I Should've Cheated

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I Should've Cheated Page 10

by Tysha Jordyn

  “What do you want, Robb?”

  “What you mean what I want? Where have you been? I’ve been trying to call you for three days!” Robb yelled through the speakers.

  “Damn, do you have to yell? Shit! Like I said, what do you want?”

  “When are you coming home? We need to talk,” Robb shifted his attention.

  “What the hell do we have to talk about? You ready to leave my key and go move in with your baby mama?” Roxy felt her relaxed mood from the past few days evaporating.

  “Roxy, don’t start with that. I told you I’m tryin’ to work this shit out with you, so why you even goin’ there?”

  “Robb, you don’t mean that shit, and don’t think I’m too stupid to see you what you’re tryin’ to do. You know that bitch is about to hit that ass up for child support, so you tryin’ to make sure you have somewhere to lay ya head. Don’t even try to run game on me, fool,” Roxy nonchalantly pulled Robb’s card.

  “This ain’t even ‘bout that. Imma be aight regardless. Look, when you comin’ home? That’s all I wanna know.”

  “Shit, I’ll be there when I get there.”

  Irritated that Robb had just deflated her euphoric high, Roxy ended the call and powered her phone down. She spent the rest of the ride lost in her thoughts as she imagined Plan B’s lips all over her, reliving what had been the best few days of her life in a while.


  Roxy stretched her foot toward the faucet, replenishing the tub’s warmth since her water had begun to cool off. She couldn’t help but laugh for a second at the irony of the whole situation, because never had she seen Robb more sincere than when he pleaded with her to let him fix things. All the time they’d been together, Robb had done everything but be real with her, and yet she sensed that he was serious this time. She smacked her lips and rolled her eyes in unison, frustrated that Robb’s devotion came at the expense of some random chick bearing his first born.

  Braelyn had questioned her as to why she didn’t just drop Robb, especially with all this baby mess going on, and the answer was plain and simple: Robb was her first love, and she just didn’t want anyone else to have him. Robb was so hood, so rough around the edges when they’d first met years ago, but Roxy saw past all that and invested time in him. She showed how to take his street smarts from hustling and moving weight to a legit business. All she ever wanted was his devotion, but he just couldn’t stay out the streets. He’d been able to leave the drug game behind with no problem, but the street bitches were another thing.

  Now, just when Roxy was enjoying Plan B and all the new heights their bodies floated to when they were together, Robb wanted to play family man and be all devoted and shit. Fuck that, we’ll do shit my way and in my time, Roxy thought as she resigned herself to ride things out with Plan B while reaping the benefits of Robb’s guilty conscience.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Braelyn and Kai were met with clouds and rain showers as they landed in Delaware to lay Kai’s mother to rest. Both stunned by the news, they didn’t have a chance to hash out their disagreement from the other night, so an awkward energy hung between them. Braelyn had every intention of finding out where Kai had disappeared to for several days, but she decided to let the issue rest until after the events of the weekend had passed.

  Braelyn and Kai didn’t click right away in the beginning, but Kai’s mother had been their biggest cheerleader, telling Braelyn she knew she’d be her daughter-in-law someday. Ms. Tanya sensed that Braelyn soothed Kai’s soul in a way no one before her had been able to, and she wanted her daughter to be able to hang on to that happiness for the rest of her life. Ever since Braelyn announced Ms. Tanya’s death, she felt a heavy burden settle over her heart. She’d been busy with work each time Kai begged her to take time off for a visit to check on Ms. Tanya; she always put it off and told Kai she’d catch her on the next trip.

  Kai had been moving as though she was in a trance the past few days, her mind instinctively directing her every step. Braelyn struggled with playing the role of the supportive fiancé by offering comfort and support when her gut told her Kai’s absence might involve another woman. Add to that the fact that she’d heard very little from Sevaughn the past few days, and Braelyn was forced to maintain a composed persona when she really wanted to lash out and have a fit.

  Braelyn and Kai met their car service outside the airport and slid into the back seat as the driver loaded their bags into the rear cargo area. An hour’s ride ahead of them, Braelyn felt herself already drowning in the awkward silence. She reached over and locked her fingers together with Kai’s, but Kai didn’t reciprocate. Damn, this is going to be a long ride, Braelyn sighed to herself.

