SEAL's Honor (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 3)

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SEAL's Honor (Alpha SEALs Coronado Book 3) Page 3

by Makenna Jameison

  And as for the tall and mysterious guy who’d helped her?

  She had to admit that Jackson intrigued her. He was big and strong, but the intense way he looked at her had sent her heart fluttering.

  She’d never date him of course. Not that he’d want to date her. But she couldn’t help but feel like she’d be safe with him. A guy like that could protect her from her ex-husband, not that she’d ever drag him into something like that.

  And she could sense immediately that he was nothing like Austin. He was confident, sure, but not in an obnoxious way. He’d helped her but hadn’t stood there leering at her. He hadn’t done anything to make her uncomfortable, just hauled her trash down and then gone into his friend’s house. And besides, she was going next door to see Clarissa. Jackson would be there, sure, but so would an entire group of people.

  She could ignore the tiny spark of interest she’d felt when he’d looked at her.

  She hadn’t dated anyone, ever, aside from her ex. Some men could probably be trusted, but she sure wouldn’t ever find out.

  Glancing around her townhouse, she decided to leave on a few more lights. She probably wouldn’t stay long, but just in case, she didn’t want to come home to a dark townhouse. It was hard enough sleeping at night as it was, with every sound keeping her awake.

  Maybe someday she’d feel safe again—years from now.

  Not enough time had passed yet since she’d run, and she knew Austin was looking for her.

  Ten minutes later, she was finally crossing over toward Blake and Clarissa’s. It had only taken a moment to get ready, but she didn’t want to appear too eager. How silly was that? It’s not like she was doing anything home alone. She heard laughter coming from out back and wondered if they’d even hear her knocking on the door. It’s not like they were sitting around with bated breath, waiting for her to show up.

  Taryn climbed the steps to the front door, identical to her own townhouse. She was shocked when it swung open before she’d even knocked. Jackson stepped back, seeming like he didn’t want to frighten her, but her heart pounded in her chest. She’d assumed Clarissa or Blake would open the door, not the man who’d come over to help her earlier.

  “Everyone’s out back,” he said, his voice deep. “I told Raptor I’d let you in.”

  “I didn’t bring anything,” she said nervously.

  “There’s no need. You only had a few minutes notice, and trust me, they’ve got enough food to feed the entire street.”

  “Okay,” she said uncertainly, still standing in place.

  His dark eyes met hers, but he didn’t move. Didn’t pressure her to come inside. She had a feeling that if she’d turned around and left, walking back to her own townhouse, he wouldn’t follow her or be upset. He’d just recognize that she wasn’t ready to come over after all.

  As it was, he simply stood there towering above her, not getting too close, but sending her senses in high alert nonetheless.

  “You’re safe here,” he said in a low voice. She blanched, quickly covering the surprise she was sure was written all over her face. What made him think she felt unsafe? It couldn’t be that obvious. Clarissa certainly hadn’t seemed to notice her unease much of the time.

  “Oh, um….”

  “Why don’t you come in. Can I get you a drink?” he continued, acting like it was perfectly normal to tell someone they were safe when they first arrived at your home.

  “Water is fine.”

  He nodded and stepped back as she finally came inside, closing the door behind her. She jumped as he turned the deadbolt, her gaze moving from it to him. “Everyone’s here already, so I locked up.”

  She nodded, still feeling wary.

  “Would you feel more comfortable if I left it unlocked? With six Navy SEALs here, I’m sure Raptor won’t care. It’s just a habit.”

  “No, it’s fine,” she said, feeling silly. “I’m just…nervous I guess.”

  “There’s no need to be.”

  Jackson gestured for her to go ahead of him, so she turned and walked into the living room. He was huge, towering above her, but he didn’t follow too closely, seeming to recognize that she needed her space. Most of the others were out back on the small deck, but she saw one couple quietly talking on the sofa.

  “We’ve got soda, bottles of water, beer, too. There are also a couple bottles of wine if you’re a wine drinker. Some of the women prefer that.”

