PS, I Love You

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PS, I Love You Page 19

by Cecelia Ahern

  “Yes I heard that. I’d say that was a nice surprise for you.” He gave her a smile, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

  “You’re telling me.” Holly shook her head, still not quite believing it.

  They chatted together for a while about his holiday and their lives in general and Holly gave up eating her burger in front of him, as she could find no easy way of eating it without tomato ketchup and mayonnaise dribbling down her mouth every time it was her turn to speak.

  “I hope you didn’t go to Miami with another woman or poor Ciara will be devastated,” she joked, and then kicked herself for being so nosy.

  “No, I didn’t,” he said seriously. “We broke up a few months ago.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that,” she said genuinely. “Were you together long?”

  “Seven years.”

  “Wow, that’s a long time.”

  “Yeah.” He looked away and Holly could tell he didn’t feel comfortable talking about it, so she quickly changed the subject.

  “By the way, Daniel,” Holly lowered her voice to a hushed tone and Daniel moved his head closer. “I just wanted to thank you so much for looking out for me the way you did after the documentary. Most men run away when they see a girl cry; you didn’t, so thank you.” Holly smiled gratefully.

  “No problem at all, Holly. I don’t like to see you upset.” Daniel returned the smile.

  “You’re a good friend,” Holly said, thinking aloud.

  Daniel looked pleased. “Why don’t we all go out for drinks or something before you go away?”

  “Maybe I can get to know as much about you as you know about me.” Holly laughed. “I think you know my whole life story by this stage.”

  “Yeah, I’d like that,” Daniel agreed, and they arranged a time to meet.

  “Oh, by the way, did you give Ciara that birthday present?” Holly asked excitedly.

  “No,” he laughed. “She’s been kind of … busy.”

  Holly turned around to look at her sister and spotted her flirting with one of Declan’s friends, much to Declan’s disgust. Holly laughed at her sister. So much for wanting Daniel’s babies.

  “I’ll call her over, will I?”

  “Go on,” Daniel said.

  “Ciara!” Holly called. “Got another pressie for you!”

  “Ooh!” Ciara screamed with delight and abandoned a very disappointed-looking young man.

  “What is it?” She collapsed on the grass beside them.

  Holly nodded over at Daniel. “It’s from him.”

  Ciara excitedly turned to face him.

  “I was wondering if you would like a job working behind the bar at Club Diva?”

  Ciara’s hands flew to her mouth. “Oh Daniel, that would be brill!”

  “Have you ever worked behind a bar?”

  “Yeah, loads of times.” She waved her hand dismissively.

  Daniel raised his eyebrows; he was looking for a bit more information than that.

  “Oh, I’ve done bar work in practically every country I’ve been to, honestly!” she said excitedly.

  Daniel smiled. “So do you think you’ll be able for it?”

  “Ooh, would I ever!” she squealed and threw her arms around him.

  Any excuse, Holly thought, as she watched her sister practically strangling Daniel. His face started to turn red and he made “rescue me” faces toward Holly.

  “OK, OK, that’s enough, Ciara,” she laughed, dragging her off Daniel. “You don’t want to kill your new boss.”

  “Oh sorry,” Ciara said, backing off. “This is so cool! I have a job, Holly!” she squealed again.

  “Yes, I heard,” Holly said.

  Suddenly the garden became very quiet and Holly looked around to see what was happening. Everyone was facing the conservatory and Holly’s parents appeared at the door with a large birthday cake in their hands singing “Happy Birthday.” Everyone else joined in and Ciara jumped up, lapping up all the attention. As her parents stepped outside, Holly spotted someone following behind them with a huge bouquet of flowers. Her parents walked toward Ciara and placed the birthday cake on the table before her and the stranger behind slowly removed the bouquet from his face.

  “Mathew!” Ciara gasped.

  Holly grabbed Ciara’s hand as her face went white.

  “I’m sorry for being such a fool, Ciara.” Mathew’s Australian accent echoed around the garden. Some of Declan’s friends smirked loudly, obviously feeling uncomfortable at this open show of emotion. He actually looked like he was acting out a scene from an Australian soap, but then again drama always seemed to work for Ciara. “I love you! Please take me back!” he announced, and everyone turned to stare at Ciara to see what she would say.

