
Home > Nonfiction > Kate > Page 8
Kate Page 8

by Janice Thompson

  “You are special, Kate.” Sydney flashed a smile. “But not just on the Fourth of July. You’re special every day of the year. I’m so glad God made us friends!”

  “Camp Club Girls forever!” Kate shouted.

  “Forever and ever!” Sydney echoed.

  Just then, Dexter rushed by and shouted, “Boys rule, girls drool!”

  Kate laughed. “It’s the other way around, silly. Girls rule, boys drool.”

  “Oh.” He grabbed his robotic car and put it down on the floor, making it spin in circles. Biscuit, who was trailing along behind the girls, began to bark and run in circles behind the car. Pretty soon he gave up and dropped onto the floor panting.

  Kate laughed. “Silly dog. When will you ever learn?”

  In some ways, watching Biscuit chase that car was a little like solving a case. If you weren’t careful, before long you were just going in circles, getting nowhere. And it could wear you out too!

  Dexter scooped up the car in his hand and headed off into the other room. “I told you…boys are the best. I can always fool Biscuit. Some crime solver he is! And you girls think you’re the best, but boys really are!” He walked off, muttering something about how girls weren’t as smart as boys.

  “He doesn’t know how great the Camp Club Girls are, or he wouldn’t be saying that,” Sydney said, turning Kate’s way. “But we’ll forgive him. He’s just a kid.”

  “Hey, I’m no kid!” Dex’s voice rang out from the next room. “I’m almost nine! That’s practically a teenager.”

  Both of the girls laughed.

  “I can hardly remember what life was like when I was nine,” Sydney said with a wink. “That was years ago!”

  “And now that I’m almost twelve, nine seems forever ago!” Kate added. “A million jillion years, even.”

  Thinking of turning twelve reminded her of her birthday party. Thinking of her birthday party reminded her that they had to solve the case in just two days! Thinking about solving the case in such a short amount of time reminded her that they really, really needed to get to work.

  “C’mon, Sydney!” she said, grabbing her friend’s hand. “Let’s send another email to the Camp Club Girls! We need them now more than ever!”

  SWAT-bot to the Rescue!

  The following morning, Kate received a call from Andrew. He sounded out of breath and very upset. In fact, she could hardly understand his words.

  “K–Kate! Something terrible has happened!”

  For a second, she thought he might start to cry. Kate sat straight up in the bed, clutching the phone to her ear as she asked, “What? What happened, Andrew? Tell me!”

  “S–someone tried to b–break into our house last night. Our alarm went off. Thank goodness the person took off. Nothing was stolen, so that’s good. But it was awful!”

  “Ooh!” Kate shivered just thinking about it. “How scary! Did you wake up? Did you see him? What did he look like? Did the police come? Is your dad upset? What about your mom? How is she doing? Do we need to come over and help? Should I wake up my parents? What can I do?”

  “Slow down, slow down….” Andrew groaned. “You always move too fast for me, Kate. I can never keep up.”

  “Sorry.” She drew in a deep breath and waited a second. “But I’m just so upset, Andrew! This is awful!”

  Just then, Sydney woke up and popped up in the bed. “What happened?” she asked, rubbing her eyes. “Something with Andrew?”

  Kate nodded. She put her hand over the phone and whispered, “Yes. Someone tried to break into the Smiths’ house last night. A burglar! Isn’t that awful?”

  Sydney’s eyes grew wider and wider. “Did he steal anything?”

  “No.” Kate shook her head. “And everyone’s safe.” She turned her attention back to her friend on the phone. “Andrew, I’m going to talk to my dad. Remember I told you about SWAT-bot—the little security robot he created? The one that just got patented?”

  “Sure. But what does that have to do with anything?”

  “Hang on and I’ll explain. See, my dad is working on a second one…a more advanced version. I’ll bet he will loan it to you if I ask. Would you like me to ask?”

  “Would I! I’d feel so much safer if I knew SWAT-bot was on the job.” Andrew sounded relieved, and Kate was happy to help. She felt sure her father would agree.