  “Maybe later. I don’t want to drink on an empty stomach.”

  He frowned, moving past her to the fridge, and pulled out a bottle of water for her. “You made it!” Clarissa called out from the deck, waving as she spotted them. She was holding a huge platter of food for Blake as he put some of it on the grill. The others were talking and laughing, enjoying themselves. She spotted a few large guys tipping back their bottles of beer, but Clarissa had been right. There were several other women here as well.

  She waved back at Clarissa and twisted the cap off her water bottle, taking a sip. “What’s wrong?” she asked, noticing Jackson still watching her.

  “Nothing. I was just worried that you hadn’t eaten anything.”

  She raised her eyebrows.

  “Ignore me,” he said with a low chuckle. “Why don’t I introduce you to everyone? Clarissa’s busy helping Blake with the food at the moment, but I’ll introduce you to the other guys. I’m sure she’ll be done in a minute.”

  “Okay,” she said softly, looking out at the deck filled with people. Her hands trembled slightly as she took another sip of water, and she wondered if Jackson would notice. She was nervous, yes, but she also hadn’t eaten much today.


  Her gaze flicked back toward him.

  His voice was low and calming. She liked how he said her name, the way it sent butterflies fluttering in her stomach and heat coursing through her. She could never get close to a man like him, obviously, but for a brief second, she pretended she was normal. That she could date and have a normal life, a normal boyfriend. That she wasn’t on the run, hiding from a man who’d stop at nothing to hurt her.

  All men weren’t like Austin. Rationally, she realized that, even if she was cautious all of the time. These guys were big and strong, but if anything, they’d help her. If she was in trouble, she should be happy to be in a room full of military men, not scared.

  Jackson cleared his throat. “I know I’m a big guy, and I can intimidate people,” he said, his voice low and deep. “You seem a little nervous, which is understandable since you don’t know us, well, you don’t know me at all. But I swear I’d never hurt you,” he said seriously. “None of the guys here would. You already know that we’re military. We train together and fight for our country. Sure, we can be a little loud and rough around the edges, but you don’t ever need to be scared around me or any of my friends. I get the feeling you’re a little wary, and although I’d like to know why, I won’t push. Just know that I’d never lay a hand on you.”

  She nodded, blinking away the sudden wetness in her eyes.

  How had he guessed she was terrified of him?

  His gaze softened slightly as he watched her, but he didn’t comment on her nearly being in tears. He didn’t say anything else, just seemed content for his words to sink in. She pulled herself together, straightening her back.

  “Thank you.”

  “You can talk to me if you ever need a friend. I mean, hell. I admit that I’m attracted to you, but I’d never pressure a woman into anything. And Clarissa invited you over because she genuinely wanted to get to know you. So did I, if I’m being completely honest. I didn’t like the fear in your eyes that I saw earlier. Hopefully you’ll tell me about that sometime, but just know, Blake and Clarissa would bend over backwards to help you if you’re in some sort of trouble.”

  “I just—I don’t trust people I don’t know.”

  “Fair enough,” he said easily.

  “I do like Clarissa though. I mean—not that I dislike the rest of you.” H
is lips quirked, and she bumbled forward. “I just don’t really know Blake. He was always coming and going and a bit intimidating. Clarissa is easy to talk to and seems really genuine.”

  “She is,” he said, taking a pull of his beer. “She gets along with everyone, and if anything, can be a little too trusting. I don’t know if she’s told you her story yet.”

  Taryn shook her head no.

  “Well, maybe I’ll leave the details to her. But let’s just say, we met her while my team was on an op over the summer. Blake rescued her, and she knows us better than most people after being in that situation.”

  “Wow. I honestly had no idea.”

  “She’s special to Blake, and likewise, to the rest of us because of it. We’d protect her if harm came her way again. Not that she’s in danger,” he hurriedly assured Taryn. “Just know that we watch out for people we care about.”

  “You don’t know me.”

  “No, but I’d like to get to know you. I can appreciate that you’re cautious though and don’t want to share a lot about yourself. How about I go introduce you to the others?”

