Where Secrets Lie

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Where Secrets Lie Page 34

by R E Gauthier

  Knowing that the police pathologists lacked in the extensive forensic examinations needed in this case, Nikki had called and asked that an ambulance take the body immediately to the FBI Lab at Quantico. She spoke directly to Dr. Tufts to put a rush on every test she could perform, on the body, to either verify or disprove the identity. Dr. Tufts had assured her that she would personally take care of every aspect of the examination and analysis of the remains. She still wasn’t convinced the body was that of her best friend. Mack did not deserve to die like this; she should die in the arms of Miranda after a long, happy life together. There had to be another explanation and Nikki would find it. Until then, she had to make sure that Mack’s family didn’t hear something on the news that FBI’s finest Kelsey Laren MacGregor is presumed dead pending forensic verification.

  The police were ready to notify the family of FBI Senior Special Agent Kelsey MacGregor that they presumed her dead after a deadly car crash. Nikki couldn’t let strangers walk up and tell Nanna and Miranda this news; she had made a promise to Mack years ago that she would make the trip herself to notify Mack’s next-of-kin of any official notifications. That is why she sat frozen in her car; Nikki couldn’t bring herself to tell Mack’s family about the accident. Was it an accident?

  Looking for any plausible explanation why Mack’s burnt-out SUV went over a cliff with a body in it or why they found Mack’s FBI credentials and phone nearby, made Nikki’s head spin. Did someone make this look like Mack died and if so, why? Could it be Washburg or was someone sent to the states to finish the job they started in England? Nikki needed to wait for Dr. Tufts to call her with results on the examination of the body; before she could hope to answer any of the questions swirling around inside her head A thorough investigation of the car and the scene would also help answer more questions. Nikki desperately wanted to be in the Lab at this moment to help prove that Mack wasn’t dead. Before finding that proof, she needed to keep her promise to Mack. Closing her eyes, Nikki recalled the day she met Kelsey MacGregor at the Academy; Nikki was instantly drawn to the tall, shy woman. Nikki could tell even then, that this woman was born a leader. As a follower, Nikki couldn’t stay away from the woman with those sad, but focused eyes. Tears welled up, and Nikki cried for the first time since this nightmare began. Remembering Mack’s brilliant smile and silly laugh, Nikki crumpled

  After several minutes emptying her tears, Nikki dragged herself out of her car and made her way to Nanna’s front door. Since last night she had ignored the constant ringing and chiming of her phone, notifying her Miranda and Nanna were attempting to reach her. She couldn’t tell them, this news, over the phone. They deserved to know what happened, in person and she was Mack’s chosen person to do so.

  Walking up the walkway stairs, Nikki nibbled on her bottom lip. She had tried to rehearse how she would approach telling Miranda and Nanna what happened; every one of them didn’t seem good enough. Reaching out her hand, Nikki knocked on the door and inhaled deeply. Images of Mack smiling, laughing, and crying flashed in her mind. I’ll keep my promise, but I don’t believe you’re gone.

  Opening the door with a firm jerk, Miranda stopped in her tracks when she saw Nikki. “Nikki, we’ve been trying to call you and Kelsey; Nanna and I are sick with worry. What is going on?”

  “Miranda, can I come in? I need to sit down.” Nikki heard her voice tremble and by the concerned look on Miranda’ face, she knew Miranda had heard it as well. Nothing could hide tell-tale redness of her eyes. Anyone could see she cried recently. Even her nose felt red from blowing it.

  Miranda nodded and opened the door wider to allow Nikki to go inside. “Yes, of course, but you’re scaring me; what is this about? Where is Kelsey?”

  “Yes, where the Hell is my granddaughter? Why haven’t you two been answering your phones?” Nanna asked with furrowed brows and clasped hands.

  Nikki walked into the sunroom and sat down. “Please, will both of you sit down?” She indicated to the chairs and bench beside her and let out the breath she had been holding.

  Miranda and Nanna sat down and watched Nikki with anxious eyes.

  “Nikki are you sure you’re well? Nanna asked as she reached out to put her hand on Nikki’s shoulder.

  Miranda asked. “What is it? Is it Kelsey? Has there been an accident?”

  “Do you need something? I can get you a drink?” Nanna asked.

  Nikki shook her head. I cannot do this. This cannot be happening. Nikki swallowed the emotion-filled lump in her throat. Images of Mack came to mind, and she closed her eyes to hold back the tears that wanted to flow. You need to do this; Mack would want you to. Dragging her hands down her jean-clad legs, Nikki swallowed again and with her eyes still closed; she began to retell the events of the previous day. “There’s been an accident, and the police believe that Mack…I mean Kelsey was driving her SUV and lost control—”

  “Is she all right? What hospital is she in?” Miranda reached out and grabbed Nikki’s arm.

  Nikki shook her head. “I don’t know how to say this but yesterday when I called; I wasn’t calling to tell you M... Kelsey wasn’t coming home till late, I called because we hadn’t seen her all day.”