  “Here’s the really cool part,” Kate said. “If anyone tries to break in again, SWAT-bot will call the police right away. He’s programmed to do that. He’ll recognize who belongs in the house and who doesn’t. My dad can explain how all of that works. But here’s the neatest thing of all—I know you won’t believe this! He’ll also take pictures and video without the person knowing. That’s something ordinary alarm systems don’t do. He also records voices and turns them into digital files that can be played back later. So if a crime is committed, he’s a witness!”

  “But what if the bad guys just steal him? He’s really small, right? If they do that, the police won’t know what to do or who took him.”

  “Wrong!” Kate said with glee. “If the burglar steals SWAT-bot, his GPS tracking device will lead the police right to the criminals and they won’t even know they’re being followed! Isn’t that the coolest thing? He’s a surefire security-bot!” She started to say how proud she was of her dad for inventing it, but Andrew interrupted her.

  “That’s cooler than all of your other devices put together.” He paused. “Just let me know what your dad says, okay? I’m going to tell my parents right now. And thanks, Kate. I don’t know what we’d do without you. I really mean that.”

  “Oh, I’m happy to help!”

  As she finished, Sydney looked at her curiously. “We’re getting closer to figuring this out, aren’t we? I can feel it! We’ll solve this case in no time.”

  “With God’s help.” Kate paused a moment and said, “So I guess we’d better ask Him for His help, because I sure can’t do this on my own!” She took Sydney’s hands in hers and they bowed their heads.

  “Lord, it’s me, Kate Oliver. Again. I know You know who I am because the Bible says You even know how many hairs are on my head. That’s a lot more than I know, Lord.”

  Sydney chuckled but didn’t say anything.

  “Anyway, Lord, we really need Your help right now!” Kate continued. “We’re on a big case and we don’t have answers. But You do! We ask You to protect the Smith family and lift their spirits. And help us find whoever is doing this so everyone can see how great and mighty You are. In Jesus’ name…”

  “Amen!” She and Sydney shouted together.

  Kate swung her legs over the side of the bed. “We have work to do, Sydney! I’d be willing to bet that would-be burglar is somehow connected to that guy at the stadium, but we have to prove it! I’m putting SWAT-bot to work!”

  “Let’s do it!”

  Minutes later, Kate and Sydney bounded down the stairs. As always, she nearly tripped over her brother, who played with his electronic cars. “Dex, watch what you’re doing! Playing with your cars on the stairs is dangerous.”

  He scooted over to let them go by, mumbling, “Boys rule, girls drool.”

  Kate just rolled her eyes. She ran into the kitchen, where her father was at the breakfast table reading the paper. He looked up as she came racing in.

  “Dad, I need to borrow the newer, more advanced SWAT-bot. Is he ready to help solve a crime?”

  “Solve a crime?” He put the paper down and gave her a curious look. “What are you talking about, honey? Why do you need SWAT-bot again?”

  She quickly told him what had happened at Andrew’s house and her father flew into action. He went down into the basement and came up with the security robot in his hands. “I’m not quite done tweaking him, so his photo abilities might be limited. But I think the video recorder works. And I checked the GPS tracking device yesterday, so it’s working fine.”

  Kate patted the little robot on the head. “Work hard, SWAT-bot, and maybe you’ll be
famous someday! You’ll get your picture in the paper!”

  “Do you want me to drive you girls to the Smiths’ house?” Kate’s dad asked.

  “Yes, please!” Kate jumped up and down, ready to roll!

  Sydney grinned. “I’m gonna get to see Tony Smith’s house? How cool is that! But do we have time for me to run first? I haven’t exercised in days and I’m starting to feel flabby.”

  “Flabby?” Kate looked at her and laughed. “You’re all muscle.”

  “It’ll take me a few minutes to get ready,” Kate’s father said. “So go for a run, Sydney. But be back as soon as you can.”

  About ten minutes later, with Sydney a little out of breath, everyone climbed into the family van and Kate’s dad drove them to the Smiths’ beautiful two-story home with blue shutters. She had only been to Andrew’s house a couple of times before, but never with Sydney. Her friend seemed overjoyed at the idea of going to a pro ballplayer’s house.