  Her lower lip started to tremble and she ran over to Mathew and jumped onto him, wrapping her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck.

  Holly was overcome with emotion and tears welled in her eyes at the sight of her sister being reunited with the man she loved. Declan grabbed his camera and began filming.

  Daniel wrapped his arm around Holly’s shoulders and gave her an encouraging squeeze. “I’m sorry, Daniel,” Holly said, wiping her eyes, “but I think you’ve just been dumped.”

  “Not to worry,” he laughed. “I shouldn’t mix business with pleasure anyway.” He seemed relieved.

  Holly continued to watch as Mathew spun Ciara around in his arms.

  “Oh, get a room!” Declan yelled with disgust, and everyone laughed.

  · · ·

  Holly smiled at the jazz band as she passed and looked around the bar for Denise. They had arranged to meet up in the girls’ favorite bar, Juicy, known for its extensive cocktail menu and relaxing music. Holly had no intentions of getting drunk tonight, as she wanted to be able to enjoy her holiday as much as she could the next day. She intended on being bright-eyed and bushy-tailed for her week of relaxation, thanks to Gerry. She spotted Denise snuggling up to Tom on a comfortable large black leather couch in a conservatory area that overlooked the River Liffey. Dublin was lit up for the night and all its colors were reflected in the water. Daniel sat opposite Denise and Tom sucking fiercely on a strawberry daiquiri, eyes surveying the room. Nice to see Tom and Denise were ostracizing everyone again.

  “Sorry I’m late,” Holly apologized, approaching her friends. “I just wanted to finish packing before I came out.”

  “You’re not forgiven,” Daniel said quietly into her ear as he gave her a welcoming hug and kiss.

  Denise looked up at Holly and smiled, Tom waved slightly and they returned their attention to each other.

  “I don’t know why they even bother inviting other people out. They just sit there staring into each other’s eyes ignoring everyone else. They don’t even talk to each other! And then they make you feel like you’ve interrupted them if you strike up a conversation. I think they’ve got some weird telepathic conversation going on there,” Daniel said, sitting down again and taking another sip from his glass. He made a face at the sweet taste. “And I really need a beer.”

  Holly laughed. “Oh, so all round it sounds like you’ve been having a fantastic night.”

  “Sorry,” Daniel apologized. “It’s just been so long since I’ve spoken to another human being, I’ve forgotten my manners.”

  Holly giggled. “Well, I’ve come to rescue you.” She picked up the menu and surveyed the choice of drinks before her. She chose a drink with the lowest alcohol content and settled down in the cozy chair. “I could fall asleep here,” she remarked, snuggling further down into the chair.

  Daniel raised his eyebrows. “Then I would really take it personally.”

  “Don’t worry, I won’t,” she assured him. “So, Mr. Connelly, you know absolutely everything about me. Tonight I am on a mission to find out about you, so be prepared for my interrogation.”

  Daniel smiled. “OK, I’m ready.”

  Holly thought about her first question. “Where are you from?”

nbsp; “Born and reared in Dublin.” He took a sip of the red cocktail and winced again. “And if any of the people I grew up with saw me drinking this stuff and listening to jazz, I’d be in trouble.”

  Holly giggled.

  “After I finished school I joined the army,” he continued.

  Holly raised her eyes, impressed. “Why did you decide to do that?”

  He didn’t even think about it. “Because I hadn’t a clue what I wanted to do with my life, and the money was good.”

  “So much for saving innocent lives,” Holly laughed.

  “I only stayed with the army for a few years.”

  “Why did you leave?” Holly sipped on her lime-flavored drink.

  “Because I realized I had urges to drink cocktails and listen to jazz music and they wouldn’t permit it in the army barracks,” he explained.

  Holly giggled. “Really, Daniel.”

