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Lesbian Billionaire

Page 54

by Olivia Hampshire

  The crowd of hooded ghosts listening to his address went wild. There were hoots and hollers.

  Donal continued, "You people have such a bad rap! Most people think that all members of the KKK are just degenerate trailer trash. But I know this is not the truth. When you have sex with your mother, your father, your brothers, and your sisters, well, dang, shit just happens. Am I right?"

  Captain Quick muted the television and glared at his boys, seething. He was a bit red in the face, which was unusual for him. "Who wrote that?" he demanded. But the boys could not answer. They were all rolling around on the couch and on the floor, clutching their bellies, going crazy with laughter.

  Before Captain Quick could get any more worked up, there was a knock at their door. It was George Tree. He had come to give them some information. They told him to be sure that Captain Cain did not see him walking around the island, and especially not walking into their Condo #7, but George assured them that no one had seen him. The boys were not usually caught off guard like that, but they had been watching the television, their work stations tucked underground. They hadn't expected any visitors.

  George told the boys that he had been hearing about the election on the television, and from Captain Cain. "I had no idea the Captain was such a big supporter of my brother, but he has been over in the condo all the time telling me all about how Jeb has to win and how scared he is that Donald Frump is going to overtake Jeb and win the election. He kept going over things with me, hoping I had some words of encouragement. He came over one time and he was so worked up about it that he must have been drinking. He smelled perfectly foul. Anyway, when he went to the bathroom, he forgot his cell phone. He must have been sick, because he was in their long enough for me to use it to make a call to Samuel. I wiped the phone log, and Captain Cain came back none the wiser."

  "Nice work," Lester praised George, real admiration in his voice.

  "Well, my boyfriend is a CIA agent," George blushed, looking a bit teary in his eyes. "Anyway, Samuel has been able to get the information and documents he needs to confirm that Jeb Tree and his advisor Probus Feesbus are planning a large scale ‘Horus' attack in Michigan. He has been moved to a safe place by the CIA and they are prepared to do something with the information. The CIA bigwigs don't know that Sam is in touch with me, and that I am on the same island with the guys rigging the whole Donald Frump thing. They are going to find some way to cover it all up and make the Tree family happy. But Sam says just to go for it. Spill the beans on Jeb! At the Republican debate tonight!"

  Captain Quick had never seen a man so happy about hanging is own brother. George was beaming ear to ear, as if busting Jeb was going to get rid of all of his problems. Well, Jeb did have some pretty evil plans, so I guess it was okay.

  "You better scatter," Quick told George. "We don't have our work stations out so who knows what Captain Cain is up to now. Don't let him see you missing. We will get to work."

  When George left, Kim Moon activated the work stations, and Captain Quick made a call to Jerry Pringer. He had some important news to share.

  Chapter 14, Toe to Toe

  That night, the boys were tuned into the Republican debate. They were all comfortably seated in Condo #7, enjoying cocktails and canapes. Captain Cain was with them, he had brought over a big bag of grocery store popcorn and was munching away, eyes wide and glued to the screen, like a little kid at his first super hero movie or a frat boy at an important college football game. He was a Jeb Tree fan and there were big stakes tonight. Captain Cain could never have watched the debate without some company. He would have been so nervous he would have chewed all of his finger nails off.

  A hush fell over everyone as the music played and CNNN began its election coverage. Good old Fox Witzer was on the screen, and he was looking dapper. "Here we go," he said in a booming announcer's voice, as if he was getting ready for a boxing match. "It's been a real doozie of a campaign so far. What could possibly happen tonight? It's bound to be interesting! I heard we are expecting the highest turn out in Republican debate history! Oh boy! And as you know, Donald Frump is trailing behind Jeb Tree in the polls by a single vote! Can Senator Tree throw the final knockout punch to this new Republican that has stolen so much thunder from the party? Let's see what happens."

  It was the most enthusiasm you had ever seen from a news anchor. It definitely sounded more like a prize-winning fight or a football game than a debate.

