Lesbian Billionaire

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Lesbian Billionaire Page 44

by Olivia Hampshire

  Chapter 6, Just Doing My Job

  Gail's moist mound between her legs was tight and succulent. Lyndsey had never tasted anything so sweet and she was starting to be grateful to Daniel for setting this little tryst up for her. She was not sure that Gail ever would have done something like this just for the fun of it, but she was sure as hell enjoying herself now as she wrapped her legs tightly around Lyndsey's head, drawing her tighter and tighter into her.

  Lyndsey's tongue was getting sore, but the sweet juices were flowing into her mouth with such ferocity that she did not dare stop to even try to catch her breath. Gail was perfectly smooth and shaved; her slit was so beautiful. It reminded Lyndsey of a beautiful butterfly on the outside of a juicy peach.

  Gail's moans were loud and uncontrolled. She was lying back on the bed in Daniel's lavish bedroom, her hands tied to the bedposts. Her body was writhing and moving as she tried to squirm away from the amazing sensations that Lyndsey was introducing to her. She knew that Gail would love the touch of a woman. In fact she was enjoying it so much that she might never go back.

  Lyndsey felt Gail's body convulsing as she climaxed repeatedly on her face, spilling loads of juice into her mouth. She lapped it up like a dog; it was so addictive. She had never really had someone who tasted as good as Gail did. There was something so pure and exquisite about her. She pressed her face harder as if trying to go deeper for it.

  "Yes, that is it. Lick every last drop of her," Daniel said from the corner of the room. He was in a darkened corner, nothing visible of his body except for what was lit of his cigarette.

  Lyndsey did not have to be told to do this. The idea of this scumbag watching her give such pleasure to this amazing woman was a huge turn on and Lyndsey could not keep her own hands from fingering herself. Her own climax was going to be triggered any moment now. She could feel it rising as Gail bucked her hips and spilled more and more of her sweetness into her, the juices were running down the sides of her mouth and chin. Lyndsey tried to lap up every last drop, but there was just too much flowing.

  Lyndsey could not take it anymore she had to have some retaliation. She jerked her head free from Gail's vice like grip and hovered her own crotch directly over her mouth. She paused a moment allowing Gail to take in the scent as she lowered herself onto the hot mouth below her.

  Gail's tongue was inside of her instantly probing and searching for every single hot spot she could find. Lyndsey was amazed at the enthusiasm and the talent of the newcomer. Her tongue was long and strong. It probed against her front wall flicking the secret spot.

  Lyndsey felt her body begin the journey to climax, every muscle was tight and strained. She was so ready. She wanted to make it last longer, but she just did not have that much fight left in her. Within two minutes she was gushing all over Gail's face. Her whole body shuddered as she crammed Gail's face and tongue deeper into her honey, humping hard against the novice's face.

  Gail did not back down one bit, much to Lyndsey's delightful surprise. As the she collapsed on top of Gail, she held her close. She loved the sweat dripping of this angel's' body and she rubbed her face against it mingling her own.

  Daniel clapped his approval.

  "That was beautiful ladies," Daniel said. "Just beautiful."

  He stood up, walking over to the bed and tossed Lyndsey a towel. He sat down on the edge of the bed, taking a few drags off his cigarette.

  "Now, how can we take these girl's down?" Daniel asked.

  Chapter 7, Greeting the Morning

  Maggie kissed Sophia sweetly to greet the morning. It had been a fun filled and exhausting night, but soon they would have to get up and face the day. She didn't know how they had managed to party so hard two days in a row, but the excitement of the changes happening in their lives was just too much to contain any other way. The celebration had to continue. But Maggie was not sure she could endure one more night of this. She was voting that tonight they all relax and watch some Netflix. Maybe order some pizza. That sounded just like the perfect evening to her right there.

  "I love you," Sophia said as their lips parted.

  "I love you, too."

  "Hey, what about me?" Sherry asked stirring in between them in the king sized bed.

  "I love you two," Maggie said kissing Sherry on the mouth sweetly. Sherry tried to slip a bit of tongue in there, as was her way which Maggie happily accepted. She felt herself getting a bit wet, but there was not time for any extra fun. Besides she was beat and just the thought of getting out of bed or moving at all for that matter was filling her with a sense of dread and making her much more tired than she wanted to be right now.

  "God damn, your bodies are perfect," Sophia said as she admired the two naked women in her bed.

  Maggie smiled. She loved it when Sophia threw out random compliments like that. It always made her feel so special and loved. She wrapped her arms around Sophia and held her close as Sherry did the same.

  "Well, mine won't be if I keep going on this alcohol and junk food binge like I have been," Sherry said.

  "What? Your body is perfect. I'm the one who needs to go the gym, but I just don't have the time today," Maggie said.

  Sophia reached out and grabbed a handful of Maggie's huge, fat breasts. They were DD's and she had always been proud of them, but sometimes Maggie felt that they were too big and that no one could pay attention to anything else about her.

  "You gain fat in all the right places, sweetie," Sophia said.

