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Page 7

by Dave Blackwell

  “Do you have any theories?” Marie asked. “About what could have happened?”

  “None at all. He died from cardiac failure but otherwise there is nothing I can tell you. I have never seen anything like it.” Carol paused and thought. “The closest thing was probably a body of a teenager that took a massive shock to the chest. Lungs and heart burnt to a crisp.”

  “Poor kid.” Marie said.

  “Happens when you mess around in substations, but there you go.” Carol sighed. “Need anything else from me?” Carol asked.

  “No. I was just trying to see if anything explains what the hell is going on today.” Marie ground and rubbed her eyes. “Missing woman, the dead body and an unknown girl.”

  “Leave it to Gregg.” Carol scoffed. “Let the sod earn his money for a change. What is your role in all this?”

  “I foster children from special cases. Recently took on a mute deaf girl.” Marie yawned. “Amazing kid.”

  “You need to get some sleep.” Carol said. “Go grab some stronger coffee from the café on level three, it’s potent stuff.” Carol laughed. “Nice meeting you.”

  “And you.” Marie said and smiled, leaving the room.

  Gregg was on his mobile phone when Marie walked through the door. Marie smiled at him and put her coffee cup on the floor next to the chair, she groaned as she stretched, reaching as high as she could.

  “Okay Craig thanks for the update.” Gregg said. “I’ll call back in a bit, the reception sucks.” He mumbled. “I’ll be in later.” Gregg hung up the mobile and put it into his pocket.

  “You okay?” Marie asked.

  “Yeah just work. Still no update but we have names of the couple that work for the missing lady.” Gregg removed his mobile from his pocket and unlocked the screen. “Jackson and Elizabeth Brown. Married, no children. Both have worked for Catherine for quite some time, no other records.”

  “Nothing on the girl?” Marie asked in hope. “Anything?”

  “No sorry.” Gregg shrugged his shoulders. “I am going to make a move.”

  “Okay.” Marie pulled her mobile phone from her pocket and checked the display. “Just turned five.” She sighed. “Do you know if they café is open?”

  “Yeah it is twenty-four hour now. They do a great cooked breakfast.” Gregg said. “Think I might get one to go.”

  “I need sleep.” Marie yawned. “But not going to happen any time soon.” He mobile buzzed causing her to jump. “Jesus!” She snapped and read the message.

  “You ok?” Gregg asked. “Need anything?”

  “No, Sophie is awake and asking where I am.” Marie responded to the message. “Going to grab the girls and take them to breakfast.” She looked up at Gregg. “Want to join us?”

  “Thanks, but I need to head back and get this report done.” Gregg yawned. “Another time?”

  “Sure.” Marie smiled. “Give me a hug.” She held out her arms and got hold of Gregg. “Stop worrying about the past.” She whispered.

  “I’ll try.” Gregg said and sniffed. He rubbed Marie’s back as she hugged him. “Take care yeah.” He broke away from her, feeling slightly uncomfortable. “Know where you are going?”

  “Lift straight up to level seven.” Marie smiled. “I’ll be ok.”

  “Just going to have a quick word with Carol.” Gregg pointed to the door and made his way towards it.

  Marie nodded and walked slowly to the lift, pressing the small button with an upwards symbol. Yawning, she covered her mouth as she shivered.

  Marie, Sophie and the girl were in the café alone. They sat at the booth by the window overlooking the hospital carpark. The café had twenty or so tables, four-seater and six-seater. The floor eggshell green rubber and the walls pure white, so bright they hurt Marie’s eyes. Various photography mounted in frames and carefully spaced out on the walls, Marie recognised the location but couldn’t remember where she had seen them. It was on the tip of her tongue, but she was too tired to think properly. Sophie was playing on her mobile phone and the girl was looking out the window. At the centre of the table were a notepad and pen. There were various notes written on the open pad. Marie fought not to yawn but failed to contain it.