  When they arrived, Mr. and Mrs. Smith were still talking to the police. Mrs. Smith even had tears in her eyes. And Tony’s fists were clenched, like he was angry. But who could blame them? Kate would be upset if someone broke into her house too!

  They invited Kate, her dad, and Sydney inside and then continued talking to the officer, who took notes of everything they said. He left after a few minutes, promising to do all he could to help. Kate wondered what it would be like to be a police officer. Surely his crime-solving abilities were even better than those of the Camp Club Girls!

  As soon as the policeman left, Kate’s dad went back out to the van and brought SWAT-bot into the house. “I want to loan you a new security device,” he explained. “I think he’s going to come in handy.”

  “He?” Tony’s eyes grew wide. “Is this a robot? I’ve never seen any thing like this little guy before. I’ve heard about them, of course, but never-seen one.”

  “He’s not on the market yet,” Kate’s dad explained. “But hopefully he will be before long. This is SWAT-bot, and he’ll help protect your home.”

  “Wow.” Tony stared at the little robot. “That’s pretty amazing. Is it complicated to use?”

  “It’s not as difficult as it looks,” Kate’s dad explained. “In fact, he’s pretty simple to operate. And you can check on your house no matter where you are. Just call this number”—he handed him a piece of paper with a number on it—“and SWAT-bot will report any suspicious activities.”

  “That’s the coolest thing I’ve ever heard,” Tony said with a nod. “And a lot better than our current security system.”

  “That’s why my dad got a patent for SWAT-bot,” Kate said, beaming with pride. “He’s going to be super famous.”

  “Hardly.” Her dad laughed. “And I have no interest in being famous, for that matter. But if he helps keep people safe, then I’m a happy camper.”

  Hearing the words “happy camper” made Kate think of the Camp Club Girls. She would send them an email to update them on the case, especially the part about Andrew’s house getting broken into. Surely Elizabeth would put her prayer warriors to work! And McKenzie would probably be full of great ideas. So would the other girls.

  Kate’s dad continued showing Tony how to use the little security robot and said, “If you have any questions, you can always call me.”

  “I can’t thank you enough.” Tony walked with them to the door, but Kate could tell Sydney didn’t want to leave. She paused at the door of the library—the room nearest the front of the house—with her mouth hanging open.

  “Oh my goodness!” She pointed at the awards and plaques on the wall, turning in a slow circle to see them all. “Is all of this yours, Mr. Smith?”

  “Yes.” He nodded but looked a little embarrassed. “But I told you girls to call me Tony. Everyone does.”

  “Okay. Tony.” Sydney looked at him and beamed. “C–can I look at some of these?”

  “Of course.” He flipped on the light in the library and led the way inside.

  Kate stared at the walls filled with framed certificates, plaques, and awards. She’d never seen so many things of honor in one place before! Why, Mr. Smith must be a real superstar. Even her dad looked impressed, and he didn’t care much about sports!

  Tony led them around the room and showed them all of his awards. He explained each one. Sydney’s eyes looked like they might just pop out of her head!

  “This just makes me want to play ball!” she said. “Oh, I wish I could get out on that field and hit a homer for the Phillies!”

  Kate giggled, watching her friend. What fun this must be for a sports nut like Sydney! This was probably almost as exciting to her as solving a case! At least, it seemed that way.

  As he finished up the tour, Mr. Smith reached for a baseball and tossed it into the air. “I have quite a few of these signed baseballs if you girls want one.” His expression grew sad. “Not many fans are asking for them these days.” He set it on the desk with a sigh.

  “Are you kidding? I’ll take one!” Sydney practically jumped up and down. “Thank you, Mr. Smith…er, Tony. This is the best gift I’ve ever received.”

  “No problem! Happy to do it.”

  Kate was so thrilled for her friend. If anyone deserved a special gift, it was Sydney. Meeting Mr. Smith face-to-face was probably one of the coolest things that could’ve happened to her. And to get a signed baseball made it even better!

  Tony led them back into the big foyer, and Kate could tell they were about to leave. She looked up at Mr. Smith, wanting to take care of one more piece of business. “Oh, while I’m here, is there some way to find out the name and maybe even the address of someone who has season tickets to the Phillies games?”

