Home Forever

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Home Forever Page 19

by Cee Bowerman

  “So what’s the scoop on Jace and Sarah?” I asked Sam as I got the yogurt out for Tuff’s dinner.

  “She’s one of Kari’s girls. Been with her since almost the beginning. Jace is in love with her. Like head over heels stupid for her. She doesn’t want him to be. She fights it every chance she gets but seems like she can’t resist being around him. Swears they are nothing but friends.” Sam answered me.

  “When she looks at him and no one is watching it is hot enough to scorch something.” I told him.

  “I think both my brothers have a hard road ahead. Me, I’m set right here where I am now. I’m gonna check the doors and set the alarm for you, sweet girl. I’m thinking we should stop talking with all these clothes on. Need to take them off and see what happens from there.” He slapped my ass as he walked past me to the back door. “Pretty sure I can come up with something.”

  “I’ve got a bathtub in there that is big enough for both of us. You man enough to handle some bubbles?” I asked him.

  “if it involves you and me naked, I can handle just about anything you throw my way.” He answered on his way through the kitchen to the office. “Bubbles will be just fine, sexy girl.”

  I smiled wickedly and thought this sounded like a great way to break in my new tub.


  It had been three days since we had seen the car with Kansas plates. Frank had checked in but didn’t have any new information. He was in Kansas following the man’s trail, investigating his finances, doing the things that Frank was best at.

  Chandler hadn’t found out anything that Frank hadn’t already told us, and the men from the garage were still taking shifts around us day and night.

  Zeke had gone back to work at his office, but when he was not there he was with Lisa. They hung out together in the yard or over at his house in the evenings, joining Sam and I sometimes for dinner.

  This morning I was getting ready to go with Sam to the shop, we were going to drive Betty up there so he could look at her engine and change the oil after my long drive in. I was a little nervous to see Sandra and I told him and Zeke that over coffee that morning.

  “She hates me, Sam. I don’t blame her. For all intents and purposes, you guys are her sons and she is protective of y’all. I get it.” I told them.

  “She is our mom, basically.” Zeke replied. “But that isn’t part of it. If Sam is happy she’s gonna have to deal with it. She’s a softie deep inside. A marshmallow.”

  “Pfffft. Marshmallow my ass.” Lisa muttered. All three of us looked at her. Lisa, not usually one to say anything unkind, was making her opinion known. “She threatened to kill Carlie.”

  “What?” Sam roared. I reached over and put my hand on his arm.

  “I saw her at the pet store after I had been into the shop. She made it clear she wasn’t happy to see me either at the shop or there in the store. Just here in Rojo in general. She’s the protective sort. I know about the marshmallowy center, Lisa just knows the part she heard that day. It’s fine.” I tried to calm him. “She’ll bark at me for a while, I’m guessing ten years or so, and then maybe we can be friends again.”

  “I’m not gonna put up with bullshit from her. Or anyone else who’s got the opinion that you aren’t supposed to be her. Don’t care that she wiped my nose when I was little, she’s not gonna get in there and fuck this up with us.” Sam declared. He was visibly upset and when I looked at Zeke I could see that he was not happy either. “If she doesn’t listen to reason I will talk to Tink. He’s the only one she listens to. She doesn’t listen to much, but he has his ways.”

  “We’re having a meeting tonight, we need to vote on a few things before we can go forward on them.

  You girls will be there with us, and she better not start any shit while we are inside.” Zeke was firm. “Talk to her while y’all are at the shop today and just let her know, Sam, that if she can’t fucking behave she can keep her ass at home.”

  “Don’t do that. This is her home. That shop is her place. You are her boys. Don’t paint her into a corner, you let me deal with Sandra my way. I don’t need either one of you to caveman your way into this. I will handle it.” I looked at both of them. “Get me?”

  “She pushes it too far with either of you, I’m gonna get in there.” Zeke proclaimed as he got up to leave. “Lisa, you ready?”

  “Good luck, Carlie.” Lisa got up to leave with Zeke to go to his office for a while. “Don’t let her get to you. And don’t let her get close enough to keep her promise.”

