
Home > Other > Shadowstrut > Page 16
Shadowstrut Page 16

by Orlando A. Sanchez

  “Do it, Warden,” Street said with the last of his strength, as his body sagged forward. “Do it now!”

  I cast the soulblaze, using Street as the focus. The garden erupted in bright yellow light as the creatures around us were consumed.

  “The sword, Grey!” Frank yelled. “Use the sword!”

  I thrust forward and drove Darkspirit through Street and Fluffy. The power raced into me, shredding the duster as it blew through my body. I held on for the longest ten seconds of my life.

  When it was done, Street fell forward, and Koda caught him. Fluffy fell to its knees. I could see it was done.

  “Why didn’t it work?” Fluffy said. “I offered you the one thing you wanted. I saw it in your mind.”

  “You may have seen it, but Jade would’ve never wanted me to stop being a Warden. You lose. Now get the hell out of here.”

  “You may have destroyed me, but I have given you fear. You fear losing those closest to you. I have won.”

  “You didn’t win,” I said, looking around at the battered, beaten, and bruised faces of my friends—my family. “You didn’t give me fear. Tonight, I faced that fear and beat it, beat you. Tonight, I claimed my family.”

  The Tenebrous burst into a cloud of dust, vanishing in the gentle wind.



  “You played me, Ronin,” I said, holding the phone gingerly against my still aching head.

  “Don’t take it personally, Grey. Besides, I needed to test the defenses at the Central Archive.”

  “So, you used me as your mule.”

  “You were already burned with them. It made perfect sense.”

  “You are a total piece of shit, Ronin. Honor is okay, by the way.”

  “Don’t get this twisted, Grey. It’s not about you or a group of homeless mages. There’s a group out there that wants to destroy—everything.”

  “Tigris kicking your ass?”

  “Where did you hear that name?” Ronin said. Suddenly I had his attention. “What do you know about them?”

  “Nothing. I’m just a lowly Night Warden, roaming the streets and keeping those homeless mages from being preyed on—you know, the insignificant stuff.”

  “Fuck you, Grey,” Ronin said, his voice low and seasoned with a deep-seated anger. “This is what doomed the Night Wardens from the start. Your vision is myopic. You worry about the homeless mages, when the city’s at stake. The city, when the country is in danger. The country, when it’s the world. The Night Wardens were a mistake from their inception.”

  “I can see you’ve given this some thought, but I’ve learned a few things in the past few days too,” I said, keeping my voice calm. “You can’t take yourself too seriously—an old lady taught me that—and you honor those who stand with you when it all goes to shite.”

  “Wonderful. Life lessons from a washed up, has-been Warden. Thank you, now my life is complete.”

  “I learned something else, Ronin. I learned that someone has to speak for the voiceless. For the ones who will be slaughtered while the world turns a blind eye. That’s what the Night Wardens are for. When everyone runs away, we run towards.”

  “Is that it?” Ronin asked. “You called to hit me with some antiquated Warden sayings? Give me a break. The Light Council is going to retire you and your apprentice. Good riddance to bad rubbish. Anything else?”

  “I’ll be seeing you soon, Ronin.”

  “Not if I see you first.”

  I hung up.

  I understood the mentality. Ronin wasn’t a bad operative, and he certainly wasn’t a dark mage. Not that I was one to make a judgment call. He was simply misinformed and was touting the Division-13 line. I would take some time in the future to take him on a patrol and educate him about his world view. It was all in the details.

  “You have a guest,” Aria said, stepping into my room. “You up for it?”

  “Is it Roxanne? Because I don’t think I can do another session of ‘I told you so’ from her.”

  I heard the wind chimes and smelled the strong coffee.

  I sat up and motioned for Aria to let my guest in.

  “Hello, Grey.”

  She was dressed in her usual black-on-black. The power coming off her was impressive, especially considering I was lying in the strongest null room in the Cloisters.

  “Thank you for coming,” I said. “You didn’t have to come all this way.”

  “Dex informed me you were looking for one of these.” She patted the bundle on her side. “These are rare, and the cost is high. Are you sure you’re willing to pay it?”

  “It could have made my last encounter with a Tenebrous slightly easier.”

  “Or it could have killed everyone. Hard to see how these things go sometimes.”

  “True. I’m willing to pay the cost.”

  “We will see.”

  She placed the bundle next to me on the bed and stepped back.

  “Thank you again.”

  “Once you’ve recovered sufficiently, I expect to see you and”—she glanced over to the corner—“your apprentice at the Boutique.”

  “Of course.”

  “Oh, and Warden?” she said as she gestured.


  “Don’t make me come looking for you. That would be an unpleasant experience—for you.”

  “Wouldn’t even consider it.”

  “Excellent. I will see you soon, then.”

  A portal opened next to her, and she disappeared.

  “Stop hiding…she’s gone.”