  At the opposite side of the room was a long metal counter with various snacks laid out in stands, the next unit was a display with hot food. At the end was a circular refrigeration unit with fresh fruit, various drinks and desserts. An elderly man stood behind the counter, a mug of coffee in his hand. He was short and thin, his white hair neatly combed and his face clean shaven. He wore silver-rimmed glasses which rested on the edge of his nose. Putting the coffee mug down, he tightened his white apron over his white shirt and grey trousers. Slowly with a slight limp, he made his way towards Marie and the two girls.

  “So, ladies.” The man said. “Made up your minds?” He smiled at Sophie who smiled back.

  “I think I am going to have a full English and a coffee.” Marie said with a smile. “What about you two?” Marie said and signed for Sophie who tapped the girl on the shoulder.

  The girl slowly turned around and looked at Sophie and then at the man.

  “Would you like some food young lady?” The man asked.

  The girl looked at Sophie and then at Marie, almost as if she was waiting for permission.

  “It’s ok. You can get anything you want.” Marie said.

  The girl looked at Sophie and smiled. Sophie signed to Marie who nodded in understanding.

  “They will both have a full English too and orange juice please.” Marie said to the man.

  The man nodded and then looked at Sophie and then back to Marie.

  “Will get that to you as soon as possible.” The man said. “Anything else?” The man asked.

  “I have a question if you don’t mind.” Marie asked.

  “I’ll do my best.” The man said.

  “Where are the photographs from?” She asked and pointed to the framed photographs on the wall in front of her.

  “Those ones were taken in Yosemite National Park.” The man said. “The other side is the Grand Canyon.” The man smiled. “My granddaughter took them.”

  “I knew it.” Marie signed. “They are beautiful, your granddaughter is a talented young lady.”

  “I agree there. She went to the States for a month with a couple of friends, driving all over and visiting lots of places.” The man laughed. “She wanted me to join her, but I am too old for all that malarkey.”

  “Never too old to travel.” Marie said with a smile. “You should go.”

  “Well if I do that, then who is going to run this place and keep people fed?” The man said and shook his head. “Also, this knee won’t let me go far.”

  “You will only regret it.” Marie said. “Think about it at least.”

  “May do that. Anyhow let me get your food sorted.” The man said and slowly walked away, resting on the table chairs as he navigated his way back to the counter.

  The girl watched as the man slowly made his way back to the counter, limping slightly. She tapped Sophie on the arm and indicated her to look. Sophie looked at the man and then back at the girl, confused. The girl used two fingers on the table and walked them, making one of them imitate a limp.

  Sophie nodded in understanding and wrote in the pad.

  The girl read the note and nodded in slight understanding, looking at the man with compassion.

  “What was that about?” Marie signed and looked at the man.

  “She asked what was wrong with him.” Sophie signed back.

  “What do you mean?” Marie looked at the man trying to see what was wrong.

  “Limping.” Sophie signed and showed Marie the note.

  Marie read the note which read ‘Man hurt his leg and is limping because it is sore.’

  “Okay.” Marie smiled. “Did you find out her name?” She signed.

  Sophie shook her head in frustration.

  The girl was looking out the window.

  “Hey.” Marie
said to her. “Can I ask you something?”

  The girl turned around and nodded.

  “Do you remember your name?” Marie asked.

  The girl shook her head.

  “Do you remember anything at all?” Marie didn’t like pushing but she needed to know, even if it was something small.

  The girl shook her head.

  Sophie tapped the table to get Marie’s attention.

  “Let’s give her a name.” Sophie signed whilst Marie spoke for her. “It is weird like this.”

  “What do you think?” Marie asked the girl. “Can we give you a name?”

  The girl looked at Sophie who smiled, and then back to Marie. Confusion and fear on her face.

  “No need to be afraid, we won’t give you anything cringy.” Marie smiled. “We need to call you something. Would make life easier do you think?”

  The girl nodded.

  “Are there any names you like?” Marie asked.

  The girl hesitated and then shook her head.

  Sophie turned a page in her pad and wrote a name, showing the girl.

  The girl smiled and nodded.

  “What?” Marie signed. “What did you write?”

  Sophie showed the pad to the girl and pointed to a word. The girl nodded and smiled.