  Lisa and Zeke walked out the door and I soon heard the motorcycle start up and drive out.

  I got up and grabbed the carafe to refill our coffee while Sam glowered in his chair.

  “I need a shower, Sam. Will you wash my back?” I asked him sweetly. “And my front?”

  His face cleared. I took one of his hands in mine, my coffee in the other and moved toward the bedroom to change my man’s mood in the best possible way.


  Sam pulled Betty in the open baby at Duke’s Garage. He had called ahead and made sure they kept it open so he could look at my car. Once he put it in park he and I both got out and moved to the hood of the car.

  The sight of the classic Mustang had the men in the garage coming over to have a closer look.

  “That car is fuckin’ Sweet.” Rowdy proclaimed as he walked up. “So sweet. This is from the picture, right?”

  “Yes,” I answered him. “This is Betty.”

  Tink moved across the garage toward me. I watched him walk up, and as he moved around the other men I tried to gauge his feelings toward me. He stepped close to me and looked down at my face with a thunderous expression. He reached out and put his hands on my shoulders and jerked me into his chest. His arms went around me and squeezed me tight.

  “Carlie my girl. God, we missed you, sweetheart.” Tink’s words were thick and gruff. My eyes started to water and I was afraid I was going to cry on his shirt. I closed my eyes tightly. “Jace told me and the wife the shit that went down with you and I gotta say it tore us both up. Just tore us up, darlin’.” Tink’s hold on me loosened and one of his hands left my shoulder. I felt another arm come around me. Sandra.

  “Oh, honey, I’m so sorry I was a bitch to you the other day. Since Jace talked to us I’ve been kicking myself thinking of all you’d gone through only to come back and catch hell from me.” Sandra murmured in my hair as Tink squeezed both of us to him. “I’m so sorry.”

  “Nothing to forgive.” I whispered to her. “You were protecting my Sam Sam. I completely understand.”

  I moved to step out of Tink and Sandra’s embrace. I backed up as Tink’s arms left my shoulders and felt Sam’s hands come up to my shoulders from behind. Sandra stood under Tink’s arm and moved her arms around his waist. They were both looking at me like I was going to go up in a poof of smoke.

  “So, now you are not gonna have to chase the women away from Sam with a stick. Any of them come by and I’ll use my broom.” I smiled at her, trying to lighten the mood.

  “Crazy bitches. Every one of ‘em.” Sandra muttered. Then a little louder, and brighter, “You can have that job. Understand that Zeke has a little sweetie now too. Hearts are breaking far and wide at the news of these two boys getting hemmed up. I’m fighting with myself to not enjoy the tears, but it’s a fight I’m not gonna win.”

  I laughed along with Sam and Tink.

  “I understand I am going to need to avoid Roosters from now on.” I told Sandra. “That’s gonna suck.”

  “Nope. They cut her loose. She was too busy looking out the window and pining for Sam that she wasn’t getting shit done at work. If she wasn’t so dense I would feel for her. In her head she lost her man, but now she has really lost her job.” Sandra shook her head, her gray braid flipping over her shoulder. “Want to walk over and get a coffee?”

  I jumped at the chance. I turned and gave Sam a quick peck on the lips, squeezed his hand and then took Sandra’s hand in mine as we walk
ed across the street to get a cup of the goodness.


  I sat on the stool close to the front of Betty and watched Sam working while I sipped my coffee. He was looking into the engine and muttering occasionally about things that other mechanics had apparently screwed up over the years that I had been away.

  “So, what is the council voting on tonight?” I asked him.

  “We are going to talk about organizing a bike run to coincide with a carnival for the kids in town at Halloween. Need to iron out some details about plans for Christmas. Maybe a few things going on in between. The usual stuff. Once we get done, the stuff will go to the women’s committee and they will work their asses off to produce the magic and everyone will be happy. We just pretend to be in charge, everyone knows if shit gets done it’s the girls doin’ it.” He responded as he walked over to a big red toolbox over at the wall. While he selected the tool he needed he continued, “You gonna join up with the ladies? Bring Lisa in?” Finding what he needed he moved back under the hood.

