MacDowell, Edward 290
McGraw Hill 372
McGregor, Ewan 297
Machaut, Guillaume de 204, 205
McKay, George Frederick 227
McKeich, Andrew 399–401
McKellen, Ian 297
MacMillan, James 209, 240
McMillan, Roy 322
Madrid Community Orchestra 265
Maggini Quartet 105, 155–61, 237, 239, 314, 317, 358, 363, 366
Mahler, Gustav 4, 39, 50, 188, 198, 200, 253, 303, 420
Mailer, Prof. Franz 60
Malipiero, Gian Francesco 267
Mallon, Kevin 320
Maloney, Michael 297
Malory, Sir Thomas 293
Mandela, Nelson 148
Mangoré, Agustín Barrios 168
Marco Polo Catalogue 67, 248, 254, 283–92, 353, 373
alphabetical listing 289
‘Chamber Music’ 287–9
‘Chinese Classics’ 283–4, 348
‘Light Music and the Strauss’ 286–7
‘Marco Polo Classics’ 284–5
‘Marco Polo Film Music’ 290–1, 332, 348
‘Opera’ 285
‘Orchestral Music’ 285–6
‘Piano Music’ 289–90
Marco Polo France 405, 407, 408, 409
Marco Polo Records ix, 13, 50–3, 73, 100, 146, 180, 187, 193, 224, 243, 280, 281–92, 325–9, 336, 370, 383, 393, 403, 411
artist contracts and 55–6
complete cycles 59–60
digital format embraced by 65–6
diversity of 62
‘dream label’ status of 58
first recordings of 51, 52, 65–6, 67, 131, 134 234, 248, 257, 266–7
founding of 10, 50, 52, 60, 61, 65, 132, 281, 328
‘Gothic’ Symphony and 59
Hong Kong HQ of 10, 13
Kreisler Edition reissued by 133
‘Label of Discovery’ 124, 281, 292
Mandela and 148
musical standards maintained by 135
national anthems and 243–6
Naxos overshadows 360
Novecento works of 60
pre- 242
rapid expansion of 314, 331–2
recording, producing and editing procedures 313, 318
sales 283
Takako and 128, 131, 134
Western nature of 57
worldwide distribution 349–409
Mark, Jon, 98, 99
Mark-Almond 98
Markevitch, Igor 209
Märkl, Jun 321
Markson, Gerhard 146
Marsh, Roger, 297
Marston, Ward 99, 273, 316
Martin, Laurent 289
Martinu, Bohuslav 325
Marton, Ivan 68, 323–5
Martucci, Giuseppe 61, 266
Mascagni, Pietro 61, 261, 347
Masó, Jordi 289
Massenet, Jules 261
Maupassant, Guy 300
Maxwell Davies, Sir Peter 156, 159, 160, 238–9, 240, 302, 317, 363
May, Karl 31
Mayuzumi, Toshiro 211
MCI 63, 64
Media 7 405, 408, 409
Melchior, Lauritz 276
Melodiya 3, 68
Mena, Juan José 265
Mendelssohn, Felix 30, 40, 75, 76, 126, 131, 132, 148, 153, 161, 162, 211, 220, 268, 269, 320
Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, George 40, 44–5
Menotti, Gian Carlo 225
Menuhin, Yehudi 4, 275
Mercadante, Saverio 163
Meridian 3
Messiaen, Olivier 188–90, 241, 269, 321, 376
Metropolitan Opera (‘Met’) 117
Meyerbeer, Giacomo 261, 285
Meyer-Eller, Sören 299
Michelangeli, Arturo 9
Middle Kingdom 291–2
MIDEM xiii, xiv, 10, 46, 57, 82, 88, 110, 188, 195, 208, 311
MIDEM Classique xiv, 10, 188, 383, 393
Milken Archive of Jewish Music 379
Miller, Glenn 278
Milnes, Sherrill 4
Milstein, Nathan 347
Milton, John 88, 293, 380
Minolta 40
Miricioiu, Nelly 86
Moeran, E.J. 156, 157, 288
Moiseiwitsch, Benno 99, 117, 275
Montemezzi, Italo 61
Monteverdi Choir and Orchestra 366
Monteverdi, Claudio 301
Moorani, Riyaz 114
Moroi, Saburo 211
Morris, Joan 227
Morris, Johnny xv, 365
Moscheles, Ignaz 39
Moscow Symphony Orchestra 193
Motown 46
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus 1–6, 25, 75–6, 79, 100, 101, 123, 125, 127–8, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 162, 164, 171, 174–5, 180, 198–200, 208, 220, 247, 251, 252, 259, 261, 269, 281, 301, 303, 304, 314, 319, 321, 326, 365, 386, 393, 420
