Lesbian Billionaire

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Lesbian Billionaire Page 60

by Olivia Hampshire

  As the meal was winding down and guests were retiring to their quarters for the evening, ready for good rest and a long day of diving tomorrow morning, Candy put her hand on Debbie’s arm and led her back to her guest house. She told Debbie that she had met a smoking hot member of the hotel staff earlier and she had invited her back for some sexy fun that night. She wanted to invite Debbie to join in on the excitement as well.

  The hotel staff was one of the maids. A pretty native girl with dense brown hair and a thick body with wide hips. She had a sweet smile, although Debbie felt like there was a hint of uncertainty in her eyes. This was quickly relieved by the site of Debbie’s naked body. Debbie was a knockout, she was an eleven out of ten, with a perfectly toned body, curves in all the right places, and beautiful tits. The maid gave in to her passion and begin to kiss and lick Debbie, squeezing her boobs and ass. Candy undressed as she watched. She had one of the tightest little bodies Debbie had ever seen, you could bounce a quarter off her ass and Debbie thought she must have great kegel control. Debbie was getting very hot as she admired Candy’s body, especially her cute little stomach with her tiny little dimple of a belly button.

  Debbie pushed the maid off of her gently and went over to Candy. She laid Candy on the bed and began lapping at her pussy, eagerly tasting the woman’s sweet juices and rubbing her clitoris around in her mouth like a small marble. Candy gently scratched Debbie’s skin and pulled on her hair as Debbie took her to the pleasure zone. She admitted that she liked it a bit rough, and she took out a paddle hair brush and began spanking Debbie lightly on the ass as Debbie ate her pussy. It was a pleasant surprise when the maid, now naked too, began fingering and eating Debbie’s pussy while she took care of Candy. Candy handed her the brush, and had Debbie fuck her pussy with the handle. Candy’s pussy was dripping wet and smelled like sweet honey, Debbie fucked her hard with the handle of the brush, eager to make her cum. When Candy finally closed her eyes and braced her hands on the edge of the bed as she prepared for her moment of sweet ecstasy, Debbie also tensed, and the two women came together in a beautiful wave of passion.

  The maid wanted to get in more on the action, and she leaned over and bared her ass and pussy for Debbie and Candy to work over. Candy handed Debbie the brush, and Debbie fucked the maid’s pussy violently while Candy played with her asshole and spanked her butt cheeks. They were both going pretty hard, and the maid was screaming in a combination of what Debbie hoped was pain and pleasure. There were small tears in the corner of her eyes, and at one point Debbie asked if she wanted to stop, but the maid shook her head no. Finally, with both holes battered and gaping, the maid came in a single burst, ejecting a mass of smelly, thick white cum. She looked embarrassed, and flushed a deep red through her tan brown skin, took out a towel, quickly cleaned everyone off, and then scampered away. When the maid was gone, Candy and Debbie enjoyed another quick cum session before parting for the night.

  The next morning everyone woke up early to go diving. They were going to the “Blue Hole,” a very famous dive site in Belize. When viewed from overhead from a plane, the dive site appeared as a giant blue hole in the middle of the ocean. It was an area where the water suddenly became very deep, and the dive instructor told Debbie and the rest of the divers that there were lots of big sharks that hung out here during the day because it was dark and cool. Debbie wasn’t scared of sharks, and neither was Candy. They talked excitedly as they got ready for their dive. They decided they would be dive buddies, so they could enjoy an adventure together beneath the sea. When they were suited up and had their tanks on, they went down below. It was a beautiful, stunning sight beneath them, with lots of marine life. They waited together for the rest of the dive team to make it under, excitedly pointing interesting fish out to each other. When all of the other divers were ready, the dive leader led them deep, and before long lots of big, slow moving sharks were in view. All of the sharks were below them, sleep swimming lazily about in a circle as they passed away the daylight hours, getting ready to hunt at night. The sharks were really big, but it felt safe swimming above them. Still, despite all of her pronouncements of not getting scared, Candy was squeezing Debbie’s hand tightly as they swam. There was more to see than just sharks. Beautiful fish flitted about at their eye level, and there were rays swimming off in the distance. Debbie spotted a cute sea turtle, and pointed it out to Candy, who tried to snap a photo with her underwater camera.