  Just then, Kai took a deep breath and finally broke the silence.

  “How long have you been seeing her?” Kai blindsided Braelyn, who instantly froze in place.

  “Huh? Wha–”

  “Please don’t lie to me…I’m about to bury my mother; the last thing I need is for you to lie to my face,” Kai responded almost exhaustedly.

  “Kai, look, as you just said, we’re heading to lay your mother to rest, and we have some things to talk about, but let’s just focus on getting through the weekend,” Braelyn replied, hoping her face didn’t reflect the shock and anxiety that roiled in the pit of her stomach.

  “Braelyn, I just want to know how long you’ve been seeing her, and how long you planned on letting things go on before you told me. You were the one that stressed how we were better than that the other night, right?” Kai’s voice flashed a hint of sarcasm. Braelyn dropped her hand and pressed her back into the seat.

  “You’re wondering how I know, right?” Previously gazing out the window, Kai now turned to face Braelyn.

  “I’m just wondering where all this is coming from,” Braelyn hesitated, still unwilling to admit her guilt.

  “Braelyn, I know you so much better than you think. Every word you speak, every footstep, I can almost predict it…that’s how well I know you. You’ve never showered as much as you’ve been lately. And your lips betray you every night you doze off,” Kai began to run down all the little signs she’d picked up on over the past few months.

  Braelyn’s eyes grew wide with each new revelation, and by the time Kai was done Braelyn was shocked into silence, completely mute. Kai rubbed her head, finger-combing her curls as she watched Braelyn digesting all she’d exposed. Realizing she couldn’t deny her infidelity since Kai had been so observant, Braelyn relented and came clean.

  “Kai, look, I didn’t mean for this to happen,” Braelyn started.

  “So, what was your intention? What did you think would happen if you flirted with temptation?” Kai pressed Braelyn for honesty.

  “I…I don’t know, Kai…it’s just that…you were always gone…and on the rare occasion that you were home for the night, things just felt…different…but I never stopped loving you, haven’t stopped loving you,” Braelyn attempted to explain her descent into Sevaughn’s web.

  “The minute you started feeling that, why didn’t you tell me, Braelyn?”

  “You were never around Kai, that’s what I’m trying to get you to see,” Braelyn lowered her voice as she noticed her frustration escalating.

  “I’ll give you that. I have been too engrossed in my work lately, but I never thought that would keep you from talking to me. That’s what you do in a relationship Braelyn—you communicate.”

  “I know. Look, I’m so sorry, Kai, I just…” Braelyn was genuinely at a loss for what else to say.

  “Do you love her?” Kai caught Braelyn off guard yet again.

  “Huh? What? No!” Braelyn adamantly denied, lying through her teeth.

  “No, huh…so what would you say if I told you that all the talking you do in your sleep says otherwise?” Kai toyed with Braelyn’s mind a bit. Braelyn inhaled sharply, praying that Kai was bluffing and that her subconscious didn’t give her away.

  “Told you, I know you.” They both froze for a stare
down of sorts, unsure of what should happen next. Kai finally broke the trance.

  “The day I was supposed to leave to head out of town? I called your job, was going to swing by and take you to an early dinner...but of course, you’d left already. Figured I might catch you at home, so I decided to double back and surprise you. Know what I found? An empty house and something lacy hanging from your lingerie drawer.”

  Shit, Braelyn bit her lip in annoyance at her carelessness. She brought her eyes up to meet Kai’s, searching for some sign of emotion that would betray Kai’s icy cool exterior, but she found nothing. Braelyn never imagined shit would go down like this, never thought Kai would find out about Sevaughn before she was ready to come clean. Truthfully, she never thought that far ahead; instead, she’d just allowed herself to live the fantasy she and Sevaughn had woven.

  “I think you should stay at the hotel...I’ll be okay at my mother’s service alone,” Kai returned her gaze to the stormy clouds overhead.

  “What! No, I’m going with you; you know how much I loved your mom. No, I’m going Kai,” Braelyn asserted.

