that only surgery could correct. Still, for being a granny she looked pretty rocking, that was undeniable. Her skin was in excellent shape, few wrinkles and no age spots or broken blood vessels. Her pussy was well trimmed, a bit worse for wear but nothing too bad. Her butt hole was wrinkly and a brownish pink. She bent over the couch and had Tia stick a long anal probe with a bulb head into her ass. "Ohh yea," she said as Tia plunged the probe in deep. Debbie brought over the vibrator, and applied it to Patty's swollen, overgrown clit.

  Within minutes, the old bag was spraying sticky, heavy, and honestly a bit smelly cum all over the couch. She completely destroyed the upholstery with her yellowish, copious old woman cum. Just another thing that Debbie would have to spend more money on.

  Chapter 8, Super Freak, Super Freak, Super Freaky

  Debbie called up Harriet the next day to let her know what happened. She told Harriet that Patty is for sure a super duper freak. "I don't know exactly what she is up to yet, but one thing is clear. She hires hot, talented young women who dress in revealing outfits and after offering them a nice big salary, she takes them out on a massive shopping spree. And I am not just talking about buying a bunch of clothes or drugs, I mean buying a huge house and a brand new luxury automobile and stuff like that. Basically locking these women into twenty plus years of debt. Something that is going on is super fishy, but honestly, I need more time to get my head around what is really going on. I think I have just scratched the surface here. If I am going to understand the full extent of the situation, I am going to need a little more time to dig deeper."

  Harriet told her to take all the time that she needed and to keep her abreast of the situation.

  Meanwhile, back at Patsy's house, drama was taking place. Lucille was there, and she was holding Patsy as Patsy cried and screamed like a wild animal. Patsy's mother was looking on from her wheelchair, a confused and bewildered expression on her face. Lucy did not know what to do or how to handle the situation, so she just held Patsy and kept saying "there, there, it's okay, shhhh" over and over again on repeat like she was rocking a little baby to sleep.

  All of these tears were the result of the fact that Jody was in her room, packing up her belongings so she could move into Patty Waters's house. Jody was handling the entire situation a lot better than her mother was. She was very stoic about it all, although she had a sort of glazed, brain washed look on her face. Patsy did not know it, but Jody had become addicted to painkillers that she stole from her grandmother's medicine cabinet. It was the only way she could cope with the whole situation. After she had been raped by Patty the first time, she started taking them. They kept her numb but she was not really functioning, she was just going through all of the motions. She could hear her mother wailing from the kitchen, but it did not really effect her. The sound waves made their way to her brain, but they produced no response. She knew that her mother was not a bad woman, that she had been tricked and now she was being black mailed, but it did not make the hurt any less. Luckily, she Jody could no longer feel that hurt. It was buried deep inside. She knew one day she would make it out of this mess, she would go to college and she would find a nice young man with a lot of cash and he would love her and spoil her and make everything sort of okay again. She would take her relationship with Patty Waters as a dark secret to her grave. But she would not let it defeat her. And unlike a lot of young women nowadays, she had great love and respect for both her mother and her aged grandmother, and she would never do anything that could jeopardize either of their well being.

  Patsy had no idea that Jody was taking medication to keep her head in the clouds, she just thought maybe Patty had not begun her brutal sexcapades with her daughter yet. She shuddered and moaned thinking of what was to come and what was in store for her daughter. Lucille was trying to calm her, but it was not really helping. Finally, Lucy gave Patsy the only advice she had to offer. "You need to call Austin Mclaughlin. I have his number. You need to call him and make him end this," Lucy said. Patsy resisted the suggestion. "What will that help? He is down in another country probably canoodling with a different woman each night. He isn't going to believe a word I have to say. It is just going to get me in more trouble."

  Lucy thought that Patsy had a good point, but she did not say that. She could not stand to see her friend and new lover in so much pain and she wanted to offer something to help. Even if it felt like she was just desperately clinging at straws, she would not tell Patsy that. She encouraged her to call, insisting that it was the only possible solution. Finally, Patsy agreed. Lucy put Austin's number in her phone, and Patsy made the call.

  Austin was irritated at first to hear another call from one of the news anchors at FNN, but this time it was from Patsy, a long time anchor, and not some new girl. He was inclined to take things a little more seriously, even if the woman on the other end of the phone was sobbing like a little kid. Austin listened to everything Patsy had to say, and then he ended the call with a disturbing promise. "I am very upset to hear all of these allegations, and I will speak with Patty myself first thing tomorrow morning," Austin said. And then he hung up.

  Chapter 9, Ding Dong, Not Avon

  Early the next morning, Patsy was awoken by the sound of her doorbell ringing over and over and over again. She looked outside of her window and she saw Patty's BMW parked in her driveway. She felt a huge lump growing in her throat and her stomach was filled with infinite butterflies. She drew the curtain and wanted to go back to bed, crawl under her covers, and hide for the rest of the day, but she could not ignore the incessant ringing of the doorbell, and she knew even with her bad hearing it was bound to disturb her poor mother.