  They felt like little kid or youngsters on a thrilling first date, everything was new and exciting and their hearts were pumping as they swam hand in hand. The beautiful coral was like a flower garden illuminating their affection for each other. They were sad when the dive had to end, and they had returned to the boat and were beginning their guided ascent to the surface. When they got to the top of the water, Candy pulled off her dive mask and give Debbie a kiss. “Wow,” she said, “that was totally amazing!”

  On the boat ride back to the island, all of the dive tourists were chatting in loud tones, gushing about all the cool things they had seen, and the sharks! Of course, who could forget the hundreds of big sharks that had been swimming only feet below them! When they pulled into the dock, Candy told Debbie that she was tired from the early morning wakeup and the long dive, but she requested that Debbie come to her cabin later that night, after she had gotten a chance to take a nap. Debbie promised that she would stop by, and she told Candy to have a good rest. They parted ways, and Debbie went for a nice, private walk along the beach, letting the hot, white sand pass between the toes of her bare feet. She thought back on all of the wonderful spy adventures she had had, working for the super wealthy lesbian Harriet, but she was always glad to be on vacation. All of the excitement and adventure sustained her in a special way, but it could occasionally feel draining. An uneventful beach vacation and a light romance with a beautiful blonde girl was just what she needed to refresh herself.

  Chapter 2, Crime Scene

  That night, when the moon was peeking out from the fronds of the palm trees, Debbie walked over to the guest house where Candy was staying. She was dressed in an alluring island wrap, made out of beautiful hand-dyed cloth. Her feet were still bare, and her long red hair hung down free and casual. Debbie knocked on Candy’s door, looking forward to a fun night with her beautiful beach babe. There was no answer. Debbie knocked again, thinking Candy was just doing some finishing touches on her makeup or something. After waiting for a few minutes in the moonlight, Debbie decided to go ahead and open the door. She was surprised to find it locked. Worried that still no one had answered, Debbie went ahead and gave the lock a quick power kick, and the door clattered open.

  Debbie was shocked by what she saw inside. Candy was laying on the bed, silent and unmoving. She looked cold, and this was confirmed when Debbie went over and touched her wrist. There was no pulse at all. On the nightstand was a heroin kit, and there was a used needle lying on the ground. It appeared to be some sort of drug overdose. Debbie had no idea that Candy was into the hard drugs, she certainly had not pulled any out the night before, and she had seemed very sweet and alert, if not a bit hypersexual, during all of their encounters. Debbie used the phone at the side of the bed to call the hotel concierge, who notified the police. Within two hours the small guest room was crowded with people. The police and EMT staff had flown in by helicopter. Candy was pronounced dead when they arrived, and her body was transported back to the main land. Debbie spent that night sleepless, wondering what had happened to her new friend. Around 3 a.m., she decided she needed to get up and do some investigating herself.

  The police had protected Candy’s guest house with yellow tape that read “Crime scene – No trespassing,” but Debbie ignored the tape and stepped over it into the room. She was looking for clues as to what had happened to her friend, but the room had been swept almost empty. All of the drug paraphernalia had been taken away as evidence, and the police had informed her that, despite her unease, it was likely an open and shut case. One of the chief officers
told Debbie that it was not untypical for wealthy tourists to get involved with drugs when they were on vacation. Unfortunately, local customs and drug practices varied, and people like Candy sometimes ended up with a more potent drug than they usually got stateside. Money was different, and American money could be valuable, and typically visitors got a much stronger, uncut product when they bought from a Belize native. It was a sad story, but not an unfrequently heard one. It sounded plausible, but Debbie still felt that there was more going on, and she was determined to find out what it might be.

  Candy’s guest room didn’t yield much, even after a thorough search. Debbie found nothing inside of the closets or the bedside drawers, nothing under the bed. She scanned the walls for clues but came up dry. Finally, she tossed out the sheets, and that was when she discovered a long black hair. It didn’t really tell her much though. For all she knew, the hair belonged to one of the maids that they had been banging the other night. Nevertheless, Debbie took it with her, and when she got back to her room she neatly folded it up in a piece of white paper and put it in a plastic baggie and zipped it into a small compartment of her suitcase. She decided she should go speak with the maids – it was five in the morning and they would already be awake getting ready for the breakfast duties.