  “You’re not going to ask me any questions?” she said, confused.

  Jackson pressed his lips together. “Not if it makes you uncomfortable.”

  A beat passed, and she saw nothing but sincerity in his dark eyes. It would be hard trusting anyone with her secrets. She knew that she never could. But this was just a party. A BBQ with her neighbors. She could attempt to relax for an hour or so and get to know them better. She didn’t have to ever see the rest of them again.

  She nodded as he watched her. “Okay. I’d like to meet everyone.”

  Chapter 3

  Jackson chuckled an hour later, listening to the guys rib one another. Troy and his date had split early, but the rest of them were hanging around chatting. The women were all sitting together at the outdoor table while the guys stood nearby, and the rest of the food was almost ready.

  “So where do you work?” he heard Taryn ask Hailey.

  “I work for the DOD—Department of Defense.”

  “You work with them?” Taryn asked, looking toward the men, confused.

  “Oh no, these guys are military. I’m a civilian employee, and I’m in a separate building than where they are on base. I did meet Grayson when we were both working in Afghanistan though.”

  “You weren’t kidnapped, too, were you?”

  “No, but I was working in Bagram on a year-long DOD assignment. These guys were there for a short-term thing, and there was a suicide bombing and explosion—”

  “Oh my God, I heard about that! That huge bombing. Sorry, I didn’t mean to interrupt,” Taryn quickly added.

  “You’re fine,” Hailey assured her. “I met Grayson right in the middle of the chaos.”

  “Wow, I can’t even imagine,” Taryn said. “That must have been terrifying.”

  “It was,” Hailey agreed. “The explosion actually knocked me out, so I mostly remember Grayson carrying me to safety. It’s kind of crazy that Clarissa and I each met one of the guys on the team when they were working.” Her gaze flicked over to Jackson. “It looks like you seem to have already caught the attention of one of them.”

  Taryn flushed, and Jackson liked the hint of pink spreading across her cheeks. “Don’t tease her,” he said easily.

  The women looked over and laughed, Taryn the only one looking surprised that he’d been listening in. “I told you,” Hailey said, winking at Jackson.

  He smirked and looked back at his buddies. “She seems to be getting along with the other women,” Logan commented.

  “Yep. Apparently, Clarissa befriended her this summer. I don’t think they’ve ever hung out before tonight though.”

  “She’s quiet,” Ethan commented. “Then again, so are you. It’d be a match made in heaven.”

  “She’s reserved,” Jackson said in a low voice. “She seems a bit wary—maybe just because she doesn’t know us. I’m a little surprised Clarissa even got her to come over. I asked her earlier, and she shot me down.”

  “Maybe she got burned in the past,” Logan said, taking a pull of his beer. “She looks young, but hell. Plenty of men are assholes.”

  Jackson frowned. His friends had all noticed the same thing he did—she was a bit wary around them. It could’ve just been because she didn’t know them. Hell, she barely knew Blake, and he was her neighbor. And plenty of guys were after only one thing—getting into a woman’s pants. She didn’t really have a reason to trust him yet.

  He didn’t like that she’d seemed uncertain about all six of them though. He was attracted to Taryn, sure, but it didn’t escape his notice that she seemed infinitely more comfortable around all the women.

  “Any word from the CO?” Ethan asked, changing the subject.

  Blake shook his head. “Negative. Ace’s team just went to Nigeria to rescue an American citizen there. The guys in Little Creek are on an op, too. Anything new that comes up is probably us. And there are still the two missing women in Afghanistan.”

  Jackson nodded. There were always multiple situations unfolding around the world that required their attention. He never knew if he’d have hours or days before a mission. He even kept a go bag in his car with a change of clothes and a few small necessities in case he needed to be back on base ASAP.