Müller, Othmar 177
Müller-Brühl, Helmut 206–8, 251
Munich Philharmonic Orchestra 30
Municipal Opera (Augsburg) 179
Murakami, Haruki ii, 299
Music City USA 379
Music Masters 217
music piracy 65, 104, 115–16, 242, 336, 394, 401–2, 416
Music and Video Distribution (MVD) 351
Music Week xiii, 13
musicology x, 91, 100, 101, 114, 211, 262, 304, 323, 336, 340–1, 371, 387, 418
Musikverein (Vienna) 131, 176
Mussorgsky, Modest 73, 138
Mute 46
MVC 367
Myaskovsky, Nikolay 59, 194, 198, 282, 290, 328
Myers, Paul 317
Nachéz, Tivadar 134
Nagoya Philharmonic Orchestra 47
Nagy, Péter 75
Naïve 374, 394, 409
Nancarrow, Conlon 24
Napster 416
Nashville Symphony 214–15, 229, 231, 233, 321, 369, 375–9
artist contracts and 55–6
audiobooks, see Naxos AudioBooks awards won by 158, 182, 187–8, 391, 393, 407, 425–34; see also GRAMMYs
becomes digital service provider 113–14
board 27
catalogue, see Naxos Catalogue
CD sales of 87–8, 91, 99, 100, 113–14, 117, 144, 145, 147
character of 411–12
court cases involving 44, 117–18, 121
creation of 13, 123
customer loyalty to 419
dedicated production facility of 314
digital distribution 367
distribution companies 18, 27, 44, 46, 61, 65, 74, 77, 79–83, 90, 92–3, 104, 110, 121–2
diversification of 62, 94
early days of 74, 132
enters mainstream stores 356
equal-fee basis of 120, 124, 140
expansion of 100
‘fathers of’ 71
fifteenth anniversary of 91
financial turnover 360
first CDs of 11, 69, 70
first decade of 385
‘Gothic’ Symphony and 59
husband-and-wife team of 25–6
Internet and 107–22
Klaus offers to CEOs 412
Ltd 70
market share 360, 363
music education and 23, 102, 116–17, 309, 338, 345, 367, 417, 420–1
musical standards maintained by 135
naming of 70
national anthems and 243–6
‘national’ recording programmes of 397
one-conductor cycle of 179
parent company of 108
precursor to 45–6
prejudice experienced by 153
public-domain repertoire and 224
public perception of 95, 105
rapid expansion of 314
recognition achieved by 105–6
recording, producing and editing procedures 311–22
recordings statistics of 249–50
recording/release schedule 307–1
1, 318
rivals of 387
SADiE software and 311, 316
‘specialist’ nature of 76
Takako and 26, 134, 138
‘white-wall’ status of 396
Woolworths and, see main entry worldwide distribution 349–409
Naxos of America 27, 341, 350, 351, 369–88
Naxos AudioBooks ii, xiv–xv, 88–9, 97, 101, 116, 183–4, 249, 293–306, 309, 322–3, 347, 360, 362, 370
‘Classic Fiction’ series 294
‘Classic Non-Fiction’ series 295
German, see Naxos Hörbücher Grimms’ Fairy Tales 294
‘Histories’ series 298
‘In a Nutshell’ series 299
Naxos Australia, see SAVD
Naxos Books 101, 102, 219, 302–4, 309, 330, 385, 419
biographies from 101–2, 303
children’s books from 102
‘Discover’ series 302, 303, 304
e-texts and apps 102, 344, 348
‘Life and Music’ series 304
‘Portrait’ series 304
websites to accompany 303
Naxos Catalogue 248–80, 353, 373, 408, 410
‘American Classics’ 90–1, 184, 225, 229, 249, 262–4, 310, 332, 348, 371, 375–8
anthologies 258
‘Best of’ series 259, 365, 390
best-selling recordings from 126, 128, 144, 145, 147, 148, 158, 165, 179, 187, 188, 237, 242, 253, 259, 260, 265, 274, 385, 388, 391, 392–3, 395, 414, 415