  The camera panned to a large stage. On it, Donald Frump and Jeb Tree were standing by themselves.

  Jeb Tree began: "Mr. Frump," he said, "In the first debate you said that your people had done research and they had made some fascinating discoveries about your opponents. Instead of black mail, you straight shamed them out of the election. Well, Mr. Frump, it's payback time. My staff has done some research on you and we have discovered some earth shattering facts."

  If Jeb was hoping to see fear on Donald's face, he was sorely disappointed. Donald Frump just smiled calmly.

  Losing a bit of his nerve, Jeb Tree stumbled on his words before he continued, "It turns out, Mr. Frump, that your wife Biance has been living in this country illegally for the past ten years. Without papers. She has been making millions of dollars TAX FREE while other Americans were working hard and paying up to fifty percent of their earnings! What's more, Mr. Frump," Jeb was really gaining steam now, "when you met your wife, she was working in Slovenia as, … as, …" Jeb hesitated, hoping to see some sort of reaction from Frump, but Frump's face was frozen in a cool stare. "As a common prostitute!" Jeb finally spat out.

  The crowd murmured "ohhhhhhhhhhhh........"

  Captain Cain fist pumped back in Condo #7, "Way to go Jebby!" he yelled, giving off a little hee haw. The boys struggled not to roll their eyes.

  Donald Frump, smiling, responded coolly, "Is that all you have got? Have you even seen my wife? She is one fucking hot chick. And she is the best fuck I have ever had in my entire life. One night with her and I knew I had to have that pussy forever. All you men out there, have you seen my wife? If you had a billion dollars, would you give up a million to be able to fuck that shit every night? But you know, I have seen your wife Senator Tree. How do you fuck that ugly fat bitch? She looks like something you pay to see behind bars at the zoo. How can your dick possibly get hard for that cow?"

  Jeb was flaming red, more than just hot under the collar. How dare this idiot Frump insult his beautiful, angel of a wife?! The crowd simply murmured again, "ohhhhhhhhhhhh."

  Captain Cain was ticked off, highly offended. "That scoundrel! That squirrel headed scoundrel! I wish I was there to wring his neck myself," Captain Cain threatened.

  The boys laughed. Cain glared at them, but they just shrugged.

  "You know we don't like women, Captain Cain, sir!" Oliver told him.

  Captain Cain told the boys, "Ah yes, boys. That's why you think it is amusing. You don't get it. A slutty common whore like Bianca could never hold a flame to an upstanding, good hearted, decent American woman like Mrs. Tree. It would be like comparing a rotten apple to an orange."

  Donald Frump had more to say. "Now, speaking of research, Senator Tree," he continued, "We've been checking out the work you and your friends in the government have been doing. You guys are a tricky bunch. Your group made billions of dollars from the bombing of the World Trade Center on 9/11."

  The crowd went "ohhhhhhhhhhhh," but a lot of them had already expected as much. In fact, some people sitting in that crowd had been in on it themselves, and had profited greatly. The crowd was therefore a bit edgier and there was tension that could be felt in the air as everyone waited to see what Frump would say next.

  "But that wasn't enough, was it?" Frump asked Jeb, the crowd watching with bated breath. "You and your group wanted more. In fact, I have some documents that I think your fellow Americans would like to see." Frump pulled out a giant stack of papers before he continued, "Let me show you the most important one first. Is this your signature, Senator Tree?" He walke
d over to the Senator, and Senator Tree nodded.

  Donald continued, now using Jeb Tree's microphone, "These papers are from the CIA. Your signature is on the high security, secret documents. This is your signature authorizing something even bigger than 9/11. YOUR signature is authorizing the bombings of the Ohio State vs Michigan football game so that you and your group can start World War 3 and make billions more dollars of the loss of innocent American lives!"