  He’d gotten used to the life of a SEAL. He didn’t have anyone waiting for him at home, so up and leaving at a moment’s notice hadn’t ever been a problem. Briefly, he wondered how Raptor and Ghost would handle it with their women. Clarissa had been with Blake over the summer, even if not officially moved in, so she must have some clue about their deployments. Ghost and Hailey were in a new relationship though. What would she think when they had to deploy?

  It was hard on members of the Special Forces—and part of the damn reason he was still single. Women didn’t like his disappearing act, even if he didn’t have a choice in the matter. Maybe he’d be gone a few days, but sometimes it was a couple of weeks or longer. He couldn’t tell them where he was going. When he returned, he couldn’t say where he’d been. And he knew it had to be hell on those they left behind.

  “Time to check on the food,” Blake said, grabbing a pair of tongs and crossing toward the grill He lifted the lid, the amazing smell of grilled food filling the air.

  He lived in a small apartment himself and wouldn’t mind someday renting a townhouse where he had a deck and yard.

  “So how come you didn’t bring a date tonight?” Jackson asked, his gaze shifting to Logan.

  He chuckled. “I was going to, but damn. All the women I’ve been with lately are just too much drama.”

  “How much drama can one night with them be?” Jackson asked with a smirk.

  “Damn,” Logan said with a laugh. “One night has always suited me just fine. I’m having fun at least. But introducing a woman to all of you would give her ideas that I want more than just a night.”

  “Gotcha,” Jackson said.

  “I can’t believe Troy bugged out early though.”

  Jackson raised his eyebrows. “What’s not to believe? He was all over that chick he was with.”

  “Noted. Why wait for dinner when he could take her home and feast on pussy instead?”

  Jackson nearly choked on his beer. He knew Logan was joking, mostly. But Troy and his date couldn’t keep their hands off of each other. He had a feeling neither of them minded leaving early to get on with the later part of their evening.


  Nowadays, Jackson preferred getting to know a woman before taking her to bed. He was getting too old for the bar scene and sleeping with a stranger he’d just met. Not that he saw himself settling down anytime soon. Maybe he was simply better off being alone.

  “The steaks and ribs are ready!” Blake said loudly, carrying over a huge platter of food to a side table he’d set up. Chips and side dishes were spread across it as well, and Jackson’s stomach rumbled. He’d gotten in a five-mile run this afternoon,
even though it was a Sunday, and he was starving.

  “I hope everyone’s hungry after eating all those burgers,” Clarissa said, eyeing the empty plate where the burgers had been.

  “Have you met us?” Ethan quipped. “Of course we’re still hungry.”

  “I don’t like that you didn’t eat yet,” Blake murmured in a low voice, moving to Clarissa’s side. Hell. Jackson could appreciate that. Blake was protective of his woman. She’d been through a lot over the summer, and the stress from moving and such had been weighing on her as well.

  Clarissa smiled at him though. “You know I’ve been waiting for the ribs.”

  “A Texas girl at heart,” Blake joked. He glanced at the other women. “Ladies first. I’ll hold off the guys until you help yourselves.”

  The women walked over, and Jackson noticed Taryn hanging back to let the others go ahead of her. He grabbed a plate and stood behind her, noticing she smelled faintly of roses as her hair blew in the breeze. His cock instantly hardened.

  Fuck she was gorgeous.

  That white tee-shirt set off her dark hair and ivory skin. She was petite but had curves in exactly the right places. She was at least a foot shorter than him, and something about that made his protective instincts soar. He had half a mind to pull her into his chest and shield her from the world.

  Where that thought had come from, he didn’t even want to know.

  He made sure not to stand too close behind her and watched as she took a steak and some potato salad.

  “That’s my favorite, too,” he commented.

  “I can’t remember the last time I had steak,” she said wistfully. “It smells amazing.”

  Jackson frowned, wondering why she never had it. “You don’t like to grill?” he asked, helping himself to some food.

  “I don’t have one.”

  He nodded. It wasn’t too surprising, he supposed. Some women just weren’t into that sort of thing. Plus, he’d found out earlier that she was indeed single. There was no boyfriend that was deployed. No husband stationed somewhere. It was just her.


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