  “I’d really rather you not…I have no idea what wave of emotion is going to wash over me as I’m forced to watch my mother be placed in the ground, and I don’t want to mar my mother’s memory by making a scene because my so-called fiancé couldn’t keep her legs closed. So yeah, I’d rather you not go.”

  “Dammit Kai, that’s not fair. This isn’t even the time to deal with all of this. We’re here to pay our respects to your mother, so let’s just do that. We have all the time in the world to talk about this when we get back home,” Braelyn pleaded.

  “Do we?” Kai questioned almost cryptically.

  They each retreated to their respective corners for the remainder of the ride. Braelyn’s mind raced, wondering just how much Kai knew. She didn’t think she was the type to follow her, but she never dreamt Kai would catch on to her cheating either, so all bets were off at this point. Had Kai contacted Sevaughn? Braelyn debated whipping her phone out to shoot Sevaughn a quick text under the guise of checking email, but thought against it. Besides, what could she say? Sorry, my fiancé found out about us and I need you to tell me everything will be okay?

  Braelyn and Kai arrived and checked into their hotel. Oddly enough, Braelyn felt uncomfortable baring her naked skin in Kai’s presence, almost as though Kai’s knowledge of her cheating left her with the ability to peer into Braelyn’s soul. After a quick shower and wardrobe change, the two headed back downstairs to take the car service to the wake, which was to be held that evening.

  Unsure of how to act with Kai now that her secret was no more, Braelyn sat next to Kai but kept her distance, taking care not to be overly affectionate as she now felt awkward even touching Kai. The awkwardness extended into the next day as they stood graveside, looking on as Ms. Tanya was lowered into her final resting place.

  Despite the number of years they’d spent together, the once close couple now occupied space as virtual strangers, surrounded on either side by Kai’s family members as everyone said their final goodbyes to the woman who gave Kai life.

  Chapter Eighteen

  Back at home a week since the funeral, the mood was somber in Braelyn and Kai’s house. Braelyn was prepared for World War III to break out when they returned from Ms. Tanya’s funeral, but to her surprise Kai’s demeanor had been stoic as she fell back into her routine of overworking. She hadn’t said more than a few words to Braelyn, and they weren’t sleeping together, which kept Braelyn on edge—not knowing what to expect next.

  Surprisingly, getting caught had made Braelyn fall back from Sevaughn. Kai’s lack of reaction or emotion had thrown her for a loop, and although it was in Kai’s nature to be peaceful and a bit passive, Braelyn feared this was the calm before the storm.

  Aside from going to work, Braelyn had confined herself to the house, so craving some much needed girl talk, she dialed Roxy’s number.

  “Well, well, well, what’s up, stranger?” Roxy greeted, partially sarcastic.

  “Hey boo, you busy? I really need to get out the house, girl,” Braelyn sighed.

  “I’m kinda busy, but what’s up,” Roxy’s icy cold demeanor chilled Braelyn through the phone.

  “Damn girl, you’re always down to get out and have a drink. What’s been up with you lately?”

  “Look, I just have a lot going on, so I don’t have time to be playing therapist for you just cuz you finally got caught up in your mess with dread head. I told you to think about what you were doin’, but you didn’t listen.” Roxy no longer tried to hide her irritation.

  “Wow, it’s like that? As much as I listen to your bullshit with Robb? And how you passin’ judgment on my shit when you’re fuckin’ some other dude while you’re still layin’ up with Robb? Roxy, I sooo thought we were better than that.” Braelyn was hurt by her friend’s cold shoulder.

  “Look, you called me, so whatever I am or ain’t doin’ ain’t got shit to do with this conversation,” Roxy shot back.

  “Roxy, do you have an issue with me? I mean, if you do, just tell me because things have been off between us lately, so I just want to know what the deal is. I’m goin’ through too much lately to be havin’ some petty beef with you,” Braelyn asserted.

  “Goin’ thru too much, huh…Braelyn, my problem with you is this damn Ms. Perfect act that you always have, like your shit don’t stink and you never do no wrong. Well, it looks like Ms. Perfect finally fucked up, and all the shit you gotta deal with? YOUR fault!”