  “Was that her?” Koda asked. “She’s fierce.”

  “More like fearsome, but fierce fits too.”

  “When are we going to visit her?”

  “As soon as I can get dressed,” I said. “I’m not about to risk pissing off TK.”

  “That would be prudent,” Aria said from the door. “Even I would hesitate to engage her or her husband in combat.”

  “Thank you again, for everything.”

  “Before you go,”—Aria gestured—“I wanted to make sure you were both dressed accordingly.”

  Two dusters materialized on the bed. Well, one was a duster, the other was duster-like, complete with hood, for a certain cipher.

  “Is that one for me?” Koda asked, her voice filled with awe. “Are you serious?”

  “I’d say you earned it, and Grey agrees.”

  “No more Night Warden in training,” I said. “Well, you still have plenty of training to go through, and your attitude leaves much to be desired, not to mention—”

  “Grey?” Aria said. “The words you’re looking for are: Congratulations, Night Warden Koda.”

  “Right. Congratulations, Night Warden Koda.”



  Author Notes

  Thank you for reading this story and jumping back into a world of Grey and the Night Wardens. Writing this story was both exciting and bittersweet. Anytime a character dies in one of my books it impacts me. I can’t help thinking that maybe, just maybe I can save the character. This time there was no way around it, really. Writing the Night Warden books and Grey in particular, requires a darker frame of mind. Grey is a broken man living in a broken world, trying to do good. Even if it kills him. Through it all, he manages to keep his dark sense of humor, even though he leans somewhat on the cynical side. He has good friends, and a smartass apprentice that keep him mostly sane and well-caffeinated.

  Thank you for stepping into Grey’s (and Koda’s) world and sharing a few hours of your time with me.

  My main series, Montague & Strong has produced several tangent stories, each with rich and exciting characters. This series is a direct tangent to Monty & Simon’s adventures and you will hear them, or their exploits mentioned regularly in the Night Warden novels. Occasionally they will make cameo appearances, although Grey isn’t keen about Simon and his devildog dropping by The Dive. The danger of destruction and devastation is too great, plus he doesn’t
keep that many sausages in stock.

  The influences in my writing were (and are) many, but the goal is still the same. Write a good story. Create a character you’d want to spend some time with, and join them as they deal with situations that spiral out of control as a result of the actions and choices. For me, that’s the recipe for a book that immerses me in the story, and makes it hard to put down.

  It’s my sincere wish that I achieved a small measure of that with SHADOWSTRUT.

  I want to thank you again for reading this story. If you would like a different story with a dose of magic, snark, sausages, and destruction, I’d like to suggest my Montague & Strong series. It’s the ongoing story of an immortal detective, an ever-hungry hellhound companion, and an angry mage working the cases only they can.

  A reminder: if you really enjoyed this story, please take a few moments and kindly leave a review at the site you purchased it from. It doesn’t have to be long…just a line or two would be fantastic and it would really help me out.

  Special Mentions

  Tammy of the WOUF: who imagined, designed and created the Warden Bag. Thank you Tammy.

  For the special boots created for Koda after you broke your toe and renamed the post-op boot, Dead Sexy. Because of course it would be named that.

  For snarkasm and other assorted additions to the english language …I will be calling Merriam-Webster soon.

  Davina for the immense amount of commas and the GOT nod…not today. I apologize for making you unleash the Tao of Comma on this book.

  For the Billy Goats Gruff reference for tastier light mages lol.

  Orlando A. Sanchez

  Orlando has been writing ever since his teens when he was immersed in creating scenarios for playing Dungeon and Dragons with his friends every weekend. The worlds of his books are urban settings with a twist of the paranormal lurking just behind the scenes and generous doses of magic, martial arts, and mayhem. He currently resides in Queens, NY with his wife and children and can often be found lurking in the local coffee shops where most of his writing is done.

  Bitten Peaches Publishing

  Thanks for Reading

  If you enjoyed this book, would you please leave a review at the site you purchased it from? It doesn’t have to be long… just a line or two would be fantastic and it would really help me out.

  Bitten Peaches Publishing offers more books by this author. From science fiction & fantasy to adventure & mystery, we bring the best stories for adults and kids alike.

  More books by Orlando A. Sanchez

  The Warriors of the Way

  The Karashihan*•The Spiritual Warriors•The Ascendants•The Fallen Warrior•The Warrior Ascendant•TheMaster Warrior

  John Kane

  The Deepest Cut*•Blur

  Sepia Blue

  The Last Dance*•Rise of the Night•Sisters•Nightmare

  Chronicles of the Modern Mystics

  The Dark Flame•A Dream of Ashes

  Montague & Strong Detective Agency Novels

  Tombyards & Butterflies•Full Moon Howl•Blood is Thicker•Silver Clouds Dirty Sky•Homecoming•Dragons & Demigods•Bullets & Blades•Hell Hath No Fury

  Montague & Strong Detective Agency Stories

  No God is Safe•The Date•The War Mage•A Proper Hellhound

  Brew & Chew Adventures

  Hellhound Blues

  Night Warden Novels


  Division 13

  The Operative•The Magekiller

  Blackjack Chronicles

  The Dread Warlock

  The Assassins Apprentice

  The Birth of Death

  *Books denoted with an asterisk are FREE via my website—


  With each book, I realize that every time I learn something about this craft, it highlights so many things I still have to learn. Each book, each creative expression, has a large group of people behind it.

