Lesbian Billionaire

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Lesbian Billionaire Page 49

by Olivia Hampshire

  Chapter 8, Sun, Sand and Sex

  The next day, Beatrice woke up and went back to the massive intelligence room. She was greeted with good news from Penelope, who told Beatrice that they had been able to track down Susan’s location. They had discovered her at a place called the Hotel of Nymphos, just outside of Barcelona, Spain.

  Beatrice had never heard of any place called the Hotel of Nymphos, but Harriet told her that she knew the hotel well, and it was actually very famous in the European lesbian world. It was run by two beautiful nymphomaniacs, and all of the staff was there to answer to the sexual needs of the hotel guests. It was a very expensive, luxury resort, and a lot of bigwigs hung out there, enjoying the sun, sand, and sex.

  Debbie told Beatrice that she would accompany her on a trip to the Hotel of Nymphos. Susan might be in danger, so it was necessary for Debbie to consider the situation high risk, and proceed with caution.

  Harriet wished the two women the best of luck, and saw them off on the private jet to Barcelona.

  When they arrived, they were dismayed to discover that Susan was no longer on the premises. The owners of the hotel told her that they had seen a woman matching Susan’s description, but she seemed to be on a lot of drugs. She had stayed one night, and then left with the people she came with.

  Chapter 9, A Bit Disoriented

  Grace and Claudia, the two sexy and beautiful owners of the Hotel of Nymphos, invited Debbie and Beatrice to come into a back room and sit down and talk things over. A hotel staff member brought two glasses of water, and Grace asked the women if they wanted to drink something stronger. Beatrice shook her head no, but Debbie requested a gin and tonic. A few moments later, the staff member returned with Debbie’s drink, and then she left the room, closing the door quietly behind her.

  Once they were alone, Claudia began by explaining to the two women that running a hotel was a serious and sensitive business. There was a certain “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy that governs hotel life. People pay good money, they check in, and they are given the privacy to do what they want. The only time the hotel managers really get involved is if there is a problem involving one of their hotel staff, or if the police or the FBI become involved.

  They informed Beatrice that when they saw Susan she seemed a bit disoriented, like she was on some sort of powerful sedative, but she never called out for help or made any sort of gesture that she was in danger. There is a lot of drug use that goes on at a hotel, by its very nature, and it was not their duty to pry. She had come in with a group of women dressed in suits, they seemed to be professionals of some sort. Body guards perhaps, or some sort of spy agents. All of them had checked into one room, and they left early the next morning. They never made any sort of requests or spent any time in the hotel’s bars or strip club. Whatever it was they were up to, it was private and they did it in their own room without creating any sort of disturbance. Susan had not spoken a word to anyone the whole time she was at the hotel.

  Grace apologized for not being able to provide more information, but that was all they had. She told Beatrice that she was lucky they even remembered seeing Susan, because they saw so many different people from all different business and walks of life every day, not to mention all sorts of hot bitches and models and celebrities. It was unusual they would remember a simple scientist. The only thing that had caught their attention was the gaggle of women in suits that had accompanied her.

  Beatrice felt disappointed, but she thanked the two women. Debbie, however, was unwilling to give up so easily. She provided them with more information about Susan, especially about her subversive work at Chell Oil, and pressed the two hotel owners for more information, possible leads, where they could go from here. Claudia shrugged her shoulders, implying she had nothing else to offer, and she lit a cigarette. Grace, however, thought for a moment, and then she responded. She told Debbie that they were acquainted with a small group of gay men, only half a dozen, that were part of a secret Black Ops prison that ran out of Greece. The Black Ops prison was a luxury facility, and it catered primarily to political prisoners and other people that governments, corporations, and extremely wealthy individuals consider to be dangerous to their own specific interests.

  Although Grace did not know whether Chell Oil ever made use of the facility, she felt that if Susan was indeed being held prisoner as a result of being a threat to Chell Oil, the leader of this group of gay guys, a man by the name of Captain George Quick, would surely know something about her. Grace had some information about how to get into contact with George Quick, but unfortunately it was a very complicated, special, tricky directions that one had to follow in order to get access to him in the Black Ops prison, which was located on a small, private Greek island.

  Grace told Debbie that she would be happy to give her directions to the island, but she suggested that both she and Beatrice take a day to rest up at the Hotel of Nymphos. Claudia put a hand on Beatrice’s shoulder and told her the mission was far too dangerous for her to be part of, but she could stay in the hotel until Debbie got back. She led Beatrice to a room, which was super fancy with a big comfortable California king bed and a whirlpool hot tub in the room. The carpet was plush and the walls were decorated with tasteful wallpaper. Everything was very clean. Claudia gave Beatrice a quick run down of the hotel and how it worked and the amenities it had, and then she left her room and went to join Grace for some time alone with the beautiful Debbie Brown.

  It was rare that these two beautiful nymphos had such a sexy and cool guest as international super spy Debbie Brown, and who knew if she would ever make it back from this new mission alive. They wanted to be sure to spend some time enjoying her, and helping her get nice and relaxed before she embarked on a very dangerous mission.