  He smiled. “Sorry, it just wasn’t for me. My parents had moved down to Galway to run a pub and the idea of that appealed to me. So I moved down to Galway to work there and eventually my parents retired, I took over the pub, decided a few years ago that I wanted to own one of my own, worked really hard, saved my money, took out the biggest mortgage ever and moved back to Dublin and bought Hogan’s. And here I am talking to you.”

  Holly smiled. “Well, that’s a wonderful life story, Daniel.”

  “Nothing special, but a life all the same.” He returned her smile.

  “So where does the ex come into all this?” Holly asked.

  “She’s right in between running the pub in Galway and leaving to come to Dublin.”

  “Ah … I see,” Holly nodded, understanding. She drained her glass and picked up the menu again. “I think I’ll have Sex on the Beach.”

  “When? On your holidays?” Daniel teased.

  Holly thumped him playfully on the arm. Not in a million years.


  “WE’RE ALL GOING ON OUR summer Holly days!” the girls sang in the car all the way to the airport. John had offered to drive them to the airport but he was fast regretting it. They were acting like they had never left the country before. Holly couldn’t remember the last time she had truly felt so excited. She felt like she was back at school and off on a school tour. Her bag was packed with packets of sweets, chocolate and magazines, and they couldn’t stop singing cheesy songs in the back of the car. Their flight wasn’t until 9:00 p.m., so they wouldn’t arrive at their accommodation until the early hours of the morning.

  They reached the airport and piled out of the car while John lifted their suitcases out of the boot. Denise ran across the road and into the departure lounge as if doing so would get her there any faster, but Holly stood back from the car and waited for Sharon, who was saying her good-byes to her husband.

  “You’ll be careful now, won’t you?” he asked her worriedly. “Don’t be doing anything stupid over there.”

  “John, of course I’ll be careful.”

  John wasn’t listening to a word she said. “Because it’s one thing messing around over here, but you can’t act like that in another country, you know.”

  “John,” Sharon said, wrapping her arms around his neck, “I’m just going for a nice relaxing holiday; you don’t need to worry about me.”

  He whispered something in her ear and she nodded, “I know, I know.”

  They gave each other a long good-bye kiss and Holly watched her lifelong friends embrace. She felt around in the front pocket of her bag for the August letter from Gerry. She would be able to open it in a few days while lying on the beach. What luxury. The sun, sand, sea and Gerry all in one day.

  “Holly, take care of my wonderful wife for me, will you?” John asked, breaking into Holly’s thoughts.

  “I will, John. We’re only going for a week, you know.” Holly laughed and gave him a hug.

  “I know, but after seeing what you girls get up to on your nights out, I’m just a little worried,” he smiled. “You enjoy yourself, Holly, you deserve the rest.”

  John watched them as they dragged their luggage across the road and into the departure lounge.

  Holly paused as she entered the door and took in a deep breath. She loved airports. She loved the smell, she loved the noise, and she loved the whole atmosphere as people walked around happily tugging their luggage, looking forward to going on their holidays or heading back home. She loved to see people arriving and being greeted with a big cheer by their families and she loved to watch them all giving each other emotional hugs. It was a perfect place for people-spotting. The airport always gave her a feeling of anticipation in the pit of her stomach as though she were about to do something special and amazing. Queuing at the boarding gate, she felt like she was waiting to go on a roller coaster ride at a theme park, like an excited little child.

  Holly followed Sharon and they joined Denise halfway down the extremely long check-in queue.

  “I told you we should have come earlier,” Denise moaned.

  “Well then, we would just be waiting at the boarding gate for the same amount of time,” reasoned Holly.

  “Yeah, but at least there’s a bar there,” explained Denise, “and it’s the only place in this entire stupid building that us smoker freaks can smoke in,” she mumbled.

  “Good point,” Holly thought aloud.

  “Now, can I just point out something to you two before we even leave. I’m not going to be doing any crazy drinking or having any wild nights. I just want to be able to relax by the pool or on the beach with my book, enjoy a few meals out and go to bed early,” Sharon said seriously.

  Denise looked at Holly in shock. “Is it too late to invite someone else, Hol? What do you reckon? Sharon’s bags are still packed and John can’t be too far down the road.”