  “Anna.” Sophie signed.

  “Anna?” Marie said and looked at the girl. “Are you happy with Anna?”

  The girl smiled and nodded in excitement.

  “Well that was easy.” Marie signed. “Well it is great to meet you Anna, even if it is under bad circumstances.”

  Anna nodded and smiled.

  Sophie tapped the table to get Marie’s attention.

  “An…na.” Sophie whispered, slightly strained, she took a deep breath. “Anna.” She said again, clearer and more confident.

  “Wow!” Marie was lost for words. “That was amazing!”

  Sophie laughed.

  “Looks like Anna is having a good effect on you.

  “Well done Sophie I am proud of you.” Marie gasped, placing her hand on Sophie’s.

  “Thank you. Marie.” Sophie whispered, breathing deeply from the exertion.

  Anna looked at Sophie in confusion.

  “Sophie is learning to speak Anna. This is a big milestone for her.” Marie explained.

  Anna looked at Sophie and smiled, putting her hand on Sophie’s.

  Marie yawned loudly.

  “I think someone needs an early night.” Marie covered her mouth, groaning through a long yawn.

  Anna giggled.

  A tray was placed on the edge of the table, causing Marie to jump in fright.

  “Sorry.” The man said. “Didn’t mean to scare you.”

  “It is ok.” Marie smiled. “I am a little jumpy today. Not gotten much sleep lately.”

  The man chuckled.

  On the tray were three large plates, each with a slice of toast, two sausages, two slices of bacon, three hash browns and a small helping of baked beans. He placed a plate in front of Anna, Sophie and then Marie followed by cutlery wrapped in a paper napkin.

  “I’ll be back with the drinks.” The man said putting the tray under his arm. “Not as strong as I used to be.”

  “That is ok.” Marie said. “Take your time.”

  The man nodded and walked back to the counter. Anna watched as he slowly walked away, looking at his limp.

  “Ok eat up.” Marie said, removing the cutlery and cutting up the sausages and bacon. Sophie grabbed her fork and plunged it into the sausage, taking a huge bite she groaned.

  “Nice?” Marie asked and laughed. “Don’t bite your fingers or eat the fork.”

  Sophie giggled.

  Anna looked at her plate and then at Marie’s and Sophie’s, a slight look of disgust on her face. Marie put her cutlery down and gently tapped her arm.

  “Are you?” Marie asked in concern. “Do you not like it?”

  Anna shook her head.

  “What do you not like?” Marie asked.

  Anna pointed to the sausages and the bacon.

  “You don’t eat meat?” Marie groaned. “Oh, I am so sorry I didn’t think.”

  The man arrived at the table holding a mug of coffee in one hand and two glasses of orange juice in the other. He placed the coffee down next to Marie and then the glasses at the centre of the table.

  “Everything ok?” The man asked noticing something was wrong. “Food not good?”

  “It is great.” Marie said. “I didn’t realise Anna here doesn’t eat meat.”

  “Ah it isn’t the end of the world. My granddaughter is a vegan, so I know how it works.” The man reached forward and took the plate from Anna. “I know what I can do for you.” The man smiled and walked away.

  Anna picked up her orange juice and put it to her nose, breathing in deeply.

  Marie watched her curiously.

  Anna looked at Sophie as if she was waiting for her to confirm she could drink it.

  “It’s ok.” Marie said. “Drink it.”

  Anna took a sip, a smile grew on her face and she slowly drank half of the glass, putting the glass down she let out a little sigh of happiness.

  “Glad to see you smiling.” Marie said. “Is it good?”

  Anna nodded.

  Sophie tapped the table and signed.

  “Is Anna staying with us?” Marie repeated and signed. “Yes, for a short while.”

  Sophie looked at Anna and smiled.

  Marie turned when she heard the man making his way over with a plate, he placed it down on the table in front of Anna.

  “There you go young lady. A couple of hash browns and baked beans. No animal products on that plate.” The man smiled.

  Sophie looked at the man and said ‘thank you’ to him in sign language.

  “What was that?” He asked her. “I don’t sign I am afraid.”