‘British’ music series 357
‘British Piano Concerto’ series 210, 364
‘Budget Classics’ 45, 300, 328, 363
‘Central Classics’ 250–61
children’s choral music 260
‘Chill with’ series 259
Christmas-themed series 259
‘Cinema Classics’ 259
‘Clarinet Classics’ 360
‘Classics at the Movies, The’ 259
‘Collections’ listing 258
‘Complete Piano Music of Liszt’ 332
deletions 280
‘Deutsche Schubert Lied Edition’ 252
‘Early Music Collection’ 260, 348
‘Easy Listening Piano Classics’ 260
‘English Piano Concerto’ series 420
‘English Song Series’ 365, 420
‘exploitation’ 258
‘Great Conductors’ 276
‘Greek Classics’ 260
‘Guitar Collection’ 164–8, 267–8, 332, 348
‘H’ listing 254, 255–6
‘Immortal Performances’ series 117
‘Italian Classics’ 260, 266–7
‘Japanese Classics’ 211, 212, 397–9
‘Jubilee’ series 385
‘Laureate Series’ 167, 168, 249, 260
lieder recordings 252
‘Listen, Learn and Grow’ series 259
‘Liszt Complete Piano Music’ 173
‘Melodies of Love’ 348
monthly Top Ten 365
Naxos Web Radio streams 348
‘19th Century Violinist Composers’ 260
NML and 339–42, 416
‘Opera Classics’ 261–2
‘Organ Encyclopedia’ 268–9
‘Piano’ 348
pre-releases 334
rapid expansion of 331–2
‘Recordings in the Pipeline’ 308–9
‘Robert Craft Collection, The’ 217
‘Romantic Piano Favourites’ 260
‘S’ and ‘T’ listings 257–8, 260
‘salon’ favourites 260
‘Sets/Series’ section 260–1
‘Spanish Classics’ 260, 264–6, 332
‘Tintner Memorial Edition’ 252
‘Trio’ series 385
‘Trumpet’ recordings 260
‘Very Best of’ series 259, 332
‘Vocal and Choral’ 260
wedding music 260
‘Wind Band Classics’ 332
‘Z’ listing and beyond 258
Naxos Denmark 389, 395
Naxos Deutschland 352, 382–8
Naxos Digital Japan 398
Naxos DVD 104–4, 116, 278–80
‘Jazz Icons’ series 280, 376
‘Musical Journeys’ 278–9
Naxos Educational 255, 300–2, 309, 372, 374
‘Art and Music’ series 302
‘Classics Explained’ 301
‘Discover’ series 302
‘Life and Works’ series 301
‘Opera Explained’ 301
‘Portrait’ series 302
Naxos Far East 20, 351, 401–3
Naxos Finland, see FG Naxos
Naxos in France, see Abeille Musique
Naxos Germany 104
Naxos Global Distribution 403
Naxos Global Logistics (NGL) 350–4, 388, 409
Naxos Group 352
Naxos Historical 117, 272–8, 363
‘Great’ series 274–5
websites to accompany 275
Naxos Hong Kong 339
Naxos Hörbücher 299–300, 348
Naxos Japan 396–9
Naxos Jazz 270–1, 274, 277, 278
Naxos Korea 403–5, 414
Naxos Music Library (NML) 21, 109, 111–22, 186, 338–42, 344–6, 367, 374, 377, 395, 398, 401, 404–5, 409, 413, 420–1
apps 399, 417
Jazz 346
subscriptions 399, 415–16, 419, 421
Naxos Musicals 274, 277
Naxos Norway 389
Naxos Nostalgia 274, 277, 332
Naxos online music encyclopaedia 418–19
Naxos Patrimoine 407
Naxos Promotions 355
Naxos Quartets 156, 159, 160, 238, 317, 363
Naxos Spoken Word Library (NSWL) 298, 341, 347–8, 404
Naxos Sweden 27, 248, 350, 351, 388–95
Naxos Video Library (NVL) 342, 346–7, 416
‘Global Treasures’ series 347
Naxos Web Radio 348
Naxos website 102, 107–22, 247, 298, 335–48, 403, 415–17
apps 304
books with 303
BWV 51 345
‘Composers’ section 343
dial-up era of 336
DRM and 115, 337, 346
e-texts and apps 102, 304, 344, 348
FTP site of 334
global membership of 343
metadata and 113, 337, 340, 373, 418
newsletter 344
NML and 21, 109, 111–22, 186, 338–42, 344–6