  The three girls spent another ten minutes in bed and rolled into a nice morning shower together. The three of them usually showered together every morning. It was a great way to bond and it was so sexy. Plus it saved time so that they didn't spend a half hour in bed screwing and then have to take turns showering. This way they were able to kill two birds with one stone. It was the only way to start the day as far as Maggie was concerned.

  After a shower the three ladies fixed a healthy breakfast of eggs, toast, sausage, bacon, and lots of coffee. Maggie could not turn on her work brain without her coffee. And since she rarely ate lunch she had to power up with good protein in the morning.

  When they arrived at work the ladies said goodbye to each other and headed to their own respective offices. Maggie was still getting used to hers, and settling into her new routine. Being a partner was amazing. She no longer had to mess with or worry about the boring crap that came across her desk constantly as an associate. She could concentrate on actually helping to run the firm. She had to pinch herself at times to remind herself that this was really happening sometimes. She had worked her whole life to get here and now that it was actually there it felt like it wasn't real. It couldn't be, could it?

  The morning was going by perfectly fine until the entire world came crashing down on her shoulders out of nowhere.

  It was a little past eleven when Daniel Fitzpatrick called her to the conference room. He did not say what for and his tone sounded strange. He always spoke with that weird monotone so it was always hard to get a strong read on him, but there was something else there this morning that just felt off.

  When Maggie arrived she was surprised to see several of the senior partners and associates there, as well as Sherry and Sophia. Her girls looked a bit scared. That was not a look she was used to seeing on their beautiful faces and she found herself gulping as she was instructed to have a seat.

  She looked around at the other's trying to get a read on what was going on. She could get nothing but she could tell instantly that this was really serious. There was something bad about to go down.

  Daniel finally spoke after a moment.

  "Ladies, there is no easy way to say this, but we have discovered several discrepancies about your methods of work."

  Maggie was not sure what he was talking about. She wanted to ask him what he meant, but he was continuing on anyway. It felt like the sort of thing where they were supposed to listen and they might get their chance to speak later.

  "Basically we know the three of y
ou obtained your recent convictions through unscrupulous means. Maggie, it has been discovered that you were hired and paid by another party to ensure that your client would settle out of court and that they paid you well for these deeds."

  "That is not—" Maggie began.

  "Silence! You will listen. You are not in a position to argue here," Daniel said slamming his fist on the table.

  "Now, Sherry it was discovered that you tampered with evidence which later became inadmissible and was blamed on the police department as negligence on their part," Daniel continued.

  Maggie felt like someone had just punched her in the gut. She could not breathe and she truly felt like her entire world was being ripped out of her hands. How was this possible? How had everything just suddenly gone so wrong? It was not right. This had to be some sort of cruel joke.

  "And finally, Sophia. It was discovered that you manipulated some of the books and records on the tax reports that led to your client settling out of court. You will be lucky if you don't go to prison. You three ladies are fired and disbarred effective immediately. I hope it was all worth it to get your little rays of sunshine. Clear out your desks immediately. You will be escorted out of the building."

  "Wait, Daniel. There is a mistake! This is outrageous!" Sherry said.

  "Save it. You ladies are history. Now get out of here and try to save some dignity. You are finished."

  With that Daniel and the others began walking out of the room until all that was left were Maggie and her girls and two burly security guards. They gestured for the women to head out of the office.

  It all seemed like it was moving by in slow motion as Maggie packed up all of her things from her office. She had worked her whole life to get here, only to have it taken away in the blink of an eye for something she did not do. She knew that Sherry and Sophia were innocent too. This was outrageous. The three of them were effectively disbarred and all of them could face criminal charges. Especially, Sherry. If it was discovered that she tampered with evidence in a federal drug case then she would be in prison for sure.

  What were they going to do?

  None of the ladies said anything as they walked the walk of shame out of the building with their boxes as the security guards followed them all the way outside.

  After they were out the security guards walked back inside closing the electronic doors behind them. Their own keys had been deactivated.

  Outside the building waiting was a police car with two officers standing beside it. Without a word they began to escort Sherry to the car, placing her in the back seat. She was now in police custody. Maggie and Sophia are both in shock as they are watching the woman they love being taken away from them. They can't believe that she is being carted off like some common street criminal that quickly.

  As the cops got close to the car Maggie could hear them reading Sherry her rights. They were gone within moments.

  Maggie and Sophia held each other and cried. What were they going to do? What the hell were they going to do?

  The next day Maggie heard from a paralegal friend of hers that Lyndsey and Gail were both given full partnerships, effectively replacing two of them.

  Maggie could not believe it. It was just adding fuel to the fire of chaos that was streaming down on them now.

  Chapter 8, How Did That Happen?

  Maggie and Sophia were hanging out in the trendiest gay bar in NY called True Colors. They had not been there in a while and it was always a place of such fun energy that they were hoping it might lift their spirits a bit as they tried to decide on the best course of action to take.

  It had been almost a month since they had been escorted out of their place of work. It was the place that had been a second home for them where they had nurtured their blossoming careers and made some great friendships. But then they had been just casually tossed out like gutter trash. It boggled the mind in ways that made no sense.