  Miranda’s mouth opened, but nothing came out.

  Nanna gasped. “I told her not to look into that night. Why didn’t you tell us she was missing?

  Nikki hoped this wouldn’t happen. She had no reason to believe that the accident and Mack’s subsequent disappearance had anything to do with her investigation into September 2, 1990. “I didn’t want to worry you until I was sure. When I couldn’t reach her on her phone, I used a GPS tracking device I put on her car.”

  “You installed a tracker on her car, but why?” Miranda asked reaching out to take Nanna’s hand.

  “I’m not sure, what she told you about why you had to go away, but the man who threatened you had been stalking Mack for months. I had the tracker installed in case we ever had to find her vehicle because we couldn’t reach her by other means.”

  “She told us a man, who is now in jail, had threatened us and had been inside this house; that’s why you had the security system installed here,” Nanna said as she looked at Miranda.

  Miranda nodded. “She told us the FBI had the man in custody and we were all safe.”

  Nikki explained that Paul Washburg had escaped two nights ago and remained at-large. When she learned this news, Nikki tried to notify Mack, but she wasn’t answering her phone. “The tracker located the car in a remote area northeast of the airport. Deb and I went there to find Mack; the police and emergency responders stopped us before the accident scene where witnesses saw an SUV go down over the embankment, into a ravine and caught on fire.”

  Nanna and Miranda both covered their mouths with a hand.

  Miranda closed her eyes and bowed her head.

  Nanna shook her head and said, “It’s not my Mo Chridhe, it can’t be. I would know if she were gone; I would know if she left this world.”

  Miranda crumbled forward and began to sob. “She…she didn’t come to…to me last night. I could n…not feel her withhh me.”

  “No, my child, she’s not gone. I would know.” Nanna asserted.

  “But you were anxious all day and wouldn’t tell me why; you saw something, what did you see? Miranda took both of Nanna’s hands.

  Nikki sat watching the two women that Mack loved. Her heart broke witnessing Miranda and Nanna attempting to make sense out of what she told them. She had gone through the same denial since the police said they believed Mack had died in the accident.

  Nanna said, “I saw Kelsey afraid, anxious and then all I saw was darkness. I didn’t feel any pain; she isn’t dead. We need to find her; she’s scared.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me you had a vision about her? Miranda pleaded between sobs.

  Nanna pulled Miranda into her arms. “Hush, child; I didn’t want to worry you. Kelsey isn’t dead, and we need to find her.”

  Miranda nodded and sniffed loudly.r />
  Nikki stood and took Nanna and Miranda’s hands in her own. “I came here because the police are going on what they know; which is Mack’s SUV went into a ravine with a person in the driver’s seat. They found her FBI credentials and smartphone at the scene. If they cannot definitively prove the remains are …are not Mack’s and if she isn’t located, they will declare her deceased. But I didn’t want you to hear it from strangers or on the news about the accident. I don’t believe she is dead either, and I’m going to do everything I can, to prove it. I’ll promise you; I won’t stop until she is home with you.” Closing her eyes, Nikki whispered under her breath, I’m making you a new promise, Mack; I’ll keep them safe until you come back to us. You will come back to us.

  About the Author

  R.E. Gauthier took ten years to write her debut novel In Plain Sight. The process would turn out to be a learning curve. Through that process, she learned much about her perseverance and dedication. As a self-professed procrastinator, R.E. had to overcome self-doubts and personal demons to finish writing the book. That is all history, or her-story now.

  After writing and publishing In Plain Sight, R.E. allowed life take her where it would, but the urge to put pen to paper moved her once more. FBI Senior Special Agent Kelsey MacGregor’s story needed more chapters, and R.E. had more stories to tell.

  Master of Elusion’s release came after a little over a year of writing. With the second installment, R. E. officially had herself a book series and book three is nowhere. Where Secrets Lie carries on where Master of Elusion left off, and readers will learn more about the fateful night that made Kelsey who she is.

  R. E. hopes her readers will enjoy the journey Kelsey MacGregor and Miranda Gauthier have woven for them. R. E. says she only writes what her muses dictate.

  R. E. spends the time she isn’t writing, editing, and publishing with her wife in rural Nova Scotia. The couple lives with two dogs and three cats. From April to October every year, the two bounces around Nova Scotia traveling to Dog Agility competitions with their Australian Cattle Dog, Luca. Luca is the dog depicted in the Blue Dawg Press imprint.

  If you ask R. E. who she loves more, her wife or Luca? She’ll tell you; it depends upon the day. “My wife is my world, had my heart, and I’d give my life to her. But for Luca, I’m his world, his heart, and he’d give his life for me. You can see how I’m torn, can’t you?”

  If you’d like to know more about R.E.’s books go to Amazon.com if you would like to learn more about R.E. Gauthier and her endeavors in dog agility with Luca, please follow her on:



  And her Blog: Dream Scripter




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