  Chapter 10, Word

  The next day, Debbie left feeling refreshed. She boarded Harriet’s private jet with a special cell phone that was a direct line to Claudia and Grace. Grace was going to be giving Debbie the special directions to the Black Ops prison. There were many sophisticated hoops and hurdles to get to the island. The first thing Debbie needed to do was take the jet to Italy. In Italy, she landed in Milan, and she needed to track down a wise old woman named Clemenzia who had a special code word. This code word would be necessary to get access to a special caravan train that would take her to Albania.

  Debbie put her people skills to work, walking around the city’s gay bars and asking about an old woman, presumably a relative of one of these Black Ops prison guys, who would be able to help her gain passage to their secret island. She got a good taste of the Italian gay club scene, and she discovered the importance of saunas to the gay men there. There was an abundance of good looking men, and in addition to being hot, they loved their fitness and tanning. Debbie discovered that Clemenzia was the proprietor of one of the most popular gay saunas for bears and older men, a place called Felix Sauna. She had long since passed the reigns over to her youngest son, Antonio, but she was famous for her open endorsement of gay culture, and her five gay children.

  Felix Sauna was now one of the most popular places for gay men, both Italian and tourists, to go and cruise through wet and dry sauna rooms for hairy bear meat. Clemenzia was still frequently found sitting by the front desk of the sauna, checking visitor membership cards and smoking cigarettes, and drinking Campari mixed with mineral water as she checks out the tourists’ asses, often making lewd comments in Italian.

  Debbie met up with her at the front entrance to the sauna, she was talking up a storm about why there was some dumb redhead standing in the lobby of her sauna, doesn’t she know it is going to scare away the customers. The young man who was working the front desk with her looked baffled about what to do, and Debbie suspected he did not speak much English. Luckily, part of her spy training was in world languages, and Debbie was able to speak Italian quite well.

  She calmed the woman down and told her she was only looking for information, and requested that perhaps they could talk in a back room. C
lemenzia nodded and led her with a wrinkled hand to a small closet like room in the back of the front office. She still seemed irritated, perhaps upset about being taken away from the chance to sneak a glimpse at some hot young gay ass for even a few minutes.

  Debbie politely apologized for taking up her time, and then inquired as to whether she knew anything about a group of men operating out of a private facility in the Greek isles. Clemenzia feigned ignorance, but Debbie had been in the business long enough to plainly see that she was lying, and she continued to press the woman for details. She promised that no one was going to get hurt or in trouble, but she needed to enlist the help of some very powerful forces to help save a young woman.

  “What do I care for a young woman?” Clemenzia asked her, cruelly. Debbie knew this mother of five sons would have a hard time appreciating feminine grace and the beauty of lesbian love. She was too far gone into butt sex and semen fantasies to think much of what Debbie was speaking of, so she had to appeal to Clemenzia’s own childhood and the notion of best friends. Susan and Beatrice were not just lovers, Debbie explained, they were also best friends, and that made them soul mates. It was a powerful bond not to be taken lightly. “Besides,” Debbie told her, “it is classified but this Susan is supposedly a sort of Leonardo da Vinci type. It would be a shame to let her waste away on some island instead of sharing her gifts with the world.”

  Clemenzia seemed to understand, and she gave Debbie a secret password and told her where to go to board a special train that went directly to Albania. Debbie boarded the train at eight p.m. that night and when she woke up the next day they were approaching Albania. Albania was a country that Debbie had never been to or even heard much about, and she was surprised to find that it was full of ancient castles and scenic landscape. The country had a primarily Mediterranean climate, and the air smelled beautiful.

  Debbie had been instructed to ask for a man named Adnan when she got off of the train. She found him hanging around the depot, wearing dirty, loose fitting clothing and smoking lots of cigarettes. There were butts littered all over the ground that he kept grinding out with the heel of his shoe in a sort of nervous tic. Debbie told him that she had been sent to him by a woman named Clemenzia, and he raised one eyebrow in interest. He spoke decent English, which was good, because Debbie did not know a lick of Albanian.

  “Off to see them butt pirates,” he laughed at her. Debbie pretended like she did not hear him. “Eh, whatever,” he conceded. “They are good guys. I am sure you have some important business and they are some of the best, but hey, that island is very difficult to get to and no one even knows the last steps of the journey. I can sail you down to the island of Kefalonia, off the Western coast of Greece, but I don’t know anything from there.” Debbie did not mind. She was sure Grace knew the rest of the way, and she would call her from Kefalonia.

  Debbie endured a cigarette filled boat ride to the island of Kefalonia. She had to listen to a lot of boring stories told by Adnan, as well as him hitting on her and trying to grab an ass cheek or a tit several times. Debbie finally had to show some teeth, growling at him and revealing a knife she had holstered to her ankle. “I’m not afraid to kill you,” she told Adnan, seriously. That put an end to his shenanigans.