  And they had just come from Sherry's trial where she had been sentenced to two years in prison. They'd hired the best lawyer they could afford, but most of the best attorneys were afraid to touch their cases because of the power and influence that Fitzpatrick Dutton held in the city. They were the most powerful firm around and you just did not want to end up on their bad side. At best it would cost you your legal career. At worst it would cost you years of your life spent behind bars.

  Maggie and Sophia just did not feel like spending the evening at home. Maggie knew that they would end up crying in each other's arms all night as they had done since their beloved Sherry had been taken away from them. Seeing her in jail behind the glass in that shitty jumpsuit talking to her on that stupid little phone on the wall was enough to make Maggie and Sophia dream of taking a leap together. How were they going to survive two years without their angel? It just felt like a crucial part of their souls were missing. Maggie knew that Sophia felt exactly the same way that she did.

  "I have replayed it all in my head over and over and I just can't see how it happened. Our cases were air tight and I know that none of us were involved in any kind of underhanded deception," Maggie said.

  "There is something we are missing. There is something there that has been twisted by the system or misread…" Sophia began. It was clear that she was frustrated and grasping at straws. They had both spent weeks using their insightful legal minds to try to navigate through all of the murk that had been drudged up to make them look guilty.

  Maggie's head hurt just to think about it. She looked around the room and felt guilty as she admired all of the beautiful women in the club. Many of them were checking her and Sophia out. She knew that Sherry would be flirting with all of them. She was that way. And they never had to worry about Sherry actually cheating on them. She was a harmless flirt. Although, there had been several times when she was really interested in a new playmate, but she always checked with Maggie and Sophia to make sure they were ok with it and then they always played with their new friend together. That was the rule that they had established from the beginning. They were all open to exploring fun and sexual physical expressions, but only if they did it together and they were all on board.

  None of them would have gone home with someone and slept with them without ever mentioning it to the other two. Maggie felt like it was the sweetest and most open arrangement she had ever dreamed of. It worked and it worked beautifully.

  Sophia was not herself at all. She had been drinking and doing drugs every single day to the max. Maggie had tried to tell her to lay off it a bit because it was not really solving any of her problems, but Sophia did not care. She was not mean or bitchy about it. She would just laugh it off and say that she was fine. It was an unspoken rule that this was the way that she was choosing to deal with everything. Maggie realized that she was doing the same thing, just not to the extreme that Sophia was. But Sophia had always been a more adventurous and extreme person than she was. She had to admit that the drugs and the drinking had helped them get through it. She knew that it was destructive behavior and in the end it would come to nothing but sadness and chaos in their lives, but she just didn't care right then. She was going to do what made sense and what made sense was insane amounts of partying and sex.

  The sex felt odd without their Sherry being there. But it was still nice. It was a way that the two of them could make each other feel good when they were both on the brink of tears, which was almost every day. Sherry said that she was doing well in jail, but they could both see that she had lost some weight and that her curves were not as pronounced as before. Maggie could see that her breasts were a bit smaller than normal. And she looked very scared.

  "I just can't bear to hardly visit Sherry in jail anymore, and now we have to actually go to the prison. That is going to be so much worse," Sophia said with tears streaming out of her pretty eyes.

  "It will be ok. Sherry is strong. She is a fighter. She will survive until we figure out a way to get her out of there," Maggie said taking Sophia's hand in hers. She heard the words coming out
of her mouth and she really meant them, but she was not sure that she believed them anymore. She knew that Sherry was tough and that she would never want them to know how scared she was. She was tough and she could handle herself, but in prison when you are all alone it was a different story.

  Sherry was not like the people she was in jail with. She was not in some white collar prison; she was in medium security for a drug crime. There were a lot of bad bitches in that place and they would love to tear into a sexy siren like Sherry. Maggie hated to think of such things, but these thoughts kept popping up in the back of her mind. No matter how much drugs she did or how much she drank the thoughts would just not stop.

  She tried to hold back the tears, but they refused to be pushed back. She could not let Sophia see her cry like this. It would set her off on her own crying spell. The two of them would have been given a lot of odd looks in the most fun gay club in all of New York crying their eyes out.

  Maggie gulped her beer in one long swig and decided that the next time the waitress came close she had to order something a lot stronger. She'd ordered beer because she was thirsty, but she was now in need of some serious liquor. Maybe she would order a rum and coke. That might do the trick if the bitch gave her a double. She could easily chug down that and maybe she could sprinkle some coke in it so that no one could see.

  The irony that Sherry was in prison for a drug crime that she had nothing to do with while Maggie and Sophia were doing coke every single day for the past few weeks was not lost on her. She almost laughed through the pain as she thought of it.

  "What the hell happened?" Sophia asked again. "I just keep asking myself."

  "Sounds like a damn good set up job."

  The voice came from the table behind them. Maggie and Sophia were not even aware that someone was sitting there.

  Maggie turned her head to see a tall, athletic but slender woman sitting there. She was as pretty as a model and built like a female volleyball player. Her clothes were stylish and sexy with a cowgirl hat on to top it all off. She looked like a sexy bounty hunter right out of a lesbian porn film.


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