  At first, the crowd just responded with their standard "ohhhhhhhhhhhh," but as the information sunk in this changed to a loud round of applause for Donald Frump and loud boos and trash being thrown at the stage towards Jeb Tree. There were hundreds of bright flashes of cameras from news photographers snapping photographs. An audience member broke past the security guards and crawled up on the stage, trying to attack Jeb Tree before someone got him. Then, following his lead, all hell broke loose. The crowd bum rushed the stage, people attacking Jeb, people attacking Donald, people attacking each other. It was like an episode of the Jerry Pringer Show on a larger scale and everyone was better dressed.

  CNNN switched feeds to a very close shot of Fox Witzer's face, he was standing away from the stage so that viewers could not see the mayhem that was going down. "What a change of events! Unheard of, devastating."

  Captain Cain grabbed the remote, turned the television off, and then threw the remote on the ground and stomped on it until it was broken. Then he huffed out of Condo #7 without saying a word.

  Once he was gone, the boys burst into cheers. Although Captain Quick was rather upset that Cain had broken his remote. It was a very nice remote, and this meant they would be stuck on CNNN for a long time to come.

  Changing over to their work stations, the boys called in Jerry Pringer, who appeared on the monitor smiling. "I think that this cinches this part of the election, boys," Pringer congratulated them.

  Donald had won the nomination; he was the official Republican nominee for President of the United States of America. Now he was up against the Democratic nominee, Penny Carter.

  Chapter 15, Snatched

  The boys are watching CNNN again, of course, as their remote is broken. They are joined by Captain Cain, the warden. Donald Frump is on the television and his nomination is being announced. Cain looks exhausted and dumbstruck, "I can't believe this clown just took over the Republican party," he says, sadly.

  "I can't believe it either," Captain Quick replied. "How about you boys? Do any of you boys believe it?"

  "No GQ, no way," they all respond.

  Captain Cain harrumphed and exited the condo.

  It was just in time too, because the boys had a meeting with Jerry Pringer. The work stations were activated once Captain Cain left and Jerry Pringer came onto the computer screen.

  "Okay boys, now it's time for the really fun part," Pringer told them, "It's time to get really wild, because the Republican Party is about to give Donald 500 million dollars to run this campaign. You guys need some money?"

  Captain Quick wasn't sure if that remark was meant to be tongue in check or not, but he responded as if it was a real offer. "We could use about a hundred million," he told Mr. Pringer.

  Jerry said, "No problem, boys, I just need for you to plan some out of this world events that will keep Donald Frump on the television screens twenty-four hours a day, and the American public will see him and love it."

  The boys agreed, and they hung up the call to begin brainstorming some outrageous events for Donald.

  Chapter 16, The the Show Begin

  Donald Frump is heading to cities all over the world on the campaign trail against Penny Carter. He has big parties in each city, each party more outrageous than the next. True to his promise to make prostitution legal, his parties are always full of the hottest male and female whores, and they are all giving out favors for free. Compliments of Donald. A vote for Donald means an amazing blow job or a big cock in your hairy pussy.

  Frump was not just spending the Republican party money though, he was making money of his own, as most of his parties were held in casinos and hotels that he owned.

  He made promises to all different demographics. Somehow, he managed to keep them all on the hook, despite the fact that he was contradicting himself left and right. He made promises to nuns and promises to whores in the same breath. Offered something to black voters, and then promised the proud white Americans and racist KKK members that he would reinstitute public lynchings for black men convicted of rape.

  No one really seemed to care. No one except Captain Cain, who was watching all of this go down and was rapidly getting a bald spot on the center of his head from all the stress.

  The best event the boys set up was when Donald Frump appeared at the Victoria's Secret Angels Fashion Show in New York City. After all of the sexy angels had done their walk, Donald Frump came down the catwalk followed by three dozen sexy, super built hunks. They were firemen or Chippendale dancer type men, and they were just dressed in little tiny speedo trunks. As the music played and Donald began his speech, the men started a sexy dance. The crowd watched as these savage hunks got rock hard, and then Donald said ‘Okay boys!' and they all removed their speedos, exposing their big fat dicks. The crowd ohhhhhhed. The women were ogling all of the men's packages. The gays guys in the audience were too. Most of the men were trying to look away, ashamed of their attraction to the heaving man dicks or else just intimated by the size and feeling woefully under equipped.