  “So now you’re perfect, right? Now you NEVER did no fuck shit, right? You know what, though? I’m not even gonna take this no further cuz we’re both in our feelings, so we’ll just talk another time.”

  Braelyn ended the call, not wanting to say something she’d regret. Roxy’s behavior really threw her for a loop and left her scratching her head. Even when she’d sent Roxy a text the night before the wake, her response was bland—no shock, surprise, no nothing. Just as Braelyn was about to psychoanalyze Roxy’s actions, she heard the front door chime at Kai’s entrance. She headed toward the front door, hoping to spark more than a three-word conversation.

  “Hey Kai, you’re home early.”

  “Had to grab something,” Kai replied as she walked past Braelyn without so much as a side glance. Her phone buzzed in her pocket, and she quickly pulled it out, swiped the screen, and returned it to her pocket.

  “Oh, okay…well I was hoping we could talk,” Braelyn offered nervously as Kai’s phone buzzed a second time.

  “Not right now, I gotta run,” Kai called behind as she climbed the stairs, phone buzzing again. Braelyn followed her up the stairs.

  “Kai, I know you’re busy, but we really need to talk. It’s like nothing is resolved and I have no idea where we stand,” Braelyn exhaled, Kai’s phone buzzing a fourth time as they reached the loft right outside the master bedroom.

  “Uhh, we’ll talk later, I gotta go.” Kai whizzed past Braelyn, retrieved some things from the nightstand, and headed back downstairs. Her phone buzzed a fifth time.

  “Any reason you’re ignoring your phone? You usually jump to answer when it goes off,” Braelyn questioned.

  “Usually, huh...well it would seem things aren’t the same now, huh?” Kai shot back mockingly as she headed toward the front door.

  “Kai! Seriously, we need to talk!” Braelyn’s frustration got the best of her right as Kai’s phone buzzed yet again.

  “Whatever, look—I gotta run,” Kai snapped as she headed out the door.

  Exasperated, Braelyn flopped down onto the couch. She turned to gaze out the picture window and saw Kai seated in her driver seat, now very much attached to her phone. Kai’s whole demeanor had changed as she now wore a relaxed and easy smile. What the fuck is going on? Braelyn thought to herself.

  Curious as to why Kai wouldn’t answer the phone in her presence a few minutes earlier, and even more puzzled that Kai had left that morning in a suit and now wore jeans and a polo, Bra
elyn grabbed her phone and keys, and waited by window until Kai pulled off. Dashing to her car, Braelyn backed out of the garage and paused at the end of the driveway, waiting for Kai to get a bit farther down their street. Relieved when another car pulled out, Braelyn pulled onto the street and tailed Kai across town.


  Roxy sat on the edge of the bed, her leg bouncing with irritation at Robb’s latest round of pleas.

  “How the hell are we supposed to work some shit out when you’re never here? Every damn night you’re running off somewhere. Are you still seeing that nigga? Because damn, why am I wasting my time tryin’ to build shit with you when your mind is somewhere else?” Robb felt like he was running out of ways to convince Roxy to give him another chance.

  “Oh so nowww you wanna be worried about where my mind is. Were you worried when you were out there fuckin’ all those bitches?”

  “Damn Roxy, look, that’s the past. I told you I love you and things are gonna be different. Why can’t you see that? Look, I can’t be the only one makin’ the effort to fix things. Do you even want me here?”

  “Why? Ain’t like you got nowhere else to go, so it don’t matter if I want you here or not.” Roxy rolled her eyes, then shifted her gaze to her phone. Plan B was supposed to call her a few minutes ago.

  “Roxy, I’m not gonna stay where I’m not wanted, so just be real with me. Do you want to work this out? I’ll leave if you want me to, for good. Just say the word,” Robb pressed Roxy, hoping to call her bluff.

  She’d told him to get out and stay gone several times in the past, so he was sure she wanted him there this time. He searched her face for some indication as to what her response might be. Roxy sucked her teeth, grabbed her phone, and headed downstairs. Robb took her spot on the bed, rubbing his head as he searched his mind for some clarity.


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