  This book is no different.

  Even though you see one name on the cover, it is with the knowledge that I am standing on the shoulders of the literary giants that informed my youth and supported by my generous readers who give of their time to jump into the adventures of my overactive imagination.

  I would like to take a moment to express my most sincere thanks:

  To my Tribe: You are the reason I have stories to tell. You cannot possibly fathom how much and how deeply I love you all.

  To Lee: Because you were the first audience I ever had. I love you sis.

  To the Logsdon Family: The words, Thank You are insufficient to describe the gratitude in my heart for each of you. JL your support always demands I bring my best, my A-game, and produce the best story I can. Both you and Lorelei(my Uber Jeditor) are the reason I am where I am today. Thank you for the notes, challenges, corrections, advice, and laughter. Your patience is truly infinite. Arigatogozaimasu.

  To The Montague & Strong Case Files Group-AKA The MoB (Mages of Badassery): When I wrote T&B there were fifty-five members in The MoB. As of this release there are over one-thousand members in the MoB. I am honored to be able to call you my MoB Family. Thank you for being part of this group and M&S. You make this possible. THANK YOU.

  To the WTA-The Incorrigibles: JL, Ben Z. Eric QK. S.S.

  They sound like a bunch of badass misfits, because they are. My exposure to the deranged and deviant brain trust you all represent helped me be the author I am today. I have officially gone to the dark side thanks to all of you. I humbly give you my thanks, and…it’s all your fault.

  To the The English Advisory: Aaron, Penny, Carrie and all of the UK MoB. For all things English…thank you.

  To DEATH WISH COFFEE: This book (and every book I write) has been fueled by generous amounts of the only coffee on the planet (and in space, yes, really, look it up) strong enough to power my very twisted imagination. Is there any other coffee that can compare? I think not. DEATH WISH-Thank you!

  To the Gene Mollica Studio: Gene, Sasha, and the crew.

  Your covers can only be described as ART. Thank you for taking the time to create the masterpieces you do. Readers always want your covers as memorabilia because they look like movie posters. You never fail to amaze me with your professionalism, talent, skill, and creativity. Thank you for the great service and amazing covers!

  To you the reader: I was always taught to save the best for last. I write these stories for you. Thank you for jumping down the rabbit holes of what if? with me. You are the reason I write the stories I do. You keep reading…I’ll keep writing.

  Thank you for your support and encouragement.

  Contact Me

  I really do appreciate your feedback. You can let me know what you thought of the story by emailing me at:

  [email protected]

  To get FREE stories please visit my page at:

  For more information on Grey & Koda…come join the MoB Family on Facebook!

  You can find us at:

  Montague & Strong Case Files

  If you enjoyed the book, please leave a review HERE. They really help the book and other readers find good stories to read. THANK YOU!


  No book is the work of one person. I am fortunate enough to have an amazing team of advance readers and shredders. They give their time and keen eyes to provide notes, insight, and corrections (dealing wonderfully with my dreaded comma allergy). They help make every book and story go from good to great. Each and every one of you helped make this book fantastic.



  Adam G. Alex P. Amanda H. Amy R. Anne M. Audrey C. Barbara H. Barbara H. Bennah P. Beverly C. Carrie Anne O’L. Cassandra H. Chris C II. Corinne L. Dana A. Daniel P. Darren M. Davina N. Denise K. Diane K. Dolly S. Dorothy MPG. Hal B. Helen G. Helen D. Jan G. Jen C. Jim S. Jos
celyn S. Julie P. Karen H. Karen H. Kirsten B.W. Larry D. T. Laura C. R. Laura T. Lesley S. Mary Anne P. Melissa M. Melody D. Mike H. Natalie F. Patricia O’N. RC B. Rene’ C. Rob H. Sara M.B. Shannon O.B. Sharon H. Stacey S. Stephanie C. Stephen B. Steve W. Tami C. Tammy T. Tanya A. Terri A. Thomas R. Wendy S.

  This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, organizations, and events portrayed in this novel are either products of the authors’ imagination or are used fictitiously and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations, or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  © 2019 Orlando A. Sanchez

  All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book, or portions thereof, in any form.

  Published by: Bitten Peaches Publishing

  Cover Art: Gene Mollica Studios


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