  At the maids’ quarters, the maid that had engaged in a threesome with Candy and Debbie was nowhere to be found. Debbie suspected that she might have seen her coming and slipped out a back door. It didn’t matter, Debbie would find her later. Candy had been staying on the island for some days before Debbie had arrived, and Debbie wanted to know if the maids had seen anything suspicious when they were cleaning up her room. Any drug paraphernalia or signs of visitors, anything that could help Debbie piece together what might have happened.

  The maids were hesitant to talk, and they did not want to give Debbie any information. Most of them just shook their heads at her and bustled off, indicating they were busy and were needed to prepare breakfast service. A few of them talked to Debbie, but they told her that Candy was a very nice girl and a good guest. They never saw any drugs or needles in her room, and she never left the room messy. There was always very little for them to do when they came to clean. They often found the room already organized and the bed made, so they would change her towels and vacuum the floor, and empty out the trash then move on. They told Debbie they had never seen anything in the trash cans but some Kleenex and an empty sunscreen bottle. The room never smelled of drugs or smoke.

  Debbie thanked the nervous women and she headed off to find the missing maid. She finally tracked her down in a supply closet near the main dining hall of the hotel. The woman was shaking and trying to hide. Taking advantage of the privacy of the janitor’s closet, Debbie pushed the maid inside and closed the door behind them. She put her hands around the maid’s shoulders close to her neck and held her firmly against the wall in a tight grip. “I don’t know why you have been avoiding me, but I want you to tell me everything you know about Candy and how you came to be involved with her sexually,” Debbie ordered, tightening her grip and digging her nails into the maid’s flesh. The maid trembled and began to cry. Debbie loosened her grip and let her talk.

  The maid told Debbie that she was on night duty, and she had often delivered room service to Candy’s guest house. Candy would order elaborate meals, much more than one person could eat, and always fancy stuff like chocolate covered strawberries or oysters on the half shell. One day, the maid had stayed behind after delivering a meal and hung out on the beach with the guest house in sight. After about an hour, she saw one of the wealthy celebrity clientele leave Candy’s room, giving her a wad of cash on the way out. The maid continued to spy, and she found that Candy was getting paid money for hour long services by some of the island guests. Finally, Candy caught her spying and pulled her into the room. She forced the maid to do blow with her, and then she had the maid eat out her pussy. After she had come, she threw a crumpled hundred-dollar bill at the maid and told her to keep her mouth shut. “You’ve probably already figured out that I perform ‘special favors’ for some of the guests who are so inclined. But you just did it yourself, and what’s the big deal?” Candy was a professional call-girl and she made a lot of money. She told the maid that she needed her own time away from home every now and then, and she liked to take trips to island resorts with big spenders. She could make a lot of money very quickly. She promised to keep paying the maid if she would keep her mouth shut about Candy’s secret, and if she would perform sex with her whenever Candy asked for it. “Even prostitutes use prostitutes,” Candy had laughed.

  This news surprised Debbie, because she certainly hadn’t paid Candy anything, and although the sex had been top notch, Debbie had never suspected that it was something that Candy did for a living. Debbie wondered if the maid might not have been the one that killed Candy, she had a clear motive. Being forced to do drugs and perform sexual favors wasn’t exactly in her job description, this wasn’t the Hotel of Nymphos, after all. After some forceful questioning, Debbie became convinced, however, that the maid wasn’t to blame. She decided to cancel the rest of her diving trip and head back to the main land of Belize so she could do some more investigating.

  Chapter 3, Sick Fetishes

  On the mainland, Debbie tried talking to the police investigators, but she was getting nowhere. They were very closed lipped and did not want to help out a stranger. They wouldn’t share any of the case findings with her, and just kept repeating that it was an open and shut case and it was an accidental drug overdose. When they started to get really cranky about Debbie coming around, she decided it was time to pay a visit to the coroner directly.