online platforms utilized by 112, 336, 337
‘Sets/Series’ section 343
Naxos White Wall 16, 81, 180, 334, 359, 367, 396
Naxos World 98, 271–2, 332, 375
NaxosDirect 375
Nebolsin, Eldar 174–7, 190
Nelsova, Zara 193
New Zealand Chamber Orchestra 101
New Zealand String Quartet 320
New Zealand Symphony Orchestra (NZSO) 176, 211, 219–20, 221, 243, 252, 321
Newman, Anthony 252
Nexus 387
NHK 10
Nicholas, Jeremy 303
Nicolaus Esterházy Sinfonia 179, 200, 251, 319
Nielsen, Carl 180
Nietzsche, Friedrich 298
Nimbus 3, 10
Nin-Culmell, Joaquín 329
Niquet, Hervé 96, 408
Nishizaki, Atsushi (Takako’s brother) 396, 398
Nishizaki, Masako (Takako’s mother) 129
Nishizaki, Shinji (Takako’s father) 43, 129, 130, 136
Nishizaki, Takako Nishizaki (Klaus’s wife) xi, 20, 24, 42–3, 46–9, 51–5, 72–6, 124–5, 127–37, 138, 141, 154, 197, 208, 224, 308, 315, 320–1, 396, 397
annual concerts performed by 135–6
birth of 129
Butterfly Lovers recorded by 47, 49, 77, 128, 130, 135, 255, 403
Chinese music recorded by 47–8
concertos recorded by 101, 128, 131
sp; education of 129
first review of 58
Four Seasons recorded by 72, 75, 126, 128, 132, 180, 252, 313
Fritz Kreisler Scholarship won by 42, 46, 128
Guarneris chosen by 133–4, 137
Juilliard attended by 127, 128, 129, 133
Juilliard Concerto Competition won by 127
Klaus marries 43, 128
Klaus meets 129
Kreisler Edition and 133
Leventritt Competition and 42, 127
‘Mrs Heymann’ sobriquet of 136
Naxos and 25–6
Takako Nishizaki Violin Studio formed by 136
violin competitions adjudicated by 136
violin lessons given by 136
violin pop songs of 242
Nock, Mike 97, 270
Nopp, Otto 321
Norberg-Schulz, Elizabeth 199
Norddeutsche Rundfunk 119
North, Nigel 168
Northern Chamber Orchestra 165, 204
Northern Sinfonia 357
Norton, Jim 294, 297
Nyman, Michael 210, 253, 366
Obert-Thorn, Mark 98, 272–3, 316
OehmsClassics 402
Ohguri, Hiroshi 397
Ohki, Masao 211
Ohzawa, Hisato 194
Olga Musik 394
Olympic Games 243–6
Onczay, Csaba 138, 251
Ondine 164, 395
Opus 3, 38, 52
Opus Arte 104, 367, 374, 402
Orbón, Julián 266
Orchestra of St. Luke’s 217, 219, 230
Orchestra Sinfonica di Roma 267
Orchestre National de Lille 408
Orchestre National de Lyon 215, 241, 321
Orff, Carl 39, 40, 224
Orgonášová, Luba 86
Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra 397–8
Ottensamer, Ernst 177
Otterloo, Willem van 31
Our Price 356, 359, 367
Outram, Martin 156
Overseas Weekly 33–4, 35
Oxford Camerata 47, 90, 96, 133, 201, 202, 204, 256, 359, 364
Pacific Audio Supplies Ltd 64
Pacific Mail Order System 37
Pacific Music Co. Ltd 64, 77, 78, 83, 84, 242
Pacifica Quartet 226
Pacini, Giovanni 261
Paganini, Nicolò 131, 154, 155, 170, 268
Paik, Kun Woo 407
Paleczny, Piotr 188
Palestrina, Giovanni Pierluigi da 134, 201, 202, 259
Paley, William 2
Parker Quartet 225
Pärt, Arvo 208, 210, 241, 253, 302, 382
Patmore, David 435
Paton, Laura 294
Pauk, György 188
Pavarotti, Luciano 4, 14, 15
Pears, Peter 327
Penderecki, Krzysztof 189–91, 236
Penguin 121, 86, 250, 356
Penny, Andrew 267
Pentatone Classics 374
Perlman, Itzhak 42, 127, 347
Perry, Ted 92, 360
Persichetti, Vincent 380
Peter Breiner and His Chamber Orchestra 242
Petermandl, Hans 290
Peterson-Berger, Wilhelm 392
Petitgirard, Laurent 241
Petrenko, Vasily 175, 178, 254, 311–12, 366
The Story of Naxos Page 46