  Patsy put on a silk bathrobe over her pajamas and a pair of slippers and walked downstairs to answer the door. She was swarmed with fear, it was creeping over every single piece of her flesh. Her legs felt heavy and it was like she was walking through molasses. When she opened up her heavy wooden front door, she was greeted by the very angry face of Patty Waters. Patty's usually beautiful, young looking face was twisted into a witch's mask. It looked haggard and o
ld. But also full of rage.

  "You are fired, you stupid bitch!" Patty exploded, spraying Patsy's face with hot spittle as she did so. "See how you are going to survive now! You have no money, your mother is due for a surgery you no longer can afford, you won't be able to make your house or your car payments. You are screwed." Patty was cackling like a witch. Patsy was too dumbfounded to really say anything at all, but she did not need to. Patty had planned on doing all the talking.

  "By the way, Jody is no longer welcome in the Young Swans. And as for her college tuition, she is going to have to look elsewhere. Good luck getting her into a college anyway. The most she can hope for now is a community college."

  With that, Patty slammed the door and left Patsy reeling.

  Chapter 10, The Weather Girl

  Debbie was in a glittery red dress that was extremely low cut, to the point she thought her tits would pop out every time she moved her arm, and a pair of matching high heels. She had an elegant gold necklace on, and her hair and makeup looked great thanks to the assistance of the studio technicians. She was recording her daily weather report for the 6 p.m. evening news spot. Today she was reporting on a heavy rain shower that was going to be interrupting weekend golf plans for much of Atlanta's denizens that weekend. Tia was watching her mother broadcast, thinking maybe she would have a shot of breaking into the industry. Heck, if this crazy redhead bitch could do it, why couldn't she? She had brought herself up from a nothing from a broken home filled with water bugs and with a meth smoking teen mom and an absent father to making good money on the street sucking dick. How hard could it be to report the weather? It was the same thing—all about selling tits and ass.

  After Debbie's broadcast was declared a wrap, Patty approached her to tell her how wonderful she was. "You are a fantastic weather report girl, Debbie. So charming and intriguing. You have really captivated the attention of a lot of male viewers. Keep up the good work, hon!" Then Patty noticed Tia in the corner. "And you have brought your daughter here to observe. Marvelous! She is a real beauty as well, I can see a great future for her in this industry," she said. Tia glowed with excitement.

  Patty invited the two of them back to her office. She said that she had a proposition for them. Tia was excited, thinking she was about to get an offer to be the new weather girl in training. But when they got back to Patty's office, she discovered that Patty had something a little different in mind.

  "I have great news for you, Debbie. I recently got a call from a very important political figure. It was from Senator Robert E. Lee, Jr., and he called to tell me how much he loves you as a weather girl. He has become a huge fan of Fact News Network ever since you began your broadcast, and now he watches it all the time. It seems his admiration goes beyond merely liking your meteorology skills. You might say that he has developed a bit of a crush on you. He is a very powerful man, and he is someone that I would like to have on my side. And I think you would find that there are a whole lot of unexpected benefits that arise when you befriend a senator. Your life could really be boosted by kindling a relationship with Senator Lee. And he has already requested that you could please join him for dinner sometime soon at one of his mansions. How amazing is that?" Patty told Debbie.

  Debbie agreed that it was amazing that after only a week on air she already had such prominent fans. "I must be doing a great job delivering the weather," she smiled.

  "Yes, yes, of course, sweetheart," Patty grinned. "There is more to this story, though. I told him what a lovely daughter you have, an aspiring member of the Young Swans, no less. He loves to meet up and coming youth. I suggested that perhaps you could make dinner at his mansion a family affair." Patty was smiling now from ear to ear, a sort of evil, horny smile. Perhaps she was remembering her own family escapades with Debbie and Tia.

  Debbie paused to think for a moment, and then she asked Patty what would happen if she and Tia decided that they really were not interested in having dinner with the senator.

  Patty's smirk quickly turned to a dark frown. Her face had a look that said, "you don't want to mess with me." She cleared her throat, and then she asked Debbie whether or not she liked her new house, her new car, and the wonderful private school for Tia. Debbie told her that yes, she liked all of these things. "Well," Patty continued, "I don't think that there is any way that you could afford all of that nice stuff without continuing to work as a weather report girl for the station. I'm afraid that a no to dinner with the senator would mean that I need to begin a search for your replacement. And trust me, there are plenty of young woman in the Atlanta area who would kill to take your place. I'm not asking you to kill anyone, darling. Do you understand?"

  Debbie told Patty that she understood just fine and she would be happy to take Tia over to the senator's house whenever it was most convenient for him.

  "Bravo," Patty clapped. And she dismissed the two women from her office.