  The coroner was an old woman with long, tangly hair and a crooked smile. Her skin was a dark color, with lots of wrinkles. She greeted Debbie with a snaggle toothed smile and told her to come into her office. Debbie told her that she needed some information about a recent death, an American woman by the name of Candy. The coroner smiled and told Debbie that the information was very classified, and there had been a lot of people sniffing around asking about Candy. She told Debbie that the information she wanted was going to be quite costly.

  Debbie found out that the coroner had all sort of sick fetishes. She was around dead bodies all day and she liked to undress them and masturbate in front of them. Now was a rare chance for her to make it with a living woman, and she had all sort of sick things in mind. She told Debbie that she wanted to pretend to be dead and then have Debbie probe her body. She got naked, exposing her wrinkly flesh hanging from her bones, which jutted prominently, and laid down on the bed with her eyes closed as if she was a dead patient. There was a table of tools on the side of the autopsy bed, but Debbie did not really know how to proceed since she didn’t want to cut the woman open. She began talking out loud as if she was performing an autopsy, noting the victim’s complexion and appearance. She made measurements with the measuring tape, examined the nasal and mouth passages for obstructions, looked for signs of bruising or foul play.

  To Debbie’s surprise, the coroner was getting very aroused by all of this, and her old pussy was becoming wet. Debbie knew that what she would have to do next is a check of the vaginal and rectal cavities to make sure that there had been no sexual trauma. She spread apart the moist lips of the old coroner’s vagina, releasing a musty odor, and inspected with her eyes and fingers. Then she moved on to the asshole, probing it to see if there were any cuts or foreign objects. That about wrapped up the mock autopsy, but before Debbie could move away, the coroner had wrapped her legs around Debbie’s neck in a tight death grip and was pushing Debbie’s face into her stale vagina. Debbie had no choice but to eat out the coroner’s pussy and asshole with gusto. After all, she needed information. Her pussy tasted sour and bitter, and her asshole was rank and tasted like old fecal matter. Debbie wanted to threw up, but she continued, sticking her tongue in and out of the coroner’s loose butthole, sucking on her loose pussy lips, and giving the old lady’s clit a work ou
t it probably hadn’t seen in decades. The whole time, the coroner never released her tight leg grip from around Debbie’s neck, and Debbie was getting concerned that she would be left with bruises. Finally, the old woman began to make jerking gestures with her hips and let out moans that told Debbie she was finally about to reach release. Seconds later, a stream of stinking yellow pussy juice filled Debbie’s mouth and the coroner let out a long, loud sigh of relief. Then she told Debbie to go again.

  When the coroner was finally satisfied, she opened up to Debbie. She told Debbie that the death was no accidental overdose, but in fact it was murder. Candy had died of strychnine poisoning, it would have been a very painful and drawn out death, as the drug caused muscle spasms and finally death by auto-asphyxiation. Someone had poisoned Candy, and set it up to look like an overdose. Debbie was glad to have the information, but disgusted by what she had done to get it, and she left without thanking the coroner for her assistance.

  Debbie thought over what had happened. The door to the guest house had been locked, so either the murderer had access to Candy’s room or they had somehow climbed out through a window or some other escape method. The heroin was just a set up for the real death, which would have been drawn out and painful, as Candy’s muscles disobeyed her, keeping her from screaming and she suffocated to death. It made Debbie shiver. Who would want to do such a thing? A jilted lover? A jealous client? It couldn’t have just been some crazy serial killer, that didn’t make sense.

  It was time to call Harriet and get the case officially opened. Harriet would have the members of her intelligence staff look into the murders, and Debbie knew the always trustworthy Penelope would be able to dig up something about the murder. Harriet and Debbie had a brief argument – she was reluctant to take the case, it involved a stranger, a woman of the night, no less, and there was really no precedence for Harriet to take on such an undertaking for one of Debbie’s one night stands. Debbie pleaded with her boss, impressing on her the fact that this woman was involved with major wealth and there was already some sort of cover-up going on with the Belize police department to keep the public from knowing the real cause of Candy’s death. Debbie told Harriet that it was more than just a one night stand, Debbie had felt inexplicably drawn to this girl, just as she felt drawn to uncover the reason for her murder and the culprit who carried out the dastardly deed. Harriet finally consented and informed Debbie that she would give her a call as soon as they had a lead on the case.


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