  “Hmm.” Tony’s brow wrinkled. “Well, I might be able to contact a friend of mine who works up at the box office. But why?”

  “Well…” She hesitated to tell him, afraid he might think she was crazy. “I, um…”

  “Go ahead and tell me, Kate,” he said, looking concerned. “Maybe I can help you if I know more.”

  “Okay.” She exhaled loudly. “I saw a man at the stadium…and I can’t be sure, but I think maybe he’s the same man who tried to break into your house.”

  “What?” Tony looked tense. “What makes you say that?”

  Kate quickly explained about the man at the stadium and his suspicious actions. When she told Tony about the MP3 player and the cord attached to it, he looked stunned.

  “Are you saying someone’s been recording my voice without my knowledge?”

  “Maybe,” Kate said. “At least, that’s what I suspect. And I think he’s been working hard to make you look bad, taking your words and twisting them up to make it sound like you don’t like the team.”

  “Whoa!” Tony said. “That’s scary.”

  “Yes, but it makes perfect sense,” Kate’s father said. “He must’ve edited your words and used them against you.”

  “That’s awful,” Mrs. Smith said, fanning herself. “Who would do such a terrible thing…and why?” For a minute, she looked like she might cry again. Kate almost felt like crying herself!

  “That’s what I’m trying to figure out,” she explained. “And you have nothing to worry about! Sydney and I are on the case! And the rest of the Camp Club Girls are helping us!” She told them all about McKenzie, Alex, Elizabeth, and Bailey. Mr. and Mrs. Smith looked very impressed.

  “Well, with so many supersleuths on the job, I’m sure we’ll catch this bad guy in no time,” Tony said. “And in the meantime, I’ll contact my friend at the stadium box office. Maybe he’ll tell me who sits in that seat—especially if he knows it’s related to the break-in of my home. I’ll have to share anything I learn with the police, of course.”

  “Of course!” she agreed.

  Mr. Smith said goodbye to Kate’s dad and waved to both of the girls as they walked toward the car. “I can’t thank you enough!” he hollered from the front door. “And when you catch the person who’s doing this, I’ll treat you to
something really special! Just wait and see!”

  “Something special?” Sydney gasped then whispered to Kate, “What do you think he means?” After a second of staring into space, she squealed, “Oh! Maybe he’ll give us a tour of the stadium!”

  “Or maybe he’ll ask us to sing the national anthem before a big game.” Kate giggled. “That would be hysterical. Have you ever heard me sing before?”

  Sydney laughed. “Yeah. I remember hearing you at camp. You weren’t so bad.”

  “I wasn’t so good either.” Kate giggled again. “But that’s okay. Whatever Mr. Smith has in mind will be awesome. But first”—she looked back toward his house as he closed the door—“first we have to solve this case!”

  Blogging for Clues

  When Kate and Sydney arrived back home, they decided it was time to check out their new blog site to see if anyone had visited or left comments. Kate was thrilled to see that several of the Camp Club Girls and their friends had posted enthusiastic notes about Tony Smith. She glanced over the first few, impressed by how much the girls seemed to know about the Phillies.

  Am I the only one who knows nothing about baseball? Hmm.

  She would really have to do something about that. Maybe by the end of all this, she’d be the biggest Phillies fan ever!

  “Hey, Sydney,” Kate said, waving her hand. “Come on over and check this out.”

  Sydney drew near and whistled as Kate scrolled down, down, down, showing her the comments on their site. “Wow! Go, Camp Club Girls!”

  “Looks like they got their friends and even some of their family members to post too.” Kate scrolled down through all of the comments, smiling as she read most of them. However, she soon stumbled across one that didn’t sound so nice, one she felt sure the girls hadn’t written.

  “Oh, look here, Sydney.” She pointed at the screen. “This lady—I guess she’s a lady—her screen name is PhiladelphiaLadyBug—is really mad at Tony Smith. She said some ugly things. I don’t think she likes him very much!”

  Sydney drew near and they both read the comment.


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