  Walking the hallway back to Debbie's car, Tia was giving her a hard time. "Dang, now I have to fuck some old dude? I already fucked an old chick. This is going way above and beyond me acting like your daughter. What are you, my pimp now? I'm going to need a lot of money to do this whole senator job," Tia was whining.

  Before Debbie could reply, she ran smack into Lucille Gill. Although Debbie had a working relationship with Lucille, having crossed paths with her while shooting her weather segment, she had never had a chance to strike up a conversation with the woman. Right now, Lucille was looking quite anxious and depressed, and Debbie introduced herself and asked her what was wrong. Shaking Debbie's hand, Lucille requested Debbie call her Lucy, and she explained that she was just feeling a bit distressed after finding out that the afternoon news anchor, Patsy Sharp, had been fired from the network.

  "Oh my," Debbie said. "What did she get fired for?" Lucy went off, rambling the whole story to Debbie and Tia. About how Patsy was basically forced to sell her own daughter into prostitution so she could keep up with her house and car payments and even more importantly take care of her sick mother. "It's just a tragedy," Lucy said, sadness permeating her every word. Debbie agreed. It was just wrong. "Do you know if this has happened to any other women at the network?" Debbie asked. Lucy shook her head no. As far as she knew, Patsy was the only one. Lucy did not have her own daughter, and she had not gotten far enough in debt to become one of Patty's slaves yet, so she really thought that this was just a random attack on Patsy.

  "This is really serious stuff," Debbie said. "I wonder if you have time right now to take me and my daughter Tia over to Patsy's house. I would like to speak with her if you think she is up for it."

  Lucy agreed, and Debbie followed her over to Patsy's house.

  When Patsy answered the door, Debbie was shocked by what she saw. The woman was falling apart. Her hair was a disheveled bird's nest, her face was streaked with mascara and red tear stains, her eyes were puffy, and she seemed to have been biting her lip so bad that she had formed a large wheal. Despite her bedraggled appearance, Lucy gave her a big hug and a kiss on the cheek, not wanting to irritate Patsy's sore lip.

  Lucy introduced Patsy to Debbie and Tia, and Patsy welcomed them into her home. They sat down in the living room, and Patsy described what had been going on in her life. She confessed that she had been having sex with Patty Waters for years. It was what she had to do. She had gotten entangled very early on in the purchase of a house way above what she could afford, a brand new car, and all sorts of luxury items from skin products and perfume to thousand dollar shoes. Things had seemed fun and okay at first, and then suddenly it all spun out of control. When Patsy's mom became devastatingly ill, the medical bills piled up on top of everything else, and it became too much to handle. On top of that, her daughter Jody's schooling seemed to get more and more expensive each year. She was in over her head, and if she was fired she would be beyond screwed. So she did everything Patty asked of her. She pleasured Patty, but more than that she was hired out by her to have sex with all sorts of well to do people in Atlan
ta, from mayors to senators, owners of the major sports teams, the head of the Women's League of Voters, and many more. It had been going on for so long, Patsy could not even remember how many dozens of big names she had screwed for Patty's personal gain.

  She told Debbie that for the longest time, for many years in fact, she had thought she was the only one in the situation. She was deeply ashamed of her massive debt, and she was also sorry about all the sexual favors she had given out so casually. There was no way she would have brought it up with any of the other women at the network, all of whom seemed so composed and professional.

  It was only recently, when the weather woman that Debbie was replacing had been let go, that Patsy found out she was not alone. The old weather report girl had three beautiful daughters of her own, all of whom had been initiated into the Young Swans at a young age and grew up living the rich life. It turns out that Patty Waters was pimping out all three of her daughters from the age of twelve. They only managed to escape when they went to out of state colleges, and even then Patty probably had some control over them. And of course Patty had pimped out the weather woman too. She had been married, but her husband had left her pretty soon after she was hired by Patty, when he discovered that she had slept with a wealthy night club owner. Eventually, the weather woman got fed up with all of Patty's request and the demeaning of her own body, and she decided to file for bankruptcy and try to build her life up from scratch. When she found out that Patsy had been fired, she called her up and shared her own sad story, trying to provide encouragement.

  Debbie gave Patsy a hug and thanked her for her bravery in sharing her story. She told Lucy and Patsy that she had been doing her own research on the Fact News Network, and that this sort of exploitation had been going on for decades, basically since Austin Mclaughlin handed over the reigns to Patty and moved to Latin America, and there was no sign of it stopping on its own. Patty Waters had exploited nearly every single on air member of the FNN team. Debbie had also discovered, thanks to some help from Tia, that the Young Swans was nothing more than a very well to do child prostitution ring. Sure, the girls got to go to college and eventually marry some rich dude to whom they would basically serve as personal prostitutes, but until then they were just underage, sophisticated Atlanta girls for rent.


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