  “I’d like to do that. Will it cause any waves?” I asked him. I honestly didn’t want to jump in and put my nose right into these women’s circle. No need to push my way in and hurt feelings. I could gradually show them I wanted to be a part of things.

  “Won’t cause any waves. Zeke and I share the head of the table. Dad put that in when he got sick and the guys voted on it. Makes sense that our women would be in charge of shit too. Sandra will appreciate it. She’s been in charge for a long time, helping my Dad and then helping us. She’s tired and she’s told us that for a while. She can help guide you guys in smooth like.” He looked up at me. “You’re gonna be my old lady, you’re gonna have to take the reigns from her sooner or later. Lisa doesn’t see it yet but she’s gonna be in there with Zeke too.”

  Sam’s words made my heart melt. He was right. Lisa didn’t know it yet but she had just become part of a big, gruff, loud and loving family. The Knights were known for being gentle and helping their community, but they took care of the people close to them first and foremost. Lisa hadn’t had that growing up, and it would be an adjustment. I had felt the closeness and the love when I was with Sam before and I was eager to feel it again.

  “I’m all in, sweetheart. Right there beside you for as long as you want me.” I told him.

  Sam’s head came up to look at me again and he started the slow grin I loved.

  “Forever it is then.” he stopped what he was doing and moved over to kiss me. “I’m almost done here. Let’s take Betty for a drive, go over and bother my brother for a bit, grab some food and then come back for the meeting. Sound good?”

  “Can we drop by the house for a quickie somewhere in those plans?” I asked against his mouth as I leaned up for another kiss.

  “I live to serve, sweetheart, live for it.” he moved away to gather his tools and clean his hands.

  I was melty and happy, and ready for a lifetime of exactly this.


  I untangled myself from Sam gently so that I didn’t wake him up as I got out of bed. I was having trouble sleeping after today’s excitement. I walked into the kitchen, grabbed a bottle of water and then reached into the cabinet for my medicine box. I started to sort through the bottles to see if there was something in there to help me sleep but couldn’t find anything to use.

  The meeting tonight had gone well and Lisa and I had met all the women who were there with their men. Sandra had introduced us as the ones that were going to replace her spot on the committee and the ladies and myself understood what that meant to the women in this particular circle. Sam had staked his claim and I was officially his ‘old lady’ and that position was reflected in the club since he and Zeke were leaders.

  Lisa didn’t quite get what her position meant when Sandra introduced us. She thought that since she was my ‘assistant’ that she would naturally be part of the group to help me. Others understood somehow before she did that she belonged to Zeke and would therefore be one of the leaders of our circle right along with me. I smiled as I took a swig of water. I will let Zeke work his way in there and then I will let her know what was going on in words she would get, explain to her the hierarchy of the club, that included the women’s group.

  I walked through my dark house looking for Freddie and Tuff. I had heard one of them go out the dog door just a few minutes ago as I got out of bed but wasn’t sure which one had gone outside to do their business. When I couldn’t find either one I went to the office door and looked out in the yard. I saw Tuff laying in the grass at the edge of the driveway.

  I tilted my head and watched him for a second, thinking it was odd that he was out there asleep this late at night in the cool air, rather than curled up on the bed in the guest room. I tapped on the glass of the door but figured he couldn’t hear me when he didn’t look up. I reached up and disarmed the alarm, hoping that the beeping wouldn’t wake Sam since I was at the farthest corner of the house from my bed. I unlocked the door and walked a few steps out on the porch toward my Tuff.

  “Tuff, c’mere baby.” I called quietly. He didn’t move. I sped up, thinking something was wrong with him for him not to even acknowledge me. I got to his side and called his name again as I dropped to my knees. I put my hand out to touch him and heard a sound behind me. Before I could turn I heard a pop and then felt a horrible shock right between my shoulder blades. My muscles clenched, and I started to fall forward, unable to even put my hands out to catch myself. As I fell I saw a man’s boots at the side of the house, his body slumped over leaning against the side of the house. And then, my body convulsing, my head hit the driveway with a loud thump and everything went dark.