  “She said thank you.” Marie said and repeated the sign.

  “I need to learn sign language. I think it is beautiful.” The man went to turn away and Anna took hold of his hand, stopping him in his pace. Marie looked at Anna, the worry in her growing.

  “Anna?” She said.

  Anna looked at the man and repeated the sign for ‘thank you’.

  “You are welcome.” The man smiled and patted her hand. “Enjoy your breakfast.” The man said and slowly walked away.

  Anna picked up her fork and gently took a few beans on the edge, she put them into her mouth and chewed them slowly.

  “Is that good?” Marie asked.

  Anna nodded.

  “So, you can sign?” Marie asked with interested. “Do you know sign language?”

  Anna shook her head.

  Sophie tapped her arm and signed.

  “You think she copied you?” Marie said. “Makes sense.” She looked at Anna who was tucking into her beans and enjoying them. “She is hungry.” She said and signed.

  “Me too.” Sophie said and returned to her food.

  Marie took a mouthful of coffee and then looked down at her plate, dreading it. She wasn’t hungry. The nightmare she had in the hall had left her feeling sick, her stomach rumbled, and she closed her eyes, breathing through it.

  She felt a hand on hers and looked up to see Anna holding onto her, whilst slowly eating her food. She looked up and smiled, a long smile that made Marie warm up.

  “Are you ok?” Sophie signed.

  Marie nodded.

  “Just tired.” Marie assured her. “I will be fine when we get home.”

  “Have to come back here later.” Sophie signed and groaned. “I hate hospitals.”

  “I know. We are only here for a couple of hours, then we can all go for dinner.” Marie said. “I am thinking of something different food wise.” Marie signed not using her voice. “Something for Anna?” Marie glanced at Anna who had nearly cleared her plate.

  Sophie nodded in understanding.

  “Italian?” Sophie signed. “Pasta.” She smiled.

�Good idea.” Marie said. “I might ask my father to bring you in if you don’t mind?”

  “I don’t mind.” Sophie replied. “I like Bill.” She smiled.

  “I know why!” Marie chuckled. “He always takes you for milkshakes!” Marie said.

  “Oh no you got me.” Sophie laughed. “He is fun.”

  “He is I agree.” Marie sighed. “I think it is better for Sophie to be at home and relax a little, let her get used to her surroundings without pulling her out again.”

  “Like you did with me on my first day?” Sophie said. “I know.”

  “Ok. I will give him a call.” Marie smiled. “Can you lend Anna some clothes until I go shopping?” Marie said looking at her phone. “Won’t get time today.”

  “Yes.” Sophie said immediately. “I don’t mind.”

  “You are a great kid.” Marie said and then corrected herself. “Sorry you are a great girl.”

  “Better.” Sophie said and finished her breakfast, she looked at Anna who looked back and smiled. Sophie ate her food, avoiding the meat.

  “Anna.” Marie said, also signing for Sophie. “After breakfast we are going back to mine. Freshen up and get some rest.”

  Anna nodded.

  “Sophie needs to come here later for an appointment. Are you ok to stay with me?” Marie asked.

  Anna looked at Sophie and then back at Marie, nodding in agreement.

  “Brilliant.” Marie said and then looked at Sophie thanking her. “Ok you too stay here whilst I go and do a phone call.” Marie said.

  Anna tapped the table to get Marie’s attention.

  “You ok?” Marie said. “What do you need?”

  Anna pointed to the plate and smiled.

  “You want more?” Marie asked and smiled when Anna nodded. “Ok let me go speak to the man.

  Marie stood up and made her way to the counter where the man stood holding a mug, slowly sipping at it. When he noticed Marie, he put the mug down and walked up to the counter.

  “Everything ok?” The man asked.

  “All great. Could Anna have another round of beans and hash browns?” Marie asked. “She destroyed the first lot.” She laughed.

  “She has an appetite I give you that.” The man laughed. “Sure, will sort that for her. Anything else?” The man waited.

  “Is there a phone nearby, mine is going to die on me and I need to make a quick call.” Marie said holding her phone in her hand.


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