  "Alright, my fellow Americans, I am here today to provide you with a real treat!" Donald announced. "Free sucks on these hot cocks for anyone who wants! Come on up here, men, ladies, trannies, hermaphrodites, whatever you are, feel free to come up here and suck on some prize winning man dong!"

  The audience cheered. The angels flocked to the stage to get an early taste of the hot dick, before they had to worry about any precum or cum calories mucking up their diets. A lot of the men's wives went up, gushing over how hot the dicks were and how they were so much bigger than their husbands' cocks.

  "Now, now, don't be shy. Men in the audience, I know a lot of you are curious. Even if you don't want to give it a suck, don't you at least want to see a nice, hearty, solid American dick up close? I told you that I would make America great again! Hell, I will invest millions of dollars into manufacturing the best dick pills on the market and you can all have glorious cocks like these! Now come on up and take a gander."

  Donald encouraged all the men on the stage, who came up reluctantly and got a real eyeful of some museum quality dicks.

  "I also want to show that I stand with the gay community, I don't fear the queers, let's put it that way. So, I'm encouraging those of you in the audience who have never had your first taste of man's dick to do it now. Penny Carter wants to say I am anti-gay, that I will send all the faggots back to the dark ages? Well, wait until she sees this!"

  The hot model dudes, who were nearing climax from all this attention anyway, began to face fuck all of the willing, more adventurous Republican men who had come up onto the stage to get their first taste of man meat and to prove that their man Frump was no hater.

  It was a splooge fest. Hot semen all over the faces of Frump supporters.

  Of course, the boys were watching back in Condo #7 and they were loving every moment of the action. "I wish we could be there too," Oliver said longingly. What he wouldn't give to taste some of that hot Chippendale quality jizz.

  Lester already had his cock out and was jacking it to the video feed. "Well, come on over here Oliver, I might not be a body builder Chippendale dancer type, but I got a big, fat, hard piece of man meat for you right over here. You want to taste some Boston Man's Chowder?" he laughed.

  Captain Quick saw that there was no choice but to call for a quick fuck break, the boys were all just too hot from Donald Frump's antics. He could see hard cocks swelling in all their pants.

  "Alright boys, twenty minute recess!" GQ called out.

  The boys hooted and hollered. Oliver and Eduardo we
nt over to Lester and began giving his pulsating cock a nice tongue bath, while Kim and Vinny decided to take on their boss GQ. GQ had the biggest cock of them all, that was why he was the boss. It was a real monster of cock, the sort of thing that if you saw it on an online streaming video you would probably assume it was just a fake – some sort of big dildo contraption attached to a small wiener. But this was no fake, it was the real thing, and it was amazing. It had been a long time since the boys had enjoyed a group fuck break, and Kim and Vinny were eager to have their Captain plunge their holes.

  After getting a nice blow job that got his mammoth cock sticky icky wet, Kim and Vinny both bent over a work station and let Captain Quick fuck them, going in and out of each of their gaping butt holes, going in deeper and deeper each time. His hard cock really rubbed their prostate just right from the inside, and in spite of the mild discomfort they experienced when first getting ploughed, they were feeling great and their dicks were bulging with cum, getting ready to nut.

  "Suck each other off and let me watch you cum in each other's faces," Captain Quick ordered the two boys. They complied, and Quick jerked himself off as he watched Vinny gulp down the cum from Kim Moon's hard red cock.

  Over at Lester's work station, Lester had already jazzed once from the blow job and he was getting ready to cum again as he watched Oliver fuck Eduardo. Oliver had one had a serious crush on the Mexican member of the boys, and he was barely holding himself back from exploding as he fucked Eduardo's tight butt hole. It was super hot, and Lester was finding himself very worked up and ready to go again. He got behind Oliver and mounted him, making a fuck sandwich.

  Before too long, all the boys had spent their seed and they collapsed back into the comfortable chairs of the work station. None of them would have ever suspected that someone like Donald Frump would be able to make them nut so hard.


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