  Sam jolted awake. He shook his head to clear it and listened to figure out what the sound was that had woke him. He reached across the mattress and realized that Carlie wasn’t next to him, so he sat up and swung his legs over the edge of the bed. He reached down and grabbed his jeans and put his legs into them, pulling them up as he stood. He walked through the bedroom door, buttoning his pants as he heard the noise again.

  Sam jolted as he realized that it was a very loud howl, and it sounded like a cat. He flipped the kitchen light on and called out for Carlie but got no answer. He rushed into the hallway, looking first into the spare room and then ran to the office. The door to the patio was open halfway so he pulled it open and ran outside. The howling came again, louder now that he was outside. He heard another door open and feet on the stairs coming from Lisa’s apartment. He looked toward the howl and saw Freddie’s big body standing next to Tuff’s body laying in the grass, his head on the driveway.

  Sam ran to the end of the patio, put both hands on the rail and swung his legs over, landing in the grass and moving to Freddie. His foot hit something as he reached the edge of the house and he looked down to see he had tripped over a pair of work boots. As he caught himself his eyes followed boots up the body to see Rowdy slumped against the house.

  Sam rushed to Rowdy, his hand going to his neck. He looked toward Lisa’s apartment and saw Zeke running down the stairs towards him.

  “He’s got a pulse. Fuck, Zeke, where’s Carlie?” Sam yelled. He jumped up and ran to the front of the house to find Buzz slumped in the same position as Rowdy, up against the front porch. “Carlie!”

  Zeke stopped by Tuff. He dropped to his knees and put the hand not holding his phone to the dogs side to feel for his breathing. Zeke saw blood on Tuff’s jowls, and some of it had dripped to the driveway. Freddie was sitting on the other side of Tuff and howled again. Zeke lifted the phone and dialed 911. As the phone connected he yelled, “Joe! Joe!” He turned his head and saw the lights in Joe’s apartment come on.

  “911 what is your emergency?” a voice asked Zeke. He started to explain, trying to remain calm as he stood up and started to the stairs to get Lisa. Sam came running beside him and turned to go back up on the patio and through the office door. He crossed the grass at a run and passed Joe who was holding the sho
t gun. He pulled the phone away from his ear.

  “He got our guys and Tuff. Carlie’s gone. I’m going to get Lisa, Sam is in the house.” He pulled the phone back to his ear and answered the operators questions as he ran up the stairs to get his boots and a shirt and to wake Lisa.


  I turned my head to snuggle closer to my Sam. I was so cold. I moved my hands to reach for him and realized I couldn’t move my arms. I jerked awake and movement caused my head to pound. I took a deep breath and tried to figure out what was happening. It was dark, I was so cold there were chill bumps on my arms. My bare legs were bent up close to my stomach and I tried to stretch them out but felt metal under my feet. I realized that my feet were tied together and I started to squirm. My thoughts were jumbled and I knew there was something I should remember but it was just on the edge of my grasp. I closed my eyes and tried to calm my breathing, I couldn’t hear anything but my breathing and my heartbeat in my head.

  It came to me, like flipping through a picture book, Tuff in the grass, the shock in my shoulders, Rowdy slumped on the ground. Oh, God, I am in the trunk of a car. I could feel the hum of the road under the tires. I started struggling in earnest. Someone took me from my yard. I had been taken from my own yard. Rowdy could be dead. My Tuff. Oh no, Sam is sleeping and he won’t know anything is wrong until he wakes up in the morning.

  I worked on my breathing again, the pain splitting my head, I stopped moving my legs and my arms. I was tied tightly and could feel whatever was holding me digging into my skin. I tried to relax my body, I was so sleepy. I closed my eyes and thought of Sam.


  Sam sat on the steps next to Zeke, listening to the police officer speaking into the handset of his radio. It seemed like his voice was far away as Sam heard him give a description of the car with the Kansas plates that they had seen on the road and passing by the house. Sam looked to his left, past his brother and saw Joe sitting in the chair with Lisa, covered in a blanket with her head leaned to Joe’s chest. Joe’s other hand was curled around Tuff’s collar so that he couldn’t bother anyone who was walking around the yard.


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