  When Debbie arrived in Kefalonia, she bid goodbye to Adnan and called up Grace. Grace was amazed Debbie had made it so far and so quick. “You really are a super spy, huh?” Grace laughed, as if it was the funniest thing in the world. She told her that from Kefalonia she would need to swim her way to a small island. It was a fairly long swim, several hours, but she hoped Debbie was up to the task. Debbie would need to approach the island from the east side, where there was no infrastructure, so as to be able to get into the prison compound unseen. Grace told her that she should see an abandoned mine on the coast of the island, and that was her target destination.

  Debbie decided to swim from the famous Myrtos beach, a beautiful crystal blue ocean paradise. The water was clear, but Debbie had to admit that in all honesty she was scared. This was going to be a long swim all alone in the ocean without any gear or any assistants to spot her. What if a shark just came and ate her up? What if she got too tired and she could not swim any longer and she just sank like a rock to the bottom of the sea? The possibilities for failure were endless, but Debbie could not dwell on them for long. There was a young female genius that needed to be saved and Debbie was the only woman in the whole world that was up for the task.

  Luckily, the ocean was calm and the swim was long but gentle. No signs of sharks anywhere, although she did see a pod of playful dolphins that swam alongside her for some time before diving deep and swimming off to somewhere distant.

  Finally, Debbie found herself on the last leg of the mission. She disembarked by an abandoned mine. There were red painted boards everywhere trying to block off the entrance to the mine shaft, but Grace instructed her to go inside anyway. Debbie crawled inside of the abandoned mine cave and she walked along, feeling around with her hands until her eyes adjusted to the dark. Finally, she stumbled upon an old underground tunnel car. Grace instructed her to hop in and go for a ride, and then hung up the phone.

  Debbie did as instructed, and she was taken for a wild, dark ride through the unknown.

  Chapter 11, The Hidden Secrets

  On the island of Skyros, in Greece, was the Black Ops super secret special prison, location #85. This prison had been set up by the CIA in conjunction with the world’s most wealthy countries and the most wealthy families and individuals in order to protect their interests. It was a secret prison where individuals who threatened the investments of the powerful could be sent to live out the rest of their lives powerless and alone. The prisoners held at this “Blacksite” were all peaceful individuals. They had set upon new ideas or inventions that would free the working population, the slave labor, and the intelligentsia that were forced to feed big corporations and powerful individuals with new information that could fuel their international vacuum of greed. None of them were intentional freedom fighters, often they were apolitical. But they were smart, and they had hit upon big ideas that could revolutionize the world.

  Although the prison was very luxurious, it was a place where people would disappear. Once they entered, they were gone forever. Never to be seen again by their friends and family. It might not sound so bad to some: there were a total of six hundred inmates currently on the premises, and they were mostly men. There was a small, separate compound for the female prisoners. The prison was set up in condo styles, with full amenities. There were video cameras everywhere, providing constant surveillance.

  Each condo housed seven inmates, and they all had their own Jacuzzis. In addition, each inmate had their own private bath, bed, and an office with a view of the ocean. There was even internet access, although it was extremely limited and incredibly restricted. There was no porn allowed, and obviously there was no way to send information out from the servers. But they could look at celebrity content or party fails or other mindless internet sites. No news was allowed. They had cable as well, but this was similarly restricted, and only the fluffiest, most mindless shows were allowed to be screened.

  The inmates were also lucky enough to have their own special swimming pool that overlooked the ocean. Many got into excellent shape swimming laps in the Olympic sized pool. Food is catered into the facility twice a day from some of the finest chefs and restaurants in the area, and it was all very healthy, delicious, and gourmet. They had freshly caught fish, locally grown organic produce, and some of the finest cheeses known to man. If any of the inmates missed one of the daily meal deliveries, or was simply feeling peckish, they could enjoy slightly less fancy fare at the general dining area, which was always well stocked and had a large selection of hot and cold entrees.

  Now, one might wonder, why on earth would you provide these prisoners with so much luxury? Why not just execute them secretly so that they no longer pose any threat to the powers that be? Why keep around a nuisance?r />
  The answer is simple. The powers that be want these people to continue with their ideas. But they want all of their ideas to be entirely within their own control. All of the ideas would be used to maintain the capitalist status quo, they were all for the benefit of the Grand Wealth Structure. They would be used to control the people of the world indefinitely.

  The inmates lived a luxurious lifestyle, but they had absolutely no real freedom and both they and their ideas were monitored constantly. There was a huge security system, complete with an electronic fence and manipulate doors that have electric on and off switches.

  Despite all of the luxury, this security was needed because most of the inmates were not happy. Who could be happy after being randomly separated from all families and friends? Having relationships and lives torn apart abruptly, when no crime had been committed. It was a sad and lonely life. Also, many of these great thinkers believed that thought should be free, and the idea of being forced to think for the capitalist system without any choice or compensation was totally impalatable.


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