  Holly laughed. “No, I have to agree with Sharon on this one. I just want to go and relax and not do anything too stressful.”

  Denise pouted like a child.

  “Oh, don’t worry, pet,” Sharon said softly, “I’m sure there will be other kids your age that you can play with.”

  Denise threw her the finger. “Well, if they ask me if I have anything to declare when we get there, I’m telling everyone my two friends are dry shites.”

  Sharon and Holly sniggered.

  After thirty minutes of queuing they finally checked in and Denise ran around the shop like a madwoman buying a lifetime supply of cigarettes.

  “Why is that girl staring at me?” Denise said through gritted teeth, eyeing up the girl at the end of the bar.

  “Probably because you’re staring at her,” Sharon responded, checking her watch. “Only fifteen more minutes.”

  “No honestly, girls.” Denise turned back around to face them. “I’m not being paranoid here, she is definitely staring at us.”

  “Well then, why don’t you go over to her and ask her if she wants to take it outside,” Holly joked and Sharon sniggered.

  “Oh, here she comes,” Denise sang and turned her back to her.

  Holly looked up and saw a skinny blond-haired girl with big fake tits heading toward them. “You better get those knuckle-dusters out, Denise, she looks like a dangerous one,” Holly teased and Sharon choked on her drink.

  “Hi there!” the girl squeaked.

  “Hello,” Sharon said, trying not to laugh.

  “I didn’t mean to be rude by staring, but I just had to come over and see if it was really you!”

  “It’s me all right,” Sharon said sarcastically, “in the flesh.”

  “Oh, I just knew it!” the girl squealed and jumped up and down with excitement. Unsurprisingly her chest stayed still. “My friends kept telling me I was wrong but I knew it was you! That’s them over there.” She turned around and pointed to the end of the bar and the other four spice girls twinkled their fingers back. “My name’s Cindy …”

  Sharon choked on her water again.

  “… And I’m just the biggest fan of all of you,” she squealed excitedly. �
��I just love that show that you’re all in, I’ve watched it dozens and dozens of times! You play Princess Holly, don’t you?” she said, pointing a manicured nail in Holly’s face.

  Holly opened her mouth to speak but Cindy kept on talking.

  “And you play her lady!” she pointed at Denise. “And you!” she squealed even louder, pointing at Sharon, “you were friends with that Australian rock star!”

  The girls looked at each other worriedly as she pulled out a chair and sat down at their table.

  “You see, I’m an actress myself …”

  Denise rolled her eyes.

  “… And I would just love to work on a show like yours. When are you making the next one?”

  Holly opened her mouth to explain that they weren’t actually actresses but Denise beat her to it.

  “Oh, we’re in discussions right now about our next project,” she lied.

  “Oh, how fantastic!” Cindy clapped her hands. “What’s it about?”

  “Well, we can’t really say right now, but we have to go to Hollywood for filming.”

  Cindy looked like she was going to have a heart attack. “Oh my God! Who’s your agent?”

  “Frankie,” Sharon interrupted Denise, “so Frankie and us are all going to Hollywood.”

  Holly couldn’t hold her laugh in.

  “Oh, don’t mind her, Cindy, she’s just excited,” explained Denise.

  “Wow, and so you should be!” Cindy looked down at Denise’s boarding pass on the table and nearly had heart failure. “Wow, you girls are going to Lanzarote too?!”

  Denise grabbed her boarding pass and shoved it in her bag, as if that would make a difference.

  “I’m going there with my friends. They’re just over there,” she turned around again and waved at them again and they waved back again. “We’re staying in a place called Costa Palma Palace. Where are you guys staying?”

  Holly’s heart sank. “Oh, I can’t quite remember the name, girls, can you?” She looked to Sharon and Denise with wide eyes.

  They shook their heads vigorously.

  “Oh well, not to worry,” she shrugged her shoulders happily, “I’ll see you when we land anyway! I better go now and board, I wouldn’t want the plane to fly off without me!” She squeaked so loudly that the surrounding tables turned to stare. She gave each of the girls a big hug